17:01:27 <kzaitsev_mb> #startmeeting murano 17:01:27 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 17 17:01:27 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is kzaitsev_mb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:28 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:01:32 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'murano' 17:02:15 <kzaitsev_mb> #topic rollcall 17:02:32 <vakovalchuk> o/ 17:02:41 <oshykhkerimov_> o/ 17:02:48 <lexplua> o/ 17:03:07 <DmytroDovbii> hi, folks 17:03:09 <tlashchova> o/ 17:03:36 <Nikolay_St> o/ 17:05:54 <kzaitsev_mb> We only have one topic and 1 action item from the last meeting and they're basically the same — discuss heat convergence testing with murano 17:07:05 <kzaitsev_mb> #topic Heat Convergence 17:07:30 <Nikolay_St> unfortunately I have no time for it during last week :( 17:07:30 <kzaitsev_mb> Nikolay_St: do you have any updates on the topic? 17:07:42 <Nikolay_St> was busy with testing and agent patches 17:07:48 <Nikolay_St> sorry, folks ;( 17:08:14 <kzaitsev_mb> as far as I see — last time we agreed to enable it by default on our CI tests 17:08:28 <kzaitsev_mb> ok, let's move this to the next week. 17:08:51 <kzaitsev_mb> I also think we should add a bp or a bug for this work 17:09:02 <kzaitsev_mb> Nikolay_St: which one is more appropriate, what do you think? 17:10:32 <Nikolay_St> kzaitsev_mb: let's start with bp 17:10:43 <Nikolay_St> finally it's something new to us 17:10:53 <kzaitsev_mb> yep, feels more natural, since nothing is yet broken )) 17:12:30 <kzaitsev_mb> #action Nikolay_St verify that murano works with enabled convergence and switch our Murano CI to use this feature 17:13:10 <kzaitsev_mb> #action kzaitsev_mb Create a convergence-related blueprint 17:13:15 <kzaitsev_mb> let's split the tasks =) 17:13:47 <kzaitsev_mb> ok, the convergence thing is not urgent, but it's better to have it fixed preempively =) 17:13:57 <Nikolay_St> kzaitsev_mb: yeap 17:14:10 <kzaitsev_mb> #topic Open Discussion 17:15:30 <kzaitsev_mb> If someone hasn't noticed yet — our client/dashboard gates are currently broken by a small change in horizon 17:15:48 <kzaitsev_mb> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1582816 17:15:48 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1582816 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "ModalBackdropMixin imposes empty init method" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Kirill Zaitsev (kzaitsev) 17:16:23 <kzaitsev_mb> here's the bug and the fix 17:17:32 <kzaitsev_mb> We've also haven't looked for quite some time at our backports (although we've agreed to do that regularily). blame's on me =) 17:17:55 <kzaitsev_mb> Let's get back to that next week 17:18:54 <kzaitsev_mb> during austin summit stable maint team showed a couple of neat tools they (neutron as far as I remember) contributed to openstack/releases repo 17:19:07 <kzaitsev_mb> time to try those out. 17:20:21 <kzaitsev_mb> #action kzaitsev_mb scedule a backport review session for the next community meeting with a list of those backports 17:20:42 <kzaitsev_mb> ok. I'm out of news and topics to bring up. =) 17:20:52 <kzaitsev_mb> If anyone has anything to add — now's the time 17:22:38 <Nikolay_St> oh 17:22:39 <Nikolay_St> I have 17:23:16 <Nikolay_St> zhu_rong worked hard on this: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/murano+branch:master+topic:bp/separate-service-broker-from-murano 17:23:47 <Nikolay_St> probably we can review at least the few first patches in the chain 17:27:02 <kzaitsev_mb> Nikolay_St: yeah, I'm going through the review queue of the patches =) 17:28:48 <kzaitsev_mb> if there are no more topics to discuss — I'm going to end the meeting early today. let's wait 5 more minutes though. 19:00:08 <openstack> catherineD: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. Use #endmeeting first. 19:00:54 <catherineD> #endmeeting