02:00:39 #startmeeting mogan 02:00:40 Meeting started Thu May 25 02:00:39 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:00:41 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:00:43 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:00:54 wanghao, shaohe_feng: o/ 02:01:13 hi 02:01:23 o/ 02:01:33 zhangyang: o/ 02:01:48 anybody else here? luyao, Xinran, litao__ 02:02:24 litao is a little busy now.. :) 02:02:31 ok 02:02:46 liusheng is on vacation now 02:02:57 as always, the agenda: 02:02:57 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:03:06 let's jump in 02:03:19 #topic announcements and reminders 02:03:39 it's really a wonderful team gathering during the Suzhou bug smash :D 02:03:43 thanks everyone 02:03:55 o/ 02:04:05 luyao: o/ 02:04:10 o/ 02:04:23 Xinran: o/ 02:04:47 we had a nice demo show there, and made a discussion about the desired features from every involved company 02:05:07 a short mid cycle :D 02:05:17 thanks everyone for joning 02:07:30 that's a good and comfortable meeting :) 02:08:01 ok, that's the bug smah 02:08:01 another thins is for big tent 02:08:01 as we aims to be a offical project, so I collected some principles here 02:08:01 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mogan 02:08:01 hi guys, are you still around? seems only me typing... 02:08:41 I'm here 02:08:48 could you see me ? 02:08:51 hah, sure 02:10:01 before we go though the list, I would like to leave some time for everybody to review it :D 02:11:04 done 02:11:55 zhenguo: HI 02:12:15 shaohe_feng: o/ 02:12:51 do we have cross project folks? 02:12:54 please feel free to leave comments there with your name, so we can discuss 02:13:11 wanghao: not sure 02:13:37 wanghao: but seems it's not a must 02:13:46 zhenguo: great 02:14:05 we can go through the list one by one 02:14:22 first, the big problem of us, is reviews :( 02:14:56 There is just one person doing reviews, need to change that and make sure there are reviews from more people and more companies 02:15:27 I am coming 02:15:55 In mogan or mogan-spec? I remeber to review some patches... 02:16:15 maybe so few.... 02:16:42 litao__: o/ 02:17:07 wanghao: yes, we should do more 02:17:23 and I will not directly merge patches from now on 02:17:30 zhenguo: yes 02:17:43 to ensure patches got enough reviews, I will ping you all 02:18:04 zhenguo: you have mentioned there's a review guid. 02:18:06 maybe we should have a list to ping, who wants to review should be added 02:18:11 I think we should also need more bug report 02:18:15 zhenguo: the link? 02:18:27 shaohe_feng: let me find 02:18:38 zhenguo: It will be helpful, expecially for the fresh. 02:18:53 litao__: yes, we should follow the community policies 02:19:34 #link https://docs.openstack.org/contributor-guide/docs-review-guidelines.html 02:19:43 shaohe_feng ^^ 02:20:17 great. Xinran, luyao ^^ it is helpful. 02:20:54 like a review team 02:21:02 hah , :D 02:21:09 great 02:21:58 and a patch must got a +2 then another +2+A to land 02:22:36 zhenguo: recently not? 02:22:57 litao__: yes, I just +A it directly :( 02:23:04 sorry, it's my faults 02:23:06 lol 02:23:19 we should focus more on reviews, 02:23:35 new features development can be slow down a bit 02:24:23 and, we need more core reviewers :D 02:24:32 +1 02:25:00 we should be active to do review. 02:25:54 * litao__ yes, we should need more +2 02:26:16 yes, and I think our cores should keep 2-3 reviews everyday, or even more 02:26:52 let's do it. 02:26:53 but need to make sure we have enough patches to review, lol 02:27:04 ha 02:27:12 so we should find more bugs 02:28:15 yes, more bugs can be find only if more people play with mogan 02:28:28 zhenguo: all our bugs filed in the launchpad link? 02:28:42 we just set up a physical env, please ping me if you need help for this 02:28:50 shaohe_feng: yes 02:29:15 zhenguo: really, we need env 02:29:24 wanghao: hah 02:29:41 zhenguo: great, that's easy for others join us, fresh can pick bugs from the link 02:29:59 https://bugs.launchpad.net/mogan 02:30:10 currently not much 02:30:29 litao__: yes, we can force a bug link for every patch 02:30:47 you can -1 patch without bug link... 02:31:08 zhenguo: great 02:31:19 and another thing is tests 02:31:26 zhenguo: a big problem to find bugs, no special tester for mogan 02:31:42 shaohe_feng: yes, 02:32:02 zhenguo: yes, and the bug link should be in the commit message. 