#openstack-meeting: Mistral
Meeting started by rakhmerov at 16:00:21 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Review Action Items (rakhmerov, 16:02:45)
- ACTION: rakhmerov:
review patch about items filtering (rakhmerov,
- Current status (progress, issues, roadblocks, further plans) (rakhmerov, 16:04:31)
- ACTION: rakhmerov:
check how M-2 release go (rakhmerov,
- Mistral Security (rakhmerov, 16:16:38)
- https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mistral/+spec/support-barbican-actions
- ACTION: rakhmerov:
convert https://bugs.launchpad.net/mistral/+bug/1337268 into
BP (rakhmerov,
- ACTION: dzimine: File
a BP wit description of how we can approach the issue with security
data (rakhmerov,
- Open Discussion (rakhmerov, 16:31:42)
Meeting ended at 16:41:11 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- rakhmerov: review patch about items filtering
- rakhmerov: check how M-2 release go
- rakhmerov: convert https://bugs.launchpad.net/mistral/+bug/1337268 into BP
- dzimine: File a BP wit description of how we can approach the issue with security data
Action items, by person
- dzimine
- dzimine: File a BP wit description of how we can approach the issue with security data
- rakhmerov
- rakhmerov: review patch about items filtering
- rakhmerov: check how M-2 release go
- rakhmerov: convert https://bugs.launchpad.net/mistral/+bug/1337268 into BP
People present (lines said)
- rakhmerov (104)
- m4dcoder (12)
- akuznetsova (11)
- hparekh_ (8)
- dzimine (7)
- openstack (5)
- ^Gal^ (3)
- redrobot (2)
- ddeja (1)
- dmowrer- (1)
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