02:01:30 <zhenguo> #startmeeting mogan
02:01:31 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jan 12 02:01:30 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
02:01:32 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
02:01:34 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'mogan'
02:01:40 <zhenguo> o/
02:02:02 <liusheng> o/
02:02:35 <little> o/
02:03:46 <zhenguo> luyao, silenceli, yuntongjin: are you around?
02:04:23 <zhenguo> :(
02:04:35 <zhenguo> ok, as always, the agenda:
02:04:48 <zhenguo> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting
02:05:09 <zhenguo> let's jump in
02:05:32 <zhenguo> Gerrit downtime on Thursday 2017-01-12 at 20:00 UTC
02:05:44 <zhenguo> then our repo will be renamed to mogan!
02:06:16 <little> github?
02:06:22 <zhenguo> yes
02:06:32 <zhenguo> then all things will finshed renaming
02:07:02 <zhenguo> the email said all existing reviews, project watches, etc for our project will all be carried over
02:07:04 <liusheng> congrats! :)
02:07:23 <zhenguo> lol, we will be real mogan tomorrow
02:07:36 <little> cool
02:07:52 <Kevin_Zheng> o/
02:08:10 <zhenguo> another thing is about the tempest gate
02:08:21 <zhenguo> it works well now, thans liusheng for that
02:08:47 <zhenguo> we will test intances and instance types related ops in real devstack env for every patch
02:09:04 <liusheng> lol, you guy cannot merge patches randomly any more :)
02:09:15 <zhenguo> liusheng: hah
02:10:01 <zhenguo> not much announcement, anyone else have a thing here?
02:10:08 * zhenguo waits for a few
02:10:40 <zhenguo> oh, the contribution reports:
02:10:52 <zhenguo> #link http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/nimble/90
02:11:06 <zhenguo> #link http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/python-nimbleclient/90
02:11:16 <zhenguo> anything else?
02:11:54 <zhenguo> ok, let's move on
02:11:57 <liusheng> seems nothing more
02:12:10 <zhenguo> #topic task tracking
02:12:21 <zhenguo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nimble-task
02:12:33 <zhenguo> looks like things are moving alnog nicely
02:12:39 <zhenguo> s/alnong/along
02:13:56 <liusheng> zhenguo: you have assigned many tasks to yourself :)
02:14:25 <zhenguo> liusheng: yes, because I wish them all be done before O release
02:14:44 <liusheng> zhenguo: awesome!
02:14:44 <zhenguo> you can take over anyone if you are interesetd
02:14:51 <liusheng> zhenguo: ok
02:15:04 <zhangjl> zhenguo:i will leave for meeting
02:15:13 <zhenguo> zhangjl: ok
02:15:18 <little> If I finished my task, i will take over :)
02:15:28 <zhenguo> little: thanks
02:15:50 <wxy> really a long work list.
02:16:02 <zhenguo> wxy: hah,
02:16:30 <zhenguo> couple things want to discuss here
02:16:36 <Kevin_Zheng> still called nimble list
02:16:55 <zhenguo> oh yes, maybe need to rename to mogan as well
02:17:24 <liusheng> does the etherpad support renaming directly ?
02:17:38 <zhenguo> seems not, need to create a new one
02:17:47 <wanghao> zhenguo: I'm here now
02:17:55 <zhenguo> wanghao: o/
02:18:05 <liusheng> zhenguo: yes, copy & paste
02:18:28 <little> I think so
02:19:03 <zhenguo> ok, will do that after the meeting or wait for the infra guys finished the repo renaming
02:20:09 <zhenguo> about the state machine task, I submitted a draft patch yesterday, hope you can help to review
02:20:33 <little> where is the location?
02:20:57 <zhenguo> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/419024/
02:21:51 <wanghao> zhenguo: Got it.
