02:00:19 #startmeeting mogan 02:00:20 Meeting started Thu Feb 16 02:00:19 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:00:21 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:00:23 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:00:37 hi everyone! 02:00:41 hi 02:01:47 wait for all say hi 02:02:24 hi 02:02:45 liusheng, litao, wanghao, zhangjl, yuntongjin: are you around? 02:03:09 o/ 02:03:42 ok 02:03:46 as always, the agenda: 02:03:58 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:04:08 yes 02:04:13 #topic announcements and reminders 02:04:24 zhenguo:sorry for late reply 02:04:31 zhangjl: np, hah 02:04:58 I created a mogan-ui repo, need to find some UI guys working on that 02:05:04 but seems not high priority 02:05:31 yes, we need ui. 02:05:42 shaohe_feng:agree 02:05:49 zhenguo: does that will be integrated to horizon ? 02:05:55 yes, sure 02:05:58 zhenguo: ok 02:06:32 in fact, I created senlin-dashbaord and refactored mistral-dashbaord, so maybe I can add some basic framework 02:06:34 that's friendily to most users who are "xiao bai" 02:06:42 lol 02:07:14 but as horizon is moving to Angular JS, but I'm not a JS guy :( 02:07:30 Yanli is a angular expert 02:07:36 yanglin 02:07:39 aha 02:07:50 I just use jquery. 02:08:25 maybe I can find some guys from senlin-dashbaord, 02:08:40 good 02:08:51 ok 02:08:56 let's move on 02:09:05 The Ocata release is comming 02:09:17 we still have many work to do before that 02:09:28 the first release if very important for us 02:09:44 and If you want to be a big tent project, you must at least have one release 02:10:44 maybe we can discuss this more in the next topic 02:11:02 anything else? 02:11:19 no from me. 02:11:37 aha, one more, something still broken after renaming 02:11:48 when will the O release freeze? 02:11:58 all git-related stat prior to the renaming have been lost on stackalytics 02:12:26 shaohe_feng: seems we dont' need freeze, 02:12:53 that's good. 02:13:09 i am here 02:13:14 shaohe_feng: hmm.. maybe by this week? in fact, I'm not quite familiar with the release thing 02:13:18 litao: o/ 02:13:46 who knows who to release for a non official project 02:13:51 s/who/how 02:14:02 zhenguo: just need to submit patch to openstack/releases 02:14:14 zhenguo: oh, we are non official 02:14:52 zhenguo: maybe just add git tag and release in pypi ? 02:15:05 liusheng: seems yes 02:15:13 liusheng: will dig later 02:15:32 and we need release moganclient as well 02:15:45 it works well for a long time 02:15:55 aha, seems not that long, lol 02:16:02 zhenguo: lol 02:16:36 ok, not much of announcement, anyone else have thing here? 02:17:10 if not, let's move on 02:17:24 #topic task tracking 02:17:38 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mogan-task 02:17:51 * zhenguo gives folks a few minutes to review 02:19:10 I have moved some tasks to Pike 02:20:39 no more developer on so many task 02:21:07 yes :( 02:21:30 and we should try to make others landed by this week 02:22:36 myabe by Friday, I will fly to Atlanta this Saturday 02:22:51 great. 02:22:55 zhenguo: have a good trip 02:23:02 thanks 02:23:03 have a good jouney 02:23:17 hope os 02:23:30 s/os/so 02:24:05 hah, after all these tasks merged, I'm afraid it's may not stable... 02:24:08 is everything goes well for your visa? 02:24:09 cool 02:24:23 shaohe_feng: yes, 02:24:37 seems Trump does not like foreigner to USA 02:24:57 hah, indeed 02:25:31 zhenguo: fixing bugs maybe attract many developers 02:25:39 zhenguo: we need more test. more play mogan, more bug will be found. 02:26:06 sure, will try to find more developers 02:26:55 yes. 02:27:04 every task owner, can you finish yours by tomorow or maybe by today? 02:27:12 we can use it in my own cloud platform first, such in huawei 02:27:30 we are even better than some big-tent projects :( 02:27:39 yes. try our best to do it. 02:27:49 yes, big tent is our goal this year 02:28:17 np 02:28:22 it's really hard to attract developers if we are not official 02:28:40 we will work hard together :) 02:28:54 thanks 02:29:34 and i will introduce my colleagues into mogan 02:29:48 zhangjl: thanks a lot, 02:29:49 cool 02:30:53 good. 02:30:58 ok, looks like things are moving along nicely 02:31:25 luyao: are you around? 02:31:34 zhenguo, yes 02:31:45 luyao: I find you just refactored the instance fault patch, thanks 02:32:15 zhenguo, no thanks,I will try my best to finish it 02:32:28 luyao: I will try to make sure to land it by tomorrow 02:32:46 I will try my best and hope to finish the work today, so many works recently.... 