15:00:17 <rhochmuth> #startmeeting monasca 15:00:18 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jan 6 15:00:17 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rhochmuth. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'monasca' 15:00:33 <rhochmuth> o/ 15:00:36 <ddieterly> o/ 15:00:47 <fabiog> Happy New Year! 15:00:51 <rbak> o/ 15:00:52 <rhochmuth> welcome back everyone 15:00:57 <bklei> o/ 15:01:00 <shinya_kwbt> o/ 15:01:11 <bklei> happy new year! 15:01:15 <rhochmuth> agenda has been posted at, https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/monasca-team-meeting-agenda 15:01:25 <rhochmuth> Agenda for Wednesday January 6, 2016 (15:00 UTC) 15:01:25 <rhochmuth> 1. Mid-Cycle/Meet-up go/no go and proposed agenda (fabiog) 15:01:25 <rhochmuth> 2. What e-mail validator do we use at python monasca-api? (shinya) 15:01:25 <rhochmuth> 2.1 Voluptuous validator which is used by monsaca-api has no e-mail validator but has url one. 15:01:25 <rhochmuth> 2.2 lepl.apps.rfc3696 - MPL 1.1 License http://www.acooke.org/lepl/ 15:01:25 <rhochmuth> 2.3 validate_email - LGPL License https://pypi.python.org/pypi/validate_email 15:01:26 <rhochmuth> 2.4 Regex 15:01:26 <rhochmuth> 3. TWC updates 15:01:27 <rhochmuth> 3.1 UI update 15:01:27 <rhochmuth> 3.2 Any progress on caching from HPE? 15:01:28 <rhochmuth> 3.3 Openstack requirements in 3 files, required for rally tests 15:02:06 <rhochmuth> Also, we are a bit backed up on reviews for a number of reasons 15:02:42 <rhochmuth> Mainly, the holidays and the gates are not functioning right now due to changes in the tempest tests 15:02:59 <rhochmuth> So, let's start with the mid-cycle meet-up 15:03:09 <rhochmuth> #topic mid-cycle 15:03:20 <rhochmuth> fabiog, this is yours 15:03:23 <fabiog> here it is the doodle: http://doodle.com/poll/yy4unhffy7hi3x67 15:03:36 <fabiog> I have 6 people confirmed for Thu 28/29 15:03:59 <fabiog> and on the 28 we will share the day with Congress 15:04:14 <fabiog> meaning fostering integration and collaboration 15:04:48 <rhochmuth> i thought the congress discussion was going to be on tuesday or wednesday 15:04:56 <rhochmuth> leaving thursday and friday open for monasca 15:05:01 <rhochmuth> is that not correct 15:05:06 <fabiog> nope 15:05:15 <fabiog> Congress is 3 days 15:05:19 <fabiog> Tue to Thu 15:05:42 <rhochmuth> but i tought the monasca topics were going to be on tues/wed originally 15:05:51 <fabiog> yes 15:05:59 <fabiog> that was the original plan 15:06:03 <fabiog> but I am hosting both 15:06:13 <fabiog> and I cannot be in two places at the same time 15:06:15 <fabiog> :-) 15:06:27 <rhochmuth> ohh, i see 15:06:33 <fabiog> I thought that since you guys were coming, we could have a joint session on Thu 15:06:48 <rhochmuth> i thought you were only attending the monasca related discussions for congress 15:07:10 <fabiog> no, I am hosting the mid-cycle 15:07:15 <rhochmuth> so, i can attend the congress related discussions 15:07:21 <fabiog> yes 15:07:26 <rhochmuth> but, i'm concerned now about short-changing monasca 15:08:26 <rhochmuth> if folks are traveling for a monasca mid-cycle, and thursday is still on congress mainly, that leaves only one day for monasca discussions 15:09:23 <rhochmuth> i don't think most of the folks traveling are as interested in congress related discussions 15:09:41 <fabiog> I can get a second room and have the congress stuff running only in the morning 15:09:51 <fabiog> but I will be able to attend either one or the other session 15:10:00 <fabiog> I think this is doable 15:10:14 <rhochmuth> ok 15:10:27 <rhochmuth> so let's discuss other topics for the mid-cycle then 15:10:37 <rhochmuth> meant agenda 15:11:05 <rhochmuth> what else should be on the agenda for the mid-cycle, in addition to congress discussions 15:12:06 <rhochmuth> the logging api would be one area that i'm interested, but