13:00:29 <chaconpiza> #startmeeting monasca 13:00:30 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 25 13:00:29 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is chaconpiza. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:31 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:33 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'monasca' 13:01:04 <chaconpiza> Hi 13:01:27 <bandorf> Hi, Martin 13:01:53 <chaconpiza> Hi Matthias 13:02:10 <chaconpiza> The agenda as usual https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/monasca-team-meeting-agenda 13:03:26 <chaconpiza> Let's start 13:04:05 <chaconpiza> We have two topics in the agenda related to each other 13:04:20 <chaconpiza> #topic Switch the base jobs to use ubuntu-focal nodes 13:04:47 <chaconpiza> This is the change https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/base-jobs/+/789098 13:05:34 <chaconpiza> The change was merged last Tuesday May 18th 13:06:30 <chaconpiza> it has impacted most of our periodic docker builds and other Zuul jobs 13:06:48 <chaconpiza> here for example, monasca-api docker build: 13:06:49 <chaconpiza> https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?job_name=publish-monasca-api-docker-image 13:08:34 <chaconpiza> Same for other Monasca modules, thresh, persister, tempest-plugin, etc. 13:09:32 <chaconpiza> it leads us to the next topic: 13:09:48 <chaconpiza> #topic Fix docker build 13:10:59 <chaconpiza> Pierre Riteau has kindly sent a set of fixes for the Zuul Docker-build 13:11:31 <chaconpiza> For example: in Monasca-Api https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/monasca-api/+/792412 13:13:04 <chaconpiza> Unfortunately other Zuul jobs are failing too, like openstack-tox-py38 13:13:23 <chaconpiza> (unittests on python 38) 13:14:09 <chaconpiza> AttributeError: module 'falcon' has no attribute 'OptionalRepresentation' 13:14:13 <chaconpiza> https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/7830a22492e7415c98c56bb882ed4129 13:15:50 <chaconpiza> Ok, this failures are a blocker for all changes and should be fixed asap. 13:17:00 <chaconpiza> no more topics from my side, adriancz are you around? What do you think about it? 13:18:14 <adriancz> yes ,Im here 13:18:44 <adriancz> first we need to check version of falcon 13:19:13 <adriancz> maybe something change in global requirements 13:19:50 <adriancz> probably name of method/class change 13:20:01 <chaconpiza> right 13:20:53 <chaconpiza> so, do you think that it isn't related to the change Switch the base jobs to use ubuntu-focal nodes? 13:22:48 <adriancz> yes 13:23:07 <adriancz> tox is creating virtual env 13:23:19 <chaconpiza> good point 13:23:49 <adriancz> so i think base job should not have impact on tox 13:24:17 <adriancz> but maybe this jobs install different version of tox or pip 13:24:50 <adriancz> but i think first we need to check version of falcon 13:25:02 <chaconpiza> alright, let's investigate it. 🍺 for the first that fix it. 😉 13:25:33 <adriancz> +!1: ) 13:25:41 <adriancz> +1 : ) 13:26:18 <chaconpiza> So, no more topics from my side. Let's focus on the fix ^ 13:26:33 <bandorf> Nothing from me 13:27:15 <adriancz> Nothing from me 13:28:07 <chaconpiza> Then let's close the meeting for today, as far as I find something I will report it here. 13:28:15 <chaconpiza> Thanks for coming 13:28:22 <bandorf> Thanks, bye 13:30:17 <chaconpiza> #endmeeting