02:02:04 #startmeeting mogan 02:02:05 Meeting started Thu Sep 28 02:02:04 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhenguo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:02:06 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:02:09 The meeting name has been set to 'mogan' 02:02:15 o/ 02:02:43 liusheng, shaohe_feng, litao__, Xinran, zhangyang: o/ 02:02:59 o/ 02:03:20 o/ 02:03:45 as always, the agenda: 02:03:45 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Mogan#Agenda_for_next_meeting 02:03:49 let's jump in 02:03:55 #topic announcements and reminders 02:04:08 zhenguo: morning 02:04:10 we had a virtual PTG last week, thanks everyone for joining! 02:04:15 shaohe_feng: o/ 02:04:26 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mogan-queens-ptg 02:04:48 zhenguo: we can get together next time. :) 02:05:03 shaohe_feng: sure, hah 02:05:30 yes, let's go to Bug Smash in wuhan :P 02:05:39 when? 02:05:57 zhenguo: not sure, maybe a month later 02:06:07 hah cool 02:06:45 The current mogan master hasn't been replaced yet as infra folks are stuck with the zuul upgrade these days, hope it can be fixed up today. 02:06:45 #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-September/122509.html 02:07:24 zhenguo: Chinese people will on vocation 02:08:01 vacation? 02:08:17 zhenguo: so we are not eager to replaced the repo 02:08:23 zhenguo: yes, vacation 02:08:25 typo 02:08:31 National Day 02:08:50 zhenguo: maybe replaced it in chinese National Day is OK. 02:08:54 yes, sure, but maybe there's someone want to work during vacation, lol 02:09:16 lol 02:09:20 zhenguo: OK. Thats can earn 3X salary. 02:09:36 hah 02:10:03 I sent out an email to collect suggestions/concerns for mogan before we start the formal-vote for inclusion. 02:10:03 #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-September/122594.htm 02:10:13 zhenguo: I I can get 3X salary, I want to work during vacation. 02:10:41 shaohe_feng: maybe you should takl with JF 02:10:45 *talk 02:11:17 zhenguo: good idea. and take vacation after National Day. 02:12:46 shaohe_feng: that would never happen for us :( 02:13:09 seems missed a trailing 'l' at the link obove 02:13:58 seems we don't get extreme objections for now 02:14:00 zhenguo: yes, I can not access it. 02:14:19 zhenguo: good. 02:15:35 ok, you can keep an eye on that mail 02:15:58 not much of announcement, anyone else have a thing here? 02:16:12 zhenguo: really good. Mogan is good to enhance openstack on Bear metal cloud 02:16:46 shaohe_feng: sure thing, we all believe that, lol 02:16:49 zhenguo: It is good scenario to leverage ironic. 02:17:37 anything else? 02:17:59 zhenguo: I believe there will be more and more mogan deployment for BM cloud. 02:18:13 someone raised their concerns about conflicts with Ironic in the thread 02:18:43 liusheng: you can read the following mail 02:19:05 zhenguo: Seems are most developers on vacation already? 02:19:08 liusheng: especially from ironic guys opinions 02:19:08 zhenguo: any new reponse, I have readed all 02:19:51 liusheng: I mean those following up that one you raised 02:20:31 zhenguo: ok, will read later, someting wrong with my gmail connection :( 02:20:43 liusheng: ok 02:20:52 liusheng: should we explain to them, that mogan is help ironic to setup BM cloud ecosystem? 02:20:53 let's move on 02:21:29 shaohe_feng: let's talk that later :) 02:21:37 liusheng: we do not touch ironic, just leverage it. 02:21:44 liusheng: OK, talk it later. 02:21:57 shaohe_feng: yes, sure, that's already clear now 02:22:26 #topic task tracking 02:22:30 zhenguo: Good. Hope other's, especially ironic developers know this. 02:22:41 #links https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MoganWhiteBoard 02:24:27 please add the tasks assigined to you during the discussion on PTG 02:24:44 OK 02:27:53 as it's a new cycle, I don't think there are updates here 02:28:18 who's got a thing :) 02:29:36 we have frozen code merging, hah 02:29:36 #topic open discussion 02:29:46 liusheng: oh, yes 02:30:09 liusheng: but seems there's no patch ready to land, lol 02:30:34 and seems we should focus on specs work now 02:30:41 zhenguo: yes, it should be 02:31:22 we will cancle the next week's meeting due to the vacation 02:31:23 zhenguo: yes 02:31:40 +1 02:31:48 +1 02:32:08 +1 02:32:13 ok 02:32:25 hope you all have a nice vacation then 02:32:39 if no more things want to discuss, we can end the meeting here 02:32:47 thanks. same to you. 02:33:20 ok, thanks all for joining the meeting! 02:33:27 #endmeeting