02:00:56 #startmeeting mogan 02:00:57 Meeting started Thu Aug 3 02:00:56 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:00:58 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:01:00 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:01:45 liusheng, shaohe_feng, wanghao, litao, Xinran, zhangyang: o/ 02:01:50 o/ 02:01:56 o/ 02:02:19 o/ 02:02:58 as always, the agenda: 02:02:58 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:03:06 let's jump in 02:03:13 #topic announcements and reminders 02:03:25 Our gate job is not running nova services now! 02:03:42 and there's a patch to update the recommended devstack config file 02:03:51 you can restack your env to have a try:D 02:04:35 cool 02:04:49 hah 02:05:01 another thing is the keyword of our CLI 02:05:23 how about replacing 'baremetal' wit 'bm'? 02:05:30 we have to change it soon 02:06:01 I don't like 'baremetal compute' or 'baremetal management', as it's long 02:06:55 zhenguo: yes, but I am not sure if there is a concept of OSC "namespace" ? 02:07:24 liusheng: seems not, but we should avoid collision 02:08:06 zhenguo: for Neutron, there are: openstack network xxx, openstack subnet xxx, openstack router xxx, seems OSC we only need to care about the resources 02:08:07 liusheng: and some operators complain that, when typing 'baremetal' they think it's ironic command 02:08:52 liusheng: yes, but we should avoid collisions 02:09:17 liusheng: we introduce node notion in mogan, how to handle 'openstack baremetal node list' 02:10:20 liusheng: and they think 'server' and 'node' are synonym 02:11:08 I am here 02:11:15 liusheng: hmmm.. hard to choice 02:11:22 litao__: o/ 02:11:31 liusheng: yes 02:12:14 zhenguo: but bm it also a bit unclear 02:12:44 liusheng: why? as my understand it's just like vm 02:13:32 zhenguo: OSC don't has abbreviation like this 02:14:24 zhenguo: how about baremachine, hah 02:14:44 liusheng: it's not readable 02:14:53 liusheng: I never seen that word 02:15:12 zhenguo: just gooled it, there are many usages 02:15:18 liusheng: oh seems yes 02:15:59 zhenguo: I just changed the Zaqar service with 'messaging', so I think we could use 'bare-managing'? 02:16:10 zhenguo: s/gooled/googled 02:16:47 liusheng: lol 02:17:00 I find ZUN choose something like containerapp as containers is used by others 02:17:04 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bare_machine 02:18:01 zhenguo: in wikipage, baremachine is like another name of baremetal 02:18:11 liusheng: seems yes 02:18:33 zhenguo: "bare metal" redirects here. For other uses, see bare metal (disambiguation). 02:19:56 so baremachine is '裸机' and baremetal is '裸金属' in chinese, lol 02:20:21 zhenguo: hah, yes 02:20:52 zhenguo: morning. sorry for late 02:20:59 Using two names for one thing is strange 02:21:00 zhenguo: I think for most of chinese users, they are same 02:21:29 zhenguo: in another meeting. just rush to office for mogan 02:21:32 as we just the same thing 02:21:39 shaohe_feng: hah 02:22:36 baremachine is a good alternative in my opinion 02:23:02 if is baremachine a bit more meaning "provisioned baremetal server" than baremetal of "unprovisioned baremetal server" ? 02:23:41 liusheng: as the wiki said, it's for just hardware without operating system 02:23:53 zhenguo: hah 02:24:24 baremetal and baremachine with the same meaning 02:25:07 seems yes 02:26:06 wanghao, litao__: if you think two keyword for same thing is strange how about 'baremetal compute' or 'baremetal management' 02:26:51 zhenguo: I prefer to just use one word 'baremetal' 02:26:55 zhenguo: that is still with a prefix word of "barmetal" which is same with baremetal 02:27:17 zhenguo: sorry, I didn't get that why we need to change the baremetal? 02:27:17 zhenguo: same with Ironic 02:27:33 I agree the prefix ‘baremetal’ 02:27:50 wanghao: I asked on the mailing list before, they prefer us to change 02:28:02 .... 02:28:30 it conflict with others now? 02:28:49 Ironic? 02:28:52 wanghao: not now, but after we introduced the node notion, it conflicts with ironic 02:29:25 okay I see 02:30:10 https://openstack.nimeyo.com/113997/openstack-dev-osc-ironic-mogan-share-same-keyword-baremetal 02:30:58 if we use 'baremachine', it's also hard to distinguish for users. 02:32:25 how about use 'bare_computing' ? 02:33:03 wanghao: yes, zhenguo give us two advice “baremeal compute ”, “baremetal management”, which is better? 