16:20:44 #startmeeting Mistral 16:20:45 Meeting started Mon Apr 6 16:20:44 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rakhmerov. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:20:46 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:20:49 The meeting name has been set to 'mistral' 16:20:50 hi 16:20:55 hey 16:21:02 hello 16:21:44 hi all ! 16:22:49 hey Wiinson, how's it going? 16:23:29 pretty good. back in the US. thanks for asking. 16:24:03 :) 16:24:08 ok, let's start 16:24:14 #topic Review Action Items 16:24:47 ok, we just have one item 16:24:49 rakhmerov: file LP bugs for concurrent issues in data flow and join tests 16:25:14 hm.. and it's not done actually, I still need to do this 16:25:25 #action rakhmerov: file LP bugs for concurrent issues in data flow and join tests 16:25:27 hi all 16:25:32 hi dzimine 16:25:45 #topic Current status (by team member) 16:26:46 my status: was busy with demo preparations and fixing some small bugs, today I sent a patch to get rid of all v1 stuff 16:26:48 sorry to jump out of context, want to bring m4dcoder's idea re putting more load on functional tests for complex flows. 16:27:04 ok 16:27:09 because we are using sqlite, etc, some complex flows are difficult to test. 16:27:17 agree 16:27:32 you're talking about complex workflows or high load? 16:27:34 or both? 16:28:15 i'm addressing the comments for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170633/. also, i'll be adding the validate commands to mistral client. also another patch to add YAQL eval to the DSL validation. 16:29:07 rakhmerov: complex workflows. Adding high load is just running the complex workflows under rally. 16:29:13 my status: Fixed a set of bugs: 'with-items', task API, action exec API, implemented blueprints: task implicit access and keep-result property 16:29:15 ok 16:29:22 dzimine, I got it 16:30:28 we need to create a plan what workflows we'd like to see in these tests and when we're going to start adding these tests 16:30:56 #action rakhmerov, dzimine: figure out a plan for adding complex workflows into integration tests 16:31:14 ok 16:32:20 #topic RC1 progress 16:32:46 So as far as RC1, just a reminder that it's scheduled for Apr 17 16:33:31 we're now fixing lots of bugs and working on blueprints based on that refactoring that was done in March 16:33:44 what I would like to do right now is to look at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mistral/kilo 16:34:20 and decide what's feasible to complete till Apr 17 16:34:25 looking. 16:34:25 and we want to complete 16:34:48 please look at those that are not assigned to any milestones 16:35:05 I am pushing to do the DSL changes, the CERTAIN ones, as outlined in the doc https://docs.google.com/a/stackstorm.com/document/d/1Gy6V9YBt8W4llyErO_itHetkF1oNYv4ka-_5LdFKA18/edit# 16:35:39 yes 16:35:50 and btw, we don't have all the BPs for that 16:35:55 we need to create them 16:36:16 #action dzimine, rakhmerov: create necessary BPs for changes described in https://docs.google.com/a/stackstorm.com/document/d/1Gy6V9YBt8W4llyErO_itHetkF1oNYv4ka-_5LdFKA18/edit# 16:36:30 it's not going to take long though to implement those changes 16:36:33 ok 16:36:50 so, what about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mistral/+spec/mistral-task-concurrency ? 16:37:01 dzimine, how important is it for you? 16:37:30 imo we can live without it once we ensure the order of results match the order of input. 16:37:31 it's not so hard to implement I guess, it needs really thorough testing 16:37:40 I am ok to push it out. 16:38:05 ok, then I would not hurry with this BP, let's move it to Liberty 16:38:19 done 16:38:32 the next one: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mistral/+spec/mistral-default-input-values 16:38:38 I feel like doing it 16:38:59 because 1) it's related to DSL 2) it's simple and may be useful 16:39:36 thoughts? 16:39:56 +1 16:40:48 +1 16:40:59 alghough to be fair it's additive to DSL. 16:41:18 I am more concerned of the DSL changes, which we want to nail in Kilo. 16:41:25 yeah, I agree but it's just half an hour to implement and test 16:41:28 can someone take that one from me? 16:41:40 Our kilo story is - DSL is done, next is API adjustments and reliability / performance. 