02:01:03 #startmeeting mogan 02:01:04 Meeting started Thu Jun 15 02:01:03 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:01:05 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:01:07 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:01:11 o/ 02:01:39 o/ 02:02:34 liusheng, shaohe_feng, luyao, Xinran, zhangyang: are you here? 02:02:45 o/ 02:02:50 miss me 02:02:56 :( 02:02:57 o/ 02:02:57 wanghao: hah 02:03:07 o/ 02:03:12 wanghao: I find you say hi before the meeting :D 02:03:19 hhaha 02:03:36 as always, the agenda: 02:03:36 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:03:39 let's jump in 02:03:47 #topic announcements and reminders 02:04:07 We got the first weekly tasks report sent out last week. thansk wanghao! 02:04:15 thanks 02:04:23 my pleasure 02:04:42 o/ 02:05:01 please remember to update the etherpad to help summarize the report, thanks all 02:05:18 Our tempest coverage is improved and the work is still going on, thanks liusheng! 02:05:47 zhenguo: np :) 02:05:50 I see it, very cool, God sheng 02:05:58 hah 02:06:16 We don't have a time freeze for specs this cycle, but please write specs for you BP soon if it's needed to ensure there's enough time to review. 02:06:17 lol 02:07:13 Contribution into mogan for the last 30 days 02:07:13 #link http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/mogan/30 02:07:34 the review stats is still not looks very well, so also please do more reviews 02:08:20 And as we are all in a same TZ, I propose to have a 'review hour' every day if it's feasible, wdyt? 02:08:36 sure 02:08:40 yeah, I think it's great 02:08:51 Not only cores should paticipate, everyone can join or ping others for review during that time. 02:08:56 sounds great! 02:09:08 seems a little better then last week in revies. 02:09:26 good start at least. 02:09:37 hah, yes, as you all start to review patches 02:09:47 yeah 02:09:51 which makes us like a real community 02:10:03 hah 02:10:30 and I stop to +A patch directly to let it be fully reviewed 02:11:22 ok, if you agree, we will find a time 02:11:34 em 02:11:41 maybe 4:30-5:30 02:12:03 wanghao: hah, as you will end the day by 5:30, right? 02:12:16 yeah, change your brain before go home 02:12:17 haha 02:12:22 lol 02:12:27 I'm ok with that time 02:12:28 * litao__ which day? 02:12:34 every day 02:12:56 is it feasible for everyday? 02:13:08 I am also Ok 02:13:11 which day is the review day? 02:13:48 litao__ not review day, it's review hour 02:14:01 litao__: so everyday could has a review hour, lol 02:14:27 zhenguo: maybe 1,3,5? 02:14:31 zhenguo: ok 02:14:50 wanghao: sounds good 02:15:01 or 1, 2, 4 lol 02:15:04 like hackathon? 02:15:13 lol 02:15:23 litao__: pretty much 02:15:38 liusheng: haha 02:15:39 everyday is ok for me... 02:15:57 or every hour, hah 02:16:04 zhenguo: yeah, 02:16:26 shaohe_feng: wdyt? 02:16:31 zhenguo: we can just try it a week and see if it's ok next week. 02:16:32 zhenguo: you are free 02:16:46 litao__: not really 02:16:57 1,2,4 also fine to me 02:17:35 so 4:30pm to 5:30 pm every 1,2,4 02:17:43 zhenguo: great 02:18:14 zhenguo: That's all 02:18:15 +1 02:18:48 ok, if someone else dissent this, we can discuss later 02:19:40 not much of announcement, anyone else have a thing here? 02:20:45 the Sydney Summit presentation is open, we really need a one to show what's mogan 02:21:21 we got a presentation selected on openstack days china next month :D 02:21:25 Sydney is a good place 02:21:40 hope we can go there :) 02:21:58 could we apply a project onboard in Sydney? 02:22:00 hah, we can prepare more presentatins, if you want to go 02:22:25 wanghao: seems yes 02:22:33 to introduce Mogan to users like other projects doing in Boston. 02:22:35 yes 02:22:51 wanghao: not sure if it's allowed for non-official project 02:23:10 zhenguo: yeah, aslo concern that too. 02:23:24 so make it official 02:23:39 litao__: hah 02:24:08 litao__: that's our try too to apply a project onboard 02:24:26 zhenguo: maybe need more information about that. 02:24:33 wanghao: yes 02:24:40 wanghao: yes, will check later, still got time 02:24:46 zhenguo: cool 02:24:59 ok, let's move on 02:25:14 #topic task tracking 02:25:24 #links https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MoganWhiteBoard 02:25:32 * zhenguo gives folks a few minutes to review 02:25:59 zhenguo: looks good 02:26:17 shaohe_feng: the time is feasible for you? 02:27:23 zhenguo: need to enrich versioned notifications now ? 02:28:01 liusheng: yeah, do you have concerns? 02:28:26 liusheng: before Pike, I think we should got enough notifications 02:28:36 zhenguo: no, just confirm is it high priorities now, hah 02:28:43 zhenguo: ok 02:29:15 liusheng: hah, you can try to add it for stable API which we will not change before Pike release 02:29:46 zhenguo: ok 02:30:03 zhenguo: we also should mention developers to add notification in new features. 02:30:08 zhenguo: if needed. 