02:01:24 #startmeeting mogan 02:01:25 Meeting started Thu Apr 20 02:01:24 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:01:26 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:01:28 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:01:59 o/ 02:02:45 liusheng, Xinran_, zhangyang: o/ 02:02:58 o/ 02:03:21 o/ 02:03:25 seems others will be late 02:03:46 as always, the agenda: 02:03:46 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:04:02 let's jump in 02:04:09 #topic announcements and reminders 02:04:22 The tempest gate is still broken :( 02:04:42 sorry for the inconvenience 02:05:07 any ironic guy tring to fix that ? 02:05:55 liusheng: seems some gates turns to green, but still some fails 02:06:11 zhenguo: :( 02:06:59 liusheng: I will try to look into it today 02:07:30 another thing is we have replaced /types with /flavors in our URI. 02:07:41 maybe also need to change /instances to /servers. 02:08:01 zhenguo: we can try to skip the tempest test if we are urgent to merge something 02:08:08 zhenguo: that is cool 02:08:39 liusheng: hah, let's try to fix it instead make it non-voting :D 02:08:52 zhenguo: lol 02:09:23 Mogan UI is comming, I will try to add the instances panel by this week 02:09:44 maybe we need a separated panel group like Compute 02:09:52 I would like to call it Bare Metal Compute 02:10:19 zhenguo: awesome! 02:10:21 with some panels like Compute, overview, instances, images, keypairs 02:10:44 zhenguo: you are horizon expert! 02:10:51 liusheng: ol 02:10:52 lol 02:11:19 but not sure if it's a good idea to totally separated from Compute 02:11:30 let's try to review the dashboard when it's ready 02:12:44 as we don't have any moganclient released, I added the python-moganclient repo to mogan-ui test requirements 02:13:11 and a seperated devstack plugin like other horizon plugins 02:13:57 zhenguo: maybe we can release moganclient in pypi 02:14:19 liusheng: yes, but maybe it's better to wait for the new flavor, wdyt? 02:14:28 zhenguo: yes, sure 02:14:51 zhenguo: liusheng: I'm here 02:14:58 morning all 02:14:59 liusheng: as there's a way to add non released client to requirements, it's not that urgent :D 02:15:09 zhenguo: yes, I know that 02:15:10 shaohe_feng: o/ 02:17:01 shaohe_feng: hi, do you have anything want to talk in this topic :D 02:17:39 zhenguo: Let me go through the msg 02:18:28 zhenguo: what's change, about client? 02:19:08 shaohe_feng: not client, we talk about whether we need to release the client 02:19:54 shaohe_feng: does the OSIC affect you Intel guys :P 02:20:24 zhenguo: waiting for msg :) 02:20:42 shaohe_feng: hah 02:21:02 zhenguo: we defer the client release just for the new flavor? 02:21:19 shaohe_feng: not only 02:21:28 as we still have many things to refactor maybe 02:21:32 it's not stable 02:21:44 and we don't have a strong requirement to release the client 02:22:00 zhenguo: how many works for the client? 02:22:08 the releasing is also easy 02:22:27 shaohe_feng: not much works, but we need to increase the client version number 02:23:02 liusheng: sure 02:23:25 zhenguo: OK. So it it not a emergency thing. 02:23:34 yes, I think so 02:24:03 ok, if there's no other things, let's move on 02:24:08 zhenguo: OK. maybe we can focus on the high priority 02:24:17 yes 02:24:26 #topic task tracking 02:24:38 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mogan-task 02:24:53 * zhenguo gives folks a few minutes to review 02:26:52 for the new flavors, I would like to add a POC patch first 02:28:07 and I find we have a instance type projects table, but no access control exposed to users, really weired, hah 02:29:33 zhenguo: who will improve it? 02:29:39 zhenguo: I found that long ago 02:29:54 zhenguo: and seems I have asked some guy 02:30:07 zhenguo: lol 02:30:19 hah, we can add that support first 02:31:13 if there's no one want to take it, I will :D 02:31:54 zhenguo: do we need a separated instance type project table ? 02:31:55 the access control URI may look like /flavors/flavor_uuid/access, wdyt? 02:32:06 zhenguo: or just add a column in instance_type ? 