15:00:08 #startmeeting manila 15:00:08 Meeting started Thu Jan 23 15:00:08 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:08 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:08 The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:32 courtesy ping: dviroel carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri 15:02:22 o/ 15:02:22 * gouthamr joins after a long hiatus 15:02:28 hello o: 15:02:32 hi 15:02:35 o/ 15:03:34 gouthamr: welcome back! :D 15:04:11 thank you carloss - sorry I was away, quite a while from the action here 15:05:57 * dviroel gouthamr o/ welcome back 15:06:07 gouthamr: no worries at all, we've assigned everything to you while you were away :D 15:06:39 #topic Announcements 15:06:46 Schedule and Deadlines 15:06:55 #link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html 15:07:36 * carthaca joins silently 15:08:44 this is the manila feature proposal freeze and new driver deadline week 15:09:11 for feature proposal freeze: all new Manila features must be proposed and substantially completed, with unit, functional and integration tests by the end of the week 15:09:37 and for new driver deadline: by the end of the week all new backend drivers for Manila must be substantially complete, with unit tests, and passing 3rd party CI. Drivers do not have to actually merge until feature freeze 15:10:51 for feature proposal freeze, we've asked the collab review sessions to be scheduled by this deadline 15:11:19 but we'll have our midcycle and can work on the feature collab review sessions 15:11:26 just as we did last cycle 15:11:54 as I said last week, we will be pushing the mid cycle by one week 15:12:17 so that we can have more people joining 15:12:39 which means that the mid cycle will happen in the week of Feb 03 - Feb 07 15:12:46 ++ 15:13:05 does the same format we used last year work for you? two days of mid cycle, 2 hours of discussions each day? 15:13:56 sounds great ++ 15:15:30 so I am looking at two options: Tuesday and Thursday or Wednesday and Thursday 15:15:40 14 and 15 UTC of each day 15:17:50 let's go for Wednesday and Thursday for now, but please reach out in case you'd like to have it changed 15:18:00 I'll send an email to the mailing list soon 15:18:46 still on feature proposal freeze: is there a feature you are working on and haven't surfaced it on gerrit yet? 15:19:33 taking silence as no 15:19:48 #topic Intent to remove Ganesha standalone helper (ashrodri) 15:19:56 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22remove-standalone-ganesha%22 15:21:40 this is getting some attention, finally 15:21:56 thanks for sharing the plan and the state of affairs ashrodri 15:22:37 yes, there was some chatter in the ML recently as well, though i think we can still move forward with this without major pushback 15:23:53 ive put up initial patches to see what can be safely removed or requires refactoring, i will add to review focus etherpad when im satisfied with the zuul results 15:24:12 there are some legit concerns, if deployment tool developers are in favor of retaining support for the driver, and not working on the nfs clustering approach we’ve been developing integration with, users will be impacted negatively 15:25:02 I did note, very briefly that we’ve struggled to maintain CI 15:26:02 yep, thanks ashrodri for getting this started and thanks gouthamr for sharing your thoughts on that thread 15:26:28 Using standalone nfs-ganesha is still technically supported by ceph and nfs-Ganesha communities, but, our concern was that there’s decreasing investment in the upkeep 15:26:57 i.e., it’s not broken now, nor is it getting any of the feature focus 15:27:18 ceph-mgr was mentioned which seemed to help smooth things over too 15:28:47 I’m sympathetic to users of openstack-ansible, kolla, and charms/sunbeam though… unless these tools help with setup/integration (and migration), we’d be in a bad state 15:29:03 "Removing this feature would challenge our ability to deliver Ceph integrated Manila through the Sunbeam project." - I wonder if it would be possible for this migration to happen, or if they even plan to do it 15:29:19 s/plan to do it/plan to do it soon 15:29:48 yeah, although the ceph mgr APIs work _only_ with nfs clusters setup by the orchestrator (the backend behind cephadm) 15:30:30 Ideally they should plan on it - that was the intent behind me sharing more on why we’re doing this 15:32:19 yeah 15:33:48 let’s probably continue the chatter on the ML, and/or discuss this at the mid cycle… 15:33:53 yeah 15:33:57 makes sense 15:33:58 agreed :) 15:34:08 ashrodri gouthamr: thank you 15:34:32 imho, leaving things as they are doesn’t cost us much except our desire to ensure things are tested well and known to work 15:35:42 yeah, all things considered, it should be fine as long as we are able to maintain it working and tested 15:37:33 alright, on to the next topic 15:37:35 #topic Review Focus 15:37:43 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-epoxy-review-focus (Epoxy review focus etherpad) 15:38:11 a bunch of changes have merged 15:38:32 but the other changes we brought up last week didn't get attention 15:38:46 actually, some got some reviews, but we still need some attention to them 15:38:57 so the reminders from the last week remain the same :) 15:39:06 is there another change you'd like to bring up today? 15:39:32 bug fix: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/934088 15:41:08 ashrodri: thanks, have we tried to run share group tests with that patch? 15:42:53 https://github.com/openstack/manila-tempest-plugin/blob/master/zuul.d/manila-tempest-jobs.yaml#L412-L413 15:43:29 maybe enable this and see if things work ^ 15:44:05 dnm/test only in tempest just to check? sure 15:44:21 ashrodri: yep 15:44:21 link fail; I mean just the “run_share_group_tests” config in tempest 15:44:31 will do 15:45:10 yeah, if it works, we could back port your fix and enable those tests for good 15:45:49 ++ 15:45:51 thank you 15:46:36 on to the next topic... 15:46:37 #topic Bug Triage 15:46:51 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new (Bug Triage etherpad) 15:47:23 some stale bugs for today 15:47:37 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1929936 (api_audit_map.conf for manila service) 15:48:32 I should follow up on this issue 15:49:00 * carloss adds it to his todo list 15:49:40 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1970649 (NetApp: thin provisioning is not enabled unless the extra spec is defined in share types) 15:50:04 this is assigned to Felipe, but I believe it should be assigned to someone else at NetApp 15:50:44 carloss: re the previous bug: https://docs.openstack.org/pycadf/rocky/audit_maps.html 15:51:48 gouthamr: ah, thank you 15:53:05 I wondering if proposing a patch to have manila on this repo would be enough 15:53:17 #link https://github.com/openstack/pycadf/tree/master/etc/pycadf 15:53:59 likely, the docs are in keystonemiddleware 15:54:15 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/pycadf/+/679415 (Swift patch) 15:54:22 ack, tyvm gouthamr 15:54:26 I will work on it :) 15:56:17 as for the NetApp bug, I have assigned it to gireesh at the moment and will ping him. The last interaction we had was in an upstream weekly meeting and Felipe mentioned they would reassign the bug :) 15:56:46 so, 4 minutes left 15:57:04 let's wrap up bug triaging and we can pick up from where we left in the next meeting 15:57:14 and big thank you to vhari for putting the list together 15:57:20 #topic Open Discussion 15:58:23 Next Tuesday is the Chinese Lunar New Year. I have an 8-day holiday. haha 15:58:42 haixin: that's awesome :D 15:58:45 After the holidays, just in time for the mid cycle discussion 15:58:47 ++ happy new year, haixin 15:58:58 and happy new year! 15:59:00 thanks :D 15:59:08 I hope you have a lot of fun over the holiday 15:59:40 alright, let's wrap up today's meeting 15:59:44 thank you for participating 15:59:49 ++ 16:00:02 let's get back to #openstack-manila 16:00:05 and have a great day! 16:00:09 #endmeeting