21:01:21 <mestery> #startmeeting networking 21:01:21 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jan 5 21:01:21 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mestery. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:01:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:01:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'networking' 21:01:28 <beagles> o/ 21:01:30 <mestery> Happy New Year to all! 21:01:33 <mestery> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Network/Meetings Agenda 21:01:45 <mestery> #topic Announcements 21:01:54 <SumitNaiksatam> hi all 21:02:02 <mestery> I know many of us are just back from the holidays, but Kilo-2 is one month from today 21:02:04 <mestery> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Kilo_Release_Schedule 21:02:07 <mestery> Not a lot of time 21:02:27 <dougwig> not when it takes 2 months to get past the gate. 21:02:34 <mestery> dougwig: True story! 21:02:45 <anteaya> o/ 21:03:03 <mestery> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings#Networking_L2_Gateway_meeting 21:03:16 <mestery> The L2 Gateway team will have a bi-weekly meeting, see ^^^ for details 21:03:20 <mestery> And talk to Sukhdev and armax for more information. 21:03:36 <Sukhdev> We had our kick off meeting this morning 21:03:46 <mestery> Any other announcements for the team this week? 21:03:46 <mestery> Sukhdev: Excellent! 21:04:15 <mestery> OK, moving on ... 21:04:17 <mestery> #topic Bugs 21:04:19 <mestery> enikanorov__: Hi there! 21:04:20 <enikanorov__> hi 21:04:28 <mestery> How goes the land of bug triaging? 21:04:49 <enikanorov__> a couple o issues to discuss 21:04:50 <enikanorov__> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1403291 21:04:52 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1403291 in neutron "test_server_connectivity_pause_unpause fails with "AssertionError: False is not true : Timed out waiting for to become reachable"" [High,New] 21:05:02 <enikanorov__> this one is hit pretty often 21:05:11 <enikanorov__> http://logstash.openstack.org/#eyJzZWFyY2giOiJtZXNzYWdlOiBcIlB1YmxpYyBuZXR3b3JrIGNvbm5lY3Rpdml0eSBjaGVjayBmYWlsZWRcIiIsImZpZWxkcyI6W10sIm9mZnNldCI6MCwidGltZWZyYW1lIjoiNjA0ODAwIiwiZ3JhcGhtb2RlIjoiY291bnQiLCJ0aW1lIjp7InVzZXJfaW50ZXJ2YWwiOjB9LCJzdGFtcCI6MTQyMDQ5MTI1NzAxMn0= 21:05:27 <enikanorov__> lots of hits during last 7 days, so i set importance to High 21:06:07 <mestery> enikanorov__: Yes, this one looks like something we should dig into, lots of gate hits 21:06:18 <mestery> dougwig: Is this one you've hit in your gate battles the past week? 21:07:03 <mestery> Regardless, lets see if we can dig into this one a bit more this week. 21:07:06 <enikanorov__> and i think it not only affecting test_server_connectivity_pause_unpause test, but others too that involve external connectivity check 21:07:20 <enikanorov__> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1401895 21:07:23 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1401895 in grenade "Ensure a smooth upgrade path after adv svc split" [Undecided,In progress] 21:07:30 <enikanorov__> mestery: i saw you've added it to the list 21:07:34 <armax> hello, sorry I am late 21:08:03 <mestery> enikanorov__: The one I added I removed because kevinbenton fixed it and emagana and HenryG merged it over the weekend :) 21:08:37 <HenryG> thanks to kevinbenton for analyzing and fixing it 21:08:47 <mestery> ++ 21:08:54 <enikanorov__> ok, i'll remove it from list on the wiki 21:09:01 <mestery> thanks enikanorov__ 21:09:05 <enikanorov__> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/1357055 21:09:08 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1357055 in tempest "Race to delete shared subnet in Tempest neutron full jobs" [Undecided,Confirmed] 