16:41:46 ooh, it's assigned on you 16:41:47 ok 16:41:49 np 16:42:01 yes, dzimine, I agree 16:42:17 thx. i'll be busy with the DSL validatio. 16:42:27 sure 16:42:42 we'll assign someone to it later 16:42:52 I only need one in DSL before KIlo - getting rid of "policy" keyword. 16:42:59 ok, how about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mistral/+spec/mistral-workflow-constants ? 16:43:00 The rest are additive, and we can do them later. 16:43:12 dzimine, can you file a BP for policies? 16:43:38 oh, and another one - another small one - one liner for on-success/on-error, etc. 16:43:41 so what about workflow constants, it's a part of that Google doc as well 16:43:49 will do, for both I just mentioned. 16:43:55 ok, thank you 16:44:03 they're additive, and we can deal with them later. 16:44:10 same with extra conditions. 16:44:18 I'd be ok with that too 16:44:24 any objections from anyone? 16:44:34 on workflow constants (variables) 16:45:09 ok, moved to Liberty as well 16:45:37 this one is what I really want to do https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mistral/+spec/mistral-explicit-task-parameters 16:45:44 but may be not now 16:46:07 because we still need to think it over more detailed and carefully 16:46:14 this will be rocking a boat too much, 16:46:19 yes 16:46:32 just like with extra conditios, it's not complex on implementation, but on convinient syntax and model. 16:46:34 and it's additive too, right? 16:46:47 it seems like 16:46:50 I believe so 16:47:00 but you never know till you designed it :) 16:47:05 conditions seem to be additive. 16:47:11 ok, let's move to Liberty 16:47:15 I please invite you to comment on condition syntax. 16:47:18 wait a second 16:47:28 what do you mean by "conditions"? 16:47:37 what exactly are you talking about? 16:48:46 https://docs.google.com/a/stackstorm.com/document/d/1Gy6V9YBt8W4llyErO_itHetkF1oNYv4ka-_5LdFKA18/edit#heading=h.n1jc8i9qhikt 16:48:54 "Invent better conditions" section. 16:49:23 I recently added a proposal there but didn't get too much comments yet. 16:49:32 move to Libery? 16:50:10 cut-out-v1 - do it now?! 16:50:23 https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mistral/+spec/mistral-cut-out-v1 16:50:42 ooh, it's almost done! :) 16:50:51 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170837/ 16:51:18 it actually works in my local environment but is failing on Jenkins, need to figure out the problem 16:52:22 so as far as conditions, let me look at this section again, looks like I forgot what you suggested or this section didn't exist in the doc when I was looking at it 16:52:49 #action rakhmerov: make sure to look at "Invent better condition" section in https://docs.google.com/a/stackstorm.com/document/d/1Gy6V9YBt8W4llyErO_itHetkF1oNYv4ka-_5LdFKA18/edit#heading=h.n1jc8i9qhikt 16:53:26 ok, I'm pretty sure that what's left will be done till Apr 17 16:54:12 ok, let's now move to open discussion 16:54:18 #topic Open Discussion 16:54:25 any more topics guys? 16:54:55 Winson, sorry for not being able to review your patch today, I'll do it tomorrow the first thing 16:55:03 so rakhmerov the two BP I'll create (get rid of policies, one-liner for conditions) I assign to kilo-3, right? 16:55:13 no-no 16:55:17 RC-1 16:55:21 rc1. ok. 16:55:24 kilo-3 is closed 16:55:35 got it. 16:56:17 np 16:56:41 ok, so let's close the meeting then unless you have something else? 16:56:50 if we're done with technical, I have a small non-tech item 16:56:57 sure, go ahead 16:57:06 3 mins left 16:57:13 before the next meeting 16:57:31 Given @m4dcoder is doing more and pretty much assigned to Mistral from StackStorm, is it good time to propose him to core_team? 16:57:40 We can follow-up on the mail list. 16:57:49 yes, I'm 100% for it 16:57:49 just what's your thoughst? 16:58:02 please go ahead and shoot an email in ML 16:58:17 ok. 16:58:20 I'll support his candidacy with the great pleasure :) 16:58:29 thx. :D 16:58:38 you deserve it :) 16:58:40 also, we need to market our meeting with new contributors somehow. 16:58:51 thanks to you for your amazing work! 16:59:00 ok, good talking to you folks, till later now! 16:59:06 yeah 16:59:14 thanks everyone for joining us today 16:59:16 bye 16:59:23 I hope it'll become a good tradition :) 16:59:24 bye 16:59:27 #endmeeting