15:00:19 <carloss> #startmeeting manila
15:00:19 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Dec 12 15:00:19 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:19 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:19 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'manila'
15:00:36 <carloss> courtesy ping: dviroel vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri
15:00:40 <vhari> hi
15:00:44 <haixin> hi
15:02:36 <msaravan> Hi
15:02:50 <gouthamr> o/
15:03:19 <gireesh> hi
15:04:37 <dviroel> o/
15:05:31 <carloss> o/ hello everyone
15:05:47 <carloss> thanks for joining, let's get started
15:05:52 <carloss> our meeting agenda for today:
15:06:09 <carloss> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_Meeting
15:06:22 <carloss> let's start with our announcements
15:06:24 <carloss> #topic Announcements
15:06:29 <carloss> Schedule and Deadlines
15:06:38 <carloss> #link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html
15:06:43 <carloss> next week is our spec proposal freeze
15:06:47 <carloss> and the week of our bugsquash
15:07:01 <carloss> as we agreed in the last meeting
15:08:57 <carloss> still on schedule, I would like to propose cancelling two weekly meetings for this year, as I believe a lot of us will be on a break
15:09:20 <carloss> the idea is to Cancel the Dec 26th and Jan 2nd upstream meetings
15:09:24 <gouthamr> +1
15:09:34 <gireesh> +1
15:09:36 <msaravan> +1
15:10:09 <carloss> awesome, thank you! a lot of hard work on this year, I believe we can catch that break and recharge our batteries for next year
15:10:44 <carloss> the first weekly meeting of the next year will be on Jan 9th, which I will likely be around but I'll be still officially on PTO
15:10:52 <carloss> but we can keep that meeting
15:11:18 <carloss> and if I can't run it, I'll ask for some help
15:12:01 <carloss> as for our bugsquash, I would like to propose reusing the slot of this weekly meeting
15:12:18 <carloss> because we are already accounting for a meeting in that time frame and it would be easier to get everyone in the call
15:12:39 <carloss> similar theme, but a bit different this time
15:12:58 <carloss> I was chatting with vhari about our bug trends and it is still going up, but we have a lot of bugs that are in progress
15:13:07 <carloss> so we would like to focus on doing reviews for this bugsquash
15:13:12 <carloss> to changes that are in progress
15:13:16 <carloss> s/changes/bugs
15:13:39 <carloss> of course that will also require some follow-up on the authors side, but we believe it can be a good idea for us to close some bugs
15:15:31 <carloss> we can start on Tuesday with a quick kick-off call and meet again on the time of this meeting and take the time to discuss things that may show up during reviews
15:16:09 <carloss> if you prefer, we can start on Thursday too and keep focused on Friday and the beginning of the next week
15:16:30 <carloss> initially I was going to suggest to have the first meeting on Wednesday but I will be mostly away next Wednesday
15:17:23 <carloss> how does it sound?
15:17:30 <gouthamr> +1 on Tuesday to Thursday
15:18:08 <vhari> +1 either day works
15:19:12 <carloss> msaravan gireesh jayaanand: how does that sound to you?
15:21:02 <msaravan> fine, we can plan it from January
15:21:21 <gireesh> fine for me
15:22:00 <carloss> thanks, the idea is really to take some time to focus on reviews
15:22:01 <msaravan> we can meet coming weeks, for discussions and close on the bugs we wanted to work on.
15:22:11 <carloss> it will be very nice if you can also participate :)
15:22:19 <msaravan> Sure, agree with your direction. We'll do what you suggest.
15:22:26 <vhari> gireesh++ msaravan++
15:22:40 <carloss> gireesh++ msaravan++ thank you
15:23:00 <carloss> I will share the details on the mailing list
15:23:18 <carloss> that's all I had for $topic
15:23:36 <carloss> is there an announcement you'd like to share?
