15:00:44 <carloss> #startmeeting manila
15:00:44 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Jan 30 15:00:44 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:44 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:44 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'manila'
15:01:03 <carloss> courtesy ping: dviroel vhari carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri
15:01:14 <vhari_> hi
15:03:10 <gireesh> hi
15:04:06 <kpdev> hi
15:04:49 <carloss> hello folks
15:04:55 <carloss> our meeting agenda for today:
15:05:09 <carloss> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting
15:05:22 <carloss> starting with
15:05:25 <carloss> #topic Announcements
15:05:30 <carloss> Schedule and Deadlines
15:05:33 <carloss> #link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html
15:06:50 <carloss> we're less than a month away from feature freeze
15:06:58 <carloss> and next week we'll have our mid cycle
15:08:11 <carloss> and that's all I had for $topic
15:08:21 <carloss> is there an announcement you would like to share with us?
15:10:24 <carloss> taking silence as no
15:10:30 <carloss> #topic Mid cycle
15:10:35 <carloss> #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/6FIBBTSC4SKDNL5D2G2LKYRYPHDBP4QY/
15:10:54 <carloss> I've sent the details of the next mid cycle to the mailing list
15:11:01 <carloss> please take a look at the email
15:11:21 <carloss> we'll meet on meetpad, next Wednesday and Thursday, from 14 to 16 UTC
15:11:44 <carloss> so please join us and add the features you would like to host collab reviews to the etherpad
15:11:52 <carloss> as well as other topics you would like to discuss
15:12:05 <carloss> do you have any questions regarding the mid cycle?
15:14:04 <carloss> #topic Review Focus
15:14:10 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-epoxy-review-focus (Epoxy review focus etherpad)
15:14:33 <carloss> a couple of updates to the etherpad
15:14:51 <carloss> there are still changes that are waiting on reviews
15:15:15 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-manilaclient/+/931914 (Allow to update access rule for type 'ip')
15:15:23 <carloss> ^ only the client is missing, the other patches were merged
15:15:39 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/929091 (Pass share network subnet metadata updates to backend drivers)
15:15:50 <carloss> likely a good candidate for a collab review
15:16:15 <carloss> I see a change being updated to WIP
15:16:40 <kpdev> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/929091 is not WIP
15:16:43 <kpdev> its ready to review
15:17:05 <carloss> yep, didn't mean the share network subnet one is wip
15:17:16 <carloss> I meant "[Netapp] Add support for prune deleted volumes"
15:17:24 <carloss> was grabbing the link for it
15:17:44 <carloss> as for share encryption, we had  a quick chat last week
15:17:54 <carloss> kpdev: thanks for submitting updates to the spec
15:18:08 <carloss> I believe the mid cycle is a good opportunity to bring it up for a wider audience
15:18:21 <kpdev> ack
15:18:31 <carloss> and now we can look at the spec too, to have a good picture
15:18:37 <carloss> is there any other change you'd like to bring up?
15:19:59 <carloss> #topic Bug Triage
15:20:04 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new (Bug Triage etherpad)
15:20:49 <carloss> vhari_: o/
15:22:32 <vhari_> carloss, ty
15:22:48 <vhari_> sry network issue using _
15:22:58 <vhari_> so we had no new bugs this week :)
15:23:06 <vhari_> looking at a stale bug
15:23:20 <vhari_> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1813095
15:23:51 <vhari_> need to know if this is impacting ci
15:24:11 <vhari_> and if it needs further triage
15:25:16 <carloss> hmm, it might
15:25:34 <carloss> but not sure how often
15:25:43 <carloss> I mean, the CI seemed okay in the past with it
15:25:57 <carloss> and there were some failures here and there
15:26:05 <vhari_> ack
15:26:13 <carloss> I think finding an assignee would be nice
15:26:26 <carloss> maybe I can ask it to a student
15:26:41 <vhari_> ++
15:27:13 <carloss> but yeah, priority seems right
15:27:30 <vhari_> would you like to assign it to yourself till then or track on etherpad?
15:27:51 <carloss> yep, I can do it
15:28:03 <vhari_> awesome tyvm carloss :)
15:28:19 <carloss> vhari_: thank you!
