14:00:40 <jlibosva> #startmeeting networking 14:00:43 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Dec 19 14:00:40 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jlibosva. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:45 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:47 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'networking' 14:00:48 <jlibosva> Hello friends 14:00:50 <mlavalle> o/ 14:00:54 <bcafarel> o/ 14:00:55 <hichihara> hi 14:00:59 <boden> howdy 14:01:05 <jlibosva> #topic Announcements 14:01:16 <mlavalle> howdy boden, from Texas 14:01:40 <jlibosva> We're now working towards Q3 milestone 14:01:47 <jlibosva> #link https://releases.openstack.org/queens/schedule.html#q-3 14:02:00 <jlibosva> the date is set to Jan 25 14:02:24 <annp> hi 14:02:48 <jlibosva> this is the last meeting in 2017 as there won't be a meeting next week on Dec 25 14:03:05 * mlavalle will send a message to the ML 14:03:19 <jlibosva> I see you put it to agenda :) so I'm going according it 14:03:37 <slaweq> hello 14:03:38 <jlibosva> next announcement is rather a reminder to not forget to register for the PTG 14:03:48 <jlibosva> #link https://www.openstack.org/ptg/ 14:04:13 <jlibosva> and those were all announcements from me or wiki page 14:04:18 <jlibosva> does anybody want to announce anything? 14:04:30 <hichihara> When does meeting of 2018 start? Jan 2? 14:04:38 <mlavalle> yes 14:04:51 <hichihara> I got it 14:04:51 <mlavalle> I will indicate that in the message to the ML 14:05:12 <mlavalle> might be a slow one, though 14:05:25 <jlibosva> we need to make sure as I think the meetings are based on even and odd weeks 14:05:46 <mlavalle> jlibosva: ahhh, right 14:05:59 <jlibosva> so depending what is this week :) 14:06:18 <jlibosva> it's 51 14:06:26 <jlibosva> so I guess mlavalle was right, it's Jan 2 14:06:28 <mlavalle> yeah, so we can resume on Januay 2nd 14:06:29 <bcafarel> so week 1 should be on Tuesday :) 14:06:36 <mlavalle> yes 14:06:44 <annp> :) 14:06:45 <jlibosva> ok, thanks :) anything else? 14:07:12 <jlibosva> let's jump to blueprints then 14:07:14 <jlibosva> #topic Blueprints 14:07:27 <jlibosva> #link https://launchpad.net/neutron/+milestone/queens-3 14:08:23 <jlibosva> does anybody have anything related to blueprints? any issues or blockers? 14:08:33 <annp> For logging, I'd like to change entry point of logging plugin 14:08:48 <annp> from "logapi" to "log" 14:08:57 <jlibosva> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/528977/ ? 14:09:05 <amotoki> sorry for interrupt. the week of Dec 25 2017 is ISO week 52, and the week of Jan 2 2018 is ISO week 1, so we will have regular rotation of even/odd. 14:09:06 <annp> Could you please have a look? 14:09:13 <amotoki> "ncal -w -3" helps me 14:09:27 <annp> Jlibosva: yes. 14:09:47 <jlibosva> amotoki: I think that's correct. That means we have odd week now and we'll start with odd week, no? 14:10:08 <amotoki> jlibosva: right 14:10:18 <amotoki> jlibosva: most years has 52 ISO weeks 14:10:26 <jlibosva> amotoki: thanks for bringing this up 14:10:56 <jlibosva> regarding the patch from annp - do we have any promise towards trunk chasers we should keep compatibility in the master or we good to change it? 14:11:15 <jlibosva> by me the patch is fine but maybe there is some policy? 14:11:25 <mlavalle> IMO, we can change 14:12:22 <annp> jlibosva, mlavalle, thanks. :) 14:12:33 <jlibosva> ok, now we need to decide whether it's logging or just log :) 14:12:40 <amotoki> +1 to change. even if there are trunk chasers, the feature is not complete 14:12:53 <mlavalle> amotoki: you got it 14:13:09 <annp> amotoki: +1 14:13:11 <jlibosva> ok, seems like we have an agreement here 14:13:22 <jlibosva> any other blueprints need attention? 14:14:00 <annp> jlibosva: thanks 14:14:13 <jlibosva> it seems there are none so let's move on 14:14:15 <jlibosva> #topic Starter Approved RFEs 14:14:22 <jlibosva> there is one RFE at the wiki 14:14:30 <jlibosva> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1653932 14:14:30 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1653932 in neutron "[rfe] network router:external field not exported" [Wishlist,Triaged] 14:14:30 <mlavalle> yeap 14:15:01 <jlibosva> if you feel like working on rfe, this is a very good candidate 14:15:33 <jlibosva> mlavalle: do you want to add anything to this rfe? 14:15:45 <mlavalle> you did great. Thanks! 