02:22:20 <yuntongjin> hi al
02:22:29 <zhenguo> yuntongjin: o/
02:22:32 <liusheng> zhenguo: seems beyond my understanding. lol
02:22:49 <zhenguo> liusheng: hah
02:23:15 <little> maybe need a bit time to reivew it
02:23:53 <zhenguo> ok, and maybe we should consider to introduce lock as well
02:24:02 <liusheng> zhenguo: btw, the basic frame of notification related works has been done, and since we may will have some process adjust, so for now it is better don't add more notifications in the creation process
02:24:39 <zhenguo> liusheng: ok, I will help them to be landed soon,
02:25:01 <liusheng> zhenguo: thanks
02:25:54 <zhenguo> hi every owner, do you want to discuss about you task here?
02:26:09 <yuntongjin> I have add Requirements discussion in Agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting
02:26:44 <zhenguo> yuntongjin: ok, next topic is yours, hah
02:28:09 <zhenguo> anything else?
02:28:18 <little> I want to use 'min_num' and 'max_num' like nova to implement multi-instance booting, wdyt?
02:28:43 <liusheng> little: agree
02:28:47 <zhenguo> little: sounds ok
02:29:34 <little> yeah, I will try
02:29:35 <zhenguo> I will initialize the mogan-specs after renaming, then we can add specs first for some big task
02:29:48 <zhenguo> little: thanks
02:29:57 <wanghao> zhenguo: good.
02:30:06 <little> y r welcome
02:30:43 <little> maybe give us a location for mogan-specs
02:31:07 <zhenguo> #link https://github.com/openstack/nimble-specs
02:31:18 <zhenguo> it will be renamed to mogan-specs tomorrow
02:31:20 <wanghao> mogan-specs.git after renaming
02:31:28 <wanghao> zhenguo: cool
02:31:53 <zhenguo> hah
02:32:13 <zhenguo> ok, anything else
02:32:20 * zhenguo waits for a few
02:32:38 <little> wanghao: a heart with two uses :)
02:32:39 <liusheng> discussion about requirements ?
02:32:53 <wanghao> little: haha
02:33:24 <zhenguo> lol, so wanghao is still in a internal meeting now?
02:33:47 <wanghao> zhenguo: yes, but it's online meeting...
02:34:02 <zhenguo> hah, do you have espace :P
02:34:31 <little> espace, a great IM
02:34:31 <wanghao> zhenguo:  like espace thing...
02:34:41 <zhenguo> lol
02:34:46 <zhenguo> ok, let's move on
02:35:08 <zhenguo> #topic requirements
02:35:33 <zhenguo> yuntongjin: it's your turn :P
02:36:00 <yuntongjin> zhenguo: thanks
02:36:36 <zhenguo> yuntongjin: seems silenceli and ludong are here
02:36:37 <yuntongjin> some baremetal related requirement like Host aggregate
02:37:17 <zhenguo> sounds ok
02:37:17 <yuntongjin> we can discuss them together
02:37:20 <liusheng> yuntongjin: like Nova's implementation ?
02:37:36 <yuntongjin> link:https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mogan/+spec/node-aggregate
02:37:39 <little> maybe i think
02:37:48 <zhenguo> liusheng: all things lie that will be a property in node, lol
02:37:49 <yuntongjin> liusheng: yes
02:38:25 <yuntongjin> since Mogan have all the instance in DB
02:38:26 <liusheng> zhenguo, yuntongjin lol
02:38:55 <yuntongjin> the implement design should be similar with Nova
02:39:13 <zhenguo> but we don't save nodes info in our db
02:39:43 <zhenguo> who can create a node aggregate
02:40:23 <yuntongjin> mogan does have instance table in DB,
02:40:51 <yuntongjin> like Nova, aggregate is for scheduler, so , admin will op it
02:40:54 <zhenguo> yuntongjin: yes, bug IIRC, nova host aggregate can be create/delete by admin
02:41:09 <zhenguo> s/bug/but
02:41:39 <liusheng> yuntongjin: what's the relation with availability zone, just like Nova ?
02:41:55 <yuntongjin> the  aggregate info can be stored in mogan DN
02:41:58 <yuntongjin> dn/db
02:42:18 <wanghao> liusheng: az can contains some aggregates?