02:32:27 liusheng: maybe it's better to be separated, for indexing 02:33:03 zhenguo: will check it more when reviewing :D 02:33:12 liusheng: and I'm thinking to make cpus, memory, disks, nics all inseperated tables from flavors 02:34:58 the keypairs patch is blocked by the gate 02:35:02 zhenguo: that may cause many tables association 02:35:04 zhenguo: yes 02:35:32 liusheng: yes, but not sure the advantages and disadvantages 02:35:45 zhenguo: but you can download the mogan patch and client patch to test the keypars commands :D 02:35:47 liusheng: do you know why nova make all things separated from instances 02:36:05 liusheng: sure, thanks for the big patch! 02:36:24 zhenguo: np 02:36:51 zhenguo: not all things in Nova are separated from instances I think, may need to dig more. 02:37:13 liusheng: yes, let's look into it 02:37:37 after the keypair patch landed, I will add it to configdrive 02:38:42 zhenguo: Good. Keypair is too important to users. 02:38:51 zhenguo: that will be convenient for functionalities testing 02:39:24 liusheng: Good job. 02:40:14 but users may need to import nova keypairs to mogan, it's somewhat convoluted 02:41:01 but we can't use nova keypairs directly :( 02:41:52 hah, the keypair-create api provide two functionalities, 1. create a new keypair; 2. import an existing keypair 02:42:04 zhenguo: may that can help 02:42:07 zhenguo: do you means user will deploy both nova and mogan? 02:42:39 liusheng: import the existing keypair from nova? 02:42:43 liusheng: yes, they can import the keypairs for vm to mogan 02:43:11 shaohe_feng: yes, nova for vms and mogan for bms, in a hybrid env 02:43:14 shaohe_feng: yes, the mogan db or Nova db only record the public key, and can be query 02:43:17 then I think maybe keypairs put in nova DB is a not a good idea. 02:43:42 myabe another project should take care keypairs. 02:45:04 yes, but we can't rely on nova keypairs API, as Mogan env is not with Nova always 02:45:12 shaohe_feng, zhenguo yes, we should consider the standalone scenario of mogan deployment 02:45:28 yes 02:46:25 ok, instance fault patch seems ready 02:46:40 zhenguo: yes. 02:46:59 shaohe_feng: do you know why luyao implement the hasattr built-in function ? 02:47:30 zhenguo: yes. 02:47:47 zhenguo: the build_in method hasattr for python3 has different action with python2 02:47:59 zhenguo: it has side-effect 02:48:22 shaohe_feng: oh, 02:48:43 do other projects implement it again? 02:49:01 zhenguo: it try to load the "fault" attr, if can not load, py3 throw a exception. 02:49:05 sorry, I don't get time to look through the whole patch 02:49:21 zhenguo: but python2 just pass it, and return false. 02:49:31 shaohe_feng: you mean hasattr will raise exception? 02:49:41 zhenguo: yes. just for py3 02:49:50 shaohe_feng: oh, tha't odd 02:50:00 zhenguo: we can check other project. 02:50:14 shaohe_feng: ok, thanks 02:50:27 zhenguo: oh, maybe we can improve the version object lib. 02:50:40 zhenguo: luyao's way can work around. 02:50:52 shaohe_feng: really, I just tested in py3, it return a False 02:51:38 liusheng: you mean no exception? 02:51:44 zhenguo: yes 02:51:52 Python 3.5.2 (default, Nov 17 2016, 17:05:23) 02:51:53 liusheng: zhenguo: we can check the py3 doc for hasattr 02:51:53 [GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux 02:51:53 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. 02:51:53 >>> class test(object): pass 02:51:53 ... 02:51:53 >>> a=test() 02:51:56 >>> hasattr(a, 'aa') 02:52:07 liusheng: yes, this example can work. 02:52:18 ok, we can check after the meeting 02:52:49 seems no much time left 02:53:02 zhangyang: hi, any update for cloudboot driver? 02:53:23 Xinran_: how's the attach/detach interfaces work? 02:53:24 liusheng: but fault field it use also python reflect to add it. some different with your test. 02:54:11 shaohe_feng: oh, got it. 02:54:20 zhenguo: going to have a meeting with cloudboot guys today, and start coding next week. really slow :( 02:54:39 zhangyang: hah, 02:55:02 zhangyang: we can have a deep discussion during the bug smash. 02:55:32 zhenguo: yeah, really expect that. 02:55:52 zhangyang: :D 02:56:46 liusheng: maybe you can update the eptherpad to move console task to Done :D 02:56:47 I plan to apply these two fonctions in the class InstanceNetworksController. Is it possible ? 02:57:06 XinRan_: sure 02:57:10 zhenguo: oh, ok 02:57:23 Xinran_: maybe networks/interfaces ? 02:59:13 ok, we can discuss this more after the meeting 02:59:19 anything else here? 02:59:36 no 02:59:42 ok 03:00:05 #topic open discussion 03:00:14 who's got a thing:) 03:00:54 ok, It's almost time, thanks everyone for joining the meeting! 03:01:00 #endmeeting