we don't have representation from fujitsu 15:12:14 <rhochmuth> at the mid-cycle 15:12:41 <bklei> i'd like to add an arch discussion about concurrency, and possible solutions 15:12:49 <bklei> concurrent queries, that is 15:13:19 <bklei> we're hitting some hard limits with vertica, not sure if influxdb, cassandra would be better 15:13:34 <rhochmuth> just a litle more context then 15:14:18 <bklei> we're working closely with the vertica team, but we're a couple orders of magnitude off from the concurrency we'd like to support 15:14:32 <bklei> it may be vertica isn't a great fit for our use case 15:14:48 <bklei> like 100 users, all loading a grafana dashboard at the same time :) 15:15:00 <bklei> and each dashboard translates to 150 queries 15:15:28 <fabiog> so you need to support 1000+ concurrent queries 15:15:30 <bklei> don't need to discuss here, just would like as a topic at the meetup 15:15:33 <bklei> like 20K 15:15:45 <bklei> ideally 15:15:47 <rhochmuth> ok, thanks for the context 15:15:56 <rhochmuth> i'm not sure about cassandra or influxdb either 15:16:17 <rhochmuth> personllay, i think we need to start considering adding an in-memory time-series database/cache 15:16:45 <bklei> right, something 15:16:59 <rhochmuth> ok, other topics then for the mid-cycle 15:18:23 <bklei> maybe an overview/demo of grafana 2.0? 15:18:45 <rhochmuth> has ryan completed that? 15:18:52 <bklei> update coming :) 15:19:16 <rbak> I should have it done by the mid-cycle 15:19:28 <rhochmuth> ok 15:19:56 <rhochmuth> there are other features that we could discuss, such as retention periods 15:20:01 <fabiog> I am wondering if we want to do a couple of days using webex instead and have people from Europe to attend too 15:20:02 <bklei> oh yes 15:20:17 <bklei> oh yes on retention periods rhochmuth 15:21:01 <rhochmuth> it does seem like the agenda is a bit limited 15:21:12 <fabiog> rhochmuth: that is my feeling too 15:21:31 <fabiog> rhochmuth: but we can have a couple of good webex sessions to iron out the issues and see the demos 15:21:54 <rhochmuth> i think i would push for a webex too, at this point 15:21:55 <fabiog> and if people in the US are willing to travel anyway we can be in a room with telepresence 15:21:57 <tgraichen> i think this would be very good - maybe at least one or a few 15:22:24 <rhochmuth> then i would also suggest that we have the monasca mid-cycle the following week 15:22:34 <fabiog> rhochmuth: yes 15:22:35 <rhochmuth> the first week of february sometime 15:22:39 <fabiog> sure 15:22:43 <rhochmuth> so as not to overlap with congress 15:22:51 <rhochmuth> i would like to attend the congress related discussion 15:22:57 <fabiog> what about two mornings 15:23:07 <fabiog> Wed and Thu? 15:23:14 <rhochmuth> yes, that would work well for me 15:23:21 <rhochmuth> mornings are best for folks in europe too 15:23:24 <fabiog> people already have time on wed this time 15:23:33 <fabiog> so we could start the webex at 7am to noon 15:23:44 <fabiog> so it is kind of feasible for Europe to follow 15:23:50 <rhochmuth> sure, that would work 15:23:56 <fabiog> and if needed we will repeat the next day 15:24:10 <fabiog> ok, then is set 15:24:29 <fabiog> I will send an invite to people and post a note in the monasca dev list 15:24:36 <rhochmuth> wed/thurs feb 3rd and 4th 15:24:40 <fabiog> yes 15:24:45 <rhochmuth> 7-12 PST 15:25:40 <rhochmuth> ok, sounds like we should move on to the next topic 15:25:58 <rhochmuth> #topic e-mail validator 15:26:14 <shinya_kwbt> Hello. this is mine. 15:26:23 <rhochmuth> hi Shinya 15:26:40 <shinya_kwbt> I'm writing python monasca-api notification methods e-mail validator. 15:27:03 <shinya_kwbt> Java monasca-api uses apache commons validator and javax.mail validator under review. 