02:01:12 #startmeeting mogan 02:01:13 Meeting started Thu Aug 31 02:01:12 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:01:14 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:01:17 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:02:21 liusheng, shaohe_feng, wanghao, Xinran, zhangyang: o/ 02:02:23 zhenguo: morning 02:02:29 here 02:02:38 o/ 02:03:04 o/ 02:03:22 as always, the agenda: 02:03:22 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:03:30 let's jump in 02:03:35 #topic announcements and reminders 02:03:45 We have migrated our docs to readthedocs 02:03:45 #link http://mogan.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 02:03:45 #link http://mogan.readthedocs.io/projects/api-ref/en/latest/ 02:03:48 o/ 02:04:09 but there are still some problems there, need to be addressed 02:04:23 not sure if you like the new theme of our docs 02:04:48 liusheng: can we address the docs build problem? 02:04:54 liusheng: any new clues? 02:05:15 zhenguo: no :(, may need to struggle more 02:05:29 liusheng: oh 02:06:15 anyone else got some suggestions for the docs? 02:06:55 zhenguo: what's wrong with the docs? 02:07:08 seems all of us are not a readthedocs expert 02:07:10 litao__: we got some problems when build new verons 02:07:22 liusheng: yes 02:07:53 we can learn more later 02:07:53 zhenguo: it looks well 02:07:56 really not familiar with this readthedocs... 02:08:02 cool 02:08:31 ok, let's move on 02:08:38 Seems we need to make an independent release as we are not cycle-with-intermediary, so it's actually not Pike, hah 02:08:40 why api is not same with other docs? 02:08:41 zhenguo: Is there error info? 02:09:10 shaohe_feng: you can got that, as the errors happened when building the docs 02:09:18 zhenguo: but we can name it as Pike, right? 02:09:32 wanghao: not sure 02:09:41 like this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/498479/ 02:10:03 zhenguo: is readthedocs free? 02:10:10 shaohe_feng: yes 02:10:15 nice 02:10:49 shaohe_feng: if you are interesting, I can add you as a maintainer of the Mogan project 02:11:01 zhenguo: I see 02:11:06 shaohe_feng: first, you need a readthedocs account, hah 02:11:12 wanghao: at least branch name can be stable/pike 02:11:28 wanghao: we may relase a 0.1.0 02:11:47 zhenguo: yeah, that's I want to say too. 02:11:59 wanghao: hah 02:12:06 zhenguo: maybe that doesn't matter whatever we name it :D 02:12:17 liusheng: yes 02:12:40 so maybe we still have some time, as we are a independent relese, lol 02:12:49 zhenguo: do we need to release in pypi ? 02:13:00 zhenguo: both mogan and its client 02:13:09 liusheng: sure 02:13:43 liusheng: seems openstack/release will help us, right? 02:13:55 liusheng: Great. I'm interesting. 02:14:15 zhenguo: not sure if it can used for non-official project 02:14:53 liusheng: but openstack is the owner of us, so seems it should be help 02:14:54 shaohe_feng: ok, so please register a readthedocs account and set your username to me 02:15:24 zhenguo: maybe 02:15:46 ok, so when will we cut the release 02:15:54 seems still got something not landed yet 02:15:58 zhenguo: so what's our deadline for Pike. 02:16:19 wanghao: maybe by the end of this week 02:16:24 zhenguo: okay 02:16:37 liusheng: OK. 02:16:41 so little time 02:16:46 wanghao: or at least it should be not late than PTG, lol 02:17:07 zhenguo: emm, that's sure 02:17:23 zhenguo: btw, we will have the on-line PTG, right? 02:17:30 we can discuss the time durning next topic according to which must be landed 02:17:48 wanghao: seems we can, lol 02:18:14 we can arrange a audio meeting 02:18:52 cool 02:19:08 audio meeting , i like 02:19:39 shaohe_feng: maybe I can go to Intel's office, and all guys in Beijing can be there 02:20:48 you guys in Beijing can go to coffee house. : ) 02:21:00 wanghao: hah 02:21:21 wanghao: but not sure you guys can connect to the coffee house 02:21:46 liusheng: you can come here 02:21:55 zhenguo: that's ture. 02:22:01 true 02:22:07 hah 02:22:12 litao__: hah 02:22:22 liusheng: yes, you can, lol 02:22:42 at least we can't inter the Huawei's basement anymore.... 02:22:52 enter 02:23:18 hah, so you guys in Xi' 02:23:45 Xi'an can find a place as well 02:24:07 zhenguo: Fiberhome is ok 02:24:23 zhenguo: yeah, welcome to Fiberhome 02:24:40 wanghao: hah 02:24:48 sounds cool 02:24:57 zhenguo: welcom to intel. 02:25:28 : ) 02:25:33 hah 02:25:35 lol 02:26:03 zhenguo: there are fruits and coffee, drinks in our office. :) 02:26:19 shaohe_feng: coool 02:27:15 shaohe_feng: so coooool 02:27:22 ok, we can create a etherpad to collect attandees and topics 02:28:25 let's move on 02:28:30 #topic task tracking 02:28:41 #links https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MoganWhiteBoard 02:29:45 looks like things are moving along nicely 02:30:51 only managing servers left? 02:31:11 Yes, according your advice yesterday, I have refactor the code. Now testing it 02:31:33 zhenguo: I will commit the patch today for review 02:32:07 litao__: cool, thanks 02:32:24 Xinran: and the key_name one 02:32:26 zhenguo: I plan to commit the client patch to support getting manageable servers today. 