#openstack-monasca: monasca

Meeting started by chaconpiza at 13:00:43 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Removing third party library mock and using instead unittest.mock (chaconpiza, 13:02:09)
  2. Alarm-definition which breakes the Alarm view of Monasca-UI (chaconpiza, 13:06:57)
    1. https://github.com/openstack/monasca-api/blob/master/devstack/Vagrantfile (chaconpiza, 13:10:14)

Meeting ended at 13:18:31 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. chaconpiza (18)
  2. openstack (3)
  3. bandorf (2)

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