02:01:00 <zhenguo> #startmeeting mogan
02:01:01 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jan 19 02:01:00 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
02:01:02 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
02:01:05 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'mogan'
02:01:12 <zhenguo> o/
02:01:20 <zhangjl> o/
02:01:30 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/python-moganclient: Add 'Power State' column in server list --long comand  https://review.openstack.org/422331
02:02:19 <zhenguo> ok, as always, the agenda:
02:02:26 <zhenguo> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting
02:02:46 <zhenguo> #topic announcements and reminders
02:03:02 <zhenguo> Call for presentations for OpenStack Summit Boston
02:03:07 <liusheng> o/
02:03:23 <zhenguo> The deadline for submission is Feb 6
02:03:54 <zhenguo> I would suggest you all register one
02:04:30 <zhenguo> it's a good opportunity to promote Mogan!
02:04:52 <little> right
02:05:02 <shaohe_feng> o/
02:05:13 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: o/
02:05:20 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: you are alive, hah
02:05:26 <shaohe_feng> Good.
02:05:40 <shaohe_feng> we can submit a topic for mogan
02:05:52 <zhenguo> yes,
02:05:59 <little> great
02:06:05 <zhenguo> but not one, we can t ry to submit more, lol
02:06:15 <shaohe_feng> yes.
02:06:23 <zhenguo> in different track
02:07:12 <zhenguo> seems every presentation can have 3 speakers, right?
02:07:24 <liusheng> zhenguo: yes
02:08:04 <zhenguo> hah, try to make it, then we can fly to Boston
02:08:23 <little> you guys have this experience?
02:08:54 <zhenguo> wanghao and shaohe_feng has
02:09:33 <zhenguo> they both have topic selected in previous summit
02:10:12 <zhenguo> ok, not much announcement,
02:10:17 <zhenguo> anything else here?
02:10:23 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: I have found the topic should not be very  technicalization
02:10:45 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: yes, because we have a PTG for techs
02:11:12 <zhenguo> I will attend the coming PTG if there's no problems with my visa
02:11:31 <liusheng> zhenguo: good luch :)
02:11:39 <liusheng> s/luch/luck
02:11:45 <zhenguo> hah
02:11:58 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: It is better a cooperation topic accross company
02:12:12 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: Good luck. You are rich.
02:12:18 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: yes, so I suggest we can prepare it together
02:12:27 <zhenguo> lol
02:13:09 <zhenguo> maybe china mobile should have a presentation
02:13:12 <liusheng> hope you can attract more contibutors and customers
02:13:24 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: I submmit a topic about live migration first time, just technical introduce.  seldom select this one.
02:13:30 <zhenguo> liusheng: I just want them to accept us
02:14:04 <little> shaohe_feng: live migration in nova?
02:14:15 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: hah, seems because the summit has splitted
02:14:43 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: And the next one, I submmit topic to introduce how to optimize live migration, it is select as option.
02:14:46 <shaohe_feng> little: yes.
02:15:19 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: hah, that's a experience
02:15:46 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: Then the GPU, I just tell what audiences care, and cooperation with Huawei.
02:15:52 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: it is selected.
02:16:01 <zhenguo> we may submit one about the limitation of nova to manage baremetals
02:16:18 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: good point.
02:16:35 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: yes, but it's a pity that they don't send you there :(
02:17:21 <wanghao> zhenguo: good idea for summit topic.
02:17:26 <zhenguo> the other option is that baremetal cloud without nova
02:17:39 <shaohe_feng> yes. Intel is stingy
02:17:44 <zhenguo> hah
02:18:16 <shaohe_feng> most compony want their employee to summit topic in these meeting
02:18:23 <liusheng> we are also stingy
02:18:24 <zhenguo> wanghao: maybe you can register one for customers view, like why you choose mogan
02:18:36 <shaohe_feng> for this is a good chance to promote the compony itself.
02:19:08 <shaohe_feng> wanghao: This is a good idea.
02:19:08 <openstackgerrit> Zhong Luyao proposed openstack/mogan: Add fault_info field for object Instance  https://review.openstack.org/421192
02:19:12 <wanghao> zhenguo: Good idea, I'd like try it.
