15:05:04 <flaper87> #startmeeting Marconi 15:05:05 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jun 17 15:05:04 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is flaper87. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:05:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:05:09 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'marconi' 15:05:22 <flaper87> #topic roll call 15:05:32 <cpallares> o/ 15:05:34 <sriram> o/ 15:05:34 <malini1> o/ 15:05:42 <tjanczuk> o/ 15:05:46 <alcabrera> \o 15:05:51 <cpallares> \o/ 15:05:59 <flaper87> o/ 15:06:00 <flaper87> :D 15:06:18 <flaper87> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Marconi#Agenda 15:06:35 <flaper87> #topic action items 15:06:43 <flaper87> #chair kgriffs 15:06:44 <openstack> Current chairs: flaper87 kgriffs 15:06:52 <kgriffs> o/ 15:06:54 <kgriffs> flaper87: carry on with the chair 15:06:56 <kgriffs> :) 15:07:12 <flaper87> flaper87 to do the plumbing for specs 15:07:23 <flaper87> I haven't started, I was actually planing to do that today 15:07:27 <flaper87> #action flaper87 to do the plumbing for spec 15:07:34 <malini1> it is flooding all over the place now :( 15:07:35 <flaper87> no more action items 15:07:59 <flaper87> yeah 15:08:19 <alcabrera> spec-tacular 15:08:30 <flaper87> #topic lets be friendly with flwang 15:08:30 <sriram> lol 15:08:48 <flaper87> Turns out that our meeting is at 3am flwang TZ 15:09:00 <kgriffs> this is our predicament 15:09:01 <kgriffs> http://goo.gl/X6A3ki 15:09:11 <flaper87> kgriffs: thanks 15:10:00 * flaper87 is staring at the timetable 15:10:02 <flaper87> :P 15:10:10 <tjanczuk> to make things easier I am in Seattle (GMT-8) 15:10:10 <malini1> should we start rotating meeting times? 15:10:24 <flaper87> malini1: I was about to say that 15:10:28 <flaper87> we do that in glance 15:10:39 <sriram> seems viable. 15:11:14 <kgriffs> that could work 15:11:28 <kgriffs> flaper87: does glance alternate every other week? 15:11:29 <flaper87> Ok, lets try to find another time that works for flwang and announc meeting time rotations on the mailing list 15:11:33 <flaper87> kgriffs: yes 15:12:07 <flaper87> moving on 15:12:13 <flaper87> #topic Juno-2 15:12:13 <kgriffs> OK, do you want to take that action? 15:12:40 <flaper87> #action flaper87 talk to flwang and find a meeting time that works for him 15:12:52 <kgriffs> cool, thanks 15:12:54 <flaper87> #action kgriffs announc the new meeting times in the mailing-list 15:12:58 <flaper87> :P 15:13:06 <flaper87> kgriffs: Juno-2, the floor is yours 15:13:07 <kgriffs> heh 15:13:12 <kgriffs> #link https://launchpad.net/marconi/+milestone/juno-2 15:13:31 <kgriffs> I spent some time putting together a list of bps and bugs for j-2 15:13:47 <flaper87> holy molly 15:13:52 <kgriffs> Flavio is looking through python client bugs and I've still got some server bugs to triage, but this is pretty close 15:14:29 <flaper87> kgriffs: I think we can move amqp out of Juno 15:14:56 <flaper87> what's the status of the benchmarking tool? 15:15:04 <sriram> its in review. 15:15:06 <flaper87> Any chance we can increase the priority there? 15:15:11 <flaper87> sriram: ohreally ? 15:15:13 <sriram> I have a patch out there. 15:15:14 <tjanczuk> what is the status of AMQP in general? 15:15:15 * flaper87 slaps himself 15:15:32 <tjanczuk> I saw some notes in the regular channel about dropping the storage driver and investigating AMQP as transport? 15:15:41 <kgriffs> flaper87: I believe malini has an agenda item about our review backlog. ;) 15:15:42 <flaper87> tjanczuk: as of now, it's a complete no-go 15:15:55 <tjanczuk> for amqp 1.0 as well? 15:15:59 <flaper87> tjanczuk: yes 15:16:23 <tjanczuk> Is there a write up of reasons somewhere so that we can compare notes? 