============================== #openstack-meeting-alt: manila ============================== Meeting started by carloss at 15:00:08 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/manila/2025/manila.2025-01-23-15.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Announcements (carloss, 15:06:39) * LINK: https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html (carloss, 15:06:55) * Intent to remove Ganesha standalone helper (ashrodri) (carloss, 15:19:48) * LINK: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22remove-standalone-ganesha%22 (carloss, 15:19:56) * Review Focus (carloss, 15:37:35) * LINK: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-epoxy-review-focus (Epoxy review focus etherpad) (carloss, 15:37:43) * LINK: https://github.com/openstack/manila-tempest-plugin/blob/master/zuul.d/manila-tempest-jobs.yaml#L412-L413 (gouthamr, 15:42:53) * Bug Triage (carloss, 15:46:37) * LINK: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new (Bug Triage etherpad) (carloss, 15:46:51) * LINK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1929936 (api_audit_map.conf for manila service) (carloss, 15:47:37) * LINK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1970649 (NetApp: thin provisioning is not enabled unless the extra spec is defined in share types) (carloss, 15:49:40) * LINK: https://github.com/openstack/pycadf/tree/master/etc/pycadf (carloss, 15:53:17) * LINK: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/pycadf/+/679415 (Swift patch) (carloss, 15:54:15) * Open Discussion (carloss, 15:57:20) Meeting ended at 16:00:09 UTC. People present (lines said) --------------------------- * carloss (72) * gouthamr (23) * ashrodri (9) * haixin (4) * opendevmeet (3) * dviroel (2) * gireesh (1) * carthaca (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4