13:00:23 <chaconpiza> #startmeeting monasca 13:00:24 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Apr 13 13:00:23 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is chaconpiza. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:25 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:27 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'monasca' 13:00:32 <chaconpiza> Hi 13:01:13 <chaconpiza> The agenda as usual https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/monasca-team-meeting-agenda 13:02:41 <adriancz> HI 13:02:56 <chaconpiza> Hello Adrian 13:02:59 <chaconpiza> Let's start 13:03:00 <bandorf> Hi, all 13:03:05 <chaconpiza> Hi Matthias 13:03:15 <chaconpiza> #topic [Done] Use external Zookeeper in Local mode 13:04:12 <chaconpiza> As reported previously, when Storm is configured in Local mode it uses its in-memory Zookeeper 13:05:14 <chaconpiza> This in-memory ZooKeeper doesn't have a mechanism to trim the old transactional logs and snapshots. 13:06:18 <chaconpiza> With this change: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/monasca-thresh/+/783565 now is possible to assign an external ZooKeeper using env. variables for hostname and port. 13:06:45 <chaconpiza> The change is now merged on master and cherry picked to wallaby and victoria 13:07:09 <chaconpiza> deployments of storm in cluster mode are not impact. 13:07:28 <bandorf> Great change, thanks! There were other disadvantages with in-memory Zookeeper - e.g. UI for zookeeper couldn't be used 13:07:39 <chaconpiza> right 13:07:54 <chaconpiza> Next changes closed this week: 13:07:59 <chaconpiza> #topic [Done] Update docker-publish.yml for stable/wallaby 13:08:15 <chaconpiza> https://review.opendev.org/q/(projects:openstack/monasca+OR+project:openstack/python-monascaclient)+AND+topic:docker-jobs-wallaby 13:09:04 <chaconpiza> Monasca Wallaby images are now published everyday 13:09:26 <chaconpiza> [Done] Re-enable Docker Zuul jobs for stable/wallaby 13:10:07 <chaconpiza> In general, there is no problem for all master images, wallaby, victoria and ussuri 13:10:45 <chaconpiza> some train images aren't published mainly because of issues with lower-constraints 13:11:16 <chaconpiza> for example Monasca-API https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?job_name=publish-monasca-api-docker-image 13:12:05 <chaconpiza> Next topic 13:12:10 <chaconpiza> #topic [Review] Monasca-UI 1.17.2 (Stable/Train) 13:12:34 <chaconpiza> I asked for a new release of Monasca-UI 1.17.2 13:12:50 <chaconpiza> Wich fixes 3 bugs from previous release 1.17.1 13:13:17 <chaconpiza> Mainly issues with PY3. Train release should work with both PY2 and PY3 13:13:32 <chaconpiza> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/785842 13:14:34 <chaconpiza> Those are the most important changes from this week. We have soon the PTG: 13:14:44 <chaconpiza> #topic PTG Monasa Session 13:15:11 <chaconpiza> Monday April 19th 13:00 UTC 13:15:49 <chaconpiza> Adrian, Matthias and I are already registered. I will leave here the link for the record: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/apr2021-ptg-monasca 13:16:10 <chaconpiza> Sorry, this is the link of the etherpad we will use 13:16:26 <chaconpiza> This is the main link of the PTG https://www.openstack.org/ptg/ 13:17:43 <chaconpiza> witek_ dougsz are you around? Will you join Monasca Xena PTG? 13:18:50 <chaconpiza> I will send them an email with the info. 13:19:52 <chaconpiza> One more thing, next week this weekly meeting will be cancelled because of PTG. 13:20:40 <chaconpiza> Then please add your topics in the etherpad: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/apr2021-ptg-monasca 13:20:48 <chaconpiza> and see you next Monday! 13:21:06 <bandorf> Bye! 13:21:28 <chaconpiza> See you there, bye. 13:22:27 <chaconpiza> #endmeeting