02:01:21 #startmeeting mogan 02:01:22 Meeting started Thu May 4 02:01:21 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:01:23 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:01:25 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:02:14 anybody here? 02:03:08 yes 02:03:28 litao: o/ 02:04:39 let's wait for a few 02:04:50 o/ 02:05:26 luyao: o/ 02:05:39 liusheng: are you around? 02:05:54 o/ 02:06:10 zhenguo: sorry, just forgot :D 02:06:17 liusheng: hah 02:06:32 ok as always, the agenda: 02:06:32 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:06:40 let's jump in 02:06:51 #topic announcements and reminders 02:07:15 Our devstack local.conf in dev-quickstart doc will lead errors as there is a bug with ironic devstack plugin if you disable nova* 02:07:15 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/452413/ 02:07:15 patch 452413 - ironic - Avoid double ".img" postfix of image file path in ... 02:07:54 liusheng: seems still no core review the patch :( 02:08:24 there's no any vote except my +1 and jenkins, hah 02:08:26 zhenguo: yes 02:08:47 I will vote it 02:08:49 As it's stuck for a long time, I'd like to update our doc to remove disable nova* to make it work 02:08:49 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/462335/ 02:08:50 patch 462335 - mogan - Update devstack config file to enable nova* 02:09:01 litao: hah, thanks! 02:10:43 we have replace all instances stuff to servers and also instance_types to flavors, thanks liusheng for the hard work! 02:11:05 zhenguo: np :) 02:11:14 so we don't have concepts of instances and instance_types in future 02:11:19 great 02:12:08 ok, not much announcement, anyone else have a thing here? 02:12:55 if not, let's move on 02:13:02 zhenguo: I am absent for a moments for a internal meeting 02:13:03 #topic task tracking 02:13:12 litao: ok 02:13:17 I will go to Suzhou bug smash . : D 02:13:24 luyao: hah 02:13:36 luyao: finally 02:14:40 so, we will have 7 techs confimed to go to SuZhou Bug Smash 02:15:21 not sure one table is enough for us, lol 02:15:29 lol 02:15:35 Do I need register on the bug smash etherpad? 02:15:46 luyao: yes 02:15:58 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/OpenStack-Bug-Smash-Pike-Suzhou 02:16:17 zhenguo, ok, thank you. :D 02:16:32 luyao: np 02:16:40 looking forward to see you guys there 02:17:04 ok, let's talk about the tasks 02:17:16 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mogan-task 02:17:33 looks like things are moving along nicely 02:17:47 * zhenguo gives folks a few minutes to review 02:20:05 seems we have a good progress :D 02:20:27 liusheng: hah, yes 02:21:29 the new flavor task is stuck these days 02:21:43 as I'm trying to make our flavor access work 02:22:01 and we don't have policy check before 02:23:00 thanks zhenguo for taking over so many tasks 02:23:32 liusheng: but they are all stuck, lol 02:24:00 zhenguo: lol 02:24:18 * zhenguo need to make more time 02:25:04 zhenguo, Xinran's detach_interface and my attach_interface are almost ready, we have tested their function, need more review now. 02:25:29 luyao, Xinran: thanks for the hard work 02:25:50 luyao, Xinran: I don't got time to look though all the code, but seems it's good to me 02:26:19 will review and test later, thanks 02:27:04 ok, thanks 02:27:09 np 02:27:12 thanks luyao, Xinran will review later 02:27:43 wanghao is in a internal meeting, I can paste his tasks status here 02:27:56 he is now working on the manage baremetal serve spec 02:28:19 and will add specifying port support for creating server after summit 02:28:35 hah, he is the only mogan guy, who will got to Boston Summit, 02:28:53 * zhenguo envy him 02:29:07 hah 02:30:12 liusheng: I have tested the nics refactor patch, works well 02:30:30 zhenguo: thanks 02:30:54 and the migration tool, I will make sure to test it by this week, sorry for the late 02:31:48 zhenguo: not urgent, thanks for take care that 02:32:10 liusheng: hah, and seems it will not conflict with anything :D 02:32:47 zhenguo: yeah, I have handled the conflicts 02:33:06 hah, ok 02:33:26 anyone else have a thing here? 02:34:03 zhangyang: do you have anyting to align with us? 02:34:49 zhenguo: morning 02:34:59 shaohe_feng: o/ 02:36:15 zhenguo: nothing now, working on cloudboot driver now 😂 02:36:29 zhangyang: hah, good luck 02:36:57 ok, anything else? 02:37:26 if not, let's move on 02:37:34 #topic open discussion 02:37:54 who's got a thing :) 02:39:24 if not, we can end the meeing now, hah 02:39:29 seems nothing else :D 02:39:41 hah, thanks y'all 02:39:48 see you next week 02:39:56 #endmeeting