14:01:14 #startmeeting networking 14:01:15 Meeting started Tue Jul 5 14:01:14 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is armax. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:16 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:17 hi 14:01:18 hi 14:01:18 o/ 14:01:19 The meeting name has been set to 'networking' 14:01:21 hi 14:01:23 Hì 14:01:25 hi 14:01:27 hello 14:01:32 o/ 14:01:40 hi 14:01:41 hi 14:01:47 howdy 14:01:52 wow 14:01:54 Hi 14:02:00 hiya 14:02:07 Hi 14:02:12 hi 14:02:12 hi 14:02:29 Today is national holiday for Ihar, so he won’t be joining 14:02:30 Hi 14:02:32 hello 14:02:38 \o 14:02:48 let’s dive in 14:03:08 The agenda, as usual 14:03:10 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Network/Meetings 14:03:15 #topic Announcements 14:03:33 Some mid-cycles are approaching 14:03:45 for more details 14:03:47 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Sprints#Newton_sprints 14:04:24 please sign up if you plan to attend, make sure you watch out the etherpads and contribute in the area of your interest, even if you don't 14:05:12 please be aware of the Nova FFE process 14:05:19 #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-July/098666.html 14:05:33 if you have something in your work plan that affects 14:05:36 Noca 14:05:38 Nova 14:06:10 I strongly advise you to stay on top of the Nova’s schedule 14:08:02 Another thing I wanted to mention is this thread 14:08:04 #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-June/097930.html 14:09:17 at one point we had gate-neutron-dsvm-functional-py34 in the check queue 14:09:32 and we demoted it to experimental because it was not working as it should have 14:09:45 if there’s anyone interested in this low hanging fruit activity 14:10:09 perhaps we can see if we can restore it and replace it with the py27 counterparts? 14:10:20 singular, counterpart 14:11:27 armax: I will sync up with you on that later 14:11:39 thanks HenryG 14:11:52 at the time we demoted I recall there was something wrong with the DB migrations 14:11:59 but don’t quote me on that 14:12:34 ok, enough with reminder 14:12:35 s 14:12:41 unless someone has anything to add? 14:13:16 no? Ok, moving on 14:13:29 #topic Blueprints 14:13:43 that’s our current workload 14:13:45 #link https://launchpad.net/neutron/+milestone/newton-2 14:14:07 the next milestone is in a week 14:14:10 I mean 14:14:21 N-2’s deadline is in a week-ish 14:14:30 #link http://releases.openstack.org/newton/schedule.html 14:14:59 Can I trouble the assignee/approvers of blueprints to update the whiteboard to reflect the latest status of the work you’re following? 14:15:15 of course you can 14:15:32 armax yes :) 14:15:33 please captures things outstanding, things that landed and potential blockers 14:16:08 Once the milestone is cut we can over what items can realistically land safely for Newton 14:16:15 ajo, rossella_s: thanks for the support! 14:16:44 we have currently 22 blueprints outstanding, we can probably squeeze a handful more, but only if we behave 14:17:51 ok if nobody has anything to add, let’s move on 14:17:59 but before I do 14:18:26 please remember http://status.openstack.org/reviews/ 14:18:33 and the teeny tiny link at the top 14:18:40 kudos to rossella_s 14:18:53 if you wake up in the morning and you don’t know what to review 14:18:55 armax thanks 14:19:06 that link helps you stay focussed and review what matters for the release 14:19:20 +1 rossella_s 14:19:27 not that we all have this problem, but you never know, I thought I’d better remember 14:19:34 I use :) 14:20:06 hichihara: good :) 14:21:07 next topic 14:21:09 #topic Bugs 14:22:17 deputy for last week was rossella_s 14:22:24 rossella_s: anything you want to share? 14:22:28 I was in charge of bugs last week...it was a quiet week, nothing to report apart from https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1598525 14:22:28 Launchpad bug 1598525 in neutron "KeyError: 'processor_architecture' on ./stack.sh" [Critical,Confirmed] 14:22:39 this should be fixed by infra 14:22:56 yes, that has been fixed 14:23:22 #link http://grafana.openstack.org/dashboard/db/neutron-failure-rate 14:23:32 shows that things have gone back to sanity 14:23:34 though... 