02:32:11 shaohe_feng: sure 02:32:22 and you can also -1 patch without tests 02:32:40 currently our tests coverage is very low 02:32:50 our UT coverage is only 58% 02:33:08 and functional only covers a few API calls 02:33:38 there are only two test case in tempest, one is create flavor, the other is create server 02:34:16 need more. 02:35:06 so add a task item(add more tasks) in our task list 02:35:09 hah 02:35:15 liusheng is absent, so I help him to pick up tempest and functional tests 02:35:32 shaohe_feng: sounds good 02:35:56 unit test maybe need we all to enrich 02:36:23 as we got a coverage gate, it's easy to find every file's tests coverage and do it 02:36:52 like this http://logs.openstack.org/94/466694/4/check/mogan-coverage-ubuntu-xenial-nv/0f58f0b/cover/ 02:37:19 emm, so report a bug to add more ut tests. 02:37:35 do it again and again 02:37:38 seems reasonable to have a bug 02:37:44 hah 02:37:44 yes 02:38:55 wanghao: This sounds great 02:39:57 I just added a owner to every task on the etherpad 02:40:10 please add you name as well, if you are interested in the task 02:40:26 zhenguo: does our wiki introuce some test guid? 02:40:40 shaohe_feng: no 02:41:02 shaohe_feng: we only got some larger view of the project there 02:41:21 shaohe_feng: details things maybe need a separated wiki page, wdyt? 02:41:35 good/ 02:44:01 I add a task for tests in our task list 02:44:15 wanghao: thanks 02:44:15 owner is all, priority is high 02:44:34 wanghao: lol 02:44:48 so everyone can feel free to add the tests you want. 02:45:05 wanghao: need a bug report 02:45:17 yes 02:45:20 yes, tests can keep our quality, 02:45:33 wanghao: great. 02:46:17 another thing is the email traffic, when you search mogan there's only a few mails in the list :( 02:46:47 please don't be shy to send us to public 02:48:08 ok, seems that's all 02:48:14 anyting else here? 02:48:39 if not, let's move on 02:49:09 let disucss more things via email 02:49:09 #topic task tracking 02:49:19 shaohe_feng: sure 02:49:40 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mogan-task 02:50:06 I would like to prioritize the raid task 02:50:56 which is one of the gap that the community has recognized between Nova and Ironic 02:52:49 wanghao: seems we don't need to send out all task status list there 02:53:24 wanghao: we can prioritize the list and make a new list which we want to land before Pike release 02:53:41 most mongan potential users expect this feature. 02:53:49 zhenguo: yes 02:54:04 wanghao: maybe we can prepare a template, and start to send task statsus mail after next meeing, wdyt? 02:54:38 zhenguo: same as you said, we can review it frist. 02:54:56 wanghao: ok, thanks 02:55:09 good 02:55:23 np 02:55:51 oh, seems it's almost time 02:56:09 we can go though the new task list next week 02:56:18 yeah 02:56:28 ok, let's move on to next topic 02:56:36 #topic open discussion 02:57:08 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/465792/ 02:57:08 patch 465792 - nova - WIP: Bulk query floating IPs in _nw_info_get_ips 02:57:26 not sure if there's some one want to pick up this task for mogan 02:58:01 as we copied that code out of nova :D 02:58:12 :) 02:58:33 report a bug and let's see which guy want it. 02:58:49 yes, sure, 02:59:23 ok, really a nice meeting 02:59:32 anything else want to be discussed? 03:00:12 if not, we can end the meeing 03:00:29 thanks all for joining 03:00:33 #endmeeting