02:32:39 wanghao: thanks 02:32:46 so do i later 02:32:48 I added a new one for root disk partitions 02:32:49 zhenguo, yes, will commit today 02:32:52 litao__: cool 02:33:07 Xinran: cool 02:33:09 zhenguo: so maybe we can finish the manging existing job this week. 02:33:17 wanghao: yes 02:33:27 I would like to land all by this week 02:33:39 come on 02:33:54 do you guys find that we only support whole disk images 02:34:04 paritions image are not support well 02:34:18 as we can't pass partions information to ironic 02:34:40 nova's flavor includes root_gb, swap_mb, ephemeral_gb partitions 02:35:43 zhenguo: yes, for bare metal node , whole disk image is better? 02:36:09 litao__: not sure, but we should add partions support as well 02:36:23 zhenguo: yes 02:36:40 whole disk image is not that flexible 02:37:42 but easy to use 02:37:54 hah, that's true 02:38:50 I will test this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/499039/ more 02:39:07 please also help to review to make it landed before we cut release 02:40:19 ok 02:40:48 liusheng: thanks 02:40:57 np :D 02:40:59 ok, do we have another things want to be in Pike? 02:41:40 ok 02:41:59 np 02:42:09 zhenguo: is it hard to implement the partitions? 02:42:13 zhenguo: do not forget this spec update: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/494980/ 02:42:16 zhenguo: : ) 02:42:33 wanghao: hah, will review soon 02:42:40 shaohe_feng: not that hard 02:43:28 shaohe_feng: we can only support fixed partitons: root_gb, ephemeral_gb, swap_mb, but you can specify any size 02:43:35 zhenguo: superman 02:43:46 litao__: lol 02:44:05 zhenguo: thanks 02:44:14 the disk to deply os maybe very large, like 1TB, is we use the whole disk is wasting 02:44:24 zhenguo: OK. Is root_gb for the who distribution? 02:44:47 shaohe_feng: root_gb is for the OS 02:45:20 shaohe_feng: users can set the root_gb to what they want 02:45:38 shaohe_feng: and leave other space for data 02:46:26 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1381111 02:46:27 bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1381111 in openstack-ironic "[RFE] Advanced partitioning at deploy time" [Medium,New] - Assigned to lmartins 02:46:46 the above bug if for purpose of use the rest of disk space for ceph 02:46:48 zhenguo: if rebuilding or delete the server, all the data of the partitions will be erased, right ? 02:47:31 liusheng: seems only root_gb will be erased if you specify some parameter 02:47:44 zhenguo: ok, got it 02:47:45 liusheng: we can add that support for rebuilding 02:47:56 zhenguo: sounds cool 02:48:00 zhenguo: that's like the safe-deleting for vm or volume 02:48:28 zhenguo: you know, dd 0 to disk before we delete the resource. 02:48:50 wanghao: yes, but that's time cost, lol 02:48:54 zhenguo: not sure if we can support it in Mogan, maybe need ironic support. 02:48:55 zhenguo: any user survey for partition? 02:48:56 wanghao: maybe hours 02:49:17 shaohe_feng: you can see the bug I pasted 02:49:20 zhenguo: yes, but it's a very safety option to users. 02:49:39 wanghao: yes, for public cloud, we have to 02:49:58 zhenguo: we can consider this function in Queens I think. 02:50:01 wanghao: but if we use volumes, seems that' not needed 02:50:24 wanghao: ironic will help to do that 02:50:48 wanghao: during cleaning 02:50:51 zhenguo: if use cinder's volume, that can be done in cinder. 02:51:03 zhenguo: okay 02:51:18 wanghao: yes, volume support is one of the big tasks for us in Queens 02:51:43 wanghao is an expert. hah 02:51:51 yes, hah 02:52:16 sounds great 02:52:55 litao__: if you want to improve the managing servers, we can discuss during the PTG 02:53:14 zhenguo: sure 02:53:18 zhenguo: liusheng: haha 02:54:14 zhenguo: got it. There is some scenario for partition. 02:54:17 oh, the server groups spec is still there.. 02:54:26 shaohe_feng: yes 02:54:43 shaohe_feng: for whole disk image, we dont' need that 02:55:07 shaohe_feng: we will check the image type in mogan with the partitions 02:55:29 liusheng: seems server groups alrady landed, but the spec is still there 02:55:47 zhenguo: oh, sorry, forgot that 02:55:56 liusheng: hah 02:55:58 zhenguo: will look later 02:56:07 liusheng: thanks 02:56:25 oh, it's almost time, let's move on 02:56:30 #topic open discussion 02:56:37 who's got a thing here 02:57:37 hi all, please help to test our API and client before cutting the release, thanks 02:58:12 ok 02:58:22 thanks 02:58:30 anything else here? 02:58:50 thanks everyone for joing the meeting! 02:59:01 bye 02:59:01 #endmeeting