15:00:37 <witek> #startmeeting monasca 15:00:38 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jul 17 15:00:37 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is witek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:39 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:42 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'monasca' 15:00:49 <witek> hello 15:01:02 <dougsz> hello all 15:01:10 <witek> hi Doug 15:01:46 <witek> is it just 2 of us today? 15:02:06 <witek> agenda: 15:02:11 <witek> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/monasca-team-meeting-agenda 15:02:30 <witek> let's start 15:02:38 <Dobroslaw> Hi 15:02:49 <sc> here I'm 15:02:50 <witek> #topic scope dimenstion name/value query 15:02:53 <witek> hi guys 15:03:04 <joadavis> o/ 15:03:32 <witek> I've got spelling problems :) 15:03:40 <dougsz> :) 15:03:41 <witek> dougsz: we'll you report? 15:03:50 <witek> will you? :) 15:03:58 <dougsz> Yeah, Bharat has gone on holiday 15:04:55 <dougsz> The problem: searching for a list hostnames is a very expensive query 15:05:33 <dougsz> Dashboards which search for a list of hostnames can overload InfluxDB, when the cardinality of the DB is high 15:06:18 <dougsz> This change tries to make the query more efficient, by supporting a search for hostsnames within a specified time period 15:06:29 <dougsz> The time period can come, for example, from a Grafana dashboard 15:06:49 <witek> that's the API resource: 15:06:52 <witek> https://github.com/openstack/monasca-api/blob/master/docs/monasca-api-spec.md#list-dimension-values 15:07:30 <dougsz> We have some problems to work out 15:07:54 <dougsz> Bharat will continue working on this when he is back 15:07:57 <dougsz> That's it for this one. 15:08:58 <witek> thanks, do you think there are some blockers on InfluxDB side? 15:09:18 <witek> you've marked the review with W-1 15:09:52 <dougsz> The query runs, but with a time accuracy of about 1 hour - Tempest tests highlighted this issue 15:10:25 <dougsz> We may need to look at using a different query - It seems the current query may not be supported, but strangely sort of works. We need to get to the bottom of it. 15:11:10 <witek> thanks for working on this, please keep us updated 15:11:16 <dougsz> Will do, thanks 15:11:34 <witek> #topic Grafana token expiry 15:12:06 <dougsz> This one - people get annoyed when their token times out, and they are not at least directed back to the log in page. 15:12:35 <dougsz> Bharat hasn't found a way of doing an immediate redirect yet 15:13:09 <dougsz> The question is should we create a different branch to merge these changes into? 15:13:24 <dougsz> Do we want someone else to review them in addition to me? 15:13:40 <dougsz> I am not sure who is using the grafana4 branch 15:14:02 <witek> Dobroslaw: anyone from Fujitsu wants to have a look? 15:14:32 <witek> at SUSE we don't use the fork 15:14:36 <Dobroslaw> I can look 15:14:50 <dougsz> Great, thanks! 15:15:10 <witek> thanks 15:15:19 <dougsz> That's it for this one. 15:15:40 <witek> I think we should merge it to the grafana4 branch 15:16:20 <dougsz> ok, thanks, we will target that. I agree. 15:16:24 <Dobroslaw> yes, that will be nice fix 15:17:03 <witek> #topic Python 3 support 15:17:23 <witek> sum12 has worked on fixing unit tests for monasca-agent 15:17:32 <witek> https://review.opendev.org/657829 15:18:08 <witek> he's done good job, it would be nice to get some reviews on that 15:18:57 <witek> until no tests were run for Python 3 in this repo 15:19:03 <dougsz> sorry, haven't had time to look yet, but will try 15:19:20 <Dobroslaw> will ping adriancz 15:19:32 <joadavis> I'm guilty of not keeping up either, but I will try to squeeze out some time 15:19:43 <witek> thanks guys 15:20:13 <witek> #topic Kafka upgrade 15:20:38 <witek> I've finally picked up upgrading Kafka client again 15:21:23 <witek> taking this occasion, I've also created a change upgrading Apache Kafka to latest stable version 15:21:26 <witek> 2.3.0 15:21:34 <witek> https://review.opendev.org/670914 15:21:46 <witek> the change updates also some configuration settings 15:22:45 <witek> as provided by default configuration files shipped with Kafka 15:23:09 <witek> also, the way how topics are created has changed 15:23:31 <witek> and, Kafka was able to start with 128MB heap limitation 15:24:24 <witek> I have then refactored persister to work with the confluent Kafka client 15:24:36 <witek> https://review.opendev.org/644844 15:24:53 <witek> but still have some issues with some tempest tests 15:25:53 <witek> e.g. setUpClass in test_statistics fails on a regular basis 15:26:03 <witek> both in CI and locally 15:26:34 <witek> still, review of code is very welcome 15:26:49 <dougsz> Excited to have a play with this 15:27:25 <dougsz> Great stuff. This should tie in nicely with the work Fujitsu are doing on upgrading ELK 15:28:44 <witek> any question to Kafka changes? 15:29:24 <dougsz> Haven't had time to look in detail yet - does it still support the old messaging version? 15:30:23 <witek> yes, the old Kafka message object is converted in persister to the new client format 15:30:56 <witek> I introduced configuration option which controls, which client should be used 15:32:05 <witek> #topic mid-cycle meeting 15:32:22 <witek> we'll hold the mid-cycle meeting next week Wednesday 15:32:54 <witek> at 2pm UTC, one hour earlier than regular meeting 15:33:21 <witek> we should start filling in the topics in etherpad 15:33:25 <witek> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/monasca-train-midcycle 15:33:45 <witek> I know, I haven't done that myself yet.. 15:34:35 <witek> the main goal is to sync on the progress, and if reevaluation of priorities is needed 15:34:49 <witek> or if help is needed somewhere, etc. 15:35:14 <witek> you can also bring up new topics, feel free 15:36:02 <witek> #topic voting for Shanghai open 15:36:40 <witek> https://www.openstack.org/summit/shanghai-2019/vote-for-speakers 15:36:54 <witek> but only until Tuesday 15:37:25 <witek> I haven't looked through yet 15:37:48 <witek> but I've heard there is a presentation from Inspur about their Monasca deployment 15:38:06 <dougsz> Cool, I'm going to vote now before i forget 15:38:22 <witek> +1 :) 15:39:26 <witek> that's all from me, do we have any other topics? 15:39:58 <Dobroslaw> nothing from me 15:40:14 <witek> dougsz: did you have a chance to check about Kolla CI jobs? 15:41:29 <dougsz> Sorry - I didn't, I will do that asap 15:41:44 <witek> no worries 15:41:57 <witek> OK, thanks everyon 15:42:13 <witek> please fill in the etherpad for the next week 15:42:39 <witek> the regular IRC meeting will be canceled of course 15:42:54 <joadavis> thanks 15:43:00 <witek> bye bye 15:43:05 <witek> #endmeeting