15:16:32 <flaper87> tjanczuk: working on that 15:16:38 <tjanczuk> ok, thanks 15:16:50 <flaper87> ok, please, everyone. Go through blueprints and update status 15:16:53 <flaper87> same for bugs 15:17:07 <flaper87> feel free to triage bugs, that's a task for everyone ;) 15:17:18 <sriram> sure, ok. 15:17:27 <flaper87> moving on 15:17:30 <flaper87> #topic Proposal to define a set of review comment prefixes to better communicate intent 15:17:32 <flaper87> kgriffs: ? 15:18:30 <flaper87> kgriffs: knock knock ? 15:18:50 <flaper87> ok, lets skip until he's back 15:18:55 <kgriffs> back 15:18:59 <flaper87> ok 15:19:01 <flaper87> kgriffs: go ahead 15:19:01 <kgriffs> sorry, trying to figure out how to present this 15:19:27 <kgriffs> there was swift session all about what is basically their code of conduct and quality standards 15:19:45 <kgriffs> they said something about reviews being easy to take the wrong way 15:20:11 <kgriffs> and they said it was good to specifically say something what a nitpick or whatever 15:20:13 <vkmc> brb 15:20:42 <kgriffs> so, this is something I'm still playing with, but I thought we might cross-pollinate that idea with what we do for inline code comments 15:20:51 <flaper87> you mean to use things like: (nit:) remove the dot at the end 15:20:55 <flaper87> ? 15:21:00 <kgriffs> yeah, stuff like that 15:21:08 <flaper87> oh, that sounds good to me 15:21:15 <flaper87> it states the intent of the comment 15:21:16 <kgriffs> I've been experimenting with it lately in my comments (some of you no doubt noticed) 15:21:20 <alcabrera> works for me 15:21:25 <alcabrera> for reference 15:21:33 <alcabrera> are the swift CoC and quality docs available? 15:21:34 <malini1> guess the idea is to be nice when doing the critiques, rt? 15:21:35 <alcabrera> link? 15:21:35 <flaper87> Lets work on a list of tags on the wiki 15:21:45 <kgriffs> nit, perf, imo, etc. - I think it will take some time to figure out a good list 15:21:53 <sriram> nice idea. 15:22:02 <sriram> it will definitely help. 15:22:15 <kgriffs> malini1: the idea is to more clearly communicate the intent and context for the comment 15:22:18 <flaper87> #action Kurt to write a wiki page with possible review comment tags 15:22:25 <kgriffs> to minimize misunderstandings 15:22:31 <flaper87> #undo 15:22:32 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Action object at 0x2381690> 15:22:36 <tjanczuk> Here is some prior art: https://www.google.com/search?q=emoticons+cheat+sheet&espv=2&tbm=isch&imgil=Ruan9Cq-NET-6M%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcQpDv1DqbWnszg8HJpTdnA3yKGFTQZTLb_XDUvK3MOANaGoVl4b%253B530%253B713%253By33FowaEZmlvMM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.phonearena.com%25252Fnews%25252FWindows-Phone-emoticon-cheat-sheet-gets-posted_id24438&source=iu& 15:22:36 <flaper87> #action kgriffs to write a wiki page with possible review comment tags 15:23:06 <kgriffs> emoticons... mmm. Interesting idea. 15:23:12 <tjanczuk> (and I meant it with a ;) 15:23:16 <kgriffs> OK, I will play around with this and we can see where it leads 15:23:21 <flaper87> I prefer the tags 15:23:25 <cpallares> me too 15:23:28 <flaper87> because it allows other reviewers to decide on that 15:23:47 <flaper87> if I see a "(nit) Remove the dot" comment, I may choose to approve the patch anyway 15:24:00 <flaper87> because the other reviewer stated it's just a nit 15:24:13 <flaper87> if it's tagged with a PERF flag, I definitely won't do that 15:24:14 <kgriffs> makes sense 15:24:14 <flaper87> etc 15:24:33 <flaper87> s/flag/tag/ 15:24:34 <kgriffs> lol 15:24:37 <flaper87> o___0 15:24:44 * flaper87 was thinking about red flags 15:24:46 <flaper87> anyway 15:24:51 <flaper87> kgriffs: good idea 15:25:09 <flaper87> kgriffs: btw, i gotta step out, mind leading the meeting from here? 15:25:16 <kgriffs> sure 15:25:43 <flaper87> you're chair already, sorry about that 15:25:48 <flaper87> kgriffs: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Marconi#Agenda 15:26:14 <kgriffs> OK, I'm going to go out of order a little on the agenda to timebox the bigger discussion 15:26:22 <kgriffs> #topic Introduce the Marconi c# client 15:26:25 <kgriffs> abettadapur: ^^^ 15:26:36 <abettadapur> hi 15:26:38 <abettadapur> so yes 15:26:45 <abettadapur> we have a c# marconi client that you can view 15:26:54 <malini1> yayy!! 15:26:59 <sriram> awesome! 15:27:04 <abettadapur> https://github.com/abettadapur/marconiclient 15:27:19 <abettadapur> it covers both v1 and v1.1 of the api 15:27:31 <malini1> abettadapur: do you know if there is a repo for non-python openstack bindings? 15:27:51 <abettadapur> balajiiyer and i were talking about this and i dont think there is...? 15:27:59 <vkmc> neat! 15:28:01 <abettadapur> his idea was to post a link to it on the wiki somewhere 15:28:06 <abettadapur> and direct people to use it 15:28:16 <abettadapur> "we have clients for the following platforms..." 15:28:17 <alcabrera> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/SDKs#OpenStack_Toolkits 15:28:20 <alcabrera> err 15:28:22 <alcabrera> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/SDKs#OpenStack_Toolkits 15:28:33 <alcabrera> that's the cannonical home, as far as I can tell 15:28:41 <alcabrera> for other clients/sdks 15:28:47 <abettadapur> oh there you go 15:29:03 <malini1> looks like all of them point to personal repos 15:29:13 <abettadapur> right 15:29:16 <malini1> So probably thts the way to go, for now 15:29:43 <kgriffs> FWIW, it is also linked from the marconi home page on the wiki 15:30:36 <kgriffs> abettadapur: nice work, thanks for taking this on. It is helpful to have more ways for devs to use Marconi, and also gives us more feedback on API design 15:30:39 <abettadapur> updated the sdks page 15:30:50 <abettadapur> kgriffs: of course! :) 15:31:05 <kgriffs> #topic review queue 15:31:23 <kgriffs> malini1: ^^^ 15:31:34 <malini1> Our review queue is at the longest it has ever been https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/marconi,n,z 15:31:51 <malini1> It is a good thing because we are getting a lot of new contributors 15:32:11 <malini1> On the flip side, I dont think we are doing justice to all the great work 15:32:30 <malini1> It is a tirn off for new contributors, if the patches take too long to land 15:32:34 <malini1> turn* 15:33:04 <malini1> I personally dread contributing to certain projects because it takes forever to get reviews 15:33:37 <malini1> We need a way to make sure Marconi doesnt go the same route 15:33:42 <malini1> thoughts on how to do this? 15:34:11 <alcabrera> continue to work to promote marconi champions to core 15:34:15 <alcabrera> that's going to be critical 15:34:33 <malini1> I was also thinking of setting SLA's for each patchset 15:35:07 <sriram> what kind of SLA's? 15:35:15 <malini1> if a patchset sits idle with no reviews for x days, do something 15:35:23 <malini1> shout, scream, glow red whatever 15:35:28 <alcabrera> ah 15:35:44 <alcabrera> SLAs confused me. I was thinking review quality and/or code quality 15:35:49 <malini1> alcabrera: +1 on ur idea as well 15:35:55 <alcabrera> thanks for clarifying, malini1! 15:36:08 <alcabrera> so a TTL of sorts 15:36:15 <sriram> I see, makes sense. 