15:00:06 <Menthos> #startmeeting massively_distributed_clouds 15:00:07 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Apr 12 15:00:06 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Menthos. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:08 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:11 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'massively_distributed_clouds' 15:00:22 <ad_rien_> #chair ad_rien_ Menthos 15:00:43 <Menthos> #chair ad_rien_ 15:00:44 <openstack> Current chairs: Menthos ad_rien_ 15:00:50 <Menthos> ;-) 15:00:53 <ad_rien_> ;) 15:01:01 <Menthos> Hello all! 15:01:07 <jamemcc> Hello 15:01:08 <ansmith> o/ 15:01:11 <kgiusti> o/ 15:01:18 <rcherrueau> o/ 15:01:21 <mabderrahim> o/ 15:01:28 <ad_rien_> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/massively_distributed_ircmeetings_2017 Agenda line 445 15:02:00 <paul-andreraymon> Hello Everyone 15:02:46 <ad_rien_> let's wait just two more minutes 15:03:22 <ad_rien_> #topic Announcement 15:03:40 <ad_rien_> so nothing special from Inria side. 15:03:53 <ad_rien_> We are working on the WANWide Experiments 15:04:39 <ad_rien_> So we hope to have preliminary results by end of april 15:04:45 <rcherrueau> #link https://github.com/rcherrueau/performance-docs/commit/7b3387362c9f1c83ae1da098381aee22e04356d2 15:04:47 <ad_rien_> @rcherrueau can you copy/paste the link 15:04:49 <ad_rien_> ok thanks 15:05:32 <ad_rien_> And if I'm correct the slot to further discuss OSLO messaging related questions has been accepted (but I propose to discuss that point later). 15:05:51 <ad_rien_> Finally I would appreciate whether we can arrange a date for the ecomp presentation. 15:05:56 <kgiusti> +1 15:05:58 <ad_rien_> And that's all from our side 15:06:06 <ad_rien_> so the floor is yours ? 15:06:13 <paul-andreraymon> Is there any help we could provide to the WANWide experiements? 15:06:44 <ad_rien_> Right now we are performing some initial experiemnts 15:06:53 <rcherrueau> Yes, a full time engineer would be cool :) 15:06:58 <ad_rien_> so I don't think so but if you have something in mind ? 15:07:01 <ad_rien_> @rcherrueau ;) 15:07:09 <kgiusti> I'll add the forum meeting details to the etherpad... 15:07:19 <ad_rien_> maybe some feedback regarding the experiment protocol 15:07:24 <ad_rien_> that is described in the above link 15:07:47 <paul-andreraymon> I will look into both. Should I contact you by email. 15:07:52 <ad_rien_> sure 15:08:10 <ad_rien_> either me or rcherrueau 15:08:19 <ad_rien_> firstname.lastname@inria.fr 15:08:34 <ad_rien_> ok 15:08:43 <ad_rien_> any other news to be shared from your side ? 15:08:49 <ad_rien_> before jumping into the agenda ? 15:09:09 <ad_rien_> ok 15:09:24 <ad_rien_> so maybe before starting to discuss about technics, may we try to converge on the ecomp slot 15:09:34 <ad_rien_> jamemcc: can you propose some slots on the fly ? 15:09:50 <ad_rien_> I know it is a bit hard.... 15:10:02 <ad_rien_> so I apologize but it looks that doodle was not the best solution 15:10:02 <paul-andreraymon> Will we be able to record the session? Maybe we do not need to have everyone attend. 15:10:11 <ad_rien_> so let's try to arrange in real-time :-P 15:10:19 <ad_rien_> I hope this will help 15:10:54 <ad_rien_> jamemcc: ? 15:11:04 <jamemcc> I beleive it was my fault we did not have the ECOMP/ONAP meeting yesterday as agreed. Even for myself I did not ahve the meeting/logistics on my calendar. 15:11:38 <Menthos> #topic ECOMP 15:12:04 <jamemcc> On the topic of early confusion/timezones I also learned in Doiodle you have an option to show the users timezone 15:12:17 <jamemcc> I've tried to set one up that way here: https://doodle.com/poll/y7dmahbdfcuheqv6 15:12:21 <ad_rien_> yes I enabled it on my side but does not seems to run 15:12:29 <paul-andreraymon> jamecc: how about you set a time that is convenient for you and whoever can attend does? 15:12:49 <ad_rien_> 17th is eastern day 15:12:59 <ad_rien_> s/run/well functionning 15:13:25 <jamemcc> Good suggestion Paul I think if myself and Claude can't attend I won't put the option there 15:13:42 <ad_rien_> can you extend to thursday 15:14:01 <ad_rien_> thursday afternoon would be perfect ? 