14:02:09 <ralonsoh> #startmeeting networking 14:02:09 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Oct 25 14:02:09 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ralonsoh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:09 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:02:09 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'networking' 14:02:12 <mlavalle> o/ 14:02:13 <lajoskatona> o/ 14:02:13 <slaweq> o/ 14:02:13 <ralonsoh> hello 14:02:20 <haleyb> hi 14:02:25 <ralonsoh> it's a bit late, I know 14:02:42 <ralonsoh> let's give 30 secs more before starting 14:03:08 <bcafarel> o/ 14:03:12 <ralonsoh> let's go 14:03:14 <isabek> Hi 14:03:25 <ralonsoh> The release schedule 14:03:27 <ralonsoh> #link https://releases.openstack.org/antelope/schedule.html 14:03:32 <ralonsoh> we are in week R-21 14:03:47 <ralonsoh> last week, as you know, was the PTG 14:03:54 <ralonsoh> this is the Neutron summary 14:04:00 <ralonsoh> #link https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-October/030986.html 14:04:14 <ralonsoh> please, feel free to add any other missing topic in this mail chain 14:05:03 <elvira1> o/ 14:05:11 <lajoskatona> ralonsoh: thanks for the summary 14:05:26 <ralonsoh> about the TC meetings 14:05:30 <lajoskatona> it is something that managers can consume 14:05:40 <ralonsoh> #link https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-October/030953.html 14:06:02 <ralonsoh> I would like to highligh from this mail 14:06:05 <ralonsoh> two topics: 14:06:17 <ralonsoh> 1) the migration to ubuntu 22.04 in the CI 14:06:32 <ralonsoh> this will be the default OS in the CI during this cycle 14:06:47 <ralonsoh> (heads-up: the default python version is 3.10) 14:07:02 <ralonsoh> 2) the zuul config errors cleanup 14:07:09 <ralonsoh> I think this topic is not affecting us 14:07:17 <slaweq> I think it is 14:07:24 <ralonsoh> we usually take care of this during the next meeting, the CI meeting 14:07:34 <ralonsoh> slaweq, yes, but we care of it weekly 14:07:38 <lajoskatona> yeah I plan to check the errors again 14:07:39 <ralonsoh> we take care* 14:07:40 <slaweq> last time I was checking that there was a lot of errors related to non existing neutron-lbaas and midonet projects 14:07:54 <slaweq> we need to clean them 14:08:03 <slaweq> but a lot of them are from old branches 14:08:10 <slaweq> some of them are going to be EOL soon 14:08:10 <lajoskatona> Here is the list: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/config-errors 14:08:18 <slaweq> so hopefully there will be less to update 14:09:00 <ralonsoh> right, but so far both projects are abandoned 14:09:02 <ralonsoh> right? 14:09:16 <slaweq> yes, they are 14:09:17 <ralonsoh> so we should not be pushing patches for any of them 14:09:30 <slaweq> the problem in zuul is that those projects are required by jobs in other projects/repos 14:09:35 <slaweq> and that is causing zuul errors 14:10:16 <ralonsoh> right, ok, I didn't realize that 14:10:24 <slaweq> np 14:10:36 <slaweq> I will try to get back to it this cycle finally 14:10:51 <ralonsoh> but should we fix the stable releases? or just deprecate them? 14:11:12 <slaweq> we need to fix jobs' definitions in those stable releases 14:11:29 <ralonsoh> ok, I'll open a launchpad bug to handle this 14:12:09 <lajoskatona> We anyway discussed to close some old branches that can help also 14:12:14 <lajoskatona> ralonsoh: thanks 14:12:23 <ralonsoh> this is another topic 14:12:29 <ralonsoh> #link https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-October/030954.html 14:12:40 <ralonsoh> sorry, this link 14:12:53 <ralonsoh> #link https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-October/030980.html 14:13:11 <ralonsoh> we should propose the EOL of Neutron branches 14:13:18 <ralonsoh> up to Stein 14:13:27 <ralonsoh> I'll do it this week too 14:13:29 <bcafarel> +1 I thought the same when I saw the nova mail 14:13:38 <slaweq> +1 14:13:39 <ralonsoh> and any other related project 14:13:43 <slaweq> or +10000 even :D 14:14:11 <ralonsoh> another topic is the S-RBAC migration 14:14:12 <lajoskatona> +1 14:14:25 <ralonsoh> slaweq, is working on this, based on the work done in tempest and devstack 14:14:31 <ralonsoh> and other related projects 14:14:39 <slaweq> yes, I added it to my work items for next weeks already 14:14:59 <slaweq> I will propose neutron-tempest-plugin job first to see how it will work 14:15:10 <slaweq> and then we will have more info what needs to be done next 14:15:18 <ralonsoh> perfect, I'll add a permanent topic in this meeting 14:15:24 <slaweq> ++ 14:15:25 <slaweq> thx 14:15:35 <slaweq> that will definitely "motivate" me to work on this 14:15:39 <slaweq> ;) 14:15:58 <ralonsoh> the next topic is the SDK migration 14:16:05 <ralonsoh> Discussed during Antelope PTG: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2023-1-ptg#L142 14:16:26 <ralonsoh> this is the project list importing the neutronclient library 14:16:27 <ralonsoh> https://codesearch.openstack.org/?q=neutronclient&i=nope&literal=nope&files=&excludeFiles=&repos= 14:16:49 <ralonsoh> #link https://paste.opendev.org/show/befYGOY76tbKfabOr3s2/ 14:16:57 <ralonsoh> 49 projects 14:17:10 <ralonsoh> but this is not a mandatory migration, just in case 14:17:21 <ralonsoh> this is something we "should" do, eventually 14:17:33 <ralonsoh> lajoskatona, is working in the Heat project 14:17:58 <ralonsoh> and this the bug for Nova: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1994139 14:18:02 <slaweq> in next few weeks I can probably try to propose finally patch to drop CLI part of neutronclient 14:18:11 <slaweq> unless anyone else wants to work on it 14:18:18 <ralonsoh> I can do this, no problem 14:18:22 <ralonsoh> I'll do it this week 14:18:27 <slaweq> thx 14:18:59 <ralonsoh> and that's all I have from the PTG (the key points) 14:19:05 <ralonsoh> something else to add? 14:19:14 <slaweq> drop of lib/neutron in devstack 14:19:21 <ralonsoh> right! 