15:00:06 <carloss> #startmeeting manila
15:00:06 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Mar 20 15:00:06 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:06 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:06 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'manila'
15:00:47 <carloss> courtesy ping: gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri
15:01:17 <Sai> o/
15:02:41 <gouthamr> o/
15:02:50 <haixin> o/
15:03:03 <gireesh> hi
15:03:08 <msaravan> hi
15:04:45 <carloss> hello everyone
15:04:53 <carloss> welcome
15:06:11 <carloss> the meeting agenda for today
15:06:22 <carloss> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings (Meeting agenda)
15:06:54 <carloss> #topic Announcements
15:07:01 <carloss> Schedule and Deadlines
15:07:10 <carloss> #link https://releases.openstack.org/flamingo/schedule.html (Flamingo release schedule)
15:07:19 <carloss> ops
15:07:27 <carloss> #undo
15:07:27 <opendevmeet> Removing item from minutes: #link https://releases.openstack.org/flamingo/schedule.html
15:07:41 <carloss> still not flamingo :D
15:07:46 <carloss> #link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html (Epoxy release schedule)
15:07:59 * carloss had the two schedules open
15:08:27 <carloss> we're past RC1
15:08:43 <carloss> official release should go out two weeks from now
15:08:48 <carloss> that means we still have some time for testing
15:09:07 <carloss> both RC1 patches for Manila are in:
15:09:31 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/943912 (manila RC1)
15:09:31 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/943911 (Manila-UI RC1)
15:11:23 <carloss> we should still be testing the changes that were in and observing the stability of our CI
15:12:05 <carloss> I've also added some epoxy cycle highlights:
15:12:16 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/943654/2/deliverables/epoxy/manila.yaml (Manila's Epoxy cycle highlights)
15:12:25 <carloss> a couple of features and fixes featured there
15:12:43 <carloss> thanks for the hard work in this cycle so far, and we are very close to the release :D
15:12:51 <carloss> that's all I had in terms of announcements
15:12:52 <gouthamr> ++
15:13:03 <ashrodri> ++
15:13:17 <carloss> do you have an announcement to share with us today?
15:14:45 <carloss> alright, on to the next topic :)
15:14:48 <carloss> #topic PTG Planning
15:15:08 * carloss my messages are taking some time to be posted today
15:15:33 <carloss> so I've worked on the PTG time slots for Manila two weeks ago
15:15:40 <carloss> #link https://ptg.opendev.org/ptg.html (PTG website)
15:15:56 <carloss> we will be meeting for 8 hours in total
15:16:14 <carloss> as a tradition, we can use the very first hour of the PTG on Monday for a retrospective
15:16:24 <carloss> and the very last hour on Friday as a Happy hour
15:16:37 <carloss> Wednesday and Thursday would have 3 hours of discussions each
15:17:06 <carloss> both 14-17 UTC
15:17:20 <carloss> is that okay with you? do you have any suggestions?
15:19:05 <carloss> :)
15:19:17 <gouthamr> sounds good to me
15:19:22 <carloss> ty
15:19:24 <carloss> that takes us to the second item on $topic
15:19:35 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/flamingo-ptg-manila-planning (PTG planning etherpad)
15:20:11 <carloss> this is the PTG planning etherpad
15:20:21 <carloss> please add topics related to the features, specs, tech debt or anything that would benefit from a wide group of people discussing
15:20:42 <carloss> even a bug fix that you are planning to work on and would like to gather thoughts
15:21:07 <carloss> msaravan: any topics related to features the NetApp team is planning to work on the upcoming release?
15:21:18 <carloss> if there are some, please add them to the planning etherpad
15:22:17 <msaravan> carloss: Yes, we are working on prioritising, and we'll let you know in 1-2 weeks of time.