21:09:16 <enikanorov__> salv-orlando: it's assigned to you 21:10:01 <enikanorov__> ok, looks like salv-orlando is not here 21:10:06 <kevinbenton> time.sleep(random.randint(0, 1000)) should fix it! 21:10:08 <enikanorov__> lets move forward 21:10:23 <enikanorov__> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1382064 21:10:24 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1382064 in neutron "Failure to allocate tunnel id when creating networks concurrently" [High,In progress] 21:10:36 <enikanorov__> this one is in a good shape imo ;) 21:10:51 <enikanorov__> so I's ask Maru to take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/129288/ again 21:10:56 <enikanorov__> *I'd 21:10:58 <salv-orlando> I am, and I am still of the opinion that the bug is not a neutron one 21:11:09 <salv-orlando> obviously I am referring to 14570055 21:11:27 <enikanorov__> salv-orlando: that's a bug from the future. 21:11:30 <marun> enikanorov__: ok 21:12:04 <enikanorov__> salv-orlando: then please leave a comment there, so we remove neutron project from the bug 21:12:05 <marun> enikanorov__: I was hoping for an answer to my last comment before removing my -1 21:12:26 <salv-orlando> enikanorov__: sure I will do that as soon as my spaceships exits warp speed 21:12:30 <mestery> lol 21:12:42 <enikanorov__> marun: are you talking about dependency on neutron-multiprocess functional testing? 21:12:47 <marun> enikanorov__: No 21:13:02 <enikanorov__> marun: has I missed something? 21:13:07 <enikanorov__> ok, let's take it offline 21:13:14 <marun> enikanorov__: I was hoping for clarity as to whether any other codepaths will benefit from changing the transaction isolation 21:13:28 <marun> enikanorov__: And if so, should we be tracking a larger effort before we close this one off. 21:13:35 <marun> enikanorov__: sure, we can take it offline 21:13:47 <enikanorov__> marun: ah, thanks for reminding. I'l reply. 21:14:00 <marun> enikanorov__: great :) 21:14:26 <enikanorov__> on other bugs from the list there is no updates for todya 21:15:04 <mestery> Thanks enikanorov__ ! 21:15:17 <mestery> I don't see emagana here today, so lets move on to the "On Demand" section of the agenda now. 21:15:27 <mestery> #topic nova-network to neutron migration 21:15:30 <mestery> anteaya: I see you are here! 21:15:35 <anteaya> I am 21:15:43 <thomasem> So, this is the first neutron meeting I've made it to 21:15:48 <mestery> anteaya: Unfourtanetly oleg isn't here 21:15:52 <anteaya> I didn't see this was its own topic 21:15:54 <mestery> thomasem: Excellent! 21:16:09 <mestery> anteaya: I usually try to make the On Demand topics their own topic as best I can 21:16:10 <thomasem> I remember talking to you, mestery, a month or so ago about Shared IPs with cerberus and others. 21:16:21 <anteaya> thomasem: help me understand your role in the mgration work, sorry I don't know you 21:16:41 <mestery> thomasem: What anteaya said :) 21:16:56 <thomasem> anteaya: Oh, I'm sorry. I misunderstood the step in the agenda we're in. 21:17:03 <anteaya> ah okay 21:17:04 <thomasem> :) Carry on. I'm not working on the migration stuff. 21:17:07 <mestery> thomasem: No worries, we'll have open discussion in a bit :) 21:17:11 <thomasem> sounds great 21:17:12 <anteaya> well to wrap this up to carry on 21:17:19 <anteaya> there is an email thread to -dev 21:17:23 <anteaya> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-December/053355.html 21:17:38 <anteaya> currently we are looking for a mutual meeting time 21:17:45 <markmcclain> anteya: thanks for the link 21:18:05 <anteaya> hoping to have some sort of indicatation by the end of the week, if you want to attend and participate please weigh in 21:18:05 <markmcclain> I think Oleg is on vacation, maybe return to this next meeting? 