14:24:17 there’s been an interesting spike lately 14:24:57 not sure if it’s related to 1598525 as I only saw it affecting the functional job 14:25:12 as far as jobs are concerned 14:25:28 please be aware of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/319770/ and 14:25:36 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/336099/ 14:25:48 if you are a maintainer of a project that depends on the ovs agent 14:26:04 please make sure that the switch to native interfaces is something you’re happy with 14:26:32 I know that the switch to ovsdb caused a little hiccup to OVN 14:26:58 another potential hiccup might be caused by https://review.openstack.org/#/c/181023/ 14:27:03 this is the switch to pluggable ipam 14:28:07 lot's of switches :) 14:28:33 I just noticed bug 1599086 14:28:33 bug 1599086 in neutron "Security groups: exception under load" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1599086 - Assigned to Gary Kotton (garyk) 14:28:44 marked as critical, can someone look into it? 14:28:57 kevinbenton: ^ 14:29:17 armax, I had a brief look before the meeting, garyk has a patch for it 14:29:31 rossella_s: I am not sure we can blindly retry 14:29:52 rossella_s: but I don’t fully understand the failure mode 14:30:06 armax, that's what I thought too...I remember a conversation with you about all these retries 14:30:41 armax, me neither, I didn't have the time to look more into it 14:30:52 rossella_s: ok, thanks 14:31:20 is there anyone interested in being deputy for the week of July 18? 14:31:35 this week we’re covered by johndperkins and next week by blogan 14:31:40 kudos to both of them 14:32:13 ok, while you go and check your calendars… 14:33:15 I wanted to remind you that there’s another potential low hanging fruit activity related to bug 1552960 14:33:15 bug 1552960 in neutron "Tempest and Neutron duplicate tests" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1552960 - Assigned to Assaf Muller (amuller) 14:33:46 if anyone is interested helping moving this activity along, please reach out to amuller 14:33:53 I will buy a beer to anyone who merges a patch related to that bug in Barca 14:34:10 and I’ll match amuller’s offer 14:34:17 :-) 14:34:55 I’d rather see some of the patches targeting this work than some silly trivialfix for a grammar typo 14:35:05 but that’s just me 14:35:26 I should probably start -2 stuff and tell people to go and work on that instead 14:35:32 * armax has got a great idea! 14:36:07 ok, anyone for deputy the week after the next? 14:36:24 armax: I'll do July 18th 14:36:30 mlavalle it is! 14:36:42 #action mlavalle bug deputy for the week of July 18th 14:36:50 mlavalle: thanks! 14:38:00 ok 14:38:01 moving on 14:38:12 #topic Docs 14:38:28 anything to bring up? 14:39:09 if not, we can dive in into the special sections of the meeting OSC and Keystone v3 respectively 14:39:24 #topic OSC 14:39:40 i just proposed many backports to mitaka. if you write something which can be backported to mitaka, please add 'backport: mitaka' tag to doc commit msg. 14:39:48 oh... OSC.... 14:40:00 amotoki: that’s good too 14:40:08 amotoki: you are very slow 14:40:14 rtheis: ^ anything you want to add on OSC 14:40:21 I have started some defref about hot to use objects in Neutron: https://review.openstack.org/336518 14:40:25 rtheis: is there anything the team should be aware of? 14:40:30 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/309587/ 14:40:43 amotoki is working the initial plugin support 14:40:49 I confirmed it worked with most cases. 14:40:50 rtheis: great, thansk 14:41:00 without and with SSL (insecure and verify) 14:41:07 hopefully we can get that merged soon which opens the way for the plugins 14:41:07 i believe it can go. 14:41:18 amotoki: ack 14:41:46 Also, osc is working on an osc-lib which can be used by plugins for common functionality 14:42:21 the failures seem genuine though 14:42:22 as soon as it is ready, I think we'll have neutron plugin us it 14:42:28 #link http://logs.openstack.org/87/309587/7/check/gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-python-neutronclient/7f533dc/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz#_2016-07-04_14_54_18_332 14:42:34 is there a missing dependency? 