14:00:26 <jlibosva> #startmeeting networking 14:00:27 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Oct 24 14:00:26 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jlibosva. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:28 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:29 <jlibosva> hi all 14:00:31 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'networking' 14:00:32 <mlavalle> o/ 14:00:35 <haleyb> hi 14:00:39 <jlibosva> #topic Announcements 14:01:03 <jlibosva> I see mlavalle has some announcements on wiki page :) nice. I'll copy & paste it here 14:01:12 <jlibosva> If you are attending the Summit in Sydney, please register your name in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-sydney-summit-attendees. Team social event to be scheduled 14:01:22 <jlibosva> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-sydney-summit-attendees 14:01:30 <mlavalle> must likely Monday night 14:01:39 <mlavalle> any opposition to that day? 14:01:47 <jlibosva> the social event? 14:01:53 <mlavalle> yeah 14:02:25 <jlibosva> maybe we could add it to the etherpad and people can suggest a day 14:02:39 <mlavalle> right, will do 14:03:03 <jlibosva> wow, I just realized that the summit date is getting pretty close :) 14:03:12 <jlibosva> next announcement 14:03:14 <jlibosva> Neutron team will be present in the Upstream Institute session in Sydney on Sunday 5th 14:03:37 <mlavalle> I am the Neutron "mentor" for that session 14:03:49 <mlavalle> if you are around, you are welcome to help 14:04:11 <slaweq> hello 14:04:27 <jlibosva> I don't have a schedule yet but if I'm available, I'll come 14:04:34 <mlavalle> ++ 14:04:39 <jlibosva> next one 14:04:41 <jlibosva> Neutron will have a new contributors on-boarding session during Summit. Day and time yet to be defined 14:04:57 <mlavalle> we have secured a room for the session 14:05:14 <mlavalle> waiting to hear back from the Foundation day and time 14:05:30 <mlavalle> again, if you are available, com and say hello to the newbies 14:05:50 <jlibosva> :) 14:06:38 <jlibosva> another announcement: there were TC elections and we have results 14:06:52 <jlibosva> #link https://governance.openstack.org/election/results/queens/tc.html 14:07:17 <jlibosva> any other announcements to make? 14:07:26 <mlavalle> not from me 14:07:37 <amotoki> have Q-1 been cut? 14:07:51 <mlavalle> the patchset is still lingering around 14:08:21 <mlavalle> so not yet 14:09:00 <mlavalle> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/512432/ 14:09:19 <amotoki> thanks. every team is waiting for the release job in shape :) 14:09:27 <mlavalle> yeap 14:09:48 <jlibosva> so is there anything no our side we can do or it's just CI not voting correctly? 14:10:19 <mlavalle> as far as I can tell it is not on our side 14:10:27 <jlibosva> ok, thanks 14:10:30 <jlibosva> I think we can move on then 14:10:33 <jlibosva> #topic Blueprints 14:10:59 <jlibosva> so as per plan, we're supposed to be in q2 now 14:11:08 <mlavalle> correct 14:11:28 <jlibosva> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/queens 14:11:47 <jlibosva> the link above reminds me how slow I am in reviewing the logging API patches 14:12:04 <mlavalle> I worked earlier today on updating this https://launchpad.net/neutron/+milestone/queens-1 14:12:33 <mlavalle> I left the blueprints still marked for Q-1 for the team to see what was left 14:12:36 <jlibosva> mlavalle: I suppose those q1 marked BPs are going to flip into q2, right? 14:12:43 <mlavalle> correct 14:12:54 <mlavalle> I just wanted to higlight where we need to focus 14:13:26 <mlavalle> amotoki: how are we doing with https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/neutron-in-tree-api-ref? 14:13:33 <mlavalle> is it moving to Q-2? 14:14:01 <amotoki> mlavalle: I am thinking this can be completed and the remaining thing should be converted into bugs 14:14:11 <hoangcx_> jlibosva: yeah. It is remain 2 logging's patches are waiting for you :-) 14:14:44 <mlavalle> amotoki: are you filing the bugs? 14:14:52 <amotoki> mlavalle: yes, of course 14:14:53 <jlibosva> hoangcx_: I keep that in mind, I just had some fire that needed to be extinguished :) 14:15:19 <hoangcx_> jlibosva: Thank you very much ;) 14:15:25 <mlavalle> amotoki: ok, so I'll mark that blueprint as complete :-) 14:16:14 <mlavalle> hoangcx_: my goal over the next couple of days is to take alook again at the rpc and DB patchset 14:16:37 <mlavalle> jlibosva: why don't we focus on that one over the next few days ^^^^? 