13:00:29 #startmeeting monasca 13:00:30 Meeting started Tue Apr 7 13:00:29 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is chaconpiza. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:31 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:33 The meeting name has been set to 'monasca' 13:00:46 Hello 13:00:50 hi everyone 13:01:14 Today's agenda as usual under this link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/monasca-team-meeting-agenda 13:01:19 hi all 13:01:29 hi 13:02:41 bandorf and piotrowskim will be absent today, then we can start. 13:02:58 #topic Cleanup py27 support 13:03:43 AJaeger has provided a series of changes as part of dropping Py2 support story 13:03:46 AJaeger started but it seems that there are changes that need help 13:03:48 :) 13:03:53 go on 13:04:45 from the first filter https://review.opendev.org/#/q/(projects:openstack/monasca+OR+project:openstack/python-monascaclient)+topic:update-hacking 13:05:09 I see the 3 APIs require attention 13:06:42 sorry, the first filter is for the topic update-hacking 13:07:16 in monasca-api we have ripple effects with ujson -> simplejson 13:07:33 as we released monasca-common without ujson dependency already 13:08:01 in case of log-api and events I think CI was broken already before 13:10:57 We are talking about https://review.opendev.org/#/c/717555/ 13:11:04 and https://review.opendev.org/#/c/717553/ 13:11:57 right 13:13:06 I'd focus on other repos first and try to complete the json library migration 13:13:43 any volunteer? I will take a look on the related to the events-api https://review.opendev.org/#/c/717553/ 13:13:44 because there are apparently some corner cases where unit test fail 13:14:33 adriancz, would you check the one related to log-api? https://review.opendev.org/#/c/717555/ 13:14:34 I'll take persister changes then 13:14:56 i can check this 13:15:15 great 13:17:16 ok, if there isn't more to discuss lets go to the next point in the agenda 13:18:07 #topic Follow up ujson -> simplejson migration 13:19:27 So far, as witek mentioned, the ujson - simplejson replacement is done only in monasca-common 13:19:35 https://review.opendev.org/#/c/716925/ 13:19:58 Since we had the deadline for monasca-common release 13:21:18 Today AJaeger sent a change to add ujson in monasca-api, to mitigate that wave effect. 13:21:58 I sent a change for the replacement ujson-simplejson https://review.opendev.org/#/c/718014/ 13:22:27 Now I am not sure why it failed using the lower-constraints 13:23:55 apparently there are some small differences in the older simplejson version 13:24:26 e.g. \'{"test_body": "test"}\' != \'{"test_body":"test"}\'' 13:24:40 I though the same, but I am forcing to use the lower version==3.13.2 with python3.7 and it works in my VM 13:26:45 that's strange 13:27:05 I can reproduce running `tox -elower-constraints` 13:28:59 Probably I need to install something, I got ImportError: cannot import name 'Feature' with this command. 13:29:55 I forced the version simplejson==3.13.2 in requirements 13:30:12 to simulated the lower constraint's version 13:30:47 Ok, first I need to be able to run 'tox -elower-constraints' then fix the issue. All right :) 13:31:09 I'll look at the migration in persister repo 13:31:18 I've seen problems there as well 13:31:55 and we should use that occasion to drop the code for Python 2 13:32:23 I used this topic https://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:ujson-replacement+(status:open+OR+status:merged) 13:32:43 ok 13:33:03 we should create a story for this 13:33:29 I will create the story 13:34:18 Ok, then let's move to the next point 13:34:43 #topic Deadline last feature release python-monascaclient - April 9 13:35:24 I think there is not ujson in that repository 13:35:49 no, should be good 13:36:13 we still have some open changes in review though 13:37:00 dougsz: was there anything preventing us from merging your periodic notification changes? 13:38:39 I see the tempest test has failed on https://review.opendev.org/694596 on gate job for some reason 13:38:46 might just need a recheck 13:40:05 witek: Nothing apart from CI :) 13:40:19 :) 13:40:38 Will have a look later, thanks for prodding them. 13:42:43 let's try then to fix monasca-api CI, so that we can merge all changes from topic:periodic_notifications 13:43:00 and then release 13:43:06 ok 13:44:23 make sense to add priorities in the tickets heading the new python-monascaclient release? 13:45:17 we can mark them on reviews, yes 13:45:59 cool 13:46:14 all right, then the end: 13:46:21 #topic aob 13:46:50 I'd like to propose adding chaconpiza to the core team 13:47:05 +1 ;) 13:47:08 :) 13:47:54 no objections, that's good :) 13:48:26 Changing the topic, in the deploy of monasca using docker containers 13:48:51 the Grafana container has a docker health check 13:49:35 which basically executes wget -q http://localhost:3000 -O - > /dev/null 13:50:04 Keith Berger proposed openstack/monasca-agent master: Add a new config variable to identify ping command https://review.opendev.org/717402 13:50:25 well, it seems that this continues checks increments the size of the grafana/data/sessions 13:50:36 without to release it at any time 13:51:18 at least using Grafana 4.5 13:52:27 We are investigating it and we will reported it here 13:53:07 where is grafana/data/sessions stored? Grafana DB? 13:53:51 we use 'files' for that. 13:54:06 https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/v4.5/installation/configuration/#session 13:55:17 I see 13:56:29 the option has been removed in 6.2 13:56:52 :) 13:57:39 Ok, we are running out of time. 13:57:46 thanks chaconpiza 13:57:58 Thanks all 13:58:01 and adriancz and dougsz 13:58:09 happy Easter all! 13:58:22 Happy Easter! 13:58:40 bye 13:58:47 You too all, sorry I couldn't fully engage today 13:58:58 bye 13:59:01 bye 13:59:03 no worries, take care 13:59:12 #endmeeting