02:01:07 #startmeeting Mogan 02:01:08 Meeting started Thu Jun 29 02:01:07 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is liusheng. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:01:09 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:01:11 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:01:33 hi mogan folks 02:01:35 o/ 02:02:09 shaohe_feng, Xinran zhangyang wanghao litao__ 02:02:14 o/ 02:02:17 o/ 02:02:22 o/ 02:02:48 ok, because zhenguo is on a business in shenzhen 02:03:08 0/ 02:03:10 o/ 02:03:12 o/ 02:03:13 I will hold this meeting temporarily 02:03:16 :D 02:03:36 thanks you all, let's move on 02:03:49 as always, the agenda: 02:03:55 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:04:00 #topic announcements and reminder 02:05:09 seems nothing need to be announced here, zhenguo, wanghao do you have anything here ? 02:05:27 just reminder you guys about the summit presentation :D 02:06:06 emm 02:06:37 Haven't decide what the topic we should commit, but we still work on this. 02:07:32 wanghao: ok, no hurry, the Summit call for presentations open until July 14 02:07:50 yes, okay 02:08:02 let's take a look the recently contribution 02:08:14 #link http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/mogan/30 02:09:28 looks better than before, thanks for wanghao and litao's review contribution 02:09:42 liusheng: haha thanks. 02:10:36 wanghao: it is important if you guys want to be core reviewers, (just told you a secret :D) 02:10:53 got that :) 02:11:10 liusheng: yes, come on 02:11:45 ok, if nothing else need to be announced here, let't move on 02:11:53 #topic task tracking. 02:12:03 #links https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MoganWhiteBoard 02:12:20 morning liusheng 02:12:34 * liusheng give folks a few minutes to review the tasks status 02:12:34 sorry for late. 02:12:43 shaohe_feng: o/ it is ok 02:12:49 shaohe_feng: thanks 02:14:34 we have two bp specs need to be review these days, one is wanghao's bm adoption feature 02:15:42 * litao__ yes, we should do it in this week. 02:16:06 still some thing we need to make a deal, and then we can go to code for that. 02:16:19 litao__: thanks, will review that today, shaohe_feng, zhenguo if you have time, please take a look for that 02:16:28 I have updated the spec for liusheng and zhengguo's review 02:17:19 wanghao: yes, thanks, it is this a real requirement of your products, right ? 02:18:04 liusheng: yes, it will be a good feature that we can support that to our coustemers. 02:18:19 liusheng: nova can't support this, you know 02:18:44 wanghao: great, that's mogan beyond nova 02:19:01 shaohe_feng: yes, totally agree 02:19:10 liusheng: so if mogan is steady enough, we will change nova to mogan 02:19:48 wanghao: ok, I just found you have given a -1 for my bms migration patch, hah. you can feel free to take over or abandon that patch, if there is conflicts with your idea 02:20:22 shaohe_feng, wanghao yes, sure 02:20:29 liusheng: baisclly it's ok for me, just a little think.. haha 02:21:05 liusheng: hah, we all hope that 02:21:13 wanghao: :D 02:21:45 ok, another spec is about tracking resource with placement service 02:22:04 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/475700/ 02:22:36 yeah, have reviewed it today, I think it's good start. 02:22:43 actually, I have uploaded almost all the code of this feature :-P 02:22:50 wanghao: thanks 02:23:13 liusheng: okay, will check the code later. 02:23:38 wanghao: thanks 02:24:10 * litao__ liusheng: I will give you a -1 later :D 02:24:42 btw, must to reminder, after we switched to user placement to track node resources, we have removed the listing node api and list availability zone api 02:24:51 litao__: hah, welcome 02:25:19 liusheng: you mean to use placement api directly? 02:25:50 liusheng: get resource providers? 02:25:54 wanghao: as discussed with zhenguo, we decided won't provide listing nodes api to end users 02:26:24 wanghao: we will don't store the node info in Mogan's db after switching to use placement service 02:26:47 liusheng: okay, I see, nodes should be exposed to user by mogan 02:27:26 liusheng: they just need to care about the servers. 