14:16:07 <jlibosva> ok, let's move on then 14:16:09 <jlibosva> #topic Bugs 14:16:22 <jlibosva> slaweq sent out the bug deputy report to ML 14:16:24 <jlibosva> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-December/125718.html 14:17:02 <slaweq> yes, if You want me to add something, just ask :) 14:17:45 <jlibosva> sounds like there is nothing burning there at this point, right? 14:18:02 <slaweq> it looks so 14:18:19 <mlavalle> there was a critical bug last week, I think 14:18:22 <mlavalle> hang on 14:18:29 <slaweq> but there was few which I need help on prioritize 14:18:42 <haleyb> mlavalle: i updated the review after some testing 14:18:59 <slaweq> mlavalle: there was high for sure: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1738612 14:18:59 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1738612 in neutron "Floating IP update breakes decomposed plugins" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Gary Kotton (garyk) 14:19:22 <mlavalle> I was talking about the one haleyb pointed out 14:19:30 <haleyb> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/520249/ 14:19:47 <haleyb> bug 1732294 14:19:47 <openstack> bug 1732294 in neutron "Probable DOS in linuxbridge" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732294 - Assigned to Brian Haley (brian-haley) 14:20:01 <slaweq> mlavalle: but it wasn't reported last week :) 14:20:01 <mlavalle> haleyb: thanks! 14:20:19 <haleyb> that required a lot of extra work to deal with restarts since it left stale chains and rules around 14:20:33 <haleyb> of course there are no existing tests... :( 14:21:05 <mlavalle> haleyb: are you planning to add tests? 14:21:45 <haleyb> is it fixed if we don't add tests? :) i'll try to add some unit tests quickly 14:22:06 <mlavalle> Thanks :-) 14:22:38 <HoloIRCUser2> O/ 14:22:41 <mlavalle> slaweq: thanks for the great report! 14:23:23 <jlibosva> slaweq++ :) 14:23:34 <slaweq> mlavalle: jlibosva: you welcome :) 14:23:52 <jlibosva> next week seems like yamamoto is a bug deputy but let's nope we won't get many reports over the holidays :-p 14:24:27 <jlibosva> #topic Docs 14:24:30 <jlibosva> boden: hi :) 14:24:33 * mlavalle will keep fingers crosssed 14:24:43 <boden> hi, nothing new on the docs front 14:25:01 <jlibosva> alright :) thanks, we can move fast today 14:25:06 <jlibosva> #topic OSC 14:25:08 <jlibosva> amotoki: hi :) 14:25:43 <amotoki> I think VPNaaS OSC support is ready for review 14:25:57 <mlavalle> ah great 14:26:08 <amotoki> VPNaaS is being back to the stadium thoguh the governance patch merge faield due to the docs jobs :( 14:26:26 <jlibosva> congrats to all involved getting it back :) 14:27:01 <amotoki> VPNaaS OSC support and log support are good candidates for queens client. 14:27:01 <mlavalle> that's hoangcx_, yamamoto and others 14:27:28 <amotoki> if there are any other client support for queens, let us know here. 14:27:39 <mlavalle> amotoki: do you have the links handy? 14:27:49 <amotoki> vpnaas: https://review.openstack.org/439978 14:27:59 <amotoki> log support https://review.openstack.org/409819 14:28:05 <mlavalle> Thanks! 14:28:27 <amotoki> that's all from me this week 14:28:46 <jlibosva> wow, the log patch celebrated one year birthday recently :) 14:28:50 <jlibosva> amotoki: thanks for updates 14:29:22 <amotoki> any bot to celebrate an anniversary of a patch? :) 14:29:43 <mlavalle> that's a good idea, LOL 14:29:53 <jlibosva> lol 14:30:07 <jlibosva> ok, moving to the next topic 14:30:09 <jlibosva> which is 14:30:11 <jlibosva> #topic neutron-lib 14:30:13 <jlibosva> boden: hi again :) 14:30:15 <boden> hi 14:31:08 <boden> so nothing new from last time… I would like to mention that we haven’t landed any lib patches in quite some time; a month or so 14:31:25 <boden> I wonder if we shouldn’t consider expanding the +1W rights on lib 14:32:24 <mlavalle> boden: I will take a look this week on neutron-lib patches 14:32:46 <mlavalle> I will make a point of reviewing at least once a week 14:33:00 <mlavalle> let's do that for a few weeks 14:33:05 <boden> mlavalle: ack thanks… but I think longer term we need more than just you reviewing from a +W perspective 14:33:15 <mlavalle> yeah 14:33:16 <amotoki> I tend to agree expanding +W right of neutron-lib is worth considered. 14:33:27 <mlavalle> I agree 14:33:40 <mlavalle> I didn't mean I was opposing that 14:33:55 <boden> whats the right forum to discuss that?? an RFE? 14:34:19 <mlavalle> do you have candidates in mind? 14:34:27 <amotoki> folks who understand neutron-lib policy well are worth considered like stable team. 14:34:39 <amotoki> boden is a good candidate to me :) 14:34:48 <hichihara> +1 14:34:50 <reedip-holo> +1 :) 14:34:56 <boden> IMO minally it seems the neutron core team should have +W rights 14:35:23 <mlavalle> boden: you have +W in nuetron-lib, right? 