02:00:27 #startmeeting mogan 02:00:28 Meeting started Thu Apr 13 02:00:27 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:00:29 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:00:31 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:00:44 o/ 02:00:49 hello everyone 02:01:02 o/ 02:01:13 o/ 02:01:54 o/ 02:01:59 as always, the agenda: 02:01:59 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:02:03 let's jump in 02:02:10 #topic announcements and reminders 02:02:32 First, let's welcome Xinran and sunxin to join us:D 02:02:52 Xinran is from Intel, and sunxin is with Lenovo! 02:03:06 welcome all of you 02:03:10 welcome! 02:03:23 Hi glad to see you all 02:03:33 I am new guy, nice to see you all 02:03:40 welcome! 02:03:42 hah 02:04:01 ok, let's move on 02:04:13 Suzhou Bug Smash 02:04:13 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/OpenStack-Bug-Smash-Pike-Suzhou 02:04:25 liusheng, wanghao, liudong, zhangyang and I have registered, if you want to go, please add you name to the list. 02:04:52 zhenguo: morning 02:05:05 shaohe_feng: o/ 02:05:11 Xinran: sunxin: welcome 02:05:55 shaohe_feng: will intel send some mogan guys to the Bug Smash? 02:06:21 zhenguo: jf try to send luyao to the Bug Smash 02:06:33 shaohe_feng: ok, thanks 02:07:11 so if there are most of the team there, we may not only smahs bugs 02:07:21 btw, what's the deadline for the bug smash registertion. 02:07:35 wanghao: not sure, seem there's no deadline 02:07:41 okay 02:07:41 wanghao: lol 02:08:25 ok, another thing to remind is The *_ssh drivers in ironic are unsupported since Newton and slated for removal in Pike, We may also need to eliminate the ssh drivers in Mogan docs. 02:08:48 zhenguo: yes, it it too low just for smash bugs. :) 02:09:04 shaohe_feng: hah 02:09:30 zhenguo: some arch discusion should be there with all mogan guys. :) 02:09:47 we can discuss more of our project, it is may like a mid-cycle 02:10:00 zhenguo: awsome. 02:10:23 zhenguo: which day for the bug smash? 02:10:42 litao: no present on the etherpad? 02:10:54 ok 02:10:59 zhenguo: Every mogan guys is encouraged to join it. 02:11:41 ok, let's move on 02:12:10 the last thing, let's talk about the contribution 02:12:19 zhenguo: any plan for mogan mid-cycle? 02:12:34 shaohe_feng: we can make it later 02:12:49 shaohe_feng: according to who will attend :D 02:13:28 ok, the contribution thing 02:13:29 and where to attend 02:13:36 hah 02:13:54 #link http://stackalytics.com/?metric=commits&project_type=all&release=pike&module=mogan 02:14:03 We are really active than many of the Big Tent projects, but it runs like a single vendor project. 02:14:19 I'm seeking how to address the lack of diversity now 02:14:40 but I can't reduce my contribution otherwise the project will be stucked :P 02:15:32 We have tons to do but not enough people, so anyone who wants to ge more involved, I can help for anything I can. 02:16:45 * litao : yes, we should contribute more 02:16:54 hah 02:17:05 zhenguo: you don't need to reduce, we must increase :D 02:17:25 liusheng: seems TC has a diversity tag 02:17:50 otherwise the project will be marked as single vendor 02:17:51 zhenguo: yes, need more contributors, and then you can foucs on the reviews and some arch design. 02:18:05 shaohe_feng: lol 02:18:32 I will make some time for moganclient and mogan-ui later 02:19:02 I would like to make it work with basic functionality before the Bug Smash 02:19:25 zhenguo: oh, the "we" I mean all others people expecially other company guys. hah 02:19:26 it's where we can get more contributors, lol 02:19:44 liusheng: hah, understood :D 02:20:11 Time is an important thing, hah 02:20:24 yes, I can make more time 02:20:38 so do i 02:20:45 thanks very much! 02:21:07 ok, not much of announcement, anyone else have a thint here? 02:21:12 s/thint/thing 02:21:49 #topic task tracking 02:21:53 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mogan-task 02:22:02 * zhenguo gives folks a few minutes to review 02:23:17 looks like things are moving along nicely 02:24:03 crap! I lost the connection... 02:24:16 wanghao: hah 02:25:09 The new flavor spec has been under review for some days 02:25:09 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/454113/ 02:25:33 As it's a big refactor, I would like to get more reviews, hope you can help :D 02:25:36 zhenguo gives folks a few minutes to review 02:25:52 shaohe_feng: ok 02:25:54 zhenguo: ^ ? 02:26:17 zhenguo: this is a irc command? 02:27:14 shaohe_feng: you an use '/me' to make that happen, hah 02:27:47 * shaohe_feng try 02:28:29 * litao 02:28:55 zhenguo: any task for Xinran 02:29:42 zhenguo: maybe for the firt one, should not be so hard 02:29:42 sahohe_feng: she can take anyone without owner or assinged to me :D 02:30:08 shaohe_feng: you mean keypair or configdrive? 