02:01:53 <zhenguo> #startmeeting mogan
02:01:54 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Mar  2 02:01:53 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
02:01:55 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
02:01:58 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'mogan'
02:02:16 <zhenguo> hi everyone
02:02:43 <liusheng> o/
02:02:51 <zhangjl> hey all
02:03:37 <zhenguo> ok, as always, the agenda:
02:03:40 <zhenguo> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting
02:04:06 <zhenguo> let's jump in
02:04:14 <zhenguo> #topic announcements and reminders
02:04:31 <zhenguo> hi all, I plan to not release for Ocata, wdyt?
02:05:13 <zhangjl> ok
02:05:26 <liusheng> seems other people are not here ?
02:05:41 <wanghao_> agree
02:05:51 <liusheng> +1
02:05:58 <wanghao_> miss shaohe and litao
02:05:59 <luyao> i am here ,:)
02:06:07 <zhenguo> and luyao, hah
02:06:31 <zhenguo> we can continue to work on our tasks, and not release until Pike
02:07:07 <wanghao_> em, a good idea in Pike
02:07:39 <zhenguo> Pike is a full 6 months cycle, so we can do more things during it
02:08:55 <zhenguo> #link http://stackalytics.com/?module=mogan&metric=marks
02:09:11 <wanghao_> and we also can collect users and developer opinion from summit.
02:09:33 <zhangjl> nice
02:09:39 <zhenguo> wanghao_: yes, hope our topic is selected
02:09:58 <wanghao_> zhenguo: yeah, good luck!
02:10:06 <liusheng> according the voice from PTG, we also need to pay more attention about pushing our to public
02:10:07 <zhenguo> I would like to encourage you guys do more reviews, currently seems only me do it :(
02:10:34 <zhenguo> liusheng: yes
02:11:01 <zhenguo> we need more love from the community
02:11:20 <wanghao_> haha
02:12:07 <zhenguo> zhangyang: are you around?
02:12:22 <zhangyang> yes, i am here
02:12:38 <zhenguo> zhangyang: have you tested the cloudboot with mogan?
02:13:01 <zhangyang> zhenguo: still working on it
02:13:02 <zhenguo> zhangyang: I have some concerns about whether it can provide the same capabilities like ironic
02:13:19 <zhenguo> like multi tenancy and configdrive
02:14:08 <zhangyang> zhenguo: i'll check it out later
02:14:14 <zhenguo> zhangyang: thanks
02:14:26 <zhenguo> we can talk more details in the task topic later, hah
02:14:45 <zhenguo> ok, not much of announcement, anyone else have a thing here?
02:14:45 <zhangyang> zhenguo: that's very nice
02:15:39 <zhenguo> ok let's move on
02:15:46 <zhenguo> #topic task tracking
02:15:59 <zhenguo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mogan-task
02:16:21 * zhenguo gives folks a few minutes to review
02:18:31 <zhenguo> seems like things are moving along nicely
02:18:49 <zhenguo> will try to land the quota patch by today
02:19:09 <zhenguo> and instance nics and faults need following up patches
02:19:30 <wanghao_> So we need to update priority to P release
02:19:40 <zhenguo> yes,
02:19:58 <zhenguo> need you guys give some feedback of your priorities
02:20:15 <zhenguo> and another big task is configdrive
02:20:24 <zhenguo> I will work on the password one,
02:20:32 <zhenguo> but need to condier the metadata server
02:21:10 <zhenguo> and we should condier to refactor our flavor and scheduler
02:21:25 <zhenguo> need to consider the placement API
02:21:52 <liusheng> zhenguo: about the scheduler do you have seen the placement service ?
02:22:09 <liusheng> zhenguo: maybe we need to take eyes on that
02:22:25 <zhenguo> liusheng: yes, that's what I want to say, hah
02:22:34 <liusheng> zhenguo: lol
02:22:35 <zhenguo> liusheng: we need to condier the placement API
02:23:59 <liusheng> zhenguo: yes
02:24:02 <zhenguo> and our current flavor is also seems some strange although it can work
02:24:15 <liusheng> zhenguo: I will talk with our Nova guy :)
02:24:24 <zhenguo> liusheng: thanks
02:24:41 <liusheng> zhenguo: agree
02:25:30 <zhenguo> we also need to support Valence, which require our flavor more flexible
02:28:51 <liusheng> zhenguo: need to invite Valence guy help to give suggestion ?
02:29:27 <zhenguo> liusheng: maybe, I will prepare a spec for valence integration, and invite them to help review
02:29:36 <liusheng> zhenguo: ok
02:30:21 <zhenguo> liusheng: and if you support not only ironic driver, we should condier to refactor our engine service, as it may in a hybrid env
02:30:51 <zhenguo> s/condier/consider
02:31:22 <liusheng> zhenguo: yes
02:31:36 <liusheng> zhenguo: that should be done before we import cloudboot ?
