02:01:33 #startmeeting mogan 02:01:34 Meeting started Thu Jul 20 02:01:33 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:01:35 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:01:37 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:01:41 o/ 02:01:51 o/ 02:01:57 o/ 02:02:33 o/ 02:03:09 shaohe_feng, wanghao: are you around? 02:03:47 ok, seems they will come later 02:03:54 as always, the agenda: 02:03:54 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:03:59 let's jump in 02:04:05 #topic announcements and reminders 02:04:16 OpenStack Days China will happen in 4 days, we got a presentation for Mogan there. 02:04:32 who will attend the event? 02:04:38 zhenguo: morning 02:04:46 shaohe_feng: o/ 02:05:13 🙋 02:05:21 zhangyang: lol 02:05:51 shaohe_feng, luyao, Xinran: how about you? 02:06:02 zhenguo: IMHO, every one in Beijing can attend the meeting. 02:06:06 zhenguo: I will 02:06:21 zhenguo: and others not in beijing, maybe need buget 02:06:29 I will :) 02:06:32 shaohe_feng: hah, that's true 02:06:38 zhenguo, :D 02:06:43 ok, see you all then :D 02:07:03 zhenguo: yes. seen you in the next week. 02:07:22 ok, let's move on 02:07:40 Pike release is comming, instead of adding more features, I would like to make it more stable 02:07:51 Please all help to test it, especially the APi 02:08:05 hah, that is ture 02:08:34 We can still backport bug after released, but API changes need a microversion :D 02:09:15 so at least we should make API forming good 02:09:31 so we are 1.0 now ? 02:10:03 in two weeks? 02:10:14 liusheng: after Pke 02:10:17 *Pike 02:10:19 zhenguo: ok 02:11:37 liusheng: btw, please take care of the client 02:11:48 zhenguo: ok, sure 02:11:54 ok, thanks 02:12:06 nice, 1.0 will be avaliable ASAP 02:12:19 I don't plan to relase the mogan-ui as it's breaked by the recently changed 02:12:54 Then when will we release the UI? 02:13:04 maybe need to find some JS guys to rewrite it. 02:13:21 shaohe_feng: it doesn't work now 02:13:51 zhenguo: we'd better to also release mogan-1.0 in pypi 02:14:00 liusheng: sure 02:14:36 zhangyang: you will use Pike release, right? 02:16:12 we can discuss later 02:16:22 Contribution into mogan for the last 30 days 02:16:22 #link http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/mogan/30 02:17:00 thanks everyone for the hard work 02:17:07 also, please do more reviews :D 02:17:32 not much of announcement, anyone else have a thing here? 02:18:37 #topic task tracking 02:18:46 #links https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MoganWhiteBoard 02:19:29 please remember to update it to help wanghao collect the weekly report 02:22:15 * zhenguo gives folks a few minutes to review 02:24:10 liusheng: do you have some idea about the server group one? 02:24:42 zhenguo: not yet :( 02:25:02 zhenguo: do we need to land that before Pike ? 02:25:12 liusheng: maybe we can just support rack affinity 02:25:36 zhenguo: the rack info can be set in aggregate metadata ? 02:25:53 liusheng: yes 02:26:03 liusheng: az is a special metadata of aggregate 02:26:05 zhenguo: ok, if so, it is not hard to implement 02:26:12 liusheng: so rack can also be a special one 02:26:16 zhenguo: will re-pick my schedule_hint patch 02:26:25 liusheng; hah 02:27:49 I almost finish the aggregate things on mogan side, will focus on the placement aggregates interaction part next 02:28:46 liusheng: maybe we need to add scheduler fitlers back :D 02:29:20 zhenguo: ... alright 02:29:46 liusheng: we still need some filters before placement mature 02:30:31 zhenguo: ok 02:31:12 valence integration will move to next release 02:31:47 so we only have aggregates, server groups. adopt servers ... 02:32:17 but time is tight, hope all could be landed before Pike 02:33:28 zhenguo: I will check with yanglin the valence status. 02:33:44 zhenguo: To see it is ready. 02:34:09 shaohe_feng: ok, thanks, but we don't have time to work on that part during Pke :( 02:35:51 zhenguo: Yes, we can do it after Pke. 02:36:00 shaohe_feng: ok 02:36:32 any other things want to be done before Pike? 02:39:17 liusheng: how's the rp and aggregates cache? 02:40:29 zhenguo: didn't check yet, sorry :( 02:42:01 liusheng: np 02:42:12 zhenguo: will check later 02:42:27 zhenguo: what's rp? 02:42:36 zhenguo: yestoday is a meeting day 02:42:40 shaohe_feng: resource providers 02:42:45 liusheng: hah 02:43:24 zhenguo: got 02:43:29 liusheng, shaohe_feng: I added some patches for aggregates and metadata on mogan side, please help to test it 02:44:00 OK. 02:45:15 we may need to check the releasenodes 02:45:22 before Pike 02:47:06 zhangyang: if you still want to add cloudboot driver before Pike, please be quick, not much time left 02:47:50 ok, anything else? 02:47:59 zhenguo: yeah, i see. 02:48:10 zhangyang: ok 02:48:27 let's move on 02:48:31 #topic open discussion 02:48:47 who's got a thing :) 02:49:27 zhangyang: btw, does rack affinity and anti-affinity meet your requirements 02:50:38 I talked to our product team about that, seems they also have such requirement 02:50:57 anyway, we can just add Rack support 02:51:33 zhenguo: they designed some scheduling methods on their own, so i should check it with them... 02:51:56 zhangyang: okay 02:52:52 It's almost time, thanks everyone for joining the meeting! 02:53:19 #endmeeting