15:00:30 <witek> #startmeeting monasca 15:00:31 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Nov 29 15:00:30 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is witek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:32 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:35 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'monasca' 15:00:36 <sc> yo 15:00:37 <jgr> Hello 15:00:43 <fouadben> hi 15:00:43 <witek> hello 15:00:45 <cbellucci> Hello 15:00:51 <tobiajo> hi 15:00:51 <joadavis> hiya 15:01:13 <witek> just two items on the agenda today 15:01:21 <witek> feel free to add 15:01:50 <witek> #topic monasca-agent detection 15:01:56 <Neptu> hej 15:02:21 <witek> hi Neptu 15:02:42 <witek> is it your topic? 15:02:56 <Neptu> no not really 15:03:07 <witek> Tobias reported the bug in detection plugin 15:03:19 <Neptu> im working now more into k8s 15:03:20 <tobiajo> it was me that wanted to address the fact that monasca-setup often crashes when it uses oslo_config 15:03:34 <witek> trying to parse configuration using oslo.config 15:03:40 <tobiajo> link to reported issue: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2001303 15:03:59 <witek> I had a look at this before the meeting 15:04:39 <witek> it looks to me, that parsing the config file is imlemented not robust enough, as you noted 15:04:49 <tobiajo> what did you find. anyone here that was involved implementing the usage of oslo.config? 15:05:30 <witek> the only two build-in options for oslo.config are config_file and config_dir 15:06:01 <witek> only these should be accepted from the cmdline 15:06:19 <witek> so the bug is in monasca_setup.detection.utils.load_oslo_configuration 15:06:29 <tobiajo> what solution do you see? 15:07:31 <witek> change the code around this line https://github.com/openstack/monasca-agent/blob/stable/pike/monasca_setup/detection/utils.py#L186 15:07:51 <witek> to accept only buil-in options 15:07:56 <witek> https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.config/latest/reference/builtins.html 15:08:14 <witek> what do you think? 15:09:33 <witek> we can continue the discussion in the story 15:09:47 <tobiajo> if only config_file and config_dir should be accepted, it easy to patch. but what was the reason behind impl. usage of oslo.config here? 15:10:30 <tobiajo> i don't see the reason behind this added complexity 15:10:43 <witek> to have generic way of getting information from configuration files 15:11:01 <witek> every deployment can have them in different locations 15:12:51 <tobiajo> makes sense 15:13:50 <tobiajo> if non one else have any input it is ok for me to continue on to the next topic 15:14:21 <witek> btw. only two plugins use it at the moment, as far as I can see 15:14:45 <witek> and there is an epic story for this: 15:14:50 <witek> https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000999 15:15:40 <witek> #topic PTG in Dublin 15:16:15 <witek> OpenStack Foundation has officially announced the next Project Teams Gathering 15:16:33 <witek> it will be held in Dublin, February 26 - March 2, 2018 15:17:02 <witek> I've been asked if Monasca will attend the Gathering 15:17:33 <sc> I'll attend ;-) 15:17:54 <jgu> I am interested but will see if there is travel budget 15:18:01 <witek> yes, you're half Irish :) 15:18:36 <sc> witek: hahaha 15:18:51 <witek> I wanted to generally ask, if you think it's a good idea to meet in person 15:19:03 <witek> or you prefer a video conference 15:19:13 <Yavor_OP5> I think it would be beneficial 15:19:50 <witek> for people having budget problem, there is Travel Support Program 15:20:08 <witek> the details are described on the website 15:20:24 <witek> https://www.openstack.org/ptg/ 15:20:44 <sc> witek: I prefer meeting in person and this time I hope to get funds for the short travel 15:21:43 <witek> yes, I also prefer meeting in person, but having representation of all parties is also important 15:22:33 <witek> so, I have set up again a Google Form to collect your opinions 15:22:59 <sc> good 15:23:13 <jgu> witek: thanks for the link. It's int'l travel for me so we'll see :-). I prefer to meet in person since it's quite a while. But I imagine we may alway need a conference line for those who couldn't travel. 15:23:49 <witek> yes, that's an option too 15:24:09 <witek> although it's not the same 15:25:07 <jgu> agreed :-) 15:25:09 <witek> I have to give the answer if Monasca is attending next week 15:26:17 <witek> so please fill in the form, and we'll update next week 15:27:04 <witek> #topic Cassandra update 15:27:45 <jgu> that's me. Just wanted to give a quick update that cassadra now has passed the new zuul gates with cassandra as tsdb. 15:27:58 <witek> great news! 15:28:05 <sc> WOW 15:28:16 <nseyvet> congrats! 