02:00:25 <zhenguo> #startmeeting mogan
02:00:26 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jul 27 02:00:25 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
02:00:27 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
02:00:29 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'mogan'
02:01:37 <zhenguo> liusheng, wanghao, shaohe_feng, luyao, Xinran, zhangyang: o/
02:01:48 <liusheng> o/
02:01:56 <zhangyang> o/
02:02:07 <luyao> o/
02:02:32 <zhenguo> as always, the agenda:
02:02:32 <zhenguo> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting
02:02:36 <zhenguo> let's jump in
02:02:41 <zhenguo> #topic announcements and reminders
02:02:52 <zhenguo> Community voting for submitted talks is now open, please help to vote mogan related ones.
02:03:20 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: morning
02:03:29 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: o/
02:03:33 <wanghao_> yeah
02:04:05 <wanghao_> zhenguo: you can add our topic to task etherpad.
02:04:37 <zhenguo> wanghao_: we have another etherpad for that
02:04:44 <wanghao_> zhenguo: sure
02:05:07 <wanghao_> zhenguo: made by guochangbo?
02:05:44 <zhenguo> wanghao_: seems he created one for chinese talks, lol
02:06:18 <zhenguo> wanghao_: will try to add ours there
02:07:00 <zhenguo> We don't have much time left for Pike, but there's still tons of things to do :(
02:07:16 <zhenguo> do you think we should move some tasks to Q?
02:08:19 <wanghao_> okay
02:08:36 <wanghao_> zhenguo: agree
02:08:58 <zhenguo> we need to decide which one should must be done by P, and which can be moved to Q
02:10:11 <zhenguo> we can disucss the details on the next topic
02:10:56 <zhenguo> ok, not much of announcement, anyone else have a thing here?
02:11:18 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: do you have something want to share about the OpenStack Days China, hah
02:12:02 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: I just want to says the Mogan presentation is well
02:12:11 <liusheng> hah
02:12:12 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: lol
02:12:52 <zhenguo> Contribution into mogan for the last 30 days
02:12:52 <zhenguo> #link http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/mogan/30
02:13:04 <shaohe_feng> so many audience attend the presentation
02:13:39 <zhenguo> but no feedbak from that :D
02:14:09 <wanghao_> zhenguo: first we have audience,  and feedback will coming soon. haha
02:14:18 <zhenguo> wanghao_: hope so
02:14:23 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: JunWei give a presentation, there's many problem maybe nova can't solve.
02:14:31 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: let's Mogan do it.
02:14:41 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: yes, sure
02:15:15 <shaohe_feng> zhenguo: You also attend Junwei's presentation :)
02:15:36 <zhenguo> shaohe_feng: hah, but I just reviewing mogan patches there :D
02:16:56 <zhenguo> ok, let's move on
02:17:00 <zhenguo> #topic task tracking
02:17:10 <zhenguo> #links https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MoganWhiteBoard
02:17:27 <shaohe_feng> well. Focus on Mogan growth, a good PTL
02:17:36 <zhenguo> sahohe_feng: lol
02:18:01 <zhenguo> wanghao_: seems we only got a Essential priorites on our weekly report
02:18:47 <wanghao_> zhenguo: yeah,  I just put Essential here,  but can add other priorites.
02:19:02 <zhenguo> wanghao_: ok,
02:19:24 <zhenguo> sorry, I forgot to paste my aggregates patches last week
02:19:40 <wanghao_> haha  that's ok
02:20:10 <liusheng> seems most aggregate paches are ready :)
02:20:19 <zhenguo> hah, without tests :(
02:20:52 <zhenguo> I will try to finish the aggregates tings this week
02:20:59 <liusheng> cool
02:21:00 <wanghao_> zhenguo: that could be done soon
02:21:01 <zhenguo> server group will basicly based on that
02:21:10 <zhenguo> hah
02:21:23 <liusheng> yes, I am working on adding server goup models and db apis
02:21:34 <zhenguo> liusheng: thanks
02:22:00 <liusheng> zhenguo: np
02:22:02 <zhenguo> we can use on SQL for server group by leveraging placement
02:22:24 <zhenguo> as we will get one aggregate or a list of aggregate to be scheduled
02:22:34 <zhenguo> *one SQL
02:23:32 <liusheng> zhenguo: you mean one SQL table ?
