17:01:02 <kzaitsev_mb> #startmeeting murano 17:01:03 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Dec 13 17:01:02 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is kzaitsev_mb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:04 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:01:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'murano' 17:01:12 <kzaitsev_mb> #topic rollcall 17:01:16 <ativelkov> o/ 17:02:08 <learnmore_> Borne and I (Ellen) are here from Oracle. Hello. 17:02:11 <StanLagun> o/ 17:02:36 <kzaitsev_mb> o/ 17:05:24 <kzaitsev_mb> nothing on agenda today, so let's hop right to Open Discussion 17:05:35 <kzaitsev_mb> #topic Open Discussion 17:05:45 <kzaitsev_mb> hi learnmore_ =) 17:06:00 <kzaitsev_mb> anything we can help you with or maybe you had some questions? =) 17:06:07 <learnmore_> Hi, I have lots of questions. 17:06:27 <learnmore_> First, the new UI will not be in Ocata. Yes or No? 17:06:57 <StanLagun> it won't be 17:07:19 <learnmore_> Why? Not enough time? Not enough resources to complete it? 17:07:56 <sergmelikyan> o/ 17:08:10 <kzaitsev_mb> sergmelikyan: hi there ) 17:08:31 <sergmelikyan> kzaitsev_mb: I wanted to check regarding release notes issue highlighted by ttx 17:08:38 <sergmelikyan> will you take care of this issue? 17:08:50 <kzaitsev_mb> sergmelikyan: can you please elaborate? 17:09:03 <kzaitsev_mb> learnmore_: well, not enough resources is the answer 17:09:11 <sergmelikyan> sorry, licensing not release notes 17:09:17 <kzaitsev_mb> I don't think anyone is currently actively working on the thing 17:09:23 <sergmelikyan> in murano-apps tepo 17:09:29 <sergmelikyan> *repo 17:09:41 <kzaitsev_mb> greasy fingers? =) 17:09:58 <kzaitsev_mb> yeah, I remember that thing 17:10:50 <learnmore_> Sorry to hear this news. It means that we won't get all the features that we asked for in the Barcelona working sumit in Murano. It means we will have to use the workarounds that were suggested. 17:11:39 <learnmore_> StanLagun: Thanks for the your help regarding our first request. I will try it out. It is a good idea. 17:12:15 <StanLagun> learnmore_: Unfortunately Mirantis has 0 full-time engineers working on Murano right now so everything is up to contributors from other companies 17:12:51 <learnmore_> Ooh that is bad news for us. 17:13:22 <learnmore_> Will there be any new features for Murano in Ocata? 17:13:37 <kzaitsev_mb> sergmelikyan: if you have some time — please feel free to prepare the commit. ) if not — i'll have some time to do that around NY. Don't think there is any rush in the thing, cause we're not releasing murano-apps any time soon ) 17:14:12 <sergmelikyan> kzaitsev_mb: Ok :) 17:14:17 <kzaitsev_mb> learnmore_: StanLagun: I think parts of the resource estimation have been merged, haven't they? 17:14:51 <StanLagun> kzaitsev_mb: no 17:15:07 <StanLagun> in Ocata the UI definitions are better 17:15:18 <learnmore_> What do you mean by better? 17:15:51 <kzaitsev_mb> sergmelikyan: wanted to raise the idea of marking murano-apps as release:none but I think it doesn't fix re-licensing issue anyway 17:16:08 <StanLagun> it is possible to specify MuranoPL action that will be executed before UI render and use the data returned from that action to control the form controls 17:16:48 <StanLagun> for example you can return a list of drop-down options from that method 17:16:58 <StanLagun> so now it is more dynamic 17:17:25 <learnmore_> Where can I find more info on this? It sounds like what we need for choosing character sets based on language. 17:17:54 <StanLagun> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/389089/ 17:18:19 <StanLagun> see release notes file 17:18:29 <learnmore_> Thanks. I'll take a look. 17:19:04 <learnmore_> This new UI was in progress, yes? So there is code that is partially done, almost done? Is it possible for us to pick this up and finish it? 17:19:59 <StanLagun> only the spec and the MuranoPL-to-JSONSchema generation part. Nothing on the frontend 17:22:01 <learnmore_> How feasible do you think it is to complete it for Ocata? If you were to complete this, how much time would you need? Obviously we would need more. 17:23:16 <StanLagun> Frontend part is like to rewrite most of murano-dashboard from the scratch. 17:23:55 <learnmore_> I get the idea that this is not a go for Ocata then :) 17:25:12 <StanLagun> The way it's going now I would be surprised if it will be written ever. 17:25:27 <StanLagun> Maybe in P or Q if someone picks it up 17:25:50 <bmace> Hi StanLagun. Ok, perfect, that was going to be my question, if anyone was actively working on it or not, and the answer is no :) 17:25:54 <learnmore_> Thank you for the update. We will have to evaluate what this means for our murano database app that is suppose to be based on Ocata. 17:26:33 <kzaitsev_mb> bmace: learnmore_: sorry to disappoint you guys, but thats the way things are now 17:27:59 <bmace> kzaitsev_mb. open source resource constraints can be difficult. we will chat about it in house and see what we can do. 17:28:10 <learnmore_> I appreciate the honesty. Murano is a great product. 17:29:45 <sergmelikyan> guys, all the specs are available and we can help as much as we can with clarifying open questions and so on 17:30:31 <sergmelikyan> I strongly believe that it's feasible to pickup and finish in Ocata given team has required expertise in UI/Django/Python 17:30:50 <sergmelikyan> there are no magic, and we tried to publish any documentation which we had on that topic 17:30:53 <learnmore_> That is great to hear. Stan has been very responsive. We will need your help going forward even if it is only to answer questions. 17:34:57 <learnmore_> That's all I had for today. 17:37:42 <sergmelikyan> learnmore_: we are ready to support with answers to questions, I hope that community will pick up the project and continue to improve. 17:39:10 <learnmore_> Thank you. Will you continue to hold these meetings? 17:42:33 <ativelkov> Well, at least till the end of Ocata 17:43:18 <learnmore_> Glad to hear that. 17:47:59 <kzaitsev_mb> looks like we're out of topics to discuss, and no real updates for today 17:48:10 <kzaitsev_mb> so I suggest to end 10 mins early ;) 17:52:07 <kzaitsev_mb> ok, I assume there are no objections 17:52:16 <kzaitsev_mb> thanks for joining today folks 17:52:17 <sergmelikyan> + 17:52:23 <kzaitsev_mb> #endmeeting