04:00:30 <samP> #startmeeting masakari 04:00:31 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 18 04:00:30 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is samP. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:00:32 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 04:00:34 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'masakari' 04:00:41 <samP> Hi all 04:01:22 <sagara> Hi 04:01:28 <samP> sagara: Hi 04:01:35 <tpatil> samP: Today, I'm in India, waiting for taxi to go to Office 04:01:43 <tpatil> I might disconnect in 10 mins, is it ok? 04:02:01 <samP> tpatil: no problem 04:02:12 <tpatil> Thanks 04:02:34 <samP> right after the PTG, nothing much to discuss, unless you have any topics 04:03:31 <samP> Here is the etherpad for PTG discussion in Stein. 04:03:38 <samP> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/masakari-ptg-stein 04:04:02 <tpatil> No new topics to be discussed, but awaiting for patches to be merged pushed into stable branches 04:04:13 <samP> I will prepare the spec repo to Stein. 04:04:39 <samP> tpatil: Sure, I will take a look. 04:04:44 <sagara> I also don't have any special topic. 04:05:00 <samP> sagara: Thanks 04:05:28 <tpatil> samP: You have already approved those patches, need another +2 04:07:06 <samP> tpatil: Ah ok, Sagara san please take a look, when you have time. 04:08:01 <sagara> samP: OK 04:08:23 <samP> I will try to add more details or specs for Stein work items. Then, we can discuss more details in coming meetings 04:09:02 <samP> If no other topics to discuss, let's end today's meeting 04:09:20 <tpatil> Ok 04:09:29 <samP> tpatil: have a good time in India! 04:09:51 <sagara> tpatil: have a good time! 04:09:51 <tpatil> Thank you 04:10:12 <samP> please pass my regards to team !! 04:10:21 <tpatil> Sure 04:10:39 <tpatil> I have got few mascots, will share with them 04:10:40 <samP> OK then, CU on next week. 04:10:50 <tpatil> Yes 04:10:55 <samP> tpatil: great.. thanks 04:11:00 <samP> Till then, 04:11:38 <samP> Please use openstack-dev ML with [masakari] or #openstack-masakari @freenode IRC for further discussion 04:11:44 <samP> Thank you ! 04:11:47 <samP> #endmeeting