02:00:46 #startmeeting mogan 02:00:47 Meeting started Thu Jun 22 02:00:46 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:00:48 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:00:50 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:00:52 hi all 02:00:55 o/ 02:01:05 o/ 02:01:09 zhonghua: sorry, I want to ping zhenguo 02:01:15 lol 02:01:26 o/ 02:01:34 :) 02:02:01 litao__, zhangyang, Xinran: are you here? 02:02:06 o/ 02:02:32 as always, the agenda: 02:02:32 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:02:38 #topic announcements and reminders 02:02:41 o/ 02:03:06 Sydney Summit call for presentations open until July 14 02:03:12 please help to prepare some if you to time 02:03:24 s/to/got 02:05:07 We got a presentation to introduce mogan during the OpenStack Days China next month, maybe that could be one also for Sydney Summit :D 02:06:15 ... 02:06:42 seems you guys don't quite like this topic, let's move on, hah 02:06:48 zhenguo: that will be cool, beside introduction, do we have other things that is proper to display ? 02:07:17 liusheng: I think HFBank got a good topic for this 02:07:30 zhangyang: wdyt? 02:07:33 zhenguo: hah, mogan+cloudboot ? 02:08:01 liusheng: yes, if they also run mogan in production before that, it's really cool 02:08:08 zhenguo: e... i've no idea now... 02:08:16 zhangyang: hah 02:08:35 zhenguo: does the China Days persentation will include a hands-on ? 02:08:49 liusheng: HFBank topic on China day? 02:08:57 liusheng: no 02:09:03 shaohe_feng: no, for summit 02:09:08 yes 02:09:23 may a hands-on will be cool 02:09:25 we an prepare with HFBank guys 02:09:50 liusheng: hah, not sure if the network is good enough 02:10:01 liusheng: but I will try, still not preparing the slides 02:10:22 liusheng: really good news for mogan. 02:10:40 zhenguo:that is true, a video is alternative 02:10:47 shaohe_feng: and sure a presentaion with intel guys about valence 02:10:56 hah 02:10:59 liusheng: sure 02:11:04 zhenguo: do you ensure that Mogan can have a project on board? 02:11:08 i am here 02:11:13 zhenguo: sure, valence 02:11:21 wanghao: still not sure 02:11:27 wanghao: but seems no rush 02:11:30 zhenguo: okay 02:11:41 litao__: o/ 02:12:23 liusheng: the HFBack's topic is seleced? 02:12:45 wanghao, litao__: and Fiberhome guys sure have a good views of why Mogan, so we can prepare a presentation as well 02:12:55 shaohe_feng: no, we just hoped there will be on and will be selected. lol 02:13:07 shaohe_feng: no, I suggest we prepare a topic 02:13:26 zhenguo: yeah, we can talked about it. 02:13:33 wanghao: greate 02:14:08 ok, we can discuss the details later 02:14:18 zhenguo: greate 02:14:28 another thing I want to mention here is the Placement service 02:14:52 we are migrating to placement for resources tracking.. 02:15:22 do you have any concerns? 02:15:38 yes, I am trying a PoC firstly, but sorry for my slow progress :( 02:15:56 liusheng: hah, it's really a big task 02:16:18 yes, big task 02:16:21 no rush 02:16:32 zhenguo: If we put it in placement, the old scheduler will be abandoned? 02:16:52 litao__: schduler will also be there 02:17:05 litao__: we just move resources tracking to placement 02:17:15 litao__: and all filters will be removed 02:17:18 placement just for resource track 02:17:28 zhenguo: yes, i understand 02:17:45 yes, and I think placement is more advanced the the current design 02:18:00 instead of list all nodes and check every filter to see if the node is passed 02:18:08 so mogan claim resouce from placement 02:18:16 placement will just use a complex sql to query the required nodes 02:18:19 it's move fast 02:18:26 ys 02:19:05 and who will report the resource status to palcement? 