15:36:19 <sriram> alcabrera: +1 15:36:22 <malini1> yeah..except we dont garbage collect ;) 15:36:28 <sriram> hahaha 15:36:31 <alcabrera> or maybe we do...! ;) 15:36:36 <alcabrera> :P 15:36:38 <alcabrera> but yes 15:36:39 <malini1> tht wud be scary! 15:36:45 <alcabrera> that's a lively approach 15:36:53 <alcabrera> in the sense that things will get serviced more routinely 15:36:53 <sriram> probabilistic garbage collection :P 15:36:56 <alcabrera> here's the catch 15:37:00 <alcabrera> can we automate this? 15:37:14 <alcabrera> get gerrit/bot-things to ping us when things reach the TTL 15:37:22 <alcabrera> so we don't have to manually track patches 15:37:23 <malini1> we probably need to investigate & review at next meeting? 15:37:30 <alcabrera> sounds good to me 15:37:40 <alcabrera> a good question for *-infra 15:37:42 <kgriffs> gerrit has some sort of API 15:38:10 <kgriffs> we could write a bot that annoys us or at least creates a report that highlights reviews in red that need attention 15:38:14 <tjanczuk> sometimes just raising visibility of who is doing reviews helps. you could do a weekly leaderboard. 15:38:29 <kgriffs> game mechanics - not a bad idea 15:39:01 <malini1> tjanczuk: tht wud mean we are looking at the problem once a week.I think e need a faster turnaround than tht 15:39:18 <malini1> &most of us don't like meetings :-P 15:39:40 <malini1> I can investigate options & update next week 15:39:53 <vkmc> it's something that worths discussing with infra guys 15:40:00 <tjanczuk> No I meant somethign along the lines of https://github.com/joyent/node/graphs/contributors 15:40:09 <vkmc> it could help another projects as well 15:40:10 <kgriffs> one thing to note is that we had some people missing in action for a few weeks after the summit 15:40:16 <kgriffs> now we are playing catch up 15:41:05 <kgriffs> FWIW, there is this: http://stackalytics.com/?release=juno&metric=marks&module=marconi 15:41:32 <kgriffs> malini1: were you thinking something more proactive, like a bot that would ping specific people in IRC? 15:41:53 <malini1> kgriffs: tht wud be real cool 15:42:15 <malini1> maybe we shud just clean out the queue now? 15:42:36 <malini1> If this becomes a problem again, lets think abt the bot stuff 15:42:41 <kgriffs> ok 15:43:10 <malini1> the next 2-3 days, let's all focus on reviewing 15:43:13 <vkmc> maybe a welcome bot that provides a list of patches ordered by lowest ttl? 15:43:34 <malini1> vkmc: you mean in the review page? 15:43:42 <malini1> maybe all we need is a filter :D 15:44:20 <vkmc> malini1, in IRC I thought... otherwise we would have to make it part of Gerrit and I'm not sure if that is possible from our side 15:44:20 <kgriffs> yep, let's focus on reviewing... 15:44:43 <kgriffs> and ongoing, everyone should spend part of each day reviewing patches 15:45:06 <malini1> vkmc: lets take this offline to #marconi to figure out how.if to automate 15:45:13 <vkmc> malini1, +1 15:45:19 <malini1> kgriffs: tht's all I have 15:45:39 <kgriffs> #action malini1 and vkmc to experiment with tools/bots for improving review velocity 15:46:01 <kgriffs> #topic implementing the project rename - make a plan 15:46:24 <kgriffs> malini1: you found this, iirc? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/savanna-renaming 15:46:34 <malini1> kgriffs: yes 15:46:36 <alcabrera> #openstack-marconi -> #openstack-naav -- that'll be fun 15:47:16 <malini1> alcabrera: tht sounds sarcastic :( 15:47:20 <sriram> whoa look at that dependency tree. 15:47:31 <alcabrera> malini1: ah, my apologies. I meant it sincerely. :) 15:47:36 <vkmc> wow 15:47:40 <malini1> I am dreading this 15:48:20 <kgriffs> I think there will less work for us than savanna, but by no means a trivial amount 15:48:21 <vkmc> alcabrera, we should add to the topic 'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently => #openstack-naav' 15:48:42 <alcabrera> hehe, vkmc. :) 15:48:53 <kgriffs> one question I had was what happens to the pending gerrit patches? 