02:27:30 for listing az api, currently, it depends on the nodes objects stored in Moga's db 02:27:52 emm , since we also remove the compute node objects 02:27:57 wanghao: yes, the only reason we expose the api I can find out is we need to support node aggregate 02:28:02 wanghao: yes 02:29:03 but for list az api, I am not sure if we need to provide a alternative implementation 02:29:28 we will leverage placement api to support nodes aggregate 02:30:08 liusheng: en, so do we need to support az? I'm not clear with it yet. 02:30:44 liusheng: I mean if we have used nodes aggregate for placing server. Do we need az more? 02:30:58 wanghao: not very sure, but we cannot support it in current way, since it depends on the node object stored in Mogan's db. 02:31:32 wanghao: but az is not similar with nodes aggregate 02:31:53 wanghao: I think we need, node aggregate is admin only and AZ is not 02:32:14 wanghao: have talked with zhenguo, may we can also remport the az info of nodes to placement service 02:33:11 liusheng: so we need the driver to provide az info? 02:33:16 liusheng: you mean like adding a trail to node? 02:34:00 zhangyang: ironic nodes have the az attribute 02:34:18 zhangyang: that can be configured by operators 02:34:32 litao__: so we need to bind az and node aggregate. 02:34:37 wanghao: yes, placement support traits of nodes 02:34:41 liusheng: emmm...but other driver may not have this value 😂 02:35:04 traits is like metadata of a node object in placement service 02:35:43 zhangyang: maybe can be configured in driver config group as default az. 02:35:56 liusheng: yes, so we can use traits to set the az info 02:36:11 zhangyang: the az info can be None, and we have defaut az config option 02:36:19 yes 02:36:21 wanghao: haha, all in default az equals no az info. 02:36:39 zhangyang: that's true.... 02:36:44 hah, yes 02:36:59 zhangyang: or push the driver to support it. :) 02:37:19 wanghao: ok, i'll check it out. 02:37:32 zhangyang: cool 02:38:18 liusheng: for az, we can learn from nova 02:38:44 zhangyang: btw, we can also push node info from cloudboot to placement in futrue 02:39:19 litao__: Nova have store the node info to itself db, but we don't 02:39:53 liusheng: yeah, but the info cloudboot collected is much different from ironic, need to check the difference of abilities between them. 02:39:55 litao__: so someting maybe different, but we hope to provide similar functionality. hah 02:40:31 liusheng: yeah 02:40:32 zhangyang: actually, it don't need much info to be report to placement 02:41:04 zhangyang: btw, what's the status of cloudboot driver task ? 02:42:58 liusheng: its almost done on the driver side, but not tested with cloudboot yet... 02:44:07 zhangyang: cool, you can feel free to push your draft code to gerrit, maybe we can help to review it, even we cannot test it, hah 02:44:37 liusheng: haha, ok, it's very nice of you guys. 02:44:50 zhangyang: that's we should do 02:45:06 hah, yes 02:45:22 zhangyang: I like review codes, hah 02:45:49 litao__: cool 02:46:17 * liusheng thumbs up for litao__ 02:47:11 ok, anyone have other task state updates here ? 02:48:03 zhenguo is not here, we got less words. hah 02:48:20 #topic open disscussion 02:49:16 liusheng: BTW, pls review my two patches , hah 02:49:25 oh, just reminder you to update the task status in etherpad, it is covenient for wanghao help to send the task tracking email 02:49:26 yeah, just don't forget update the task status 02:49:43 liusheng: ok, please add me in reviewers list 02:50:08 * litao__ liusheng:ok 02:50:15 and we need a etherpad to put the review list for review hour 02:50:48 do we have that? if not, I create one: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MoganReviewHour 02:50:52 wanghao: oh, yes, forgot that 02:51:00 wanghao: thanks, cool 02:51:02 you can put the patch into it. 02:51:08 np 02:53:21 ok, we can end this meeting if nothing else need to be disscussed here 02:54:20 wanghao: cool. 02:54:29 we use this link. 02:54:35 pleas feel free to ping each other in mogan channel 02:54:41 shaohe_feng: yes 02:55:19 shaohe_feng: do you have anyting else to talk ? :D 02:55:50 ok, thank you all, bye 02:55:56 end meeting 02:55:56 liusheng: no, just do more reviews. :) 02:56:10 #endmeeting