14:19:25 <slaweq> I also added it to my list of tasks for next few weeks 14:19:31 <ralonsoh> I'll open a bug to track it 14:19:39 <slaweq> so You can also add this topic to the meeting to have check point here :) 14:19:46 <ralonsoh> yes, of course 14:20:00 <slaweq> thx 14:20:03 <ralonsoh> most probably we'll have one bug, but let's create a fresh new one for this release 14:20:13 <slaweq> sure 14:20:55 <ralonsoh> ok, let's move then 14:20:59 <ralonsoh> #topic bugs 14:21:20 <ralonsoh> (I don't know why I can't create a topic, sorry) 14:21:47 <ralonsoh> the bug deputy this week was obondarev 14:21:56 <ralonsoh> #link https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-October/030985.html 14:22:00 <obondarev> o/ 14:22:06 <ralonsoh> nothing remarkable, to be honest, right? 14:22:11 <obondarev> yep 14:22:20 <ralonsoh> cool, let's keep this way! 14:22:29 <obondarev> :-) 14:22:34 <ralonsoh> this week isabek is the bug deputy 14:22:41 <isabek> o/ 14:22:44 <ralonsoh> next one elvira will be 14:23:16 <ralonsoh> (I'll ping her this week) 14:23:22 <ralonsoh> ok, next topic 14:23:26 <ralonsoh> #topic specs_and_blueprints 14:23:36 <ralonsoh> this is the "new" list of bps 14:23:38 <elvira1> I'm here, no problem! :) 14:23:38 <ralonsoh> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron 14:23:45 <ralonsoh> elvira1, thanks! 14:23:59 <ralonsoh> I removed those abandoned and not attended 14:24:12 <lajoskatona> +1 14:24:24 <ralonsoh> and we have two that are currently under development 14:24:33 <ralonsoh> the 3rd one, the spec is under review 14:25:01 <ralonsoh> so at least we have just valid BPs 14:25:21 <ralonsoh> and that also links to the active specs: 14:25:24 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack%252Fneutron-specs+status:open 14:25:41 <ralonsoh> as commented, I would list the active ones and the current status 14:25:49 <ralonsoh> just to provide a bit of visibility 14:25:57 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-specs/+/862133 14:26:10 <ralonsoh> recently submitted, reviews needed 14:26:31 <ralonsoh> (please, stop me if needed during this list) 14:26:39 <ralonsoh> next one 14:26:41 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-specs/+/797252 14:26:49 <ralonsoh> there are some comments still to be addressed 14:27:21 <ralonsoh> I'll ping the author this week 14:27:28 <ralonsoh> next one 14:27:31 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-specs/+/857858 14:27:42 <ralonsoh> almost there, just a few nits and comments 14:27:59 <ralonsoh> slaweq, ^^ if you have time 14:28:24 <ralonsoh> next one 14:28:27 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-specs/+/860859 14:28:47 <slaweq> sure 14:28:47 <ralonsoh> awesome spec hehehe, reviews needed 14:29:07 <ralonsoh> next one 14:29:09 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-specs/+/832658 14:29:25 <ralonsoh> should we abandon this one? mlavalle elvira1 ^^ 14:29:57 <elvira1> I guess so, there will be no development for now. We can always reopen if needed, right? 14:30:07 <ralonsoh> of course 14:30:20 <elvira1> I will abandon it 14:30:26 <ralonsoh> thanks 14:30:28 <mlavalle> ralonsoh: yeap, let's abandon it 14:30:29 <ralonsoh> and last one 14:30:38 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-specs/+/791400 14:30:53 <ralonsoh> reviews needed (I have it in my pile) 14:31:05 <ralonsoh> but seems to be inactive 14:31:14 <ralonsoh> I'll ping the author 14:31:24 <slaweq> this has comments from johnsom from more than year ago 14:31:30 <slaweq> should we review it or abandon maybe? 14:31:32 <ralonsoh> yeah... 14:31:49 <ralonsoh> I'll abandone it saying that the author can restore it at any time 14:31:54 <slaweq> ++ 14:31:56 <ralonsoh> I think this is fair 14:32:10 <slaweq> me too 14:32:46 <ralonsoh> and that's all I have from this topic 14:32:54 <ralonsoh> #topic on_demand 14:33:12 <ralonsoh> I've covered the proposal to EOL the old stable branched 14:33:17 <ralonsoh> branches* 14:33:22 <ralonsoh> so I have nothing else in the agenda 14:33:30 <ralonsoh> do you have any other topic? 14:33:39 <slaweq> nothing from me 14:33:51 <slaweq> just reminder that in 27 minutes we will have CI meeting 14:33:55 <slaweq> and it will be video meeting 14:33:55 <lajoskatona> I added one regarding the stable branches EOLing, but we discussed that 14:34:11 <slaweq> #link https://meetpad.opendev.org/neutron-ci-meetings 14:34:17 <ralonsoh> ++ 14:34:44 <ralonsoh> so thank you all and see you in 25 mins in the CI meeting 14:34:51 <slaweq> o/ 14:34:52 <obondarev> o/ 14:34:55 <lajoskatona> o/ 14:35:12 <ralonsoh> #endmeeting