15:49:03 <alcabrera> hmmm 15:50:07 <malini1> I remember seeing something abt this somewhere...grr 15:50:19 <kgriffs> btw, there is a blueprint for this that I registered 15:50:21 <kgriffs> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/marconi/+spec/project-rename 15:51:07 <malini1> well..I saw tht as the question in Sahara etherpad :D 15:51:25 <vkmc> iirc infra chaps schedule a downtime for renaming 15:51:47 <kgriffs> I was thinking first step would be to make a list of work items. The order them so that things like renaming the repo is last 15:51:49 <kgriffs> vkmc: could be. They probably have to lock gerrit and run some scripts and stuff 15:52:06 <vkmc> kgriffs, yes... that happened with Quantum => Neutron 15:52:24 <malini1> aah..Neutron also went thru renaming? 15:52:26 <alcabrera> it's good that there's lots of prior art here 15:52:56 <malini1> it's bad tht it is a known problem, & every project goes thru this :( 15:53:16 <vkmc> malini1, yeah... in Grizzly :/ that probably was a pain in the neck 15:53:50 <kgriffs> malini1: would you mind taking a first pass at making the list of work items (adding to the bp)? Someone in #openstack-infra could help us make sure the list is complete from their side 15:53:56 <kgriffs> there may be a wiki page about this 15:54:00 <malini1> sure 15:54:08 <malini1> I will start updating the bp 15:55:10 <kgriffs> #action malini1 to make a list of work items for the rename and ask infra what things we need to include outside of code changes 15:55:17 <kgriffs> thanks! 15:55:21 <vkmc> http://ci.openstack.org/gerrit.html#renaming-a-project 15:55:33 <kgriffs> #link http://ci.openstack.org/gerrit.html#renaming-a-project 15:55:43 <malini1> thanks vkmc 15:55:44 <vkmc> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Network/neutron-renaming 15:55:52 <vkmc> np malini1 15:56:04 <alcabrera> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/savanna-renaming-process 15:56:13 <alcabrera> all the links 15:56:20 <alcabrera> to preserve prior art 15:56:37 <kgriffs> #topic open discussion 15:57:26 <alcabrera> tiny update - code of conduct changes are working their way through the pipeline 15:57:34 <alcabrera> I was really happy to see my concerns taken seriously 15:57:39 <kgriffs> cool 15:57:43 <vkmc> :) 15:57:49 <sriram> nice 15:57:52 <alcabrera> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/98205/ 15:58:49 <cpallares> alcabrera: :) 15:58:58 <malini1> alcabrera: nice :) 15:59:02 <alcabrera> :) 15:59:02 <kgriffs> L22: "participanting" typo 15:59:23 <malini1> kgriffs is really serious on ramping up reviews ;) 15:59:27 <alcabrera> participanting. <3 15:59:28 <kgriffs> if that isn't a real word, it *should* be. :D 15:59:34 <alcabrera> agreed, kgriffs 15:59:38 <alcabrera> let's coin it 15:59:51 <kgriffs> heh 16:00:13 <kgriffs> anyway, I don't mean to make light of the topic... this is really important stuff. thanks for working on it! 16:00:43 <alcabrera> no worries. I'm happy to see it moving. :) 16:01:05 <alcabrera> healthy community -> happy people, better for everyone 16:01:09 <alcabrera> anyway 16:01:12 <alcabrera> I think we're timed out 16:01:17 <alcabrera> over time 16:01:18 <kgriffs> ok people. let's get those patches merged! 16:01:19 <alcabrera> yes 16:01:24 <kgriffs> #endmeeting