02:19:17 shaohe_feng: mogan 02:19:30 shaohe_feng: mogan resource tracker will update resouces to placement 02:19:41 and mogan scheduler will set allocation info there 02:19:58 zhenguo: got it. 02:20:04 with placement, we don't save baremteal resources in mogan db 02:20:22 yes 02:20:29 But Currently the placement locates in nova, so mogan must be with nova? 02:20:48 litao__; we can just enable placement service 02:20:58 zhenguo: then how will we manage aggregates 02:21:00 litao__: placement has itself endpoint 02:21:01 litao__: placement is in a different stack 02:21:08 zhenguo: OK 02:21:14 zhangyang: leverage placement aggregates 02:21:18 litao__: we can treat it a indendent service 02:21:31 s/indendent/independent 02:21:39 liusheng: i do 02:21:40 zhangyang: every node is a resource provider there, we can call placement api to make nodes aggregates 02:21:57 zhanyang: in mogan flavor we can pass aggregates info with extra specs to placement 02:22:14 zhenguo: placement has a Proposition for every resource update. most distribute system use this way for its consistency 02:22:46 zhenguo: oh, i see, mainly use aggregates for server group usage. 02:22:52 shaohe_feng: yes 02:23:01 zhangyang: yes 02:23:10 zhangyang: that could be easy to management 02:23:36 ok, we can continue to discuss this in the next topic 02:23:45 zhenguo: i see, need to learn more about placement 02:23:54 zhangyang: hah, 02:24:08 zhangyang: it's easy for you guys 02:24:36 ok, not much of announcements, anyone else have a thing here? 02:24:49 a, the contribution 02:24:58 #link http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/mogan/30 02:25:14 seems the review stats is better than last week 02:25:18 zhenguo: seems the theory of place is simple, use fold to manage the resouces 02:25:22 hah 02:25:29 yes 02:25:49 zhenguo: you know fold can be recursive 02:26:33 shaohe_feng: placement also introduce a notion of nested resources, we can discuss in the next topic task-tracking, hah 02:26:45 zhenguo: it also support tag, like gmail, 02:27:11 zhenguo: yes, the notion is fold 02:27:25 shaohe_feng: we can set traits to resource providers like tag 02:27:34 and filter with them 02:27:41 .... 02:27:48 zhenguo: only two ways to manage resouce, fold and tag 02:27:58 shaohe_feng: yes, 02:28:12 zhenguo: here recursive I means nested 02:28:36 fold = nested 02:28:40 tag is flat, 02:28:43 shaohe_feng: yes, in fact, I more like a nested resouce for baremetal instead of just one custom resouce class 02:29:37 zhenguo: yes. I saw most resource manage tools use nested 02:29:37 let's continue talk about about the contribution 02:29:41 OK 02:29:44 shaohe_feng: hah 02:30:04 again, I want to mention here again, review quantities/qualities is the most important aspect of considering one to be a core reviewer. 02:30:30 hope you guys can keep reviewing 02:30:46 yes, and we need more cores, lol 02:30:52 sure 02:31:02 more cores and more diversty 02:31:03 yes. 02:31:28 Our 'review hour' seems not running very well, we should focus one some high priority things, maybe need to prepare a ehterpad every time 02:31:37 wdyt? 02:32:27 to help us focus one some important patches/specs, and we can fully discuss during the hour 02:32:54 zhenguo: yes 02:33:06 zhenguo: sounds good 02:33:19 yes, make sense 02:33:37 zhenguo: more efficiency 02:33:46 so, start from today's review hour? 02:34:00 sounds good. 02:34:15 the most things I like to be reviewed is the specs 02:35:01 ok, anything else? 02:35:30 if not, let's move on 02:35:38 #topic task tracking 02:35:50 #links https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MoganWhiteBoard 02:36:04 * zhenguo gives folks a few minutes to review 02:37:43 hi guys, please remember to update the tasks to help wanghao construct the weekly report, thanks 02:38:01 yeah, thank guys 02:38:55 about the new flavor task, I think it's almost done, and with this bp, I don't plan to move to use resources for scheduling 02:39:10 will wait for placement got get rid of the old way of scheduling 02:40:43 shaohe_feng: we can continue the discussion about placement here, hah 02:40:56 so flavor is not working for scheduling temporary 02:41:15 wanghao: no, we also use the flavor name for scheduling now 02:41:26 just added a resources filed, but not use it 02:41:40 it's prepared for placement 02:41:50 no need to change it again and again 02:42:01 make sense? 