02:00:39 #startmeeting mogan 02:00:40 Meeting started Thu Sep 7 02:00:39 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:00:41 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:00:43 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:01:59 liusheng, shaohe_feng, wanghao, litao__, Xinran, zhangyang: o/ 02:02:12 o/ 02:02:18 o/ 02:02:51 0、 02:02:54 o/ 02:03:12 as always, the agenda: 02:03:12 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:03:20 let's jump in 02:03:25 #topic announcements and reminders 02:03:41 We have moved the docs to RTD, please check it out 02:03:55 #link http://mogan.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 02:03:55 #link http://mogan.readthedocs.io/projects/api-ref/en/latest/ 02:05:21 cool 02:05:33 and #link http://python-moganclient.readthedocs.io/ 02:05:43 hah, yes 02:05:51 nearly forgot moganclient 02:06:59 ok, we will cut the first release this week 02:07:11 anything else we have to do before that? 02:07:24 and moganclient docs have been enriched, please read :D 02:07:38 liusheng: thanks, really cool 02:07:44 zhenguo: hah 02:07:45 zhenguo: I will finish the manage server part-2 02:07:52 litao__: sure 02:08:10 litao__: and need to add a new comand on client side 02:08:11 o/ 02:08:16 Xinran: o/ 02:08:25 zhenguo: sure 02:08:37 litao__: let's try to land it by today 02:08:48 zhenguo: yes 02:08:57 zhenguo: I will commit the codes 02:09:05 litao__: thanks 02:09:06 zhenguo: and managable server list in moganclient 02:09:18 wanghao: sure, will test it later 02:09:27 zhenguo: sure, thanks 02:09:32 wanghao: what's the cinder command looks like? 02:09:43 openstack manageable volume list? 02:10:04 zhenguo: cinder manageable-list 02:10:24 wanghao: oh, no osc? 02:10:39 zhenguo: no osc, since it didn't implement yet 02:10:51 zhenguo: I didn't the code support in osc tree. 02:10:53 wanghao: got it 02:11:47 please help to look at Xinran's patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/500668/ 02:12:29 zhenguo: sure 02:12:32 do we need to add some release notes? 02:12:33 zhenguo, thanks 02:12:43 np 02:13:11 does the non-official project will be displayed in releases.openstack.org ? 02:13:18 no 02:13:39 zhenguo: I think we need to add some, like manage existing 02:14:09 wanghao: yes 02:14:11 yes, it is better to add some 02:14:21 seems we can add that to RTD 02:14:23 with mogan docs 02:15:18 zhenguo: also add into releasenotes too 02:15:27 sure 02:16:12 zhenguo: liusheng: Node aggregates need releasenotes too I thik. 02:16:26 wanghao: ok, sure 02:16:44 wanghao: we need to check our bp/specs 02:16:56 zhenguo: emm, agree 02:17:33 ok, the last thing is about the PTG 02:17:59 should we have a non-offical PTG next week? 02:18:32 online ? 02:18:54 espace, lol 02:19:01 hah 02:19:18 sounds great 02:19:20 or even wechat 02:19:43 sure 02:19:55 maybe we can use https://zoom.us/ 02:21:17 we can find one later 02:21:46 zhenguo: morning 02:21:58 shaohe_feng: o/ 02:22:05 sorry for late 02:22:39 np 02:23:55 seems we can't share desktop via huawei's network :( 02:24:02 we should sign up first on zoom.us 02:24:23 yes, but I'm afraid we can't use it in huawei's office 02:25:09 other guys cannot use huawei's espace 02:25:17 yes 02:25:28 I can go to Intel's office next week 02:25:28 maybe you can find a coffee shop 02:25:42 sounds good 02:25:56 zhenguo: I will be absent for a while 02:26:04 litao__; ok 02:27:04 we can discuss later on wechat 02:27:05 zhenguo: we have fruit. 02:27:17 lol 02:27:30 zhenguo: drink and dessert 02:28:01 seems Mogan need some sponsors to provide fruits. lol 02:28:15 shaohe_feng:that's why I would like to to to Intel's office 02:28:23 liusheng: hah 02:28:39 liusheng: huawei can be sponsor 02:29:31 shaohe_feng: hah 02:29:42 seems fred is not here 02:30:13 wechat with him. 02:30:36 shaohe_feng: will JF go to Denvor as well 02:30:51 no, he will go Denvor 02:30:51 shaohe_feng: he is on huawei connect 02:32:01 huawei connect is a big conf 02:32:15 hah 02:32:21 he should be there. :) 02:32:40 I was there last year 02:33:35 so is there many fruit and delicious there? 02:33:49 and gift :) 02:33:54 lol 02:34:12 many show girls around Intel's booth 02:34:32 wow 02:34:43 lol 02:35:16 let's back to the meeting, hah 02:35:25 go ahead 02:35:41 ok, let's move on 02:35:47 #topic task tracking 02:35:58 #links https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MoganWhiteBoard 02:36:12 looks like things are moving along nicely 02:37:23 liusheng, shaohe_feng: please also helpt to look at the specs patches 02:37:35 OK 02:38:27 zhenguo: ok, sure 02:39:19 besides managing servers and Xinran's patch, anything else should be include in the first release? 02:39:55 oh, seems I need to add a patch to support partitions on client 02:40:43 good. 02:41:31 ok, anything else? 02:42:25 #topic open discussion 02:42:33 who's got a thing here? 02:43:03 so kolla support mogan? 02:43:14 hardware CI? 02:44:00 we can discuss during the PTG, 02:44:15 zhenguo: OK. 02:44:19 not sure who can help build rpm package for us 02:44:35 zhenguo: Lao Du is good at it. 02:44:37 zhenguo: do we need that. hah 02:44:50 seems kolla need that 02:44:51 zhenguo: he knows everything. 02:45:01 shahe_feng: cool 02:46:23 I heard some other company also maintain a baremetal project like mogan by themslef 02:46:43 like mogan instead of ironic? 02:46:56 mogan 02:47:08 with openstack? 02:47:23 yes. 02:47:52 hah, that's interesting 02:48:26 shaohe_feng: you can introduce mogan to them, :) 02:48:42 shaohe_feng: no need develop by themselves. 02:48:53 wanghao: yes. I have introduce mogan to them. 02:49:06 any feedback? 02:49:17 shaohe_feng: cool : ) 02:49:41 wanghao: And I said mogan leverage many openstack component. many acitive contributors maintain it. 02:50:10 wanghao: I believe mogan is better than them 02:50:11 shaohe_feng: excellent! 02:50:13 shaohe_feng: do they use ironic? 02:50:25 zhenguo: yes. They use ironic. 02:50:38 shaohe_feng: hah 02:50:39 zhenguo: they said nova is not good for them 02:51:00 zhenguo: so then maintain a project by themselve. 02:51:24 shaohe_feng: if they want to play with openstack, it's not a good choice to maintain a private project 02:52:07 zhenguo: agree. 02:52:25 hah, it's almost time 02:53:04 anything else here? 02:53:35 ok, thanks everyone for joining the meeting! 02:53:49 #endmeeting