02:19:13 <zhenguo> yes, it's really weird that you topic is selected, but they don't want you go
02:19:20 <zhenguo> wanghao: thanks
02:19:40 <wanghao> zhenguo: But not sure the boss will let me go,  tooooo
02:19:57 <zhenguo> wanghao: hah, just try
02:19:57 <wanghao> stingy too....
02:20:07 <shaohe_feng> Barcelona is a good tourist city
02:20:10 <wanghao> zhenguo: np
02:20:49 <shaohe_feng> every want to visit this city.
02:20:56 <little> I just want to travel there
02:21:09 <wanghao> shaohe_feng: yes, I was been there few years ago.
02:21:34 <zhenguo> hah,
02:21:55 <little> wanghao: u r a rich man
02:21:56 <shaohe_feng> so most of our employee are asiggned to visit Barcelona even without any task for Intel.
02:22:06 <shaohe_feng> wanghao: rich man
02:22:09 <wanghao> little: huawei send me there ....
02:22:25 <wanghao> shaohe_feng: .... for business, you know
02:22:51 <liusheng> wanghao: 巴展
02:23:10 <shaohe_feng> billionaire
02:23:17 <wanghao> liusheng: bingo
02:23:46 <zhenguo> ok, hah we can continue to discuss this in open discusstion topic
02:23:52 <zhenguo> let's move on?
02:24:02 <wanghao> zhenguo: sure
02:24:06 <zhenguo> ok
02:24:12 <shaohe_feng> go ahead.
02:24:14 <zhenguo> #topic task tracking
02:24:28 <zhenguo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nimble-task
02:24:38 * zhenguo gives folks a few minutes to review
02:25:14 <zhenguo> looks like things are moving along nicely
02:25:46 <zhenguo> we can align the task status one by one
02:26:16 * liusheng dont
02:26:29 <little> OK
02:26:54 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: seems no owner for rootwrap task
02:27:28 <liusheng> zhenguo: why we still use nimble-task, lol
02:27:58 <shaohe_feng> liusheng: we need to call shell cmd
02:28:00 <zhenguo> liusheng: oh, sorry, my mistake
02:28:11 <little> hah
02:28:17 <zhenguo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mogan-task
02:28:52 <zhenguo> let's move to the mogan task
02:29:04 <shaohe_feng> liusheng: we should limit the privilege scope
02:29:06 <zhenguo> I have moved the rootwrap task to TODO
02:29:20 <liusheng> shaohe_feng: got it
02:29:27 <shaohe_feng> liusheng: we should not use "sudo" to do every thing.
02:29:32 <liusheng> shaohe_feng: sure
02:29:54 <shaohe_feng> liusheng: now in configdrive, I just use "sudo"
02:29:56 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: yes, but no owner takes taht now, so move it to TOTO
02:29:58 <liusheng> shaohe_feng: I talked about the etherpad link, hah
02:30:00 <zhenguo> s/TOTO/TODO
02:30:24 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: yes, move it TODO. we can use "sudo" first.
02:30:39 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: ok
02:30:44 <zhenguo> so the first now is config drive
02:31:00 <shaohe_feng> many example for rootwrap in very project. such as nova, cinder, ironic.
02:31:11 <liusheng> shaohe_feng: just stole it
02:31:19 <shaohe_feng> liusheng: yes.
02:31:22 <little> yes
02:31:30 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: it is almost done. I'm testing it.
02:31:30 <zhenguo> if so, please feel free to do that
02:31:31 <little> many projects use it
02:31:47 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: awsome!
02:32:03 <zhenguo> you test it with vm or bm
02:32:09 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: VM.
02:32:17 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: still not setup bm
02:32:18 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: ok,
02:32:33 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: when you come to here to setup bm?
02:32:38 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: hah,
02:33:00 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: sorry for that, as now my office is really far from downtown
02:33:30 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: But I will try later, or maybe remote?
02:33:30 <little> HuanBaoYuan?
02:33:37 <zhenguo> little: exactly
02:33:45 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: Maybe I can take you here by car.
02:34:07 <little> shaohe_feng: cool
02:34:11 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: hah
02:34:21 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: let me think how to setup remote?