15:28:24 <witek> 'Depends-On:' tags seem to work :) 15:28:24 <joadavis> +1 15:28:34 <jgu> yeah, thx all for the help :-) 15:29:01 <witek> I think we can finally get someone for review this week 15:29:52 <sc> looks strange but I'm quite free next days so I can go to my backlog of reviews 15:30:01 <jgu> that'd be great. The python persister impl now also has the smart batching feature that has potential to get similar performance as Java. We will test that out once Java performance testing is finished (only one test environment) 15:30:05 <witek> sc: would be great 15:30:21 <jgu> sc and witek: thanks in advance! 15:30:41 <witek> are you updating the performance results somewhere? 15:31:15 <tobiajo> congrats :)! good work 15:31:18 <jgu> where would be a good place to put the ifnal performanc enumber? 15:31:33 <jgu> tobiajo: thanks 15:32:17 <witek> you had that etherpad, I think that's OK for now 15:32:49 <witek> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cassandra_monasca 15:33:00 <jgu> sounds good. We'll refresh that etherpad and reposted the link in the IRC once it's done 15:33:26 <witek> thanks 15:33:33 <tobiajo> a little off topic: would performance have it place on docs.openstack.org/monasca-api ? 15:34:29 <witek> could be, but there are more basic things missing there right now :( 15:35:19 <witek> like installation, configuration, usage 15:36:33 <witek> do we have anything else for today? 15:37:00 <jgu> should we have a wiki for performance and tuning? 15:37:44 <witek> yes, wiki would probably be better than d.o.o 15:37:50 <tobiajo> does other OS projects have that? 15:38:07 <witek> tobiajo: I don't know, have to check 15:38:15 <jgu> what is d.o.o? 15:38:23 <witek> docs.openstack.org 15:38:32 <jgu> got it 15:38:43 <witek> btw. the wiki page needs a clean-up 15:39:17 <witek> and also, do we want to maintain both? 15:39:51 <sc> sorry, I don't understand your question? 15:40:13 <witek> do we want to maintain wiki and docs.openstack.org? 15:40:15 <tobiajo> d.o.o and wiki? 15:40:34 <jgu> I don't find Monasca on the https://docs.openstack.org/pike/projects.html 15:40:39 <witek> or should we rather deprecate wiki, and use d.o.o only 15:40:57 <sc> witek: I think that users are more likly going to docs.o.o 15:41:02 <tobiajo> i don't see any reason to have both 15:41:07 <witek> jgu: I can add it, there is just not much info there till now 15:41:30 <jgu> I agree with sc. d.o.o is more end user facing 15:42:11 <sc> wiki is for tips and tricks, user provided documentation (that deployment we forgot)... 15:43:35 <witek> I also would prefer to have d.o.o in good shape and remove most of information from wiki 15:45:23 <witek> Is there anyone interested on working on documentation? 15:45:45 <witek> I could start with defining the tasks 15:47:40 <witek> so coming back to the origin question, yes we could probably add performance section as well 15:48:05 <jgu> sure. I am generally no good/help at documentation but I'll check out the task list you are going to create and see if I can help some. 15:48:08 <sc> writing docs is a nighmare, we have to have docs but ... could we autogenerated from docstrigns? ;-) 15:48:54 <witek> for api-ref possibly yes 15:49:57 <witek> there is also that change for python client: 15:50:00 <witek> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/511341/ 15:50:33 <witek> click on build-openstack-sphinx-docs job output to see the rendered docs 15:52:42 <witek> if there is nothing else, I think we can close the meeting 15:53:21 <witek> please think about PTG and the google form 15:53:30 <joadavis> I'll add a quick status on monasca-ceilometer. After the Zuul v3 update we found the gates failed even on some simple changes. Disabled the requirements-check gate (was tripping on a git+https reference for pulling in ceilometer) and now I'm working on bringing the code up to date with Ceilometer Pike. The intent is to get in sync before submitting the publisher to Ceilometer, an action item that came out of the Monasca 15:53:30 <joadavis> eens mid-cycle. 15:53:32 <witek> bye, see you next week 15:54:08 <witek> joadavis: ok, thanks 15:54:59 <witek> so, are zuul jobs working now? 15:55:08 <witek> for monasca-ceilometer? 15:56:10 <joadavis> There is a pending commit that needs a +2, but that gets around the issue. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/518414/ And a change was put in the upstream project config that made it possible. 15:57:00 <witek> ok, adding myself to review 15:57:34 <joadavis> Thanks. :) 15:57:58 <witek> thank you everyone 15:58:06 <witek> bye 15:58:12 <haruki> thank you 15:58:15 <joadavis> bye 15:58:18 <cbellucci> bye 15:58:22 <tobiajo> bye 15:58:27 <witek> #endmeeting