02:33:52 wanghao: not sure if bare computing is readable 02:34:33 zhenguo: then I prefer baremetal compute 02:34:41 litao__: emm, sure 02:35:01 ok, maybe we shoult vote it during next meeting :D 02:35:12 or we can discuss this more later 02:35:13 wanghao: seems in OSC, there is little word with a "_" 02:35:32 we have many topics to discuss :D 02:35:38 liusheng: emm yes 02:35:41 zhenguo:yes 02:35:48 let's move on? 02:35:51 okay 02:36:09 do we still have 'review hour'? 02:36:20 seems it's silently disappeared :D 02:37:16 here I want to emphasize the importance of 'reviews', we can't move along without 'reviews'. 02:37:37 sigh, cannot ensure eveyboday are available at that period 02:37:58 yes, but I would like everybody have a own 'review hour' 02:38:26 at least for cores, we should make an hour for reviewing everyday 02:38:33 yes, sure 02:39:12 and we will add or remove core reviewers mostly based on that 02:39:55 patches are always lack of review in openstack, but we can improve it in mogan, as we are all in the same time zone now 02:40:38 so please feel free to ping others for reviewing if needed 02:40:56 Contribution into mogan for the last 30 days 02:40:56 #link http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/mogan/30 02:41:45 #link http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/mogan/90 02:42:20 ok, thanks everyone for the contribution 02:42:33 not much of announcement, anyone else have a thing here? 02:42:46 zhenguo: should we discuss how to define the adoption API? 02:42:58 litao__: in the next topic :D 02:43:04 #topic task tracking 02:43:14 zhenguo: OK 02:43:30 #links https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MoganWhiteBoard 02:43:37 looks like things are moving along nicely 02:44:08 seems most codes are done 02:45:08 when reviewing, please also take specs and client patches into account :D 02:46:09 for adoping running servers, seems the API pattern is not very good 02:46:38 zhenguo: yes 02:46:40 litao__, wanghao: I find cinder add a new URI /manageable_volumes 02:46:57 and GET/POST it for listing and managing 02:47:18 litao__: do you have api-ref patch of adoption ? 02:47:53 seems not yet 02:48:00 zhenguo: not recently 02:48:14 shaohe_feng: do you have some suggestion for the API defination 02:48:43 liusheng: I will commit a patch if we ensure the format 02:49:13 liusheng: it's something like POST /servers/adopt 02:49:14 zhenguo: which API? let me check 02:49:26 shaohe_feng: the adopting running servers API 02:49:46 zhenguo: got it. 02:49:53 shaohe_feng: we need to list adoptable/manageable servers 02:49:58 shaohe_feng: Currently ,I using POST v1/servers/adopt 02:50:12 shaohe_feng: then an API to adopt/manage it 02:50:18 zhenguo, litao__ wanghao how about add new resource and a new controller 02:50:31 liusheng: yes, tha't what I suggested 02:50:37 liusheng: it's like what cinder does 02:50:39 zhenguo: list why use POST? 02:51:04 shaohe_feng: that's adopt, we have two APi 02:51:39 zhenguo: we can list/post with the adoptable servers, not sure if we can support other methods, like delete 02:52:01 liusheng: seems we can 02:52:07 liusheng: unmanage servers 02:52:15 zhenguo: adopt is the status of servers? 02:52:27 shaohe_feng: no 02:52:28 zhenguo: Maybe we will add other actions like delete later 02:52:42 shaohe_feng: just creat a new server from the running node 02:52:51 zhenguo: So we need a new resource 02:53:00 litao__; yes 02:53:33 zhenguo: OK, let me see. 02:53:34 litao__: yes, a new controller and resource with POST/GET/DELETE methods 02:53:36 another thing is whether adoptable and manageable is better 02:54:25 Ironic uses adopt, so i think adoptable is better 02:54:41 zhenguo: 02:54:44 litao__: cinder use manage unmanage 02:55:16 litao__: maybe that's more generiic? 02:56:10 and for unmanage, seems there's not a 'unadopt' 02:56:17 zhenguo: you mean manage and unmanage? 02:56:24 litao__: yes 02:56:26 there is not much time left :) 02:56:38 how time flies.. 02:56:56 zhenguo: yes, 02:57:23 ok, we can continue this disucssion later, but I prefer manage than adopt 02:57:35 zhenguo: Ok 02:57:46 no antonym for adopt :) 02:58:07 shaohe_feng: hah, and manage seems more generic 02:58:23 zhenguo: If others have no idea, we use manage currently 02:58:47 litao__: ok, and need to upadte the specs 02:58:54 shaohe_feng, liusheng: wdyt? 02:59:08 zhenguo: yes, I also prefer manage 02:59:32 OK, that's all 02:59:49 ok, then add a patch to update the spec, then we can discuss more there 02:59:58 it's almost time 03:00:19 thanks all for joining the meeting! 03:00:24 #endmeeting