02:00:35 #startmeeting mogan 02:00:36 Meeting started Thu Mar 30 02:00:35 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:00:37 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:00:39 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:00:50 o/ 02:01:07 o/ 02:01:40 o/ 02:01:42 o/ 02:02:01 o/ 02:02:24 as always, the agenda: 02:02:25 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:02:45 #topic announcements and reminders 02:02:58 First, welcome liusheng to Mogan core! 02:03:17 thanks all of you :) 02:03:34 congratulations 02:03:44 congratulations God sheng! 02:04:11 wanghao: lol 02:04:16 hah, we really need more cores, need more reviews 02:04:40 God sheng 02:04:48 not sure if you have noticed this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/448667/ 02:05:08 zhenguo: yes 02:05:36 I don't want Mogan be a single vendor project :( 02:06:03 zhenguo: we should avoid to be a single-vendor project 02:06:27 hah 02:06:40 yes, hah 02:07:02 yes 02:07:16 another thing is we have got all missed git related stats on stackalytics before renaming! 02:07:16 #link http://stackalytics.com/?metric=commits&project_type=all&release=all&module=mogan 02:07:47 that is really cool 02:08:34 more companies 02:08:34 hah, but from there, we are really a single vendor project 02:09:10 one person > 50% 02:10:05 who 02:10:07 who 02:10:13 litao: zhenguo 02:10:20 lol 02:10:26 litao: he is the one person :) 02:10:36 I don't like this 02:11:14 but I can't stop to commit :D 02:11:48 hah, ok, a good news! 02:11:59 We will have the Bug Smash for Pike from Wednesday to Friday, May 17 to 19 in Suzhou, China 02:11:59 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/OpenStack-Bug-Smash-Pike-Suzhou 02:12:25 Suzhou cool 02:12:35 In huawei office? 02:12:56 wanghao: seems not 02:13:10 yeah just open it. 02:13:12 Suzhou Qingshan Hotel 02:13:19 wanghao: your fiberhome boss should pay for the trip. lol 02:13:29 liusheng: I really wish that 02:13:44 Hope to see all you guys in person there :D 02:13:48 liusheng: this message should send to our boss. 02:13:57 a full table of moganers 02:14:04 lol 02:14:06 lol 02:14:29 great 02:14:45 zhangyang, zhangjl: do you have budget for the bug smash! 02:15:03 zhenguo:sorry 02:15:28 zhangjl: you won't go there? 02:16:06 zhenguo:i busying in our customers 02:16:11 so .... 02:16:18 zhenguo: we are not sure yet. 02:16:24 zhangjl: hah, ok 02:16:42 zhangyang: hope to see you and liudong there :D 02:17:00 zhenguo: also wish to go there :D 02:17:10 lol 02:17:25 luyao, shaohe_feng: and you? 02:18:17 zhenguo, I will not do there I think 02:18:19 maybe we can meet some China Mobile guys in SuZhou 02:18:42 luyao: oh, it's a pity 02:19:04 luyao: JF should give more budget to mogan guys :P 02:20:01 zhenguo, :P 02:20:25 hah, ok, not much of announcement, anyone else have a thing here? 02:20:43 let's move on 02:20:50 #topic task tracking 02:21:07 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mogan-task 02:21:27 * zhenguo gives folks a few minutes to review 02:22:03 zhenguo, have a question, what is Dell Ironic CI? Can I ignore its comment? 02:22:15 luyao: yes, just ignore it 02:22:48 luyao: it's a CI that runs in dell env I think, they just run our patch and leave a comment to see whether it works for them 02:23:17 but not sure who added that for us 02:23:57 zhenguo, It said my patch has something wrong about cross-repo dependencies, Is it never mind? 02:24:22 luyao: yes 02:24:43 zhenguo, ok, thanks 02:24:45 luyao: he is just a reviewer like us :D 02:25:08 okay, quota part-two has merged today, that will be closed. 02:25:36 wanghao: thanks, please update it! 02:25:44 np 02:26:14 I have change the priority from O, P to High, Medium, Low 02:26:28 please feel free to add new tasks you are interested 02:28:05 I would like to prioritize deploy-time-raid task, that's what nova can't do now, please read the reference 02:28:29 wanghao: i have something about quota to discuss with you for my multi-instance quota reserving 02:28:38 okay 02:29:23 Is there some one interested in depoy-time-raid task? 02:29:59 here's a detail discussion link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ironic-ocata-summit-deploy-time-raid 02:30:11 zhenguo: I interested in mange instances, can take it. 02:31:01 wanghao: thanks very much! 02:32:07 wanghao: we should consider adopt from both nova instances and existing baremetals 02:32:24 zhenguo: mogan need do this? 02:32:39 litao: you mean adopt instances? 02:33:27 yes 02:33:30 seems need a tool to query baremetal instances from nova api and put them into mogan 02:33:52 seems nice 02:34:00 a tool maybe more useful 02:34:33 so we just need an interface to adopt active baremetal node from ironic 02:35:08 so mange should support adopt existing baremetal, but there are two source , nova and user specify it. 02:35:17 through Ironic API you can add a node with OS then it turns to active instead of available 02:35:40 wanghao: user should first use ironic api to adopt a node 02:36:03 we need to adopt ironic active node 02:36:10 zhenguo: could it be done by mogan? 02:36:39 wanghao: you mean we can call ironic adopt api? 02:36:45 wanghao: seems a good choice 02:36:51 yes! 02:37:03 wanghao: hah, I think that would be more better 02:37:15 wanghao: maybe we need a spec for more discussion 02:37:25 zhenguo: you're right 02:37:41 wanghao: and for nova instances, maybe a tool is enough 02:38:24 zhenguo: en, we just support mogan api to adopt and didn't care the source of information. 02:38:55 zhenguo: user can extract the information from nova by using this tool 02:39:29 wanghao: yes, 02:39:53 liusheng: are you interested in adding such a tool? 02:40:07 zhenguo: sure 02:40:18 zhenguo: sorry I am in a internal meeting now. 02:40:22 liusheng: thanks, I think we can get the image, network information 02:40:30 zhenguo: ok 02:40:36 liusheng: ok, we can discuss later 02:41:24 wanghao: there's another big task waiting for you, cinder-integration. but no rush :D 02:41:52 wanghao: as Ironic may support boot from volume this release, but we can wait them finished 02:44:31 ok, we can discuss this later 02:44:34 zhenguo: okay 02:44:42 wanghao: thanks 02:45:30 zhangyang: how's the cloudboot driver? maybe you can add a task on the etherpad for this? 02:47:09 zhenguo: ok, sure 02:47:32 zhangyang: thanks very much! 02:47:52 zhenguo: we are now planning to discuss with cloudboot developers :D 02:48:14 zhangyang: hah, yes you should 02:48:53 zhangyang: and they need more english public information to make others know what's cloudboot 02:49:45 zhenguo: yes, i'll tell them about this 02:50:00 zhangyang: hah, thanks 02:50:13 zhenguo: np :D 02:50:24 the last thing here, I want to talk about mogan-ui 02:50:57 some days ago, bani told to me that she is interested in it, but seems not start yet 02:51:18 we can invite some ui guys help for that 02:52:17 ok, what's next 02:52:30 #topic open discussion 02:52:38 who's got a thing :) 02:53:07 if not, we can end the meeting, lol 02:53:27 thanks everyone for joining the meeting! 02:53:32 #endmeeting