04:00:19 <samP> #startmeeting masakari 04:00:19 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jul 18 04:00:19 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is samP. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:00:20 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 04:00:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'masakari' 04:00:31 <samP> Dinesh_Bhor: hi 04:00:40 <samP> hi all ..o/ 04:00:40 <abhishekk> o/ 04:00:46 <Dinesh_Bhor> hi all 04:00:49 <samP> let's start 04:01:09 <samP> #topic Critical Bugs 04:01:18 <samP> Any bugs to discuss? 04:02:20 <samP> if not, lets move to Discussion 04:02:30 <samP> #topic Discussion Points 04:02:59 <samP> Dinesh_Bhor: thanks for the remove on_shared_storage patch 04:03:45 <samP> abhishekk: any updates from nova or Ops about evacuate the "resized" VMs 04:04:04 <abhishekk> samP: regarding resize issue I have got reply from Jay Pipes, http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-operators/2017-July/013932.html 04:04:17 <samP> abhishekk: yep 04:04:42 <abhishekk> he suggested to revert the resize instead of setting it to error and then do resize again after evacuation 04:05:17 <abhishekk> Should we follow this approach? 04:05:42 <rkmrHonjo> Could we revert the resize when host is down? 04:06:01 <abhishekk> If yes I have couple of doubts which I have updated on the redmine ticket 04:06:11 <samP> situation is: destination fail. If we revert it and re do the resize, the no evacuate needed. right? 04:06:38 <abhishekk> rkmrHonjo: right 04:06:57 <abhishekk> samP: ^^^ 04:07:21 <tpatil> when you revert, masakari is not aware whether host A is up or down 04:07:35 <samP> We could revert it if destination down. do we consider the situation where source host down? 04:08:11 <tpatil> if revert is successful, then we should also note down the new flavor used to resize the instance and try resize api again 04:09:09 <abhishekk> samP: if source host is down then reverting will fail and then can we mark the notification as failure? 04:09:25 <samP> tpatil: That is true. we have to find which flavor used 04:10:45 <samP> abhishekk: mark notification as failure = hand it over to operator? 04:13:11 <tpatil> samP: reattempt in periodic task to recover the instance and if its fails again, it will be handed over to the operator 04:13:12 <samP> I think it is worth considering revert on destination failure as Jay said. 04:14:44 <samP> tpatil: thanks. it seems to me, that revert will fail because source node is down, and it will handed over to operator anyway.. 04:15:21 <tpatil> samP: As per Jay`s suggestion, it's possible to bring the instance to the original state i.e. resized 04:16:14 <samP> tpatil: for destination node down: yes 04:16:44 <samP> tpatil: is it still possible where source node down? 04:17:33 <tpatil> samP: you are correct, if source compute is down, then it will be handed over to the operator after second attempt 04:17:53 <samP> tpatil: OK 04:18:21 <tpatil> abhishekk: correct me if I'm wrong 04:18:38 <abhishekk> tpatil: you are right 04:20:15 <abhishekk> just to confirm, we need to revert the resize if vm state is down and then resize it again with new flavor 04:20:15 <samP> humm.. before resize confirmed, if source node is down, then simply resize confirm wil move the instance to destination node? 04:20:59 <samP> abhishekk: yes 04:21:45 <tpatil> abhishekk: you mean vm_state is resized, correct? 04:22:24 <tpatil> if vm_state is resized, revert and then resize it again with the new flavor 04:23:09 <abhishekk> tpatil: yes 04:23:19 <samP> if destination host is down: if vm_state is resized, revert and then resize it again with the new flavor 04:23:20 <tpatil> abhishekk: ok 04:23:41 <samP> if destination source is down: mark the notification as failure? 04:24:22 <tpatil> samP: we cannot can resize confirm because the destination compute host is down and hence masakari got the request to evacuate the instance 04:24:30 <tpatil> s/can/call 04:25:06 <samP> tpatil: sorry, mistake 04:25:21 <samP> if source host is down: mark the notification as failure? 