02:34:49 <shaohe_feng> so sorry, these days do not feel well to delay the task.
02:35:24 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: no problems, really appreciate it
02:35:38 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: ok, if the config drive task is nealy done, it can be landed before Spring Festival maybe
02:35:41 <liusheng> shaohe_feng: health is most important
02:36:05 <wanghao> shaohe_feng: health! health! health!
02:36:09 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: we can find a public place for these bm and Switch
02:36:19 <wanghao> shaohe_feng: three times for important thing.
02:36:26 <little> shaohe_feng: you are not in Huawei!
02:36:34 <shaohe_feng> wanghao: yes.
02:36:36 <zhenguo> hah
02:36:38 <wanghao> liusheng: ....
02:36:43 <wanghao> little: ...
02:36:47 <zhenguo> only liusheng and me are with huawei
02:36:57 <wanghao> zhenguo: ....
02:37:15 <shaohe_feng> health! health! health!   and then $! $! $!
02:37:22 <zhenguo> lol
02:37:28 * liusheng envy you
02:37:28 <wanghao> haha
02:37:58 <liusheng> ¥¥¥ is enough
02:38:00 <little> liusheng: hah
02:39:01 <zhenguo> I'm thinking whether we need to hold a meetup or mid-cycle to gather everyone together
02:39:28 <liusheng> zhenguo: in Beijing ?
02:39:36 <zhenguo> maybe, hah
02:39:52 <zhenguo> but not time left before Spring Festival
02:39:59 <wanghao> zhenguo: that also needs boss to support....
02:40:01 <zhenguo> and it's really hard to buy a ticket now
02:40:11 <zhenguo> wanghao: yes
02:40:11 <liusheng> zhenguo, wanghao yes
02:40:23 <wanghao> zhenguo: we just can take train to beijing...
02:40:43 <zhenguo> wanghao: hah
02:41:01 <zhenguo> not sure when it is the next bug smash
02:41:23 <zhenguo> oh, just realized this is task tracking topic!
02:41:34 <liusheng> zhenguo: haha
02:41:36 <zhenguo> we should discuss these in next one, hah
02:41:45 <zhenguo> let's move one to next task
02:41:53 <zhenguo> notification
02:42:01 <zhenguo> it's yours liusheng
02:42:49 <liusheng> zhenguo: ok, the notifications related patches have been landed, it is the basic frame and an "instance.create.start" notification example
02:43:42 <liusheng> zhenguo: since we may will have some change about the process, I propose don't add more notifications now
02:43:49 <liusheng> zhenguo: what do you think ?
02:44:09 <liusheng> ask to all you guys, lol
02:44:44 <zhenguo> oh, just came back
02:44:50 <zhenguo> some thing wrong with my IRC client
02:44:54 <wanghao> liusheng: agree, we could have mechanism
02:45:02 <liusheng> it is easy to add more notifications
02:45:22 <little> liusheng: it's OK
02:45:38 <zhenguo> agree, so we should keep the task here, or move it to DONE?
02:46:34 <liusheng> zhenguo: may change the task to basic notification fram and move it to done ?
02:46:40 <little> If only provide a mechanism, it should  be done
02:46:54 <zhenguo> ok,
02:47:02 <wanghao> new notification should be added in new process changes.
02:47:09 <liusheng> wanghao: yes
02:47:13 <zhenguo> liusheng: please help to update it
02:47:19 <zhenguo> let's move on
02:47:19 <liusheng> zhenguo: ok
02:47:29 <liusheng> btw, the console task
02:47:42 <zhenguo> ok, please continue
02:48:33 <liusheng> I have do some tests
02:48:41 <zhenguo> does it work?
02:48:48 <liusheng> zhenguo: no :(
02:48:51 <zhenguo> oh
02:49:06 <zhenguo> what's the problem
02:49:14 <zhenguo> I remeber you can get console with ssh driver
02:49:27 <liusheng> zhenguo: I tested it with start a new console proxy service, but seems it cannot work to connect to the shellinabox
02:49:34 <liusheng> zhenguo: yes
02:49:48 <zhenguo> liusheng: oh, yes, we should not use shellinabox
02:49:59 <zhenguo> no existing proxy can support shellinabox
02:50:07 <liusheng> zhenguo: first step, I planed to add a console proxy without consoleauth
02:50:17 <liusheng> zhenguo: really ?