15:27:11 <rhochmuth> yes, i recall there were some problems with this 15:27:50 <shinya_kwbt> I see. And python momnasca-api uses voluptuous validator. But voluptuous has no e-mail validator but has url one. 15:28:15 <rhochmuth> so, i wouldn't restrict to using voluptuous 15:28:28 <rhochmuth> we've had some disucssion on removing voluptuous 15:28:45 <rhochmuth> and hand-coding 15:29:55 <shinya_kwbt> Oh. I see. 15:30:41 <rhochmuth> their aren't any immediate plans to remove voluptuous, but if it was in your way 15:30:48 <rhochmuth> then i would be fine not using it 15:32:09 <shinya_kwbt> Is hand-coding for example regex better? or use other library? 15:32:36 <rhochmuth> i don't have experience beyond voluptuous 15:32:44 <rhochmuth> so, i can't answer that question 15:33:01 <rhochmuth> but, i think a regex is ok 15:33:04 <rhochmuth> in this case 15:33:51 <shinya_kwbt> O.K. I try to write with regex. thank you. 15:34:05 <rhochmuth> ok, thanks 15:34:11 <rhochmuth> there should be lot's of examples 15:34:32 <shinya_kwbt> yes. 15:34:49 <rhochmuth> ok, i think we are ready for the next topic 15:35:05 <rhochmuth> #topic ui update 15:35:10 <rbak> I guess that's me 15:35:15 <rhochmuth> it is 15:35:34 <rbak> I'm working on the grafana/keystone integration, and I have it partially working. 15:36:08 <rhochmuth> what was your overall design 15:36:09 <rbak> So you can log into grafana with keystone creds and it will assign you an org corresponding to your tenant, which shares dashboards. 15:37:13 <rbak> This isn't working yet, but the idea is that it will then use your creds to get tokens for the monasca queries so you don't need a token in the datasource. 15:38:05 <rhochmuth> so, will you login to horizon and grafana? 15:38:40 <rbak> I'd like to have horizon pass the necessary information to grafana, but I haven't looked at that yet. 15:38:41 <tgraichen> do you have keystone v3 support in mind from the beginning? 15:39:12 <rbak> No, I haven't thought about v3 support much, but I can look into tha. 15:39:44 <rhochmuth> tgraichen, this would probably be a good area for you to get input to rbak on 15:39:55 <tgraichen> ok - let me know if you need help or support testing v3 related stuff 15:40:01 <rbak> will do 15:40:17 <rhochmuth> rbak, is your latest code in github 15:40:32 <rbak> Not yet, I'll put it up once it's tested 15:40:40 <rbak> But fair warning, this isn't pluggable 15:40:55 <rhochmuth> i translated that into this isn't easy 15:41:02 <rbak> Until it's merged upstream you'll have to build your own grafana. 15:41:43 <rhochmuth> how difficult is it to get going with grafana 3 15:42:25 <rhochmuth> for example, if you clone the grafana 3 repo, clone your branch when avaialble 15:42:40 <rhochmuth> then do some configuration 15:42:55 <rbak> There's a grafana 3 now? 15:43:03 <tgraichen> i think he mans 2 :) 15:43:08 <rbak> Oh, good 15:43:17 <rhochmuth> it's the new year 15:43:20 <rbak> That had me worried. 15:43:37 <tgraichen> i think rbaks point was, that you can't use prebuilt grafana binaries anymore 15:43:43 <rbak> Right 15:43:57 <rbak> For the datasource you can just install and then drop the files in. 15:44:10 <rbak> For the keystone integration you have to clone and build. 15:44:17 <rhochmuth> got it 15:44:24 <rbak> It's not terrible, just some extra work 15:44:24 <rhochmuth> grafana 1 was javascipt only 15:44:29 <rhochmuth> so no compile step 15:44:40 <rbak> This work is primarily in go 15:44:57 <tgraichen> did you already contact the grafana maintainer, if he would be willing to include this upstream when ready? 15:45:26 <rbak> Not yet. I wanted to make sure I knew this was possible to implement first. 15:45:35 <tgraichen> sure 15:45:37 <rbak> I've started looking into that though. 15:46:00 <tgraichen> maybe creating an issue in the grafana github when ready 15:46:33 <rbak> They seem to suggest just creating a pull request. 15:46:55 <tgraichen> ok 15:47:33 <rbak> That's all I have unless there's more questions. 