02:31:37 <zhenguo> or we don't support that, only support one driver
02:31:46 <zhenguo> yes
02:31:49 <wanghao_> zhenguo: liusheng: maybe like multi-backend like Cinder support.
02:32:16 <zhenguo> wanghao_: maybe , but we don't quite familiar with that, hah
02:32:28 <zhenguo> you can give more suggestions
02:32:47 <wanghao_> zhenguo: sure
02:33:10 <zhenguo> but one important thing is that, our current cache nodes logic seems should be changed
02:33:14 <wanghao_> Can help to code it if we decide to support drivers.
02:33:25 <zhenguo> wanghao_: thanks
02:34:31 <wanghao_> np
02:34:52 <kong> hi, guys
02:35:02 <kong> so many people here :-)
02:35:35 <zhenguo> kong: hah
02:35:47 <wanghao_> kong: haha
02:36:10 <kong> ok, you guys go ahead, i just chime in and say hello
02:36:57 <zhenguo> ok, let's move on to the next topic
02:37:03 <zhenguo> #topic open discussion
02:37:32 <zhenguo> kong: we can talk here, lol
02:39:08 <zhenguo> hi everyone, how's got a thing :)
02:39:15 <zhenguo> s/how/who
02:39:31 <liusheng> :)
02:40:03 <kong> zhenguo: is this project already being used in product?
02:40:22 <zhenguo> kong: no, it's still not mature
02:40:38 <liusheng> kong: we have many big customers wait to use lol
02:40:53 <kong> how big?
02:41:01 <kong> in China? or outside?
02:41:16 <liusheng> kong: in China, like China mobile
02:41:26 <wanghao_> For now, basically in China
02:41:33 <zhenguo> in fact, the biggest ironic env is in China Mobile
02:42:11 <kong> I'm not challenging you, but i wonder what's the differentiator of morgon to other traditional software like PXE/Crowbar/...
02:42:47 <zhenguo> kong: we are another nova, which focuses on baremetal computing
02:44:21 <zhenguo> kong: so we are a management service which leverages other traditional software
02:45:09 <kong> zhenguo: maybe i need to read more detail before i propose so many 'bad' questions :-)
02:45:34 <wanghao_> a chain like this: Mogan ---> Ironic ---> PXE  in my mind.
02:45:36 <zhenguo> kong: hah, you can help to improve our wiki page
02:45:51 <zhenguo> wanghao_: yes
02:46:10 <kong> zhenguo: in Chinese? ok, no problem
02:46:23 <liusheng> hah
02:46:30 <zhenguo> kong: hah,
02:46:38 <wanghao_> English is ok too @kong
02:46:54 <liusheng> kong: you are a native English speaker now
02:47:11 <kong> liusheng: no, i'm using Chiglish
02:47:31 <liusheng> kong: so you are right place!
02:47:49 <kong> 真费劲,就不能好好说说中文
02:47:50 <liusheng> kong: here is Chiglish chennel
02:48:20 <zhenguo> lol
02:48:35 <kong> liusheng: you still work on ceilometer related projects/
02:48:38 <kong>02:48:41 <zhenguo> kong: will Catalyst plan to provide baremetal service?
02:48:55 <kong> zhenguo: no
02:48:58 <kong> we are public cloud
02:49:06 <zhenguo> liusheng is mainly dedicated to Mogan now,
02:49:07 <liusheng> kong: yes and Mogan
02:49:17 <kong> providing physical resource is much more expensive
02:49:33 <liusheng> zhenguo: hah
02:50:10 <kong> and no use cases now
02:50:33 <zhenguo> public cloud can also includes baremetal intances
02:50:43 <kong> but i feel Mogan is on an opposite way to container technology, and i'm not interested in physical stuff
02:50:44 <zhenguo> :(
02:50:55 <wanghao_> yeah, seems  private cloud users want to use baremetal more, from our clients.
02:52:29 <wanghao_> some users still need to manage their baremetal, like big data process.
02:53:14 <wanghao_> they don't like to change too much to use container technology.
02:54:01 <zhenguo> yes, containers can replace vms, but baremtal will long live, lol
02:54:17 <kong> :-)
02:54:41 <zhenguo> hah, it's almost time, and we have a internal meeting in a few minutes
02:54:54 <kong> still meetings all day :-)
02:54:59 <zhenguo> thanks y'all for joining the meeting
02:55:07 <zhenguo> hah, yes
02:55:11 <zhenguo> #endmeeting