15:00:49 <witek> #startmeeting monasca
15:00:50 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Sep  5 15:00:49 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is witek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:51 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:53 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'monasca'
15:01:10 <witek> Hello everyone!
15:01:19 <dougsz_> hello all and welcome back witek
15:01:38 <witek> :) nice to see you too
15:01:59 <joadavis> :)
15:02:27 <witek> thanks for holding the meetings and taking charge of pyhton3-first changes
15:03:01 <witek> is there anything we should follow up on?
15:03:19 <witek> I admit I haven't went through the meeting logs yet :(
15:03:59 <dougsz_> I think Dobroslaw took care of most of it
15:04:09 <witek> yes, he made good job
15:04:17 <dougsz_> yep
15:04:57 <witek> agenda for today:
15:05:00 <witek> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/monasca-team-meeting-agenda
15:05:12 <witek> please add topics if needed
15:05:41 <witek> #topic PTG preparation
15:05:58 <witek> the etherpad with topics for the PTG is here:
15:06:05 <witek> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/monasca-ptg-stein
15:06:29 <witek> please add your attendance and topics you would like to discuss
15:07:02 <witek> the room is reserved for the whole day, but I would like to schedule most of the discussions in the morning
15:07:17 <witek> so that it doesn't get too late for the guys in Europe
15:08:35 <dougsz_> :-D
15:09:37 <witek> you may also want to put your time preference next to the topic, so that we can schedule topics to fit the needs
15:10:43 <witek> `retention policy management` was originally added by James, but I guess it's orphaned now
15:11:02 <joadavis> I'll bug him about it, and may be able to pick up the discussion
15:11:51 <witek> I guess he's got parallel session for Airship
15:13:20 <witek> `Support Pre Upgrade Checks` has been added recently as the OpenStack wide goal
15:14:14 <witek> we should check if that can be useful for us
15:15:13 <joadavis> you mean https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/stein/upgrade-checkers.html ?
15:15:38 <witek> correct
15:17:23 <witek> dougsz_: would you like to give an update on Kolla deployment or even show something?
15:17:42 <dougsz_> witek: Sounds good
15:17:48 <witek> great
15:18:19 <dougsz_> Didn't quite hit the rocky goal, but I can demo it working
15:19:23 <witek> yes, demo would be cool
15:19:52 <dougsz_> Also, what's the state in OSA? Maybe kaiokmo has something to share?
15:20:14 <witek> I'll ping them
15:20:45 <dougsz_> cool, thanks, I haven't really kept up with what's going on in OSA
15:22:11 <witek> I'll try to propose a tentative schedule before weekend, but we are free to reorganize it later
15:22:39 <witek> koji_n: will you attend as well?
15:24:01 <witek> apparently not there, let's move on
15:24:19 <witek> or do you have anything else?
15:24:58 <witek> #topic monasca-events-api release
15:25:09 <koji_n> unfortunatelly, no
15:25:32 <witek> koji_n: :(
15:26:21 <witek> when tagging the repos for rocky I've realised we haven't had any release for monasca-events-api yet
15:27:26 <witek> TC stated that it's quite late to add it to Rocky release at that stage
15:27:32 <witek> here the review:
15:27:44 <witek> https://review.openstack.org/590702
15:28:30 <witek> that means we wouldn't have stable branch for this repo in Rocky
15:28:38 <witek> can we live with that?
15:28:50 <witek> joadavis: ^^
15:30:01 <joadavis> I think so.
15:30:30 <joadavis> We don't have a production ready complete path yet, so Stein may be the first 'useful' release
15:31:05 <witek> yes, I guess we could take that approach
15:31:56 <joadavis> it would be nice to have a stable branch in case we wanted to backport it later, but if it is too difficult we can live with it
15:32:53 <witek> I think we could still try to convince them, but should do it now
15:33:57 <joadavis> what do we need to do to convince them?
15:35:08 <witek> restore the change and provide arguments why it's needed
15:35:45 <witek> but, taking into account that we have few days to the PTG we could discuss it there
15:36:16 <witek> also, we have the `merging APIs` topic from dougsz_ in the agenda
15:36:32 <witek> which may affect the decission
15:36:50 <joadavis> That is another approach - if we just merged the apis we would not need a release for mon-events-api
15:37:15 <dougsz_> bandwidth is exceeding low for that work at the moment :(
15:37:22 <witek> but that won't be in Rocky either
15:37:26 <dougsz_> nope
15:37:58 <witek> I suggest to talk about it on Monday
15:38:13 <dougsz_> Sounds good
15:38:44 <joadavis> yes. I"ll ponder this more (backporting a separate mon-events-api might be easier...)
15:39:47 <witek> I don't have any more topics for today
15:40:00 <dougsz_> ok, thanks witek
15:40:29 <joadavis> Any reviews needed?  I just have a simple https://review.openstack.org/#/c/590058 at the moment
15:41:00 <witek> didn't have much time to review this week :(
15:41:36 <joadavis> no problem :)
15:42:06 <witek> oh, one thing to mention perhaps
15:43:12 <witek> but I cannot find the link
15:43:29 <witek> TC is tracking the health of the projects
15:43:55 <witek> the goal is to identify potential problems and try to help if needed
15:44:41 <joadavis> Are you looking for https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_health_tracker ?
15:44:50 <witek> I've been contacted by TheJulia and zaneb to give the status about Monasca
15:44:53 <witek> joadavis: thanks
15:45:34 <witek> Julia and Zane act as the liaisons for Monasca
15:45:38 <joadavis> (I've been tracking the telemetry status there)
15:45:43 <TheJulia> Largely we're just trying to assess the help and perception on the health of the project
15:45:49 <TheJulia> s/help/health/
15:45:58 <witek> hi TheJulia
15:46:01 <TheJulia> also if there are frustrations, issues that the TC may be able to help with
15:46:20 <TheJulia> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_health_tracker
15:46:32 <TheJulia> As an example
15:47:24 <witek> TheJulia: I hope my email was helpful
15:47:57 <TheJulia> If I've seen it, likely. I would need to check. It has been a busy week couple weeks preparing for the ptg
15:48:10 <witek> as I've written, I'd be happy to chat f2f next week
15:48:23 <TheJulia> Excellent!
15:48:39 <joadavis> opinion: one thing I wish for in monasca is better visibility to the rest of the community. Don't know if the TC has any ideas for thst
15:49:25 <TheJulia> So that is a common ask that we're seeing, so I suspect it is something we're going to end up discussing at the PTG
15:50:02 <joadavis> I could also write an opinionated bit about telemetry and monasca, but I won't clog this meeting with it. :)
15:52:11 <witek> thanks, TheJulia and joadavis see you on Monday in Denver
15:52:35 <TheJulia> joadavis: if you publish a blog post, by all means send me the link :)
15:53:02 <joadavis> will do :)
15:53:13 <witek> :) oh no
15:53:40 <joadavis> I'll let you in on anything I write also, witek, so you can correct my mistakes. :)
15:54:13 <TheJulia> :)
15:55:11 <witek> ok, let's wrap it up, I think it goes in a wrong direction :)
15:55:57 <witek> thank you everyone, bye bye
15:56:09 <joadavis> see you
15:56:14 <witek> #endmeeting