14:43:07 am looking at this 14:43:21 anyhow, good job, let’s get this pushed asap 14:43:26 a reminder for the team 14:43:46 neutronclient changes will follow the stricter requirements feature freeze 14:44:12 so if you have things that must go in the neutronclient be aware that once feature freeze kicks in you’ll have a harder time getting an exception 14:44:43 QOS folks got burned last cycle for this very reason 14:44:48 ajo: ring any bell? 14:44:58 it does 14:44:59 it does :) 14:45:14 ok, anything else to add? 14:45:32 amotoki, rtheis thanks for pushing this activity 14:45:47 #topic Keystone v3 14:45:50 yw 14:45:53 HenryG, dasm ^ 14:46:02 anything worth sharing? 14:46:15 one thing: currently i'm dealing with db migrations 14:46:19 dasm has the big change out for review 14:46:27 is there any plan to make gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-identity-v3-only-full-nv voting? anybody knows? 14:46:41 the review is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/335786/ 14:46:47 yes, and it occured that this db migration breaks a lot of other subprojects 14:46:51 sbelous_: I did not know, but I’ll look into it 14:47:12 dasm: ack 14:47:13 thanks for alerting to that job sbelous_ 14:48:12 dasm: let’s take this offline on how to best manage the merge of this patch 14:48:23 armax: thanks! 14:48:24 armax: ok. 14:48:26 we may want to help some of the subprojects out 14:48:59 at least do one that the others can copy 14:49:24 dasm, HenryG do we expect that after dasm’s patch merges that no more migrations using ‘tenant_id’s are valid? 14:49:50 armax: I would say we can impose that rule now 14:50:00 HenryG: you mean after merge? 14:50:13 HenryG: does it mean we always need to use contract migrations? 14:50:41 HenryG: sorry. it is not true. ignore me 14:51:07 armax: any patches now that touch tenant_id will interfere with dasm's patch 14:51:13 HenryG: of course 14:51:19 HenryG: but that’s how it is 14:51:28 we currently have dasm’s conflicting with dasm’s patch 14:51:39 and there are others that are affected as well 14:52:26 So it's correct to keep telling people to use project_id on API & DB layers on new patches, 14:52:30 most of the conflicting patches are not directly with tenant_id 14:52:34 I'm just remembering that I'm doing that later, but that I had to check 14:52:48 later->lately 14:53:02 ajo: if we are 99% ready to pull the trigger on the tenant->project transition yes 14:53:17 what I want to avoid is a mixed tenant/project id user experience 14:53:56 the goal would be at teh end of Newton to have one or the other 14:53:58 not both 14:54:06 ah, ok 14:54:23 I will keep that in mind while reviewing 14:54:43 I imagine we may want to enforce a mini-freeze while we handle dasm’s patches 14:54:58 armax: yup 14:55:10 I’ll sit down with HenryG to figure out a plan and share it with the core review team 14:55:23 so that we know which patches to block/defer/rebase 14:56:28 makes sense 14:57:17 I hope that the mini-freeze is very short so that it doesn't interrupt our development 14:57:25 Hi 14:57:26 sounds reasonable. I think API patch will come after that. 14:58:01 i think it can lead to more discussion. 14:58:14 amotoki: or before, depending on how quickly we can whip dasm’s patch into shape 14:58:28 amotoki: that's the plan to tackle api after db. but we can discuss this later. 14:58:48 oh hang on I misunderstood 14:59:06 1min 14:59:18 amotoki: what API patch(es) are you talking about? 14:59:43 armax: what in my mind is a patch which accepts project_id. 14:59:49 am i missing it? 14:59:56 amotoki: right 14:59:58 ok 15:00:07 I am with you 15:00:25 we’ll have to adapt the API layer to handle both tenant and project id too 15:00:27 Time. Let's switch to the neutron channel. 15:00:29 i try my best on the series of reviews. 15:00:35 #endmeeting