21:18:18 <anteaya> then we will have meetings that are logged and have more to report 21:18:23 <anteaya> yup, done for now 21:18:23 <mestery> We do need Oleg for this for sure. 21:18:24 <anteaya> thanks 21:18:26 <anteaya> we do 21:18:31 <anteaya> russian holidays 21:18:46 <mestery> Cool 21:18:56 <anteaya> also going to try to make the nova weekly meetings too 21:18:58 <mestery> Thanks for the quick update anteaya, we'll leave this on the agenda for next week as well 21:19:01 <anteaya> to stay in sync 21:19:04 <anteaya> great thanks 21:19:05 <mestery> anteaya: ++, good idea 21:19:17 <mestery> OK, moving on to the next topic 21:19:25 <mestery> #topic VPN testing with devstack 21:19:39 <mestery> pc_m had proposed this, but he had to leave to go to the doctor this afternoon 21:19:58 <mestery> He asked me to point people at this mailing list thread (I need to find the lnk), he's looking for a second set of eyeballs on this one 21:20:04 <marun> I've left a comment regarding the desirability of tempest testing for this in advance of functional testing. 21:20:17 <mestery> marun: VPN testing with devstack? 21:20:57 <marun> mestery: Is it possible to create vpn tunnels between namespaces on a single host? 21:21:09 <mestery> marun: That's a good question actually, I'm not sure. 21:21:30 <anteaya> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-December/053655.html 21:21:35 <mestery> thanks anteaya :) 21:21:40 <anteaya> :) 21:21:47 <thomasem> I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. 21:21:47 <marun> mestery: I would hope that could be investigated first and foremost. 21:21:59 <markmcclain> it is definitely possible 21:22:04 <mestery> marun: Agreed, lets wait until pc_m is back in-channel so we can discuss there. 21:22:10 <marun> mestery: ok 21:22:16 <mestery> I know he was banging his head on the wall around this, so thanks for any help people can provide him! 21:22:25 <mestery> Lets move on to the last documented topic before Open Discussion 21:22:30 * markmcclain makes note to chime in on thread 21:22:34 <mestery> #topic Kilo-2 BPs in Launchpad 21:22:38 <anteaya> do we need to mention this at the infra meeting? 21:22:45 <anteaya> sorry prior topic 21:22:46 <mestery> #undo 21:22:47 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Topic object at 0x3d59b50> 21:22:57 <mestery> anteaya: I think that makes sense, can you find pc_m in-channel and walk him through that by chance? 21:23:05 <mestery> Or refer him to infra meeting? 21:23:08 <anteaya> should pc_m have an item on tomorrows infra meeting agenda? 21:23:13 <anteaya> sure 21:23:18 <mestery> anteaya: I think so, that may make sense. 21:23:20 <mestery> Cool, thanks anteaya! 21:23:23 <anteaya> np 21:23:33 <mestery> #topic Kilo-2 BPs in Launchpad 21:23:39 <mestery> #link https://launchpad.net/neutron/+milestone/kilo-2 21:23:46 <mestery> So, I spent some time looking at approved BPs for Kilo-2. 21:24:03 <mestery> The ones which don't have code proposed, I put as "Blocked" for now, this makes ti easier for me and ttx to track them in our weekly meetings. 21:24:20 <markmcclain> mestery: good idea 21:24:30 <mestery> Given we're 4 weeks out from kilo-2, and the gate has been problematic, lets try to land as much as we can as early as we can. 21:24:36 <mestery> thanks markmcclain 21:24:46 <mestery> Any questions on Kilo-2 process wise here? 21:25:46 <mestery> OK moving on then 21:25:47 <mestery> #topic Open Discussion 21:26:05 <thomasem> 'tis my queue 21:26:30 <mestery> thomasem: You're up sir! 21:26:50 <thomasem> lol, so, yeah, just wanted to add a blurb about the shared IPs spec I have up. I wasn't aware that there was an existing implementation to add port security facilities to share IPs 21:27:46 <mestery> thomasem: I know carl_baldwin was interested in this work, as it had some overlap with he's doing on the L3 side of things. 