02:30:45 Xinran: hey, which one you are interested? or maybe you need some time to build a dev env first 02:31:09 zhenguo: I means the firs one for Xinran, not the first one in the list. :) 02:31:34 zhenguo: OK, let me have a look, and disucss with you an her. 02:31:42 shaohe_feng: ok 02:32:08 zhangyang: hey, are you around? 02:32:17 zhenguo: yes 02:32:17 yeah i need a few time to build env cuz i reinstalled the system yesterday... 02:32:35 zhangyang: please help to review the new flavor spec, not sure if it will affect the cloudboot driver 02:32:49 Xinran: hah, please feel free to ping me if needed 02:33:18 zhenguo: ok~ 02:33:33 zhenguo: I am improving the multi-instances creation , and try to finish it before next week. 02:33:46 zhenguo, ok, thx 02:33:50 litao: yes, I saw your updated, thanks 02:33:56 Xinran: np 02:33:58 zhenguo: np 02:34:17 we have added metadata and userdata support with configdrive 02:34:59 there's an opportunity to finish all configdrive related things by this week 02:35:16 will try 02:35:59 zhenguo: great. Good Job. 02:36:27 every task owner, can you please say something to align with us about your works here , thanks :D 02:36:49 zhenguo: so the personality and interface this week? 02:37:00 pls let me know if you need help or there's any blocker 02:37:17 shaohe_feng: the injected files and keypair maybe 02:37:34 shaohe_feng: I need to learn more about personality things 02:38:53 zhenguo: keypais, good. then users can easy login his server. 02:39:06 yes 02:39:17 no need passord 02:39:25 password 02:39:30 zhenguo: Really useful for user. 02:39:50 litao: yes, we can't support admin password 02:40:11 litao: as cloud-init will not consume the password we save to configdrive partition 02:40:26 * litao zhenguo: maybe need to config it 02:40:45 zhenguo: but nova can 02:40:48 litao: there's a patch for cloud-init, 02:41:01 litao: nova also can't do it 02:41:21 litao: with configdrive+cloudinit way 02:41:37 litao: nova can make it by leveraging libvirt 02:42:19 but i injected root password successfully using my image 02:42:48 zhenguo: if we can inject a script, can't we let the script to fetch the password from configdrive, and set it for user? 02:42:49 litao: just injected or the password have changed ? 02:43:06 yes, the password changed 02:43:20 litao: by cloud-init? 02:43:30 yes 02:43:38 litao: oh, that's weired 02:43:53 we make the image by myself 02:44:15 litao: aha, yes that would make it work 02:44:28 litao: we can successfully save the password you set to the guest os, 02:44:46 * litao yes , modify it manually 02:44:53 litao, shaohe_feng: so if you can control the cloud-init or boot script, you can change the password 02:45:09 we can try 02:45:47 hah, we will land key pair first, no password support until customers required, wdyt? 02:46:25 zhenguo: I just guess, persionality can help passwork works well. 02:46:55 shaohe_feng: maybe ,we can try later 02:47:18 zhenguo: OK. 02:47:37 If we can make it work well , so we can provide the funciton 02:48:07 litao: sure 02:48:17 zhenguo, I rebuilt env in last days,and I am working on returning fault info correctly,meet some problems now 02:48:52 luyao: can you setup the eve successfully? 02:48:57 s/eve/env 02:49:22 zhenguo, yes 02:49:35 zhenguo, I rebuilt the env 02:49:40 luyao: hah, ok the instance faults information really help me recently 02:50:12 luyao: do you find some problems to return it with instance GET? 02:50:43 luyao: have your solve your issue? 02:51:42 zhenguo, I print fault info in code and it seems correct,but can't return it to user 02:51:53 shaohe_feng, not yet 02:52:06 luyao: maybe need to add fault to Instance API object 02:52:23 luyao: you can update the codes, then I can help to review and test 02:52:30 luyao: OK, let me dug it together 02:52:31 s/update/upload 02:52:50 zhenguo, shaohe_feng , ok ,thanks 02:52:55 luyao: np 02:53:20 ok, anyone who want's to add new tasks or prioritize some taks, please update the ethperpad 02:53:36 ok, let's move on 02:53:49 #topic open discussion 02:53:53 yes, please free to update the task list. 02:53:59 yes 02:54:05 ok 02:54:10 who's got a thing here 02:54:51 let's talk about our docs 02:55:22 Xinran, sunxin: as new guys, do you find our project highly lacks of docs :( 02:56:46 zhenguo: may because we have many refactor tasks in progress :D 02:57:28 liusheng: yes, that's a problem 02:57:45 liusheng: we are really not stable now :D 02:58:06 zhenguo: hah 02:58:12 liusheng: but after flavor refactor, I think it will be different 02:59:46 zhenguo: yes, besides installation and configuration docs, we may need to enforce developers add docs about some specific features after land them. 03:00:25 liusheng: yes, 03:00:57 liusheng: we need to find a time to enable such things like db migraionts, API micro version, and releasenotes/docs 03:01:36 * zhenguo seems no one wants to discuss when we are in open discussion :D 03:01:54 oh, sorry it's over time 03:02:04 thanks everyone for joinint the meeting! 03:02:08 #endmeeting