15:00:44 <rhochmuth> #startmeeting monasca 15:00:47 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Mar 1 15:00:44 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rhochmuth. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:48 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:50 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'monasca' 15:00:55 <dhague> o/ 15:01:15 <rbak> o/ 15:01:17 <hosanai> o/ 15:01:25 <witek> hi 15:01:27 <bklei> o/ 15:01:28 <sc> hi 15:01:30 <shinya_kwbt> o/ 15:01:37 <rhochmuth> we are having a live session today 15:01:43 <rhochmuth> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/monasca-team-meeting-agenda 15:02:11 <rhochmuth> in lync 15:02:13 <rhochmuth> skype 15:02:31 <rhochmuth> i might not have update the date at the top of the agenda 15:02:39 <witek> I have joined but cannot hear anything 15:02:50 <rhochmuth> Agenda for Wednesday March 1 2017 (15:00 UTC) 15:02:50 <rhochmuth> 1. Presentation: Postgres integration with Monasca by Steve Simpson of StackHPC, https://www.stackhpc.com/. 15:02:50 <rhochmuth> 1. This conference will take place using Skype/Lync. 15:02:50 <rhochmuth> 2. The regularly scheduled meeting in IRC will not take place for this presentation. 15:02:50 <rhochmuth> 15:02:51 <rhochmuth> Start of Conference 15:02:52 <rhochmuth> ......................................................................................................................................... 15:02:52 <rhochmuth> Join online meetingJoin online meeting 15:02:53 <rhochmuth> https://join.ucrtc.hpe.com/meet/roland.hochmuth/DNNLL0TB 15:02:53 <rhochmuth> Join by Phone Join by Phone 15:02:54 <rhochmuth> +1-978-289-4114 (USA, Andover, MA) 15:02:54 <rhochmuth> +1-678-367-0003 (USA, Atlanta, GA) 15:02:55 <rhochmuth> +1-512-865-6123 (USA, Austin, TX) 15:02:55 <rhochmuth> +1-208-629-2920 (USA, Boise, ID) 15:03:54 <sc> I'm on my way 15:07:22 <rhochmuth> #endmeeting