02:30:18 zhenguo: It's oK 02:30:20 wanghao: sure 02:30:28 shaohe_feng: ok 02:30:37 wanghao: also, for quotas, we shold add more 02:30:38 btw, I will spend some time to know placement and think about how to integrate it to Mogan, what do you think ? 02:30:57 wanghao: agreed 02:31:00 liusheng: sure 02:31:13 liusheng: I will add you to the new flavor bp with me 02:31:19 zhenguo: yes 02:31:23 zhenguo: ok 02:32:14 liusheng: great. 02:32:30 shaohe_feng: :D 02:32:54 liusheng: consider we can support placement in scheduler, but not sure if it could be now. 02:33:37 wanghao: besides node aggregates thing, we can move to that directly after the refactoring of flavor, hah 02:34:08 liusheng: is it high priority for placement? 02:34:09 so node aggregates spec needs to wait for a while 02:34:14 zhenguo: yes, that like what nova does now 02:34:25 zhenguo: do you think we should support two scheduler way? 02:34:48 zhenguo: placement or our own. 02:34:52 if the community are moving to placement, there's no reason for us not to 02:35:00 emm, sure 02:35:08 litao__: may be, we need to reduce the burden which may will be bigger if we swith late 02:35:35 wanghao: we will still have a scheduler, placement only for resouces tracking 02:35:41 liusheng: sure 02:35:44 we will move our compute nodes there 02:35:49 zhenguo: btw, if there is no big issue in adopt node, we can prepare to code it next week. 02:35:56 mogan will not store baremetal resources 02:35:58 zhenguo: yeah, I see. 02:36:35 wanghao: yes, you can start coding I think, will try to make more people review that spec 02:37:07 zhenguo: I will work with wanghao to fullfill adoption 02:37:14 wanghao: aha, today is Thursday, our review hour.. 02:37:29 litao__ : thanks 02:37:49 litao__: and if you like, you can also do quotas together with wanghao :D 02:38:08 zhenguo: yeah, I will 02:38:13 ok 02:38:28 zhenguo: I develop new devstack with nova 02:38:44 zhenguo: it can use placement now 02:39:03 shahe_feng: yes, nova has moved to placement 02:39:27 but we should find a way to use placement aggregates for our nodes aggregates 02:39:50 so I will not update the node aggregates spec recently until we got a outcome 02:40:14 zhenguo: agree. 02:41:00 wanghao: for adopting servers, we will not save the manageable nodes right? 02:41:43 zhenguo: sure, and thanks litao_ 02:41:56 zhenguo: yes 02:42:15 zhenguo: just get them from driver and show them to user diectly 02:42:16 wanghao: ok 02:43:00 so it is simple 02:43:20 yes 02:43:35 another thing I want to discuss is the port_type support 02:44:00 as ironic now support vif_attach and vif_detach, so we will move to use that API 02:44:13 but it's not support pass hints for physical ports to use 02:44:29 so we will lose the ability to specifying port_type when claiming a server 02:44:43 but the right approach is to push ironic support this, wdyt? 02:45:53 zhenguo: I see now Mogan use port_type just to match the physical port from Ironic. 02:46:47 wanghao: yes 02:47:03 zhenguo: so you mean we will pass the port_type to Ironic? 02:47:40 wanghao: yes, but ironic api doens't support it 02:48:48 zhenguo: yeah , maybe we can push it to ironic project 02:48:59 zhenguo: How Ironic to use the port_type? 02:50:01 wanghao: in fact, ironic now support vif_attach api, so we only need to pass a neutron port_id to it then it will choose one physical port to associate 02:50:26 wanghao: we don't need to list all ports and select one ourselves, and set extra/vif_port_id to ironic 02:50:41 zhenguo: ah I see 02:51:01 wanghao: so I would like to make ironic vif attach api support some more hints to the physical port 02:51:24 wanghao: at least something like tag should be supported and I think it make sense 02:51:38 zhenguo: I remember it is done by nova rather than ironic 02:52:01 litao__ : nova has changed to just call ironic.vif_attach 02:52:14 zhenguo: I see, you mean we put the associate process down to Ironic. 02:52:24 wanghao: yes 02:52:47 wanghao: ironic now just sort the port and choose the first available one 02:53:08 wanghao: it's move flexible to let ironic know which type of port we want to use 02:53:20 zhenguo: emm agree 02:53:32 zhenguo: it should be supported in Ironic 02:53:52 wanghao:yes, so we can just drop that support provisionally 02:54:53 Xinran: hi, please continue the refactor of vif_attach/detach, thanks! 02:55:44 zhenguo: remove port_type in creation server? I think it's no harmful even if we keep it now. 02:56:04 zhenguo: since we didn't use it well. 02:56:37 wanghao: but if we change to use ironic vif_attach, we can't support that 02:57:57 we can pass it down to ironic driver, but can't pass it to ironic :( 02:58:26 zhenguo: emm, okay, I see your point. maybe we remove it. let's see the code 02:58:31 zhenguo:sounds good 02:58:47 ok 02:58:55 it's almost time 02:59:23 we can move to next topic if there is not things want to discuss here 02:59:32 #topic open discussion 02:59:43 who's got a thing here 02:59:51 ok, i will do it soon 03:00:01 Xinran: thanks 03:00:44 thanks y'all 03:00:50 bye 03:00:57 #endmeeting