15:47:40 <rhochmuth> thanks rbak 15:47:54 <rhochmuth> looking forward to this 15:48:05 <rhochmuth> #topic caching 15:48:09 <rhochmuth> no updates 15:48:16 <rhochmuth> i just got back from the break 15:48:17 <bklei> i figured, with the holiday 15:48:24 <bklei> on your list? 15:48:42 <rhochmuth> i'm not sure 15:48:55 <rhochmuth> i've got a lot on my plate 15:49:24 <bklei> ok, maybe it'll be part of the mid-cycle discussion 15:49:39 <bklei> i don't think i'll get to it between now and then either 15:49:54 <rhochmuth> sounds like everyone is busy 15:50:00 <bklei> for sure 15:50:17 <rhochmuth> so, table this for the mid-cycle 15:50:26 <rhochmuth> along with concurrrent queries 15:50:31 <bklei> sounds good 15:50:50 <rhochmuth> #topic openstack requirements in 3 files 15:50:53 <bklei> that's me 15:51:13 <bklei> yan is working on rally tests, currently has an issue with incompatible requirements 15:51:25 <bklei> Incompatible requirement found; see http://docs.openstack.org/developer/requirements/ 15:51:42 <bklei> she's saying we need to change openstack/requirements repo in global-requirements.txt, projects.txt, and upper-constraints.txt 15:51:49 <bklei> i guess it's in one, not all 3 15:52:15 <bklei> i don't know much about this, but any objections to us just adding monasca client to all 3? 15:52:45 <rhochmuth> fabiog added this recently, i guess in just the one spot 15:52:53 <bklei> Requirement set([Requirement(package=u'python-monascaclient', location='', specifiers='>=1.0.24', markers=u'', comment='', extras=frozenset([]))]) not in openstack/requirements 15:52:59 <rhochmuth> i don't see any issues adding to all 3 spot 15:53:00 <bklei> is her error 15:53:02 <bklei> ok 15:53:05 <fabiog> rhochmuth: bklei yes I added to global 15:53:33 <bklei> ok, if you don't add to the other two, either yan or i will 15:53:35 <fabiog> rhochmuth: but I was waiting for the change of oslo library 15:54:01 <rhochmuth> hmmm, i thought we got the changes for the oslo libraries compleete 15:54:06 <fabiog> bklei: the client is using an old oslo library that needs to be updated 15:54:18 <bklei> oh 15:54:21 <fabiog> once it is updated we can merge the global and the others 15:54:31 <fabiog> bklei: that is why is still not merged 15:54:34 <bklei> who's working that? 15:54:40 <rhochmuth> joe keen 15:54:55 <bklei> ok, can follow up with him and watch for changes 15:55:09 <fabiog> bklei: please keep me in the loop 15:55:11 <bklei> ok 15:55:18 <rhochmuth> i thought he had completed prior to xmas 15:55:30 <rhochmuth> is this just an issue for tagging again 15:55:37 <rhochmuth> do, i just need to apply a tag 15:55:58 <fabiog> these are the two related patches 15:56:00 <fabiog> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/251674/ 15:56:14 <fabiog> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/252527/ 15:56:43 <rhochmuth> i'll check with joe 15:56:53 <bklei> thx 15:57:22 <ddieterly> rhochmuth: looking for a +2 on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/254403/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/254425/ 15:57:59 <rhochmuth> ok 15:58:06 <rhochmuth> but i was waiting on the gates working again 15:58:17 <ddieterly> the gate is working again 15:58:39 <ddieterly> i pushed the changes thru this morning after working with ghansyam last night 15:58:50 <rhochmuth> ok, thanks 15:59:05 <ddieterly> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/263529/ 15:59:08 <rhochmuth> i'll +2 the other changes and start catching up again 15:59:11 <rhochmuth> on other reviews 15:59:32 <rhochmuth> we'll need to coveer cassandara next week 15:59:35 <bklei> i think we're out of time, can hold my cassandra question 15:59:37 <bklei> yup 15:59:47 <rhochmuth> bye everyone 15:59:48 <rhochmuth> thanks 15:59:50 <bklei> thx 15:59:52 <ddieterly> ciao 16:00:10 <rhochmuth> #endmeeting