21:27:51 <thomasem> Wasn't sure if anyone had used allow-address-pairs that's here, and was wondering about a few limitations that seem to be present, that could be solved by implementing this spec: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/142566/1, or potentially modifying the existing extension... not sure how clean that'd be, though. 21:28:00 <thomasem> allowed* 21:28:01 <thomasem> Ahhh 21:28:04 <thomasem> yeah, okay cool 21:28:09 <markmcclain> I've used allowed addr pair 21:28:27 <thomasem> markmcclain: awesome... so it looked like you had to create a dummy port to allocate the IP? 21:28:39 <thomasem> and then just add it to the other ports you want to share it across 21:28:45 <thomasem> via the allowed-address-pairs 21:29:01 <salv-orlando> I use them too - never had to create any dummy port. Mostly because my use case is not the shared ip 21:29:09 <thomasem> Ah 21:29:16 <markmcclain> thomasem <=juno yes… some of the IPAM work in Kilo could change things 21:29:16 <thomasem> Yeah, it is a more generic thing than that. 21:29:25 <thomasem> Oh? 21:29:39 <thomasem> I'm not as aware of that unfortunately (just starting out on the Neutron side of things as it relates to upstream) 21:30:18 * carl_baldwin thought he made comments on the proposed spec but he can’t find them. 21:30:23 <thomasem> As I understand it, there's work underway to add, or improve existing, IPAM. 21:30:27 <thomasem> carl_baldwin: you did 21:30:29 <markmcclain> thomasem: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-specs/specs/kilo/neutron-ipam.html 21:30:39 <salv-orlando> carl_baldwin: surely you have a session somewhere with plenty of draft comments 21:31:03 <thomasem> carl_baldwin: you did when I had it in an etherpad 21:31:18 <carl_baldwin> thomasem: thanks for jogging my memory. 21:31:21 <thomasem> I wanted to get more info on the existing allowed-address-pairs stuff to mention it as an alternative 21:31:33 <salv-orlando> thomasem: I have the feeling you kind of wanted to make IP addresses first level resources, but did not feel like proposing such a deep change in the API 21:31:53 <thomasem> salv-orlando: I think eventually it'd be a good idea to make ip_addresses first-class citizens 21:32:05 <thomasem> But, yes, I was trying to shoot for something closer to reality right now 21:32:25 <thomasem> Since currently allocation and everything happens through /ports 21:32:32 <thomasem> at least that's my understanding 21:32:43 <salv-orlando> thomasem: that's correct. 21:32:58 <thomasem> So, we could get shared IPs without a huge change 21:33:21 <carl_baldwin> thomasem: right. Current IPAM work planned doesn’t quite get there either. 21:33:44 <thomasem> ah 21:34:33 <thomasem> So, I'll need to look into the planning IPAM work. Currently I'm backing Neutron using Quark. 21:34:39 <thomasem> Which has IPAM and all of that built in 21:34:50 <thomasem> the planned* 21:35:26 <mestery> thomasem: I'd sync with carl_baldwin offline around some of this, he has a good roadmap for this area I think, along with salv-orlando. 21:35:32 <mestery> Thanks for bringing this up thomasem! 21:35:36 <thomasem> sounds great to me, I'll do that 21:35:46 <mestery> thanks thomasem! 21:35:48 <mestery> And thanks to all who joined today! 21:35:51 <thomasem> I also sent an e-mail to arosen regarding the existing extension and how we might be able to change it. 21:36:01 <thomasem> cheers! 21:36:02 <mestery> Looking forward to a quick 4.5 weeks until Kilo-2 :) 21:36:10 <mestery> Lets keep those patches and reveiws coming. ;) 21:36:16 <mestery> See you all next week! 21:36:16 <mestery> #endmeeting