14:35:36 <boden> mlavalle I do not, only neutron-drivers team does 14:35:48 <mlavalle> I'll fix that today 14:36:12 <mlavalle> I wasn't aware 14:36:22 <boden> ok 14:36:25 <jlibosva> it's good you've brought this up boden , I also thought you have the powers :) 14:36:36 <boden> looking for the ACL link 14:37:27 <boden> I will find it a ping it to the neutron room 14:37:27 <amotoki> https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/projects/openstack/neutron-lib,access 14:37:30 <jlibosva> https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1187,members 14:37:35 <boden> ah yes thanks 14:37:36 <jlibosva> I see boden there 14:37:44 <mlavalle> and I'll make sure the Neutron core team can +W in neutron-lib 14:37:55 <jlibosva> ooh, it's specific to +W 14:37:58 <jlibosva> I see now 14:38:04 <hichihara> cool 14:38:13 <boden> Label Workflow Exclusive neutron-drivers-core 14:38:21 <mlavalle> boden: will fix it 14:38:24 <boden> ok 14:38:36 <mlavalle> thanks for bringing it up 14:38:42 <mlavalle> :-) 14:38:42 <boden> thanks for listening :) 14:39:07 <boden> finally I will just mention I have a few NeutronLibImpact patches out there to consume some of the callback event payloads 14:39:12 <boden> we don’t have to digress, just FYI 14:39:24 <boden> and thats all from me, unless questions 14:39:26 * mlavalle is already looking at that one 14:40:05 <boden> cool 14:40:06 <boden> thanks 14:40:14 <jlibosva> seems like there are no questions 14:40:18 <jlibosva> thanks boden :) 14:40:29 <jlibosva> #topic Open Agenda 14:40:35 <jlibosva> I don't see any topic at the wiki page 14:40:40 <jlibosva> does anybody have anything to dicuss? 14:40:45 <jlibosva> discuss* 14:40:53 <mlavalle> I have one 14:41:04 <mlavalle> but will wait for others to speak up first 14:41:33 <slaweq> I wanted to ask once again about neutronclient status as there is couple quite new patches for it currently 14:41:35 <slaweq> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/python-neutronclient 14:42:00 <slaweq> AFAIR someone wanted to discuss it on ML but I didn't see any email about that (maybe I missed it) 14:43:24 <amotoki> slaweq: good point. it is about neutron CLI future. 14:43:47 <amotoki> we are still accepting patches on OSC plugins and python bindings. do you see several patches on 'neutron' CLI? 14:44:16 <slaweq> what about patches like for example https://review.openstack.org/#/c/526984/ 14:44:26 <slaweq> or https://review.openstack.org/#/c/526981/ 14:44:55 <amotoki> patches from hongbin are both about python bindings 14:45:20 <amotoki> so they are no problem to be merged. 14:45:24 <slaweq> amotoki: ok 14:45:36 <mlavalle> slaweq: you happy? 14:45:47 <slaweq> mlavalle: I think so, thx 14:46:06 <mlavalle> amotoki: thanks for the wisdom :-) 14:47:10 <jlibosva> mlavalle: perhaps you want to bring your topic now? :) 14:47:32 <mlavalle> I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you for your hard work during 2017 14:47:43 <mlavalle> It is a privilege to belong to this team 14:48:08 <mlavalle> It is a humbling experience the amount of learning I get from you all 14:48:10 <boden> +1 14:48:14 <jlibosva> ++ 14:48:20 <mlavalle> everyday 14:48:21 <hichihara> ++ 14:48:26 <amotoki> ++ 14:48:26 <slaweq> ++ 14:48:31 <hoangcx_> ++ 14:48:52 <mlavalle> I wish you all a great holidays season 14:49:03 <annp> ++ 14:49:14 <hichihara> mlavalle: you too :) 14:49:24 <mlavalle> if in your country or system of beliefs you don't have a holiday over the next copuiple of weeks, please invent one 14:49:31 <boden> lol 14:49:33 <jlibosva> :D 14:49:34 <mlavalle> and enjoy it 14:49:39 <bcafarel> :) 14:49:42 <amotoki> good idea :) 14:49:46 <hichihara> :) 14:49:49 <haleyb> mlavalle: thanks! and don't work too hard over the holidays 14:49:50 <annp> :) 14:49:51 <mlavalle> and I wish you all a very succesful 18 14:49:54 <mlavalle> 2018 14:50:02 <jlibosva> mlavalle: thanks :) 14:50:05 <mlavalle> that's it 14:50:16 <slaweq> thanks :) 14:50:26 <jlibosva> I also wish the best in 2018 to all of you 14:50:38 <jlibosva> this is the last meeting this year, so thanks for keeping coming :) 14:50:39 <annp> thanks. happy holiday season :) 14:50:44 <hichihara> Thanks great PTL :) 14:51:35 <jlibosva> see you all next year, I'm about to close this meeting 14:51:41 <mlavalle> o/ 14:51:48 <jlibosva> #endmeeting