02:02:28 #startmeeting mogan 02:02:29 Meeting started Thu Feb 9 02:02:28 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:02:30 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:02:33 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:02:38 o/ 02:03:33 liusheng, shaohe_feng, yuntongjing: hi 02:03:53 o/ 02:03:59 o/ 02:04:25 o/ 02:04:40 ok, as always, the agenda: 02:04:52 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:05:17 let's jump in 02:05:26 #topic announcements and reminders 02:05:42 We submitted a presentation fro OpenStack Summit Boston 02:05:53 zhenguo: seems time is conflict for most guys. 02:05:54 Decouple baremetal computing from Nova 02:06:08 shaohe_feng: seems yes 02:06:37 shaohe_feng: we can discuss for time changing in open discussion 02:07:01 OK 02:07:10 ok, let's continue 02:07:40 The Ocata release is in about two weeks, we should begin to prepare for that 02:08:56 After the rename of Nimble to Mogan it appears that all git-related stats prior to the rename have been lost :( 02:09:55 conflict when rebase aftter raname 02:10:23 shaohe_feng: hah, 02:10:37 shaohe_feng: how's that going, seems all tests have passed 02:11:17 It need fix the conflict by manually. 02:11:31 aha, sorry for the inconvenience 02:11:38 but it does not matter, just need time to fix 02:11:51 ok, thanks 02:12:15 ok, not much of announcement, anyone else have a thing here? 02:14:11 #topic task tracking 02:14:28 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mogan-task 02:15:37 looks like things are moving along nicely 02:16:31 yes, need many review and test 02:16:49 for the tesk patches. 02:17:05 yes, seems all patches are ready now 02:18:47 great. 02:19:07 shaohe_feng: seems only you and me here 02:19:29 in fact, I'm also in a internal meeting now, 02:19:53 maybe we can end the meeting early 02:20:40 Agree. 02:21:05 ok, thanks 02:21:10 #endmeeting