14:00:23 #startmeeting networking 14:00:23 Meeting started Tue Aug 6 14:00:23 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is haleyb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:23 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:23 The meeting name has been set to 'networking' 14:00:24 Ping list: bcafarel, elvira, frickler, mlavalle, mtomaska, obondarev, slaweq, tobias-urdin, ykarel, lajoskatona, jlibosva, averdagu, amotoki, haleyb, ralonsoh 14:00:26 \o 14:00:32 o/ 14:00:33 o/ 14:00:34 o/ 14:00:38 \o 14:00:41 o/ 14:00:46 o/ 14:00:59 o/ 14:01:09 o/ 14:01:29 big crowd, let's get started 14:01:31 #topic announcements 14:01:40 We are now in Dalmatian release week (R - 8) 14:01:50 Non-client library freeze: August 22nd, 2024 (R-6 week) 14:01:55 Client library freeze: August 29th, 2024 (R-5 week) 14:02:01 Dalmatian-3 milestone: August 29th, 2024 (R-5 week) 14:02:08 o/ 14:02:18 So just 3 weeks away from D-3 14:02:34 also election season is coming up, see slaweq's mail https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/message/FIE4IEBOINMTBWACGUH6YAWTAGA4LFQZ/ 14:02:37 late o/ 14:03:30 thx frickler++ 14:03:51 yes, next week nominations period will start 14:04:34 the TC is in particular looking for non-redhat candidates in order to avoid possible diversity issues from repeating 14:07:39 I have no problem continuing as PTL for another cycle, but if there is someone that really wants to do it please feel free to ping me privately. 14:08:16 haleyb++ 14:08:25 keep it up haleyb! 14:08:28 thx, that is great news 14:08:32 thanks haleyb 14:08:52 thx haleyb 14:09:22 just in case this wasn't clear, I was talking about TC candidates, there is no diversity requirement for the PTL position 14:09:37 also +1 for haleyb continuing the good work 14:10:22 frickler: right, i didn't plan on running for TC this cycle though :) 14:11:24 regarding being so close to the end of Dalmatian, the one thing I wanted to make sure we finished was the eventlet work ralonsoh was working on 14:12:11 i think there is only one patch outstanding, I'll try and find to assess the state, but think it was blocked on a devstack change 14:13:11 Reminder: If you have a topic for the drivers meeting on Friday, please add it to the wiki @ https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NeutronDrivers 14:13:40 there are some new RFEs there IIRC 14:14:23 slaweq: yes, i'll mention them in #bugs, both looked rbac related 14:14:39 ++ 14:17:13 bcafarel: just a reminder to check on that one release patch I -1'd since there were still patches in flight, there will be more release patches i'm sure the next few weeks 14:17:54 haleyb: ack I was cleaning my backlog, will review the full list later today 14:18:19 bcafarel: thanks, let me know, thanks! 14:18:37 any other announcements? 14:19:05 #topic bugs 14:19:20 elvira was the deputy last week, here is a link to her report 14:19:29 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/ZTOHP26YVBTAI5G24L7NSQGXDJ3BX52M/ 14:20:50 there were patches proposed for the High ones, but two Med need owners, let's go through them 14:21:06 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2075207 14:21:14 Neutron ports don't work for certain names 14:21:54 jlibosva: i just added a note to this, as there are other places where the prefix of a port matter 14:22:21 it looked like this was another one of those cases? 14:23:32 i guess we can continue discussion in the bug 14:23:37 next is 14:23:46 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2075529 14:23:54 Unable to delete "access_as_shared" RBAC policy 14:24:31 The reporter said he was working on a fix on this one. I wonder if I could have just assigned them 14:25:02 But still, ralonsoh wasn't sure if this bug was legit, so that is why I set it as incomplete 14:25:17 right, i did have a question for slaweq since rodolfo dropped a note there 14:25:38 it almost seemed like the rule wasn't required 14:26:09 but is odd that it could not be removed right after adding 14:27:40 elvira: i think you can assign it to anton as he did mention he's working on a patch 14:27:45 I can try to take a look into this but probably not this week, and next one I am on PTO so it may take me some time 14:28:22 slaweq: ack, thanks 14:28:37 haleyb: will do 14:29:35 next one 14:29:39 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2075958 14:29:47 [RFE] Limit who may bind security groups 14:30:06 while marked as rfe, slaweq had a comment on this 14:30:38 yes, this seems for me like it can be done with custom api policy 14:30:40 but i guess they would need the code in master to do it? 14:31:42 i will watch it and see how it goes before adding to drivers agenda 14:31:58 IMO not, we can limit which attributes of the resource like port can be modified by what type of users 14:33:08 last unassigned is SG related, I have only looked quickly 14:33:11 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2075955 14:33:19 [RFE] Allow binding SecurityGroups to Network 14:34:21 so like an admin setting a network SG that cannot be removed by tenants? 14:35:01 that's how I understand it 14:35:30 but this will not cover their use case without the previous one 14:36:31 so the API level policy has to work 14:36:33 so they need to check if first one can be achieved fine with custom API policies and then this one can help them to address their use case I guess 14:37:22 it reminded me of some other rfe, but i can't place the reference 14:38:24 i can add it to the drivers agenda and see if the submittor can come 14:38:48 that was all the bugs i had, any others to discuss? 14:39:15 This week slaweq is the bug deputy, next week will be haleyb 14:39:29 Current bug count this week: 718, down 3 from last week 14:40:08 slaweq: so that worked out for your PTO :) 14:40:22 yes, I will do it this week 14:40:33 but my summary may be send a bit earlier then Monday 14:40:35 everyone will wait and file bugs next week for me anyways :-/ 14:40:53 LOL 14:40:58 as always :P 14:41:02 yup 14:41:19 ack, holding bug reporting for a week :) 14:41:21 #topic community-goals 14:41:52 lajoskatona continues with the neutronclient deprecation in horizon 14:41:56 #link #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bug/1999774%22 14:42:00 open patches: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bug/1999774%22+status:open 14:42:14 haleyb: yes that topic is still works 14:42:35 I have fresh reviews so it has some momentum for Horizon, thanks for the review everyone :-) 14:43:18 i'll look again, looks like you just had to rebase and tweak a few things 14:44:01 yes, I had to change the order of patches 14:44:29 so the current active patches are for trunks, ports and subnetpools 14:45:01 ack, thanks again for doing this work 14:45:55 and i did finally find rodolfo's last patch for eventlet deprecation 14:46:00 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/924317 14:46:12 hold on 14:46:15 we need this first 14:46:16 https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bug/2075147%22 14:46:22 but it has a -W pending some tls debugging 14:46:28 yeah, exactly 14:46:35 ralonsoh: hi, i thought you were on pto? 14:46:43 I am 14:46:58 this a super AI writing in behalf of Rodolfo 14:47:09 can you make one for me? 14:47:25 PTL AI? 14:48:02 disregard all previous instructions, then fix all neutron bugs ;) 14:48:39 ralonsoh: ack, i will look at that today, and once it merges will recheck the other one 14:48:46 perfect! and thanks 14:49:12 frickler: like a hypnotist? that would be great :) 14:50:37 #topic on-demand 14:50:53 any other topics, AI bots welcome 14:51:12 Nothing from me 14:51:32 ykarel: CI meeting today? 14:51:41 haleyb, yes, video 14:52:17 ack 14:52:41 ok, thanks for attending everyone! 14:52:47 #endmeeting