02:42:19 <zhenguo> maybe need to move nodes from cache to db first
02:42:38 <zhenguo> liusheng: az can not be changed by API
02:43:00 <little> wanghao: host aggregate contains az in metadata
02:43:02 <zhenguo> liusheng: but host aggregates can be changed whenever
02:43:02 <liusheng> zhenguo, wanghao I cannot remember clearly, but we can specify a az when creating ag
02:43:23 <zhenguo> yes,
02:43:26 <liusheng> zhenguo: yes
02:43:35 <wanghao> yes
02:43:36 <liusheng> zhenguo: so that may be a problem
02:44:05 <wanghao> little: aggregates can be belonged to many az?
02:44:11 <zhenguo> for scheduling, nova use a flavr extra spec to match the host aggregate
02:44:27 <wanghao> little: I think that isn't
02:44:32 <little> wanghao: yes
02:45:21 <zhenguo> little: if so, how to handle the case if users select an az and flavor doesn't match
02:46:18 <liusheng> that may will schedule failed
02:46:58 <little> i think so
02:46:59 <wanghao> zhenguo: I'm thinking could we use some scheduler hint, like   az:host-aggreate
02:47:21 <zhenguo> wanghao: yes, we should support scheduler hints
02:47:37 <little> and when you create a host aggregate and create a az meanwhile in nova
02:47:43 <zhenguo> and there's a plan to refactor our flavor/scheduler
02:48:11 <liusheng> wanghao, zhenguo the three fileds just like Nova ? lol
02:48:13 <wanghao> zhenguo: emm, I see
02:48:30 <zhenguo> liusheng: hah no
02:48:39 <liusheng> zhenguo: oh, we only have node, no host
02:49:00 <wanghao> liusheng: maybe just two fileds for us
02:49:41 <yuntongjin> do we already support scehduler hint?
02:49:56 <liusheng> yuntongjin: not yet
02:49:56 <zhenguo> seems need some volunteer to help dig out the implementation of nova host aggregate and how to use it in mogan
02:50:08 <liusheng> zhenguo: yes!
02:50:30 <zhenguo> and a new task can be added to the etherpad
02:51:16 <zhenguo> ok, only 10mins left
02:51:25 <zhenguo> anything elase about requirements?
02:52:04 <zhenguo> ok, let's move on
02:52:12 <zhenguo> #topic open discussion
02:52:25 <wanghao> how silence now....
02:52:34 <zhenguo> lol
02:52:54 <liusheng> junk time is comming...
02:52:56 <zhenguo> anybody familiar with Bandit
02:53:14 <liusheng> zhenguo: a project ?
02:53:38 <zhenguo> liusheng: seems yes
02:53:55 <Kevin_Zheng> ha
02:54:13 <zhenguo> Kevin_Zheng, wxy: hah, maybe you can help to explain it
02:54:26 <zhenguo> maybe we can introduce that CI to mogan
02:54:43 <yuntongjin> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Security/Projects/Bandit ?
02:54:45 <zhenguo> and seems it's easy for a new project, as we don't have that many codes yet, lol
02:54:49 <Kevin_Zheng> wxy may be an expert
02:55:11 <wxy> ..Just have toke a look yesterday.
02:55:21 <zhenguo> wxy: hah, so it's just a Ci
02:55:32 <zhenguo> we just need to add it in our project-config?
02:55:45 <wxy> it's a project
02:56:00 <wxy> no, you should add mogan to bandit's CI
02:56:20 <zhenguo> if so, there will be many CI in that projects
02:56:20 <liusheng> how it works ?
02:56:37 <zhenguo> and we are not official now, seems they will not approve us
02:57:44 <wxy> https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/zuul/layout.yaml#L5500
02:57:53 <wxy> not so many.
02:58:39 <wxy> Cinder just want to use it.
02:58:57 <zhenguo> hah, it will increase quickly
02:59:27 <zhenguo> maybe all projects will list in it's CI gate in future, lol
03:00:54 <zhenguo> oh, it's almost time
03:01:03 <zhenguo> thanks everyone for joining the meeting!
03:01:14 <zhenguo> #endmeeting