04:25:24 <abhishekk> samP: if source is down then we will set the notification as failed so that it will picked by periodic task for second attempt of processing 04:26:24 <samP> abhishekk: OK 04:26:35 <samP> abhishekk: tpatil: thanks 04:27:58 <abhishekk> ok, we will make changes as per discussion 04:28:27 <samP> OK lets proceed with, resize revert and let's see any other points to consider 04:28:37 <samP> abhishekk: thank you. 04:29:43 <abhishekk> Honjo san has given comment on api documentation patch, https://review.openstack.org/459516 04:29:43 <samP> rkmrHonjo: What it the status of exclude "ERROR" state VMs from rescue 04:30:10 <samP> abhishekk: about the place for "please use shared storage"? 04:30:11 <rkmrHonjo> I sent a mail to dev ML. But there were no reactions. 04:30:29 <abhishekk> no do not use openstackdocs theme 04:30:31 <rkmrHonjo> I'll write a bug report(or blueprint) if there were no objections. 04:30:44 <rkmrHonjo> oops, sorry abhishekk 04:31:13 <abhishekk> to implement that I need to restructure entire api documentation 04:31:27 <abhishekk> rkmrHonjo: no problem 04:31:32 <samP> abhishekk: ah..yes. we can not use openstackdocs theme 04:31:56 <samP> abhishekk: it is only for official openstack projects 04:32:19 <abhishekk> samP: I will restructure it 04:32:32 <samP> abhishekk: sorry... please 04:32:52 <samP> abhishekk: at the time we start this work, there were no such strong restrictions. 04:33:00 <abhishekk> samP: no problem, I will refer glare or blazar documentation for reference 04:33:16 <samP> abhishekk: sure 04:33:27 <abhishekk> samP: yes, thats why we have followed nova documentation 04:34:11 <abhishekk> that's it we can move to next point 04:34:12 <samP> abhishekk: ok. lets remove that theme 04:34:20 <samP> abhishekk: thanks 04:34:32 <samP> rkmrHonjo: sorry, I missed your mail. 04:34:40 <samP> rkmrHonjo: I will replay it soon. 04:35:03 <rkmrHonjo> samP: NP. thanks. 04:35:45 <samP> rkmrHonjo: I think we do not need BP for this. lets discuss in the ML and, then we could agree on how to fix this. 04:36:08 <rkmrHonjo> samP: OK. I agree. 04:37:02 <samP> About recovery method customization 04:38:12 <abhishekk> needs review on spec 04:38:30 <samP> abhishekk: thank you for new patch set. No reply from Mistral. I will review the specs 04:38:43 <abhishekk> samP: thank you 04:39:50 <samP> Add db purge support looks good. thanks for the review.. 04:40:22 <samP> I will approve this soon. 04:40:24 <samP> thanks. 04:41:09 <samP> In the pike work items, my items are still pending.. 04:41:27 <samP> I will push them soon, sorry for the delay. 04:42:41 <samP> Other specs are under review and I will process them.. 04:43:01 <samP> Any other things to discuss on specs? 04:43:28 <abhishekk> no 04:43:33 <rkmrHonjo> no 04:43:36 <sagara> prevent from flapping is not yet 04:45:31 <samP> sagara: I cant remember the conclusion of our last discussion on "prevent from Flapping" 04:45:56 <samP> sagara: is this still valid proposal? 04:46:49 <samP> sagara: due to new masakari architecture, I think we agree to reconfirm the validity of this feature 04:47:54 <sagara> samP: OK, I see, Please rethink it together 04:47:58 <samP> sagara: If it is still valid, then please proceed with the proposal.. 04:48:01 <samP> sagara: sure.. 04:48:24 <samP> #topic AOB 04:48:45 <samP> Any other topics to discuss? 04:49:19 <samP> I submit 2 presentations on VMHA to summit. 04:49:38 <samP> one with Adam@Suse and other one by myself.. 04:50:42 <abhishekk> great 04:50:43 <samP> There is another panel discussion proposal on openstack HA 04:51:21 <samP> I couldn't put my name on that due to limit exceed. 04:52:06 <samP> However, if it will up, then I may have ask some of us to attend to that panel as speaker 04:52:11 <samP> I will let you all know.. 04:52:58 <samP> s/may have/will/ 04:53:11 <tpatil> samP:Sure 04:53:33 <samP> Thatz all from my side 04:54:20 <samP> if no other topics to discuss, then lets finish the meeting. 04:54:48 <abhishekk> ok 04:54:49 <samP> please use #openstack-masakari or ML with [masakari] for extended discussions.. 04:54:55 <Dinesh_Bhor> This seems intresting to note from masakari side: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/462521/ 04:56:08 <samP> Dinesh_Bhor: thanks.. this is interesting.. 04:56:14 <Dinesh_Bhor> I will keep watch on this 04:56:15 <rkmrHonjo> ah. Live migration already has rollback action. That patch will implement rollback action to cold migration/resize. 04:56:28 <rkmrHonjo> rollback action=revert 04:57:24 <samP> Dinesh_Bhor: thanks.. let watch this. 04:58:30 <samP> OK then... if nothing else..let's endmeeting 04:58:35 <samP> Thank you all.... 04:58:39 <rkmrHonjo> thank you. 04:58:45 <Dinesh_Bhor> thanks to all 04:58:56 <samP> #endmeeting