15:28:35 <vhari_> you bet
15:28:48 <vhari_> so that makes it a wrap for bugs folks
15:30:54 <carloss> awesome, thank you
15:30:58 <carloss> #topic Open Discussion
15:31:09 <carloss> this is something I should've reported a bug for already
15:31:16 * carloss has been quite busy this week
15:31:29 <carloss> but I found a bug caused by one change that merged recently
15:31:44 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/931050 (Allow to update access level of access rule)
15:32:05 <carloss> kpdev: I believe that not only the cephfs nfs driver when using standalone ganesha might be broken
15:32:11 <carloss> but other drivers might be as well
15:32:40 <carloss> it's a big regression for us
15:33:05 <carloss> the thing is: some places got the update_access method updated
15:33:19 <carloss> but this wasn't forwarded to the protocol helper
15:33:47 <carloss> I have proposed an initial fix to the cephfs driver
15:33:50 <carloss> #link #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/940334 ([cephfs] Fix access rule update)
15:33:59 <carloss> #undo
15:33:59 <opendevmeet> Removing item from minutes: #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/940334
15:34:05 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/940334 ([cephfs] Fix access rule update)
15:34:19 <carloss> it is failing unit tests, yes
15:34:23 <carloss> but it just works on my env
15:34:38 <carloss> kpdev: can you please look at the other driver jobs and help us triage it?
15:34:50 <carloss> otherwise, there will be a lot of drivers broken
15:34:55 <carloss> and we'll need to think how to address it.
15:35:01 <kpdev> I have not passed update_access to protocol helper assuming they dont support update_access
15:35:28 <carloss> they don't, but if we change the method signature, we need to update the callers as well
15:35:31 <carloss> that's what happened
15:35:45 <kpdev> in that case, the driver owner if feels that their drivers support it, can anyway implement driver specific code
15:36:09 <carloss> the thing is: it broke the driver that doesn't support it
15:36:17 <carloss> and it shouldnt have happened.
15:37:19 <kpdev> if driver does not support it, how it broke it. Ideally it should be No-op for those drivers
15:38:20 <carloss> #link https://paste.opendev.org/show/bEdjM5K2XhrkjDqHOblS/ (CephFS NFS driver broken)
15:38:22 <kpdev> I will update the missing protocol helpers to pass update_rules down, if it helps
15:38:39 <carloss> every time we create/delete access rules, it throws that exception
15:39:43 <kpdev> you mean, its mandatory to pass new params to protocol helpers otherwise this throws exception ?
15:41:35 <carloss> in the case of the ganesha helper, this is what happened:
15:41:38 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/931050/10/manila/share/drivers/ganesha/__init__.py
15:41:49 <carloss> line 53 updated the signature
15:41:59 <carloss> and also added update_rules there
15:42:13 <carloss> so every time we call protocol_helper.update_access should also have been updated
15:42:31 <carloss> it would not be necessary if update_rules was a non-positional parameter
15:42:42 <carloss> but as it is positional, we have to specify it always
15:43:20 <carloss> > you mean, its mandatory to pass new params to protocol helpers otherwise this throws exception ?
15:43:20 <carloss> I mean that if we updated the protocol helpers, we need to update their callers
15:43:37 <carloss> otherwise we will be breaking allow/deny access for all of the drivers
15:43:41 <carloss> that don't do it
15:44:03 <kpdev> ok, is there any other driver broke ?
15:44:35 <carloss> that's what I need help figuring out :)
15:44:39 <kpdev> I will update yours pr https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/940334 and fix there
15:44:57 <carloss> ah, thanks - I can update the one I've uploaded
15:45:05 <carloss> but for others I will definitely need help
15:45:32 <carloss> so we can look at the jobs and try to figure out if they are broken or not
15:46:16 <carloss> and also look at the code from the change and ensure that the callers of the methods are also updated
15:46:37 <kpdev> ok
15:47:21 <carloss> thank you for helping with that
15:48:12 <carloss> one last thing for open discussion
15:48:19 <carloss> #link https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/22x/schedule/thursday (OpenInfra Days NA)
15:48:33 <carloss> the schedule for OpenInfra Days NA is available
15:48:50 <carloss> a couple of zorillas have talks accepted
15:49:03 <carloss> so if you're attending, come say hi :D
15:50:03 <carloss> the event will happen on March 6th and 7th, and will be co-located with SCALE
15:50:19 <carloss> #link https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/22x (scale linux 22x)
15:50:26 <carloss> alright, that's all I had
15:51:05 <carloss> is there something else you'd like to bring up?
15:51:54 <carloss> taking silence as no
15:52:01 <carloss> let's get back some minutes to our days
15:52:14 <carloss> and get back to #openstack-manila
15:52:20 <carloss> thanks for participating
15:52:24 <carloss> have a great day
15:52:25 <carloss> #endmeeting