15:14:10 <ad_rien_> the 20th ? 15:14:36 <ad_rien_> 1 or 2 UTC ? 15:14:58 <ad_rien_> 1:00 or 2:00 o'clock UTC ? 15:15:20 <jamemcc> Yes to 1 and 2 UTC - seems to be the time we can meet 15:15:20 <paul-andreraymon> that would be 8 or 9 am Central for the us. 15:15:29 <jamemcc> yes 15:15:32 <ad_rien_> 1:00/2:00 PM 15:15:40 <ad_rien_> just to be clear enough and avoid confusions 15:15:44 <Menthos> works for me 15:15:49 <ad_rien_> +1 15:15:49 <paul-andreraymon> It works for me 15:15:58 <ad_rien_> redhat folks ? 15:16:07 <jamemcc> Ahh - sorry 15:16:15 <jamemcc> For Claude he is in Pacific time 15:16:26 <ansmith> +1 15:16:27 <jamemcc> So he request not to book before 2 UTC 15:16:37 <ad_rien_> 1 UTC or even sooner? 15:16:51 <paul-andreraymon> 2 to 3 pm UTC works for me 15:17:03 <kgiusti> I'll be traveling 4/20-23 15:17:26 <ad_rien_> jamemcc: ? 15:18:01 <paul-andreraymon> Can we look at wednesday the 19th to accomodate kgiusti? 15:18:14 <ad_rien_> I'm travelling :( 15:18:21 <ad_rien_> but if the session can be recorded it is ok 15:18:25 <paul-andreraymon> :-( 15:18:28 <ad_rien_> I will give it a look after 15:18:34 <ad_rien_> ok we can do it the week after 15:18:37 <kgiusti> ansmith: what's your schedule look like? 15:18:52 <ansmith> works for me 15:18:55 <ad_rien_> on Monday 24th ? 15:19:05 <ad_rien_> 1:00 PM UTC ? 15:19:30 <kgiusti> +1 4/24 15:19:32 <ansmith> +1 15:19:40 <Menthos> 24th won't work for me but if the session can be recorded that's great 15:19:42 <ad_rien_> sorry 2 UTC to match Claude constraints 15:20:08 <rcherrueau> +1 15:20:14 <ad_rien_> Menthos I will give you a summary ;) 15:20:21 <jamemcc> Claude can do the 24th. It is also a User Committee meeting but I can do both as that one will be IRC 15:20:34 <Menthos> ad_rien_: thanks 15:20:37 <ad_rien_> so for the moment If I'm correct we are on Monday 24th at 2UTC ? 15:20:55 <paul-andreraymon> +1 15:20:57 <jamemcc> Agreed will send invite soon or at least before end of day 15:21:01 <kgiusti> +1 15:21:19 <ad_rien_> #info ecomp presentation by webconf on Monday 24th 2:00 UTC 15:21:43 <ad_rien_> jamemcc: do we need to install something special (plugins, addons) ? 15:21:58 <ad_rien_> or will we receive mandatory information by mail? 15:22:45 <jamemcc> It's a Skype for business meeting - so I think you can join with the normal skype client - how about I test with you first? 15:23:05 <ad_rien_> #action jamemcc will send invitations by mails. Please put your mail in the pad 15:23:16 <jamemcc> Want to make sure you can see the presentation and or whiteboard 15:23:23 <ad_rien_> ok great 15:23:25 <ad_rien_> thanks 15:23:33 <paul-andreraymon> jamescc: I would be happy to volunteer my zoom bridge if that works better. 15:23:50 <ad_rien_> so I guess this point is now closed (please do not forget to put your email in the pad for receiving the invitation). 15:23:54 <jamemcc> Ok Paul - IU've been wanting to try it 15:24:15 <ad_rien_> Ok can we switch to the next point ? 15:24:15 <paul-andreraymon> I will email you offline. 15:24:35 <ad_rien_> #topic AMQP discussions 15:24:47 <kgiusti> hey now! 15:24:48 <ad_rien_> @rcherrueau @kgiusti 15:24:52 <ad_rien_> :D 15:25:03 <ad_rien_> please just go ahead 15:25:20 <kgiusti> I've updated the epad with some preliminary testing done here at redhat 15:25:48 <kgiusti> We're just getting started testing various o.m. backend deployments 15:26:09 <kgiusti> We're working on a summit preso to go along with this. 15:26:26 <kgiusti> I've also reached out to the other oslo.messenger backend devs to get involved. 15:26:32 <kgiusti> Sadly no response yet :( 15:26:51 <kgiusti> I need someone with kafka and zeromq expertise 15:27:04 <kgiusti> or I'm heading for a long learning curve :) 15:27:26 <kgiusti> For the next week we'll work on other testing scenarios and tuning. 