14:16:40 <amotoki> thanks. I became suddenly busy for internal affairs after PTG till the summit so I could not do for the remaining things... will clean them up soon 14:17:01 <jlibosva> mlavalle: I have it on my plate, I already did a partial review but then I didn't get back to it 14:17:15 <mlavalle> cool 14:17:33 <mlavalle> amotoki: thanks :-) 14:17:39 <hoangcx_> mlavalle: jlibosva happy to hear ;) 14:19:11 <jlibosva> anything else to blueprints? 14:19:22 <mlavalle> not from me 14:19:49 <jlibosva> #topic Bugs 14:19:59 <jlibosva> boden was bug deputy last week but he'll be late to this meeting 14:20:01 <jlibosva> he left an email 14:20:20 <boden> jlibosva I’m here, but feel free to just paste the summary 14:20:26 <jlibosva> boden: o/ hi 14:20:48 <jlibosva> ok :) boden triaged all the bugs and there is still one critical: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1724253 14:20:50 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1724253 in neutron "error in netns privsep wrapper: ImportError: No module named agent.linux.ip_lib" [Critical,Confirmed] - Assigned to Thomas Morin (tmmorin-orange) 14:20:50 <jlibosva> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1724253 14:21:07 <jlibosva> it already has a fix up for review: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/505701 14:21:18 <jlibosva> oh, it's merged 14:21:20 <mlavalle> well, no 14:21:29 <mlavalle> I don't think that's the fix 14:21:47 <mlavalle> I think that was the trigger, right haleyb ? 14:21:56 <mlavalle> or seems to be 14:22:11 <slaweq> mlavalle: yes 14:22:15 <haleyb> yes, that is correct 14:22:40 <jlibosva> but I saw some fixes to configure_func_for_testing script 14:22:44 <jlibosva> hold on 14:22:51 <haleyb> wait, that was the wrong review i think 14:23:42 <haleyb> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/503280/ 14:24:00 <jlibosva> right ^^ 14:24:35 <haleyb> i will update based on tmorin's comments, lost track of that one 14:24:48 <jlibosva> and then the fix for bagpipe: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/500109/ 14:24:54 <mlavalle> thanks haleyb :-) 14:26:37 <jlibosva> and that's all for bugs from the last week 14:26:53 <jlibosva> unless anybody has anything, I'll move to the next topic 14:27:03 <mlavalle> great job boden. thanks for your dilligence :-) 14:27:07 <jlibosva> boden++ 14:27:15 <jlibosva> #topic Docs 14:27:24 <jlibosva> boden: hi again 14:27:55 <boden> just an FYI.. there’s a proposal to add PDF generation to the unified doc build https://review.openstack.org/#/c/509297/ 14:28:06 <boden> I’m guessing that would give us PDF generation “for free” 14:28:36 <mlavalle> many moons ago we had that 14:28:57 <mlavalle> I remember being a newbie and downloading the PDF API doc 14:29:02 <boden> there are also still a few patches out for doc/api-ref fixes when folks get time to review 14:29:18 <boden> that’s all I have unless someone wants to add something? 14:29:42 <mlavalle> those are in neutron-lib, correct 14:29:45 <mlavalle> ? 14:30:10 <boden> mlavalle, yeah it appears all the neutron ones already landed 14:30:24 * mlavalle making sure folks know where to look 14:31:22 <amotoki> neutron-lib https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/neutron-lib+path:%255Eapi-ref/.*+status:open 14:31:42 <mlavalle> amotoki: even better. Thanks :-) 14:31:56 <jlibosva> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/neutron-lib+path:%255Eapi-ref/.*+status:open 14:32:10 <jlibosva> boden: thanks for updates 14:32:32 <jlibosva> I think we can move on 14:32:34 <jlibosva> #topic Transition to OSC 14:32:39 <jlibosva> amotoki: hi, do you want to give any updates? 14:33:07 <amotoki> I see zuul v3 jobs are now working. 