02:01:51 <zhenguo> #startmeeting mogan
02:01:52 <openstack> Meeting started Thu May 11 02:01:51 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
02:01:53 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
02:01:55 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'mogan'
02:02:10 <liusheng> o/
02:02:38 <zhenguo> liusheng, luyao, Xinran, zhangyang: o/
02:02:51 <luyao> o/
02:03:37 <zhenguo> as always, the agenda:
02:03:37 <zhenguo> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting
02:04:07 <Xinran> o/
02:04:24 <zhenguo> ok, seems we only got 4 guys here
02:04:56 <zhenguo> let's jump in
02:05:02 <zhenguo> #topic announcements and reminders
02:05:23 <zhenguo> next weekly meeting will be canceled due to the bug smash activities, as most of us will be there
02:05:55 <zhenguo> and seems we got at least one guy from each company :D
02:06:04 <liusheng> yes, let's meet in SuZhou
02:06:07 <liusheng> :)
02:06:15 <zhenguo> hah
02:06:33 <zhenguo> oops, not only guys bug gals, lol
02:06:55 <liusheng> sure
02:07:12 <zhenguo> and maybe we can not treat it like a 'bug smash', we can do more dicussion, maybe like mid-cycle.
02:07:21 <zhenguo> you can prepare topics you want to discuss, anything is fine :D
02:08:03 <zhenguo> ok, another thing I want to mention here is the mogan UI
02:08:22 <zhenguo> it is basicly ready to show, you can try with mogan-ui plugin enabled in devstack conf
02:08:41 <liusheng> zhenguo: that is cool, thanks for zhenguo's great work!
02:08:45 <zhenguo> and I would like to show you how mogan manage bareemtals during the bug smash with real physical env
02:08:53 <zhenguo> liusheng: hah
02:09:49 <zhenguo> I will try to finish the first patch of flavor refactoring, at least we can show more hardware properties with it
02:10:24 <zhenguo> not much of announcement, any else have a thing here?
02:11:00 <zhenguo> ok, let's move on
02:11:06 <zhenguo> #topic task tracking
02:11:17 <zhenguo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mogan-task
02:11:24 * zhenguo gives folks a few minutes to review
02:12:30 <zhenguo> wrt new flavors, I will try got land the first patch by this week
02:12:44 <zhenguo> then make the scheduler to aware new flavor properties
02:12:58 <zhenguo> but before that, we only use node-type for scheduling
02:13:00 <liusheng> zhenguo: ok, will try to review
02:13:07 <zhenguo> liusheng: thansk
02:14:13 <zhenguo> liusheng: how's the scheduler hints one, seems patch is ready to review
02:14:31 <liusheng> zhenguo: in Nova, seems there are some exact_core, exact_ram, exact_disk filters for baremetal scheduling
02:14:56 <zhenguo> liusheng: yes, that makes it more accurate
02:15:09 <liusheng> zhenguo: yes, in my patch, only provide the compacity to pass the scheduler_hint to scheduler
02:15:10 <zhenguo> liusheng: it will use equal instead of more than
02:15:32 <liusheng> zhenguo: but won't be used because we don't have a scheduler filter to use it
02:15:41 <liusheng> zhenguo: ok
02:16:03 <zhenguo> liusheng: ok, how about specifying the node_uuid with schedule hints
02:16:13 <zhenguo> it would be sure a hint
02:17:08 <liusheng> zhenguo: ok, let me study more, maybe add that in following patches
02:17:10 <zhenguo> or maybe we will introduce the concept of Rack, scheduling servers to same Rack?
02:17:20 <zhenguo> liusheng: ok
02:17:59 <zhenguo> we need some brain storming during the bug smash
02:18:13 <liusheng> zhenguo: hah, sure
02:18:18 <zhenguo> hah
02:18:47 <zhenguo> for mogan UI, I have added the basic functionalities, will add more
02:19:28 <zhenguo> ok, the attch/detach interfaces task
02:19:36 <zhenguo> luyao and Xinran
02:20:36 <zhenguo> seems the new updated patches look better, sorry for not got time to look through the codes
02:21:17 <liusheng> let's review and land the patches asap :D
02:21:42 <zhenguo> liusheng: sure
02:21:49 <luyao> zhenguo, liusheng, thank you very much. :D
02:21:55 <zhenguo> np
02:22:35 <zhenguo> and seems litao also updated the patch to improve multi server creation scheduling
02:23:04 <zhenguo> aha, seems he is not here, just a reminder to review it
02:23:27 <zhenguo> ok, next is the migration tool
02:23:38 <zhenguo> oh, sorry liusheng
02:23:46 <zhenguo> I still not got a env to test it
02:23:56 <zhenguo> maybe you can show it during the bug smash, lol
02:24:05 <liusheng> zhenguo: that is ok
02:24:08 <liusheng> zhenguo: ok
02:24:12 <zhenguo> hah, thanks
02:24:49 <zhenguo> as wanghao is in Boston now, there's now update for his tasks until he come back
02:25:02 <zhenguo> ok, that's all
02:25:20 <zhenguo> anything else here?
02:25:43 <liusheng> seems most Mogan guys are absent :P
02:26:08 <zhenguo> yes, maybe busy with internal stuff
02:26:13 <zhenguo> not like you and me, lol
02:26:45 <zhenguo> ok, let's move on
02:26:54 <liusheng> zhenguo: also many meetings for me in Thursday :)
02:26:54 <zhenguo> #topic open discussion
02:27:07 <zhenguo> liusheng: hah,
02:27:24 <zhenguo> liusheng: do you think we should change the meeting time
02:27:32 <zhenguo> maybe move it to mid night, lol
02:28:07 <liusheng> zhenguo: I am OK, but is there a strong reason ?
02:28:12 <liusheng> hah
02:28:30 <zhenguo> liusheng: hah, work time seems not suitable for most of us
02:28:39 <zhenguo> as internal meetings, stuff,
02:28:44 <liusheng> zhenguo: oh, reasonable'
02:28:57 <zhenguo> hah, let's discuss this with others later
02:28:58 <liusheng> zhenguo: let's talk that in SuZhou
02:29:09 <zhenguo> maybe not mid night, but some time no in work
02:29:44 <zhenguo> ok, another thing is also the bug smash
02:29:59 <zhenguo> should we need to prepare some bugs for it
02:32:05 <zhenguo> luyao, Xinran: you don't need to stick to the attach/detach interfaces task if you still got time, you can fix bugs or do more reviews
02:32:12 <zhenguo> only if you got time
02:34:47 <zhenguo> ok, seems they are not around
02:35:12 <zhenguo> thanks you all for joining the meeing
02:35:15 <zhenguo> will end it
02:35:29 <zhenguo> #endmeeting