15:27:47 <ad_rien_> so right now you are focusing on RabbitMQ vs QPID ? 15:27:51 <ad_rien_> is it correct ? 15:28:09 <kgiusti> To be specific 15:28:30 <kgiusti> 'Qpid' is the apache project, 'qpidd' is the C++ broker, qdrouterd is the router... so 15:28:39 <kgiusti> we're focusing now on rabbitmq + qdrouterd 15:28:50 <ad_rien_> Ok, thanks for claryfing this. From our side, we can open an action from our side to see with the performance team whether it is quite easy to deploy ZMQ. 15:29:13 <ad_rien_> since our framework is leveraging kolla 15:29:31 <ad_rien_> we should check what are the efforts to be able to deploy zmq instead of rabbit 15:29:32 <kgiusti> +1 to zmq testing 15:30:15 <kgiusti> frankly zmq is pretty low on the testing totem pole - due to scale lab resource constraints.... 15:30:16 <ad_rien_> regarding qpid, if I'm right providing the ansible playbook is stil an open action? 15:30:46 <kgiusti> yes I believe so - ansmith? 15:31:04 <ansmith> yes, still open 15:31:11 <ad_rien_> with a possible milestone? 15:31:13 <ad_rien_> :-P 15:31:30 <ad_rien_> just try to see from our side how we can define a reachable roadmap. 15:31:55 <ansmith> targeted to get done with containerization work, likely post summit 15:32:07 <ad_rien_> until the summit, I think our effort will focus on vanilla openstack WAN evaluations 15:32:27 <ad_rien_> Then we may have some additional efforts with Orange folks to dive into the oslo messaging questions 15:32:48 <kgiusti> +1 15:32:52 <ad_rien_> @ansmith ack 15:33:07 <ad_rien_> ok 15:33:30 <ad_rien_> I don't know whether jfpeltier joined us ? 15:33:46 <ad_rien_> I don't think so but 15:33:59 <ad_rien_> you can find the presentation he gave us in the pad. 15:35:56 <ad_rien_> AFAIK, we have two pendings actions on that point 15:36:17 <ad_rien_> 1./ summary the current exchanges related to AMQP (@rcherrueau) 15:37:10 <rcherrueau> ad_rien_: yes, about that ... my first priority is finalising WAN experiements. So, I don't do my today's action. 15:37:12 <ad_rien_> 2./ have a summary of jfpeltier regarding his slides (and maybe to see what are the similarities w-r-t ombt 15:37:23 <ad_rien_> yes I know, do not worry ;) 15:37:49 <ad_rien_> maybe regarding this second point, kgiusti you already has an idea? 15:38:08 <ad_rien_> (BTW OSNoise is the AMQP stresser designed at Orange) 15:38:10 <ad_rien_> ? 15:38:28 <kgiusti> andy spent some time looking at the source 15:38:51 <kgiusti> and I think - though I have to confirm - that osnoise may only work with rabbitmq 15:38:56 <ad_rien_> ok 15:38:59 <kgiusti> due to the use of pika 15:39:02 <ad_rien_> that is an important news indeed 15:39:13 <kgiusti> but I need to confirm that - action item for me. 15:39:22 <ad_rien_> #action clarify the rabbitMQ dependence of OSNoise 15:39:32 <ad_rien_> ok thanks 15:39:52 <ad_rien_> anyway I think both works are probably valuable but we should try to avoid reinventing the wheel ;) 15:40:17 <ansmith> that is what I remember from a quick review 15:40:34 <ad_rien_> at least from our side, it would be great to see which is the best candidate to be integrated within the EnOS framework :-P 15:40:53 <kgiusti> +1 15:41:05 <ad_rien_> ok 15:41:11 <ad_rien_> anythink else regarding AMQP? 15:41:27 <kgiusti> not at this time 15:41:44 <ad_rien_> Do we need to prepare discussions for the forum session? (i.e. start to identify key questions?) 15:41:48 <rcherrueau> kgiusti: ansmith: If I am right, amqp stresser use pika wich is supposed to be AMQP implementation independant. 15:42:34 <kgiusti> mmmm - iirc pika only talks amqp 0-9 and 0-10, so no zmq and no qdrouterd 15:42:35 <rcherrueau> kgiusti: ansmith: but we could discuss about that next meeting 15:42:54 <kgiusti> +1 15:42:59 <ansmith> ombt uses oslo.messaging so would lend itself to swapping out backends 15:43:00 <rcherrueau> kgiusti: Oh! OK 15:43:38 <rcherrueau> ansmith: yes focusing on oslo.messaging is a good idea 15:43:50 <kgiusti> ad_rien_: to clarify - are you talking about the oslo.messaging forum? 