14:33:16 <amotoki> I am not sure who fixed it, but thanks anyway 14:34:03 <amotoki> regarding OSC transition, the remaining part is dynamic-routing. I think it is near the merge https://review.openstack.org/#/c/340763/ 14:34:15 <jlibosva> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/340763/ 14:34:21 <amotoki> I hope some folks around dynamic-routing test it 14:34:45 <mlavalle> I think that would be vikram 14:36:05 <jlibosva> amotoki: is that all to osc? 14:36:15 <amotoki> also would like to cut a release of neutronclient for Queens after Q-1 14:36:39 <amotoki> I would like to include some SFC fixes 14:36:57 <amotoki> if you have any to be included, let us know 14:37:04 <mlavalle> thanks 14:37:04 <amotoki> that's all from me 14:37:10 <jlibosva> thanks for updates amotoki :) 14:37:27 <jlibosva> anybody has anything to add to this topic? 14:37:45 <jlibosva> I think we can jump to the next one then 14:37:47 <jlibosva> #topic Neutron-lib 14:37:49 <jlibosva> boden: hi again 14:38:21 <boden> business as usual… “consumption” patches are in progress https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+message:%22NeutronLibImpact%22 14:38:44 <boden> as mentioned, I’ve been making consumption changes for all impacted projects.. and thus have not been sending the “heads up” to the ML 14:38:49 <jlibosva> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+message:%22NeutronLibImpact%22 14:39:22 <boden> If a neutron consumption patch has -1W from me, it means I’m waiting for consumer patches to land 14:40:01 <boden> also I think there are a number of patches ready to land in neutron-lib; they are just waiting for a +1 workflow vote from someone 14:40:18 <boden> if folks that have +W in lib get time, can you please make a pass through the neutron-lib review queue 14:40:22 <mlavalle> I will take a look later today 14:40:27 <boden> thanks 14:40:43 <boden> and that’s all I have unless someone wants to add something 14:41:04 <jlibosva> boden: thanks 14:41:10 <amotoki> boden: one question: how can we know consumer patches? 14:41:34 <amotoki> Same topic? 14:41:39 <boden> amotoki: for most cases you can just look at the topic to see all related patches 14:42:00 <amotoki> nice 14:42:03 <boden> however for those that have the bp/neutron-lib-networking-ovn you have to search for the matching subject 14:42:27 <boden> I’m not using that “generic” topic anymore tho, so hopefully just using the topic will suffice 14:43:01 <mlavalle> yeah, it is pretty straightforward in my experience 14:43:13 <boden> BTW: I know we did have a breakage the other week from lib consumption 14:43:32 <boden> IMO that’s to be expected in these massive x-project efforts, tho I think overall it’s been fairly smooth 14:43:43 <boden> if ppl have comments on the approach feel free to voice them 14:44:23 <boden> I’m done now :) 14:44:30 <jlibosva> ok, thanks :) 14:44:47 <jlibosva> unless there is nothing else to add we can jump to open discussion 14:44:53 <jlibosva> #topic open discussion 14:45:00 <mlavalle> I have a topic 14:45:02 <jlibosva> there is no topic on wiki 14:45:12 <jlibosva> mlavalle: go on :) 14:45:43 <mlavalle> well, I added a "Starter Approved RFEs" section to the meeting's wiki 14:46:32 <jlibosva> mlavalle: do you want this as a topic in our team meetings? 14:46:33 <mlavalle> I just want to highlight it in very meeting to remind folks that those RFEs are ready to be implemented, are cosidered entry level 14:47:03 <mlavalle> jlibosva: yeah, I just would like to spend a couple of minutes highlighting them 14:47:17 <jlibosva> let's do it then 14:47:19 <jlibosva> #topic Starter Approved RFEs 14:47:39 <mlavalle> Please look at this new section in the teams wiki 14:47:54 <jlibosva> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Network/Meetings#Starter_Approved_RFEs 14:48:39 <mlavalle> I am also planning to discuss these RFEs during the Upstream Institute and on-boarding sessions in Sydney 14:48:53 <mlavalle> let's see it this helps to bring new recruits to the team 14:49:33 <mlavalle> and I will send a message to the ML this week also 14:49:42 <mlavalle> that's all I have on this topic 14:49:55 <jlibosva> thanks 14:50:06 <jlibosva> does anybody have any other topic to discuss? 14:50:27 <jlibosva> if not, we can end 10 minutes earlier 14:50:34 <mlavalle> yaay! 14:50:47 <jlibosva> sounds like a plan then :) thanks everybody for coming 14:50:49 <jlibosva> #endmeeting