02:32:58 wanghao: thanks a lot 02:33:20 wanghao: I just landed the mult instance creating patch, seems you need to rebase yours 02:33:47 zhenguo: sure 02:34:01 wanghao: thanks 02:34:15 zhenguo:fengzhr, Lizhixin are my colleagues 02:34:30 oh, welcome!!!! 02:34:34 zhenguo, what's meaning of "land"? 02:34:42 welcome!!!! 02:34:43 zhenguo: and xuao 02:35:04 welcome 02:35:13 zhenguo: they are `fresh man` of mogan 02:35:14 haha, big thanks zhangjl, and welcome new guys 02:35:50 so many people, haha 02:35:59 haha 02:36:36 luyao: hi, 'land' means merge it, hah 02:37:19 what's meaning of "address"? 02:37:37 shaohe_feng: address issues/problems means fix it 02:38:04 just learned that from native speakers 02:39:09 ok 02:39:12 zhenguo: you English is good. 02:39:20 shaohe_feng: not true 02:39:22 as native speakers 02:39:34 shaohe_feng: hoho 02:39:42 shaohe_feng: the last task is yours 02:39:50 and the biggest task I think 02:40:05 yes. 02:40:14 you can smoothly communicate with foreigners 02:40:25 hah 02:40:26 need more effor on it. 02:40:43 I will try my best to review and test it 02:41:15 Good. Thanks. 02:41:18 np 02:41:41 task owners, please feel free to ping me if needed, I will be here waiting for you, lol 02:41:55 zhenguo:ok 02:41:58 let's try to get all them in by this week 02:42:54 and do you have othe concerns about the O release? 02:43:20 and something maybe need to be finished but not included in the list 02:43:39 aha, one more, the instance nics 02:43:45 it's yours liusheng :) 02:44:02 zhenguo: sure, I will also try my best, lol 02:44:08 zhenguo: we don't have releasenotes :( 02:44:11 that's will affect the networks and fips API 02:44:23 liusheng: yes 02:44:46 zhenguo: oh. sorry for may slow process :( 02:44:55 next release we should be more offical 02:45:15 liusheng: np, that's because the internal tasks, 02:45:30 zhenguo: the releasenotes can be show in our doc web page 02:46:17 liusheng: hah, but it's the first release 02:46:35 zhenguo: it is convenient to show what features we have supportted now, we may need add it in the future 02:46:37 zhenguo: yes 02:47:08 sure, from Pike we should to that 02:48:04 and for the client release, do you have some suggestions? 02:48:38 zhenguo: I have experience about releasing client of big-tent 02:48:47 zhenguo: but we are non-big-tent 02:48:57 liusheng: yes :( 02:49:01 zhenguo: maybe just add git tag and publish it to pypi 02:49:10 maybe yes, 02:49:37 and before release, seems we have to add more cmds 02:49:51 as the current tasks all change APIs or added new ones 02:50:22 zhenguo: ok, you mean flotingip releats ? 02:50:45 liusheng: yes, and multi instance creating, lock/unlock instances, instance faults 02:50:49 zhenguo: I will try 02:50:51 all 02:51:02 zhenguo: I think we need to supprt to rescue instances 02:51:04 big task for you 02:51:05 zhenguo: the client patches maybe easy 02:51:19 liusheng: thanks 02:51:23 litao: yes 02:51:24 zhenguo: np 02:51:39 litao: let me check whether ironic support that first 02:52:24 hi guys, do you try "pip install mogan" or not, seems it not work well in my devstack.... 02:52:47 wanghao: no 02:53:03 wanghao: we don't have any package in pypi now 02:53:34 litao: seems ironic not support rescue yet, but someone working on that, 02:53:40 yes, so maybe we should fix it.... and Do we have some doc to guide user how to install mogan if there has been a devstack env. 02:54:04 wanghao: yes, we have a dev quickstart doc 02:54:17 wanghao: I will add our developers doc to the webside soon 02:54:37 zhenguo: OK 02:54:40 zhenguo: cool 02:55:03 zhenguo: so I'd like to just remove the "pip install" way from mogan. 02:55:03 with this 02:55:23 wanghao: you mean docs? 02:56:09 zhenguo: yes. installation.rst 02:56:27 wanghao: in fact, it has been removed in the master 02:56:28 zhenguo: is there some impacts for doc? 02:56:41 wanghao: I have refactored the doc tree 02:57:07 zhenguo: ok I didn't update the code. 02:57:18 wanghao: hah 02:58:05 ok, only two minutes left 02:58:18 #topic open discussion 02:58:20 lol 02:58:48 zhangjl: you invited the whole team here? 02:59:06 zhenguo: yes 02:59:17 zhangjl: hah 03:00:21 oh, it's almost time, thanks all for joining the meeting! 03:00:28 thanks y' 03:00:35 #endmeeting