15:44:01 <ad_rien_> yes 15:44:02 <ad_rien_> ? 15:44:09 <ad_rien_> the second slot? 15:44:09 <kgiusti> ad_rien_: ok 15:44:13 <kgiusti> yes 15:44:41 <kgiusti> the goal is to set out a plan by which we can come up with deployment recommendations 15:44:56 <ad_rien_> so should we iterate by mail to move forward on that point ? 15:45:04 <ad_rien_> maybe by going on the next thread? 15:45:13 <kgiusti> sure thing 15:45:21 <ad_rien_> @rcherrueau @paul-andreraymon @all; what do you think ? 15:46:18 <ad_rien_> ok so seems that we can go on by mail. 15:46:21 <ad_rien_> on that point. 15:46:31 <ad_rien_> anything else? can we move to the next topic? 15:46:48 <ad_rien_> #topic EnOS 15:47:04 <ad_rien_> So maybe find additional things regarding EnOS. 15:47:15 <ad_rien_> @rcherrueau suceeded to integrate OSProfiler 15:47:35 <ad_rien_> within EnOS. This means that now when we perform performance evaluations we also get OSProfiler traces 15:48:04 <rcherrueau> I am working on a tool that queries these traces 15:48:18 <ad_rien_> This is valuable as it gives us lot of information in addition to delivering sequence diagrams (ie. exchange/interactions between core-serivces) 15:48:36 * ad_rien_ is looking for a link 15:49:33 <rcherrueau> The idea is to get information on the workflow, e.g., where RPC happens ... 15:49:40 <ad_rien_> #link https://docs.openstack.org/ops-guide/_images/provision-an-instance.png sequence diagram exemple 15:50:04 <ad_rien_> so right now it is not as fine as the figure I copied/pasted above but the idea is to get such diagrams. 15:50:31 <ad_rien_> This will help us to better understand/identify all messages. this is important for the WAN context 15:51:14 <ad_rien_> so we will be able to finely study the impact of the exchanges and try to elaborate what are the best deployment scenarios (if your remind we identify a few scenarios on google slides) 15:52:01 <ad_rien_> last but not the least as mentioned we are performing a few preliminary experiments. I hope we will have more information next time. 15:52:03 <ad_rien_> Ok 15:52:08 <ad_rien_> so let's move to the last topic 15:52:16 <ad_rien_> #topic Boston face to face meeting 15:52:27 <ad_rien_> I opened an etherpad 15:52:43 <ad_rien_> and I encourage you to add points that you would like to discuss during our session. 15:53:07 <ad_rien_> maybe it would be great to identify concrete actions/objectives for the R cycle? 15:54:02 <ad_rien_> I would also appreciate if you can add in the pad the presentation you think might be related to the massively distributed WG 15:54:58 <ad_rien_> so that's all from my side. 15:55:14 <ad_rien_> #topic open discussion 15:55:44 <ad_rien_> we have 5 minutes left? 15:55:52 <ad_rien_> should we raise something particular ? 15:56:09 <ad_rien_> looks not 15:56:16 <ad_rien_> so thanks for joining the meeting 15:56:25 <paul-andreraymon> Anyone has any thought on impact of MD on Nova scheduler? 15:56:37 <ad_rien_> and please do not forget to ammend/complete the etherpad in order to be more fruitful we can during the next summit 15:56:46 <ad_rien_> MD? 15:56:48 <ad_rien_> paul-andreraymon: ? 15:56:53 <paul-andreraymon> MAssively distributed 15:56:56 <ad_rien_> ok 15:57:05 <ad_rien_> I can add that to the next agenda 15:57:13 <ad_rien_> there are ongoing activities at Orange 15:57:20 <ad_rien_> and IBM made a work using redis 15:57:42 <ad_rien_> (they should have presented this at the Barcelona summit but the presentation has been cancelled). 15:57:49 <ad_rien_> So let's add that to the agenda next time 15:57:51 <ad_rien_> ok ? 15:57:56 <paul-andreraymon> Great! 15:58:03 <ad_rien_> Maybe you also have some points in mind paul-andreraymon? 15:58:06 <ad_rien_> ideas ? 15:58:14 <ad_rien_> ok thanks 15:58:19 <ad_rien_> So let's conclude our meeting 15:58:35 <ad_rien_> #action add scheduling decision to the agenda 15:58:57 <Menthos> #endmeeting