02:50:20 <zhenguo> yes,
02:50:35 <liusheng> zhenguo: so how should Ido?
02:50:42 <zhenguo> so I create a httpproxy before, it works well, but refused by community
02:50:57 <zhenguo> liusheng: we have another console driver
02:51:29 <zhenguo> which can leverage serialconsole proxy
02:51:35 <liusheng> zhenguo: or just redirect the "virsh console" ?
02:51:56 <zhenguo> liusheng: not sure,
02:52:00 <liusheng> zhenguo: yes, I almost copied a serialconsole proxy from nova
02:52:07 <zhenguo> liusheng: will dig after this meeting
02:52:15 <liusheng> zhenguo: ok, thanks
02:52:28 <zhenguo> ok, let's move on
02:52:33 <zhenguo> next is quotas
02:52:41 <zhenguo> it's yours wanghao
02:52:55 <wanghao> okay, now I have built the quota models.
02:53:08 <wanghao> Like Quota, Quota Driver, Resource.
02:53:22 <zhenguo> wanghao: yes, I saw the patch
02:53:32 <wanghao> so next work will implement the db operation.
02:53:35 <wanghao> zhenguo: yes
02:53:35 <zhenguo> but seems some conflicts now, need to rebase
02:53:46 <wanghao> zhenguo: yes, will do it today.
02:53:53 <zhenguo> wanghao: ok, thanks
02:54:13 <zhenguo> oh, seems not much time left
02:54:30 <zhenguo> if not much problems we will move on to multi instances create
02:54:35 <zhenguo> hey little
02:54:36 <wanghao> okay
02:54:46 <little> yes
02:54:48 <little> I have summit a frame patch, but the jeknis failed
02:55:07 <zhenguo> seems because merge conflict?
02:55:10 <zhenguo> or others
02:55:23 <little> Both
02:55:37 <little> I am trying to solve it today
02:56:00 <zhenguo> oh, need to modify to satisfy pep,py27, make all our gates happy
02:56:21 <little> yes
02:56:51 <zhenguo> ok
02:57:03 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: There's a problem on evn
02:57:12 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: what
02:57:30 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: I can not run tox, after I re-install linux and devstack
02:57:52 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: reinstall linux?
02:58:21 <liusheng> shaohe_feng: what's the error ?
02:59:03 <zhenguo> hah maybe discuss the fault info task a bit?
02:59:15 <zhenguo> hey luyao, are you around?
02:59:20 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: yes.
02:59:27 <shaohe_feng> liusheng: let try tox again
02:59:32 <zhenguo> luyao's patch seems ready
02:59:44 <zhenguo> but do we need to add the fault info like nova
03:00:13 <zhenguo> nova has a seperate table and save not only the string
03:00:41 <zhenguo> maybe we can discuss in the patch, seems luyao is absent now
03:01:01 <zhenguo> and the lock instances
03:01:10 <zhenguo> oh, oh no time left
03:01:22 <zhangjl> zhenguo:....
03:01:31 <zhenguo> zhangjl: haha
03:01:38 <zhenguo> we can discuss in our channel
03:01:39 <liusheng> it is ok, we don't use #openstack-meeting, hah
03:01:54 <zhangjl> yes
03:02:05 <shaohe_feng> liusheng: $ tox -egenconfig
03:02:05 <zhenguo> liusheng: hah, ok so we can continue or end the meeting?
03:02:42 <shaohe_feng> liusheng: error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1
03:02:55 <shaohe_feng> liusheng: gcc not install?
03:03:02 <liusheng> zhenguo: we can end it, and the meeting log will be ended. lol
03:03:03 <zhenguo> ok, everyone, let's discuss in our channel, will end the meeting
03:03:19 <zhenguo> liusheng: no problems, hah
03:03:26 <little> ok
03:03:33 <zhenguo> ok thanks you all for joining the meeting
03:03:38 <shaohe_feng> liusheng: $ which x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc
03:03:39 <zhenguo> #endmeeting