15:22:29 <msaravan> Barbican is for sure;
15:22:44 <carloss> ack, thanks
15:22:47 <carloss> the PTG will happen from Apr 7th to 11th
15:23:01 <carloss> I'd recommend everyone to subscribe:
15:23:05 <carloss> #link https://ptg.openinfra.org/  (PTG)
15:23:12 <carloss> s/subscribe/register
15:23:52 <msaravan> ack
15:24:23 <carloss> if possible, please add the topics to the etherpad by the end of the next week
15:24:52 <carloss> so that I can work on topic->time slot assignments
15:25:19 <carloss> I would like to have the topics assigned a couple of days before the PTG, so that we have time to accommodate any needs
15:25:52 <carloss> and last item on $topic
15:25:55 <carloss> Retrospective
15:26:15 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/flamingo-ptg-manila-retrospective (Flamingo PTG retrospective etherpad)
15:26:34 <carloss> I'd like to ask to please also add thoughts to the retrospective etherpad
15:27:02 <carloss> that's all I had for $topic
15:27:16 <carloss> do you have any thoughts, suggestions, comments?
15:27:34 <gouthamr> no, ty for organizing this carloss .. its a lot of work
15:28:54 <carloss> gouthamr: my pleasure :)
15:29:26 <carloss> alright, on to the next topic
15:29:28 <carloss> #topic Review focus
15:29:45 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-flamingo-review-focus (Flamingo review focus etherpad)
15:30:08 <carloss> I moved the contents of the previous etherpad to the flamingo review focus etherpad
15:31:24 <carloss> so that's why it looks very similar to the previous etherpad
15:32:48 <carloss> I think a bunch of the items on the list will be discussed in the upcoming PTG
15:33:33 <carloss> but I'd like to ask if there is a change that you'd like to bring up during this meeting
15:34:11 <carloss> at this point, the changes will be mostly targeted to Flamingo-1, unless we really need it in the previous release
15:34:22 <carloss> but that means we'd need another release candidate
15:34:36 <carloss> s/previous release/epoxy release
15:34:47 <carloss> we can also backport changes to the 2025.1 branch
15:36:38 <carloss> and request releases
15:36:46 <carloss> alright, let's move on
15:36:49 <carloss> #topic Bug Triage
15:36:57 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new (Bug Triage etherpad)
15:37:03 <carloss> only one new bug on manila this week
15:37:08 <carloss> no new bugs on python-manilaclient
15:37:21 <carloss> nor manila-ui
15:38:25 <carloss> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2102673 (shares in "ensuring" status can get stuck in that status)
15:38:30 <carloss> gouthamr: thanks for the bug report
15:38:56 <gouthamr> ack, i think medium, because it could be confusing and hard to remediate when this happens
15:39:24 <carloss> agreed
15:40:53 <carloss> we briefly talked about this over the week and maybe that's a good candidate for interns
15:40:58 <carloss> if we don't have the time with them
15:41:14 <carloss> I can pick this up, as I have the context on the change
15:42:19 <gouthamr> sounds good carloss
15:42:59 <carloss> ty
15:43:14 <carloss> the next bug is a revisit
15:43:26 <carloss> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2100644 (NetApp driver's cert verification defaults to False)
15:43:43 <carloss> msaravan: I know it's been only one week, but did you guys get the chance to discuss it?
15:43:46 <carloss> if not, no problem too
15:44:28 <msaravan> We'll make the change ..
15:44:49 <msaravan> thank you for bringing it up
15:46:01 <carloss> np :D
15:47:04 <carloss> that's all bugs for today
15:47:09 <carloss> #topic Open Discussion
15:48:50 <carloss> any suggestions for fun stuff in the PTG happy hour?
15:48:51 <carloss> :)
15:51:59 <carloss> will take a look at some options in the upcoming weeks
15:52:02 <carloss> last one was fun
15:52:22 <carloss> and it being earlier was definitely a good opportunity
15:52:28 <carloss> for more people to join
15:53:34 <carloss> alright, let's wrap up
15:53:42 <carloss> and get some minutes back to our days
15:53:47 <carloss> thanks for participating
15:53:52 <carloss> hope you have a great day
15:54:05 <carloss> let's get back to #openstack-manila
15:54:17 <carloss> #endmeeting