14:40:53 <igordcard> #startmeeting network_common_flow_classifier 14:40:54 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Mar 21 14:40:53 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is igordcard. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:40:56 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:40:58 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'network_common_flow_classifier' 14:41:22 <igordcard> 2 min while I make a change to the wiki 14:42:36 <igordcard> agenda: 14:42:40 <igordcard> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/CommonFlowClassifier#Discussion_Topic_21_March_2017 14:42:46 <igordcard> #topic PoC status 14:43:15 <igordcard> davidsha has kindly submitted the PoC code for review at: 14:43:19 <igordcard> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/445577/ 14:43:35 <igordcard> I see some comments from ralonsoh already 14:43:52 <igordcard> I invite all to take a look at it, I will as well 14:44:36 <igordcard> I'd say there is no need to be very detailed in the reviews since it's just a PoC 14:44:57 <igordcard> the most important for now is agree on the architecture and work towards consistency with the spec (bidirectionally) 14:45:08 <igordcard> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/333993/ 14:47:09 <igordcard> ping pcarver xgerman 14:47:28 <igordcard> if you left because the meeting didn't start, we're here now :) 14:48:05 <bcafarel> xgerman at least should not be far away, I see fwaas meeting in progress in meeting-4 14:48:38 <igordcard> bcafarel: also see yushiro there, but he's not on this channel 14:48:38 <xgerman> yep 14:48:40 <reedip> I pinged him... he is in the fwaas meeting fright now 14:49:12 <igordcard> alright it's all about the PoC, moving on... 14:49:18 <tmorin> I'm listening, willing to make a pass on both specs and poc code when I find the time 14:49:20 <igordcard> #topic Open discussion 14:49:25 <reedip> yushiro is chairing the meeting, it would be difficult for him to come right now but would come after some time 14:49:44 <igordcard> networking-fwaas meeting: Weekly on Tuesday at 1400 UTC in #openstack-meeting-4 14:50:02 <igordcard> will always conflict with this one, hopefully we can still make progress 14:50:48 <igordcard> reedip: right... that justifies why he couldn't vote for this time 14:51:09 <igordcard> thanks tmorin 14:51:35 <igordcard> I haven't submitted a new patchset after xgerman reviews in order to accumulate more feedback 14:51:49 <xgerman> cool! 14:52:36 <igordcard> alright, it's all from my side 14:52:53 <igordcard> my main commitment for the next couple of weeks is to review to PoC and address further ccf spec comments 14:53:29 <igordcard> as I work very close to davidsha, we'll also actively attempt to address divergences between spec and PoC (or future code) as quick as possible 14:53:52 <reedip> igordcard : thanks for adding me as a reviewer, will also look into the PoC ...tomorrow though :) ( its late here now ) 14:54:02 <igordcard> I'm keeping this meeting session running until 1459UTC in case the fwaas finishes early 14:54:16 <bcafarel> hopefully I will have enough time to catch up on spec (and poc code too now) in the meantime 14:54:16 <igordcard> thanks reedip 14:55:14 <igordcard> thanks bcafarel 14:55:25 <tmorin> igordcard: I haven't read PS13 of the specs, but I have one question: did you already had time to add the items I suggested to the TODO list at the top, or some of them ? 14:57:20 <igordcard> tmorin: yes, I either addressed all of them or almost all of them 14:57:40 <igordcard> tmorin: depending on how extensive I was in my changes 14:57:52 <tmorin> igordcard: good, one additional reason for me to make a pass on it :) 14:59:24 <igordcard> alright folks I'm closing the meeting 14:59:26 <igordcard> thank you all 14:59:29 <igordcard> bye! 14:59:31 <tmorin> bye ! 14:59:32 <igordcard> #endmeeting