15:26:38 <carloss> #topic Share encryption updates (gouthamr/kpdev)
15:27:33 <carloss> so this is a follow-up discussion to the one we had on the PTG
15:28:41 <carloss> which mostly revolved on how we should proceed with the testing
15:30:59 <carloss> we've discussed which first party drivers we could use for testing this feature and mentioned we'd check back on it
15:31:10 <carloss> LVM and generic would be some options
15:32:09 <carloss> so I would like to ask if you had a chance to take a look at it
15:34:45 <carloss> alright, we can circle back in the future
15:35:19 <msaravan> We would definitely try netapp drivers when ONTAP implements barbican support
15:35:20 <carloss> moving on
15:35:20 <carloss> #topic Review focus
15:35:24 <carloss> #undo
15:35:24 <opendevmeet> Removing item from minutes: #topic Review focus
15:35:46 <carloss> ah, sure msaravan
15:35:48 <gouthamr> actually can you undo so I could share some stuff for the minutes
15:35:57 <carloss> yep
15:36:12 <carloss> gouthamr: sure, please go ahead
15:36:24 <gouthamr> I wasn’t ignoring this, sorry, just swamped.. I don’t recall thinking about LVM as an option here
15:38:07 <gouthamr> Just generic; my thought was that we enable cinder/nova encryption via barbican through the generic driver - I believe, if I understood the spec correctly, we allow the end user to specify a secret or use barbican to create/store secret for a backend to retrieve and perform the encryption
15:39:19 <gouthamr> it’s harder to implement something in the first party drivers where we are provided a secret… but, with the generic driver, cinder/nova have APIs to create encrypted volumes and mount them
15:40:46 <gouthamr> are we going down this path; I suggested that we can chat at some point/brainstorm how to implement this… is there any interest to pursue this?
15:41:11 <carloss> this would be a good solution for it
15:41:16 <carloss> gouthamr: thanks
15:42:48 <carloss> I'm not sure if kpdev is willing to continue with this implementation
15:43:06 <gouthamr> it’s a bit frustrating, but recently at a TC meeting we were discussing how features are added to OpenStack; and we recalled that all project teams have a rule that any API feature has an implementation that is free and open source.. I think in the manila community this rule is not documented
15:43:06 <carloss> msaravan: would you and the NetApp team willing to help with this too?
15:43:51 <gouthamr> perhaps this gives the impression that features can just be implemented in one or two proprietary solutions..
15:43:59 <carloss> > and we recalled that all project teams have a rule that any API feature has an implementation that is free and open source.. I think in the manila community this rule is not documented
15:43:59 <carloss> ++
15:44:01 <msaravan> We'll work on integrating with netapp drivers for sure.  Doing it for generic LVM, would be a overkill, as we are only #4 people working on cinder/manila
15:44:32 <msaravan> also, as it is not there in cinder, it would be totally a new code, and it'll take more and more time.
15:44:55 <gouthamr> what is not there in cinder?
15:46:00 <msaravan> user defined key for LVM driver
15:46:42 <msaravan> they generate key in-house, and use it to encrypt all the volumes.. AFAIK. Please correct me if I am wrong.
15:47:46 <gouthamr> the proposed implementation has two approaches
15:47:48 <msaravan> Its a block and they can encrypt.. for us its a NAS ..not sure how that can be achieved.. I am novice here..
15:48:01 <msaravan> Need to explore that further
15:48:16 <gouthamr> one with a encryption_ref and another with a share type with encryption specs
15:48:49 <msaravan> Okay, we can plan to meet next week if you have some time to discuss.. (30 mins to 1 hour) ?
15:49:12 <msaravan> you, kpdev, maurice, carlos, gireesh and I can connect
15:50:02 <carloss> next Monday sounds okay to me
15:50:51 <msaravan> +1
15:51:27 <carloss> maybe we can post the meeting bridge on #openstack-manila so if there are more interested parties they could join?
15:51:32 <gouthamr> ack, lets chat on the #openstack-manila channel or a scheduled meetpad please..
15:51:39 <carloss> ++
15:51:46 <carloss> thank you
15:52:24 <carloss> any other thoughts related to $topic?
15:54:20 <carloss> #topic Open Discussion
15:54:30 <carloss> couple of extra minutes for open discussion
15:55:01 <carloss> please take a look at the specs, we seem very close to get them merged
15:55:12 <carloss> they have been receiving some feedback so far
15:55:40 <carloss> so thanks to everyone that has reviewed and please take a look if you didn't have a chance yet
15:57:36 <carloss> alright, let's wrap up
15:57:59 <carloss> thank you for joining
15:58:01 <carloss> see you in #openstack-manila
15:58:05 <carloss> #endmeeting