02:42:04 it probably the currently new flavor model can be merged fistly, right ? 02:42:27 liusheng: yes 02:42:52 ok, great 02:43:08 zhenguo: ok, that make sense 02:43:22 after moving to placement, we will only select nodes based on the resources 02:43:39 will get rid of all filters 02:44:14 placement now can get the node information from ironic now? 02:44:14 which will make us lose the ability of avaliability zone 02:44:38 wanghao: no, we get from ironic then update it to placement 02:44:40 may we can also keep the az filters currenly ? 02:44:55 zhenguo: ah, I see 02:45:00 liusheng: all resources move to placement 02:45:02 zhenguo: Nova also keep many filters now 02:45:08 zhenguo: yes 02:45:11 liusheng: and how to save the az info with resource provider 02:45:25 liusheng: they will get rid of it in future 02:45:33 zhenguo: yes, I know... 02:45:35 liusheng: and nova also save compute_nodes info with ti 02:45:40 zhenguo: I mean for now. 02:46:03 liusheng: but I don't want to save the resources to mogan db and placement db, it's duplicate 02:46:16 maybe we can leverage traits for az 02:46:26 zhenguo: oh, got it, I see 02:46:33 zhenguo: yes, sure 02:46:37 we set a az trait to every resource provider(node) 02:46:55 zhenguo: do you means tag 02:46:58 zhenguo: yes 02:47:09 zhenguo: tag with a AZ name 02:47:11 shaohe_feng: similar to tag 02:47:15 shaohe_feng: similar things 02:47:23 shaohe_feng: in placement notion, it's traits 02:48:22 also seems there's a os-traits library including all standard information 02:48:46 zhenguo: not sure, how to treat the az list api 02:49:02 zhenguo: can mogan api and then can placement api ? 02:49:03 zhenguo: yes, use stander notion, traits. haha 02:49:10 liusheng: get all resouce providers from nova... 02:49:22 shaohe_feng: yes 02:49:35 zhenguo: a bit weird 02:49:50 liusheng: yes 02:50:01 liusheng: but not sure how to hanle it gracefully 02:50:25 in fact, I also think set az info with every baremetal node is odd 02:50:37 zhenguo: ok, it is not important 02:51:02 zhenguo: what's your idea ? 02:51:22 liusheng: not sure, for az, I think one ironic should be in one az 02:51:32 liusheng: so one mgoan-engine? 02:51:42 maybe with multi engine services 02:52:12 maybe combining with nodes aggregate like nova does 02:52:59 sounds good 02:53:43 need to discuss more, will upate the placement spec 02:54:06 zhenguo: thanks for your spec :D 02:54:42 liusheng: hah, please feel free to update it, you are the primary assigner 02:55:05 zhenguo: lol 02:55:12 hah 02:55:42 btw, please you guys help to review the rest tempest tests 02:56:02 sure 02:56:06 all the api interfaces now have temptest tests to cover 02:56:17 liusheng: or maybe we can save az info in mogan cache? 02:56:30 just for user's listing 02:57:10 or maybe cache all resource providers 02:57:14 zhenguo: how it goes if restarting services ? 02:57:29 restarting service will fetch that again 02:57:36 zhenguo: sounds duplicated things... hah 02:57:43 hah 02:58:00 zhenguo: let's disscuss after placement landed 02:58:04 as we also want to provide node list 02:58:10 liusheng: ok 02:58:14 zhenguo: oh, yes 02:58:25 now just focus on how to migrate to placement 02:58:43 oh, it's almost time 02:58:48 zhenguo: could this be a spec to explain what we want to do? 02:58:53 zhenguo: what's the AZ will be for? 02:58:58 wanghao: sure 02:59:00 zhenguo: I also asked zhenyu if placement have itself client, he also has no idea 02:59:03 wanghao: will be in the placement spec 02:59:04 zhenguo: one AZ means one cluster? 02:59:10 zhenguo: ok 02:59:31 shaohe_feng: yes, so maybe we don't need to set it to every node 02:59:46 maybe an ironic should provide a az 03:00:13 oh, it's time 03:00:18 thanks y'all 03:00:22 #endmeeting