02:23:52 <zhenguo> liusheng: no, I mean one placement API
02:23:56 <zhenguo> liusheng: hah
02:23:59 <liusheng> zhenguo: hah
02:24:04 <liusheng> zhenguo: that's right
02:24:51 <zhenguo> liusheng: how's the process of getting rid of nova on tempest
02:25:19 <zhenguo> liusheng: like ironic standalone
02:25:31 <liusheng> zhenguo: I just testing locally with my patch, seems most tempest tests can be run
02:25:43 <liusheng> zhenguo: but my evn has a bit problem
02:25:55 <liusheng> zhenguo: will test more
02:25:59 <zhenguo> liusheng: ok
02:26:19 <zhenguo> liusheng: maybe need a patch to project-config?
02:26:44 <liusheng> zhenguo: sure, but I am afraid it may broken gate. hah
02:26:53 <zhenguo> liusheng: hah
02:27:03 <liusheng> zhenguo: before fully local testing
02:27:12 <zhenguo> liusheng: ok,
02:27:42 <zhenguo> wanghao_: the adopting servers patches are ready for testing?
02:29:13 <wanghao_> zhenguo: my patch is ready,  litao's patch is soon I think.
02:29:28 <wanghao_> he is testing it by himself.
02:29:36 <zhenguo> wanghao_: ok
02:29:49 <liusheng> wanghao_, zhenguo btw, is this patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/455692/ still valuable ?
02:29:49 <patchbot> patch 455692 - mogan - Add tool for adoptting baremetal servers from Nova
02:30:21 <zhenguo> liusheng: seems yes
02:30:25 <wanghao_> liusheng: still valuable I tink
02:30:36 <zhenguo> as it's a migration tool
02:30:42 <liusheng> hah, ok, will update it
02:30:42 <wanghao_> liusheng: that's for copy manage data from nova directly
02:30:51 <liusheng> wanghao_: yes
02:31:11 <wanghao_> liusheng: but I think it could be later if you didn't have much time for it.
02:31:25 <wanghao_> liusheng: we can support it next cycle
02:31:49 <liusheng> wanghao_: yes, seems not urgent stuff
02:32:15 <zhenguo> hah, it's stuck for a long time, but seems it will not conflict with anything
02:32:34 <wanghao_> yes haha
02:32:48 <liusheng> zhenguo: yes, I am just waiting for wanghao's patch landed, then consider if it is still valueable
02:33:49 <zhenguo> liusheng: hah,
02:34:23 <zhenguo> liusheng: I still don't get a way to delete node from aggregate
02:35:20 <liusheng> zhenguo: maybe we run too fast than placement :(
02:35:27 <zhenguo> liusheng: hah
02:35:44 <zhenguo> liusheng: the PUT there is not really a PUT
02:36:03 <liusheng> zhenguo: seems only for *add*, right ?
02:36:10 <zhenguo> liusheng: yes
02:37:23 <zhenguo> liusheng: and then if you want to remove aggregates, the only way is to remove t he rp then add aggregate again
02:37:39 <liusheng> zhenguo: :(
02:37:57 <zhenguo> liusheng: I will try that approach
02:38:36 <liusheng> zhenguo: hah, I believe placement guys will enrich the related interfaces
02:39:00 <zhenguo> liusheng: yes, then we can move to new interface, but for now, no other ways
02:39:09 <liusheng> zhenguo: yes..
02:39:18 <zhenguo> liusheng: also will leave a TODO on Mogan side
02:39:26 <liusheng> zhenguo: sure
02:40:01 <zhenguo> ok, so we only have these tasks to be done before Pike?
02:40:06 <zhenguo> any others?
02:42:00 <liusheng> seems nothing else, btw, please take a look on client patches if you have time :)
02:42:09 <zhenguo> liusheng: hah, sure
02:44:21 <zhenguo> ok, let's move on
02:44:26 <zhenguo> #topic open discussion
02:44:51 <zhenguo> who's got a thing :)
02:45:09 <liusheng> may call for voting ? :)
02:45:20 <zhenguo> hah
02:45:38 <zhenguo> is there someone familiar with QingCloud's bare metal service?
02:46:26 <zhenguo> seems worth to try that
02:47:51 <liusheng> zhenguo: I registered an account long time ago, but did try more.
02:48:10 <zhenguo> liusheng: I also got an account
02:48:17 <wanghao_> liusheng: need some money for bare metal service I think...
02:48:25 <liusheng> haa
02:48:37 <zhenguo> liusheng: if QingCloud also provide VM and BM as seperated services, we can learn someting from it
02:49:02 <zhenguo> wanghao_: sure
02:49:34 <zhenguo> liusheng: I think it must be seperated services with different API, lol
02:49:43 <liusheng> zhenguo: sure
02:50:33 <zhenguo> ok
02:50:46 <zhenguo> anything else?
02:51:12 <zhenguo> it's almost time, thansk everyone for joinint the meeting!
02:51:16 <zhenguo> thnaks y'all
02:51:23 <zhenguo> #endmeeting