15:00:06 <carloss> #startmeeting manila 15:00:06 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Feb 20 15:00:06 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:06 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:06 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:24 <carloss> courtesy ping: dviroel vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri 15:00:35 <haixin> o/ hi, 15:00:36 <vhari> hi 15:02:34 <ashrodri> o/ 15:03:05 <msaravan> Hi 15:04:19 <carloss> o/ hello everyone and welcome 15:04:32 <carloss> I believe more people will join as the meeting goes, so let's get started 15:04:40 <kpdev> hi 15:04:42 <carloss> our meeting agenda for today: 15:04:49 <carloss> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting (Weekly meeting agenda) 15:04:56 <carloss> #tl;k 15:05:00 <carloss> #undo 15:05:00 <opendevmeet> Removing item from minutes: #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:05:11 <carloss> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting (Weekly meeting agenda) 15:05:17 <gireesh> hi 15:05:21 <carloss> #topic Feature freeze 15:05:57 * carloss needs to get used to the laptop keyboard 15:06:15 <carloss> #undo 15:06:15 <opendevmeet> Removing item from minutes: #topic Feature freeze 15:06:23 <carloss> #topic Announcements 15:06:57 <carloss> not lack of caffeine, I promise, only using a different setup today that is leading me to more mistakes :) 15:07:05 <carloss> Schedule and Deadlines 15:07:13 <carloss> #link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html 15:07:14 <vhari> :) 15:07:28 <carloss> we're 1 week away from feature freeze 15:07:41 <carloss> we'll get to the features and patches in a bit 15:08:26 <carloss> we also already have our PTG dates 15:08:39 <carloss> #link https://openinfra.org/ptg/ (Openinfra PTG) 15:09:08 <carloss> it will happen from April 7th to 11th 15:09:17 <carloss> so ~2 months to go 15:11:07 <carloss> please subscribe to the PTG using the link I sent 15:11:16 <carloss> I have already registered the Manila team to the PTG 15:11:23 <carloss> so we'll just need to wait for now 15:11:34 <carloss> in the meantime, if you would like to start proposing topics 15:11:40 <carloss> I have created the planning etherpad 15:11:48 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/flamingo-ptg-manila-planning (Flamingo PTG planning etherpad) 15:11:57 <carloss> so back to schedule and deadlines 15:12:29 <carloss> we'll have our bugsquash two weeks from now 15:12:53 <carloss> as we discussed. I'll send an email to the openstack-discuss mailing list soon 15:13:26 <carloss> as we agreed, it will take place on Monday and Tuesday, as part of the Manila team will be travelling to attend the OpenInfra days NA 15:14:45 <carloss> fun fact, Monday and Tuesday of the bugsquash will be the carnival days in Brazil. Nothing better than a bugsquash to get in the carnival mood :p 15:14:53 <carloss> alright, that's all I had for $topic 15:15:08 <carloss> is there an announcement you' like to share? 15:16:19 <carloss> taking silence as no 15:16:33 <carloss> #topic Feature freeze 15:16:47 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-epoxy-review-focus (Review focus etherpad) 15:17:01 <carloss> I have updated the etherpad and added a couple of changes that were missing from this list 15:17:19 <carloss> there are some bug fixes listed at the bottom and they can be merged past m-3 15:17:28 <carloss> but would be important to get them in before RC1 15:18:11 <carloss> let's go through the list 15:19:03 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/940464 (Fix access rule update) 15:19:18 <carloss> doesn't need to be targeted to m-3 15:19:36 <carloss> but that's a high priority patch. It fixes some drivers while creating/deleting access rules 15:21:05 <carloss> haixin: I believe you'd have some muscle memory on this change 15:21:09 <carloss> could you please take a look as well? 15:21:19 <haixin> I will review this patch tomorrow, my company has been too busy recently 15:21:20 <carloss> I've also asked gouthamr to take a look when he has the chance 15:21:23 <haixin> sure 15:21:35 <carloss> ashrodri: thanks for reviewing it as well 15:21:51 <carloss> haixin: ack, no problem at all and thank yo very much for helping 15:22:11 <carloss> now let's get to some m-3 eligible patches 15:22:26 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/929091 (Pass share network subnet metadata updates to backend drivers (kpdev)) 15:22:49 <carloss> kpdev: I left the comment about the microversion but that is really a question... I know we haven't microversioned the same kind of update for share metadata 15:23:02 <carloss> but I would like to start that discussion and know your thoughts and the thoughts from other reviews 15:23:04 <kpdev> yes, working on it 15:23:22 <carloss> I think the change looks great, but as I asked, we need to test this (unit and functional) 15:23:56 <carloss> I've proposed this change just to get the state of things in case we merge this feature as is: 15:23:58 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila-tempest-plugin/+/942236 15:24:10 <carloss> apparently, seems to behave fine, but we should look at the jobs individually 15:24:26 <carloss> I've looked at some of them this morning 15:24:36 <carloss> kpdev: thanks for working on the updates 15:24:49 <carloss> is there something else related to this change that you'd like to add? 15:25:35 * gouthamr wakes up 15:25:40 <carloss> kpdev: and thanks for your patience with reviews on this change. I don't think this is at risk 15:25:59 <gouthamr> many tests may not run on the master branch of Manila tempest plugin 15:26:24 * carloss waves at gouthamr 15:26:24 <gouthamr> think we found microversion related failures in the dummy driver jobs in older branches 15:26:53 <carloss> gouthamr: yes :) 15:27:12 <gouthamr> it’d be nice to repeat that depends on to a manila patch to stable branches - just because we’re short of time and it’d be bad to break the gate now 15:28:34 <carloss> ++ 15:28:37 <gouthamr> chain of depends on patches, just to be sure.. Manila->tempest plugin->Manila (2024.2) 15:29:35 <gouthamr> alternatively we could have an experimental pipeline with older stable branch versions of the dummy driver job in the plugin that we could invoke whenever we want 15:30:29 <carloss> yeah, that works 15:30:29 <carloss> let me push a new patch on 2024.2 to test that 15:31:49 <gouthamr> ++ thanks carloss 15:32:05 <carloss> np 15:32:34 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/942372 15:32:37 <carloss> let's wait and see 15:33:27 <carloss> next up 15:33:36 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/934676 ([Netapp] Add support for prune deleted volumes (kpdev)) 15:33:56 <carloss> waiting for some more reviewers for a while 15:34:13 <carloss> thanks ashrodri gireesh and chuanm for looking at it 15:34:16 <kpdev> need review from NetApp engineers 15:34:29 <carloss> ++ would be nice to get some eyes 15:34:55 <carloss> netapp CI is not voting on the changes, so it would be important to see some testing output even manually 15:35:06 <carloss> or someone acking the change 15:35:33 <carloss> gireesh could you please circle back? 15:35:51 <carloss> I'll take a look at it. gouthamr, msaravan could you please review this change as well? 15:37:10 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/941084 (NetApp: delete vlan even if ipspace is reused) 15:37:14 <gouthamr> yep 15:37:23 <carloss> gouthamr: thank you 15:37:44 <carloss> the change I just linked is also a bug fix, which has a bit more of code proposed to fix the issue 15:37:50 <carloss> I think this can also be targeted to rc1 15:38:11 <carloss> (same for prune volumes change) 15:38:15 <gireesh> sure caloss 15:38:20 <carloss> gireesh: thanks 15:38:31 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/942216 (NetApp - Restrict LIF Creation Per HA Pair) 15:38:51 <carloss> this is a new feature being added to the netapp driver 15:39:28 <carloss> not thousands of lines of code, so hopefully easier to review 15:39:49 <gouthamr> this seems like a bugfix? 15:40:30 <msaravan> its a small feature, requested by SAP 15:40:46 <gouthamr> ah, okay, no plans of back porting this? 15:41:09 <gireesh> we will not backport this 15:41:15 <msaravan> if SAP needs, we'll do. Otherwise, we'll not. 15:41:20 <gouthamr> on a quick glance it appears to be a serious problem to avoid data loss on node failure 15:42:13 <gireesh> will check with SAP, if needed we can backport this 15:43:35 <carloss> so considering that the impact of this change is limited to the driver and also the problem it is fixing, I think we should be okay if we merge it in case we have someone from netapp acking/testing and enough reviews from reviewers 15:44:01 <gouthamr> +1 15:44:39 <gireesh> thanks Goutham and caloss 15:45:04 <carloss> ack, thank you! 15:45:19 <carloss> kpdev msaravan gouthamr can I have your eyes on this change? 15:45:22 <carloss> I'll also review it 15:45:55 <msaravan> Sure, definitely 15:45:58 <carloss> thank you 15:45:58 <gouthamr> ack 15:46:20 <carloss> and last but not least on things that should have m3 as a target date to merge 15:46:30 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/928081 (Allow services API to filter by ensuring) 15:46:44 <carloss> this change bumps the API and follows a feature that I implemented last cycle 15:47:34 <carloss> zuul was failing on this change and I left it aside for most of the cycle and focused on other priorities (my bad) 15:47:51 <carloss> if you feel it is okay and that we will have enough time to review it, fine 15:47:55 * gouthamr likes the self-code-review 15:47:58 <carloss> otherwise this can wait a bit more 15:48:16 <gouthamr> seems small enough to look 15:49:27 <carloss> haha, I usually do that for either explaining something that might be attention points for reviewers, or in things that I forgot to do before submitting the change but I caught after submission 15:49:44 <carloss> just trying to keep everything documented :) 15:50:03 <carloss> cool, thank you 15:50:09 <carloss> we need more eyes on this 15:50:31 <carloss> kpdev gireesh ashrodri: could you please take a look? this change also has a client change related, which is much simples 15:50:37 <carloss> s/simples/simpler 15:50:50 <kpdev> ack 15:50:53 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-manilaclient/+/929327 15:50:54 <carloss> thank you 15:51:40 <carloss> I will do my best to add some tempest testing for it soon as well. This change is also moving the filters to the database (better performance and better way to filter the results) 15:51:50 <carloss> so I think it would be important to test to ensure that there are no regressions 15:52:21 <carloss> I'll also use the same approach as the share network metadata updates we just did to ensure this won't break anything on stable branches 15:52:39 <carloss> so that's all for things eligible for feature freeze 15:53:10 <carloss> we have a couple of other bug fixes listed as well 15:53:13 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-epoxy-review-focus#L53 15:54:39 <carloss> please take a look at them, we have a couple of reviewers tagged in the etherpad but please review these changes if you have a chance to 15:55:00 <carloss> and not limit ourselves to the people I either voluntold or are tagged in the etherpad 15:55:07 <carloss> that's all I had for $topic 15:55:15 <carloss> is there something else you'd like to bring up? 15:56:17 <carloss> #topic Open Discussion 15:56:22 <carloss> 4 minutes for open discussion 15:57:05 <carloss> vhari: sorry for using all of the meeting time on the feature freeze topic and not leaving any space for bug triaging 15:57:18 <carloss> and you mentioned with me that there are no new bugs this week, which is great 15:57:18 <vhari> no probs carloss 15:57:23 <carloss> thanks for working on the list anyways 15:57:25 <carloss> vhari++ 15:57:29 <carloss> we'll cover the list next week 15:57:38 <vhari> was a quiet week for bugs no arrivals actually :) 15:57:54 <carloss> :D 15:58:26 <carloss> alright, let's wrap up 15:58:36 <carloss> thank you for participating and let's get back to our feature freeze stuff 15:58:39 <carloss> hope you have a great week 15:58:53 <ashrodri> ++ 15:58:54 <carloss> (or what's remaining of it) 15